phonoirlex · 16 hours
You see it's quite simple: if they call the earth Gaia, it's fantasy. If they call it Terra, that's sci-fi
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phonoirlex · 21 hours
IT'S FINALLY FINISHED. i spent wayyyy too much time on this compared to the eventual quality but hey. video editing is a steep learning curve and this is only my second fanvid.
anyways i'm obsessed with Her and i trust the people of this fine website are too.
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phonoirlex · 2 days
Today is the Equinox. The days are still hot, but they're no longer long. A breeze has begun to cool the night, and the first leaves are beginning to turn.
Autumn has come.
I am looking forward to the long, cool nights. The bite in the air. Crisp apples and colorful leaves.
The first frost.
It hasn't come yet (and probably won't for a while), but it will come in time. And I welcome it.
I welcome the turn toward darkness and introspection. Quiet. Comfort. The cool touch of the breeze meeting the warmth of my tea.
Even so, I know there is plenty of work still to be done. The harvest must be brought in before we can begin our rest.
But, perhaps, now we can do it in a bit more ease, now that the heat of Summer is beginning to wane.
This Autumn, may your harvest be plentiful. May your labors be easier than you expected. And may the beauty of the season fill your heart and soul.
Blessings of the Autumn upon you! Blessings of harvest! Blessings of the cooling sun!
Happy Equinox!
And to my friends in the Global South, may your Spring be bountiful and lovely, a welcome respite after the long dark and cold of Winter. Happy Equinox!
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phonoirlex · 3 days
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phonoirlex · 5 days
Seven of Nine Captain Janeway
The Borg Queen Dark Frontier.
#Dark Frontier #Star Trek Voyager
#Seven of Nine #Captain Janeway
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phonoirlex · 6 days
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Ghost loves it when leaves start to fall.
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phonoirlex · 6 days
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STAR TREK billboard in Fort Worth, Texas, ca. 1970.
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phonoirlex · 7 days
Actress Kate Mulgrew talks about new production
The Beacon. Theatre stuff!!
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phonoirlex · 7 days
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ma’am, he gay, ma’am
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phonoirlex · 7 days
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Here is my latest colored pencil drawing of Gates McFadden from The Big Goodbye! It’s been long overdue but I’m relieved it’s finally finished!! Enjoy 😊 @gates-hepburn @voyager-book-club @jhelenoftrek @startrektng @gatesmcfaddens @inwaitforsomethingbetter @klugtiger @killermanatee
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phonoirlex · 7 days
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Janeway + faces (Workforce edition)
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phonoirlex · 8 days
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Kate Mulgrew | The Beacon @ Irish Rep
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phonoirlex · 9 days
Also, if you're a cane user, they make cane tips for ice.
There are different kinds, but mine attaches to the side of the cane and flips down over the bottom. It's like adding metal cleats that dig into the ice.
It's kept me upright many times when I would have fallen.
Ok so at this point I've had two people roll up to me in manual wheelchairs, well, one of them was somebody pushing somebody who was nonverbal at the time, but it still counts. They asked me why I had zip ties around my tires.
It's winter where I'm living and we have really bad snow. And the snow plow people are really bad at their jobs probably because there aren't snow plow people who clean sidewalks. As a solution I got to thinking about how I could increase the traction on my wheels. And the most redneck thing I could think of was taking a bunch of zip ties and tying them around my wheels. They last surprisingly long, and work surprisingly well. It's basically the same premise as chains for your tires during the winter.
I chose to space them out pretty evenly so there's about one for every spoke. You could probably do more or less depending on how many you want and how much traction you get but I wouldn't go more than three per spoke. I realize that it's a bit later in the winter, and I probably should have made a post about this sooner, but I came up with it about a week ago. So please share this, even if you're not disabled, because there are tons of people I know who are stuck in their houses because they can't get around in the snow. A pack of zip ties costs about $5, which compared to $200 knobby snow tires is a big save, and if you want to invest you could get colored zip ties.
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phonoirlex · 10 days
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Get frosted, Janeway!
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phonoirlex · 10 days
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phonoirlex · 10 days
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She went from Pop Tarts to poppin' tarts!
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phonoirlex · 10 days
if there's one thing Kathryn Janeway is gonna do, it's look at her employees like the 🥺🥺 emoji
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