pidge-the-pigeon · 2 hours
Idk I just found him kinda dull compared to the other characters 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ask game: Mistborn
Favourite Male Character: Either Elend or Kelsier
Favourite Female Character: Vin
Least Favourite Character: Dox 🫣
Favourite Ship: Vin and Elend
Favourite Friendship: Ham and Breeze
Favourite Quote: “there’s always another secret”
Worst Character Death: All of them 😭😭😭
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: Vin and Elend dancing 🥰
Saddest Moment: can I say all of them?? It’s too hard to choose 😭
Favourite Location: Clubs’ shop I think
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pidge-the-pigeon · 3 hours
Ask game: Mistborn
Favourite Male Character: Either Elend or Kelsier
Favourite Female Character: Vin
Least Favourite Character: Dox 🫣
Favourite Ship: Vin and Elend
Favourite Friendship: Ham and Breeze
Favourite Quote: “there’s always another secret”
Worst Character Death: All of them 😭😭😭
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: Vin and Elend dancing 🥰
Saddest Moment: can I say all of them?? It’s too hard to choose 😭
Favourite Location: Clubs’ shop I think
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pidge-the-pigeon · 5 hours
Give me a fandom and I'll tell you
Favorite Male Character
Favorite Female Character
Least Favorite Character
Favorite Ship
Favorite Friendship
Favorite Quote
Worst Character Death (if any)
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
Saddest Moment
Favorite Location
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pidge-the-pigeon · 2 days
pov you're a non-published aspiring writer:
brain: comes up with a new story idea while working on your main project
me: wait, that’s actually good. let’s write that instead.
brain: skips to imagining movie adaptation of unwritten story
me: i'm never gonna get published
brain: starts playing elevator music
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pidge-the-pigeon · 5 days
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pidge-the-pigeon · 5 days
At least they’re actually reading the books you recommend, my friend refuses to read any book I recommend them for reasons I’m unsure of 😭
Trying to convince a friend to read one of your favourite books can be the most FRUSTRATING thing ever!
(I’m trying to convince them to read Mistborn… I even made a PowerPoint and that didn’t convince them 😭)
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pidge-the-pigeon · 6 days
Trying to convince a friend to read one of your favourite books can be the most FRUSTRATING thing ever!
(I’m trying to convince them to read Mistborn… I even made a PowerPoint and that didn’t convince them 😭)
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pidge-the-pigeon · 8 days
Hyperfixation so bad people think of me when they see it
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pidge-the-pigeon · 8 days
If a Steel Inquisitor sees someone hot do you think their eye spikes stick out like AWOOGA
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pidge-the-pigeon · 10 days
favv bc u literally interact w all my posts 😚😚
Thank you!! I’m honoured to be a favourite 😊
I don’t know who to send this to though 🤔
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pidge-the-pigeon · 11 days
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ATHENA!!! (🎶Badass in the arena 🎶)
My design for Athena in Epic: the musical
This is also my first digital artwork of a character!! I’ve only ever drawn characters traditionally, so there were a lot of challenges to overcome, but I’m really proud of the results!
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pidge-the-pigeon · 11 days
ultimate character development template
name: meaning of name: nicknames/titles: age: gender: location: birthday: strengths + example where it's shown: weaknesses + example where it's shown: how it affects others:
emotional depth
attachment style + how it manifests in the story: physical fear: emotional/abstract fear: happy memory: sad memory: object of significance: philosophical outlook/belief: what characters are ignorant about themselves: how confident are they: goal: long-term dreams: what they're embarrassed/ashamed to tell others about: regrets: source of pride: source of misery: what they admire above all else: do they believe in fate:
mbti: enneagram: big five: character archetype: star sign: who they pretend to be on the outside: who they actually are/how they feel towards the mask: mental health conditions: how it manifests for them: iq: eq: humour: reputation:
bad habits: mannerisms when stressed: mannerisms when content: mannerisms when scared: mannerisms normally: verbal mannerisms/distinctive speaking style: how do they move across a room: what do they say and what remains unsaid: how they express love: hobbies:
defining features: eye shape + colour: hair texture + colour: skin texture + tone: vibe: height: build: clothing: any bodily disfigurement (scars, etc.): overall attractiveness: their opinion on their appearance: appeals to:
who they trust most: what they wish they could do for them: what's holding them back: who they hate most: what they wish they could do to them: what's holding them back: relationship with the protagonist: relationship with the antagonist: siblings: relationship with them: parents/step-parents: relationship with them: previous broken relationships: why did it break: what others expect of them: who believes in them: their mentor character/who they look up to: political/religious/other affiliations: what makes them different from every other character: non-human relationships + why: romantic "type" + why: relationship dynamics:
primary emotion towards their past: primary feelings while in their past: where did they grow up: defining incidents: earliest childhood memory: saddest memory: happiest memory: major accomplishments: their opinion on it: notable people in their backstory: effect on them today: trauma: what have they already lost: financial circumstance:
why are they important (eg. why're they the only one able to do something?): what do they learn about themselves throughout the story: what do they learn about the world: how do they feel towards their newfound knowledge: character arc (positive, negative, neutral): how relationships change because of their actions: what mistakes do they make: what scene is their character highlighted: do they get what they want: why or why not: what happens to them after the story ends:
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pidge-the-pigeon · 11 days
Idk 😔😔
hi i’m boredd
Hi boredd! (Gotta make sure I spell your name with the extra D, you’re welcome!)
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pidge-the-pigeon · 11 days
hi i’m boredd
Hi boredd! (Gotta make sure I spell your name with the extra D, you’re welcome!)
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pidge-the-pigeon · 12 days
one thing about me is i will think of fictional characters when listening to music
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pidge-the-pigeon · 12 days
alright this is a test, do not like this post. i see you hovering over that like button, don’t do it. i can see who likes this post as can everyone else who looks at the post, do not like it.
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pidge-the-pigeon · 12 days
I’ve opened my ask box (yay!!!)
So since I’ve opened it, I would really REALLY appreciate it if the asks were kept appropriate!!
Asks can be…
- anything fandom related (any fandom though I can’t guarantee that I’ve heard of it or not)
- drawing requests (I draw characters)
- idk as long as it’s appropriate and not overly personal I guess
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