pflpizza · 1 day
Tribbles have picked the wrong man to mess with
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pflpizza · 2 days
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pflpizza · 2 days
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pflpizza · 2 days
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pflpizza · 3 days
i have the opposite of that “everyone is an npc” mentality people have embraced where i’m instead like. the person next to me in line has someone they can’t wait to go home to, the person picking up their mail has felt devastation before, everyone in this grocery store is doing their sunday shopping, maybe the person that just honked at me is having the worst day of their life, my neighbor has doctors appointments and favorite foods and a song they can’t stand to hear anymore… you are all fully realized complex people and that is overwhelming me on a spiritual level…
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pflpizza · 3 days
tumblr needs a “not for you” page where it just has things that you disagree with and make you angry
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pflpizza · 4 days
Oh my god where’s that one beach boys photo that looks like a hardcore show
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pflpizza · 4 days
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pflpizza · 4 days
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pflpizza · 4 days
i genuinely think kendrick is going to keep doing this until drake either drops out of public life or kills himself
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pflpizza · 4 days
If you don't know this already, please try and internalize it: the idea that people join the US military primarily because they are young people at a disadvantage in life coerced into believing it is the most accessible path to upward mobility is not true.
if you're parroting this talking point, you are doing propaganda for the US military and you just need to stop saying it. here's an article from the Military Times that breaks the finding of various studies like this one from 2020 and this one from 2018 that analyze motivations for joining the military and popular conceptions of motivations for joining the military. Here's a pretty important excerpt:
Further, they hypothesized that some of this possible misconception about poorer Americans joining the military was a geographical issue. While the Defense Department tracks the zip codes of recruits ― and historically, many of them come from more rural areas in the southeast ― it doesn’t track their incomes or their parents’ incomes, which leads to assumptions that the poorer their communities, the poorer the recruits. [...] Using Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 1997 to 2008, they found that the services have recruited primarily from the middle class, America’s largest socio-economic demographic. “We show that recent recruits tend to have higher than average socioeconomic background: they disproportionally come from the middle of the family income, family wealth, and cognitive skill distributions, with both tails under-represented,” they found.
Here's from the army times:
Surveyed troops said these were the top five reasons for staying in the Army. The percentages indicate how many troops felt the factors were “extremely important” to them:
- Opportunity to serve my country — 53.5% - How well my retirement pay or benefits will meet my future needs — 45.1% - Opportunities to lead or train soldiers — 43.5% - My sense of purpose — 38.1% -How well my pay or benefits meet my present needs — 37%
Also mentioned in other sources but here from the NY times in 2020 as well, army enlistment is becoming increasingly skewed towards being the children of people who have previously served.
The main predictors are not based on class or race. Army data show service spread mostly evenly through middle-class and “downscale” groups. Youth unemployment turns out not to be the prime factor.
'Joining the army to lift yourself out of poverty' is not the reality for military service, it is the narrative used by the military in it's marketing and recruitment. if you go around repeating it i hope for your sake you're at least on their payroll! if you're going to bootlick don't do it for free!
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pflpizza · 4 days
Amen to that little dude
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pflpizza · 4 days
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A candid shot of 56 year old Paul Newman outside of his home in Connecticut, photo by Eva Sereny, 1981. Newman’s T-shirt reads: “get really stoned, drink wet cement”.
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pflpizza · 4 days
will you take my gay ass to the botanical garden please.
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pflpizza · 5 days
sounds silly but. one of the greatest things ever as someone with a trauma background is learning that things aren't inherently as bad or as scary as I thought. it IS possible to assemble Ikea furniture without arguments. is IS possible to discuss boundaries without having something thrown at me for speaking out of turn. it IS possible to spend hours on end sharing your favourite things with your favourite people, and not get called annoying for it. the world is an incredible place
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pflpizza · 5 days
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pflpizza · 5 days
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what an artful form of apartheid apologia. people are lapping this shit up in the notes. Even if we set aside the titanic amount of weaponry and equipment created and built by engineers and chemists, all the mapping software that guides missiles and drones and planes created by computer scientists and geographers for a second (science that the state is very much interested in!), zionist apartheid policy, administrative policies, planning and logistics, urban planning documents, you name it - that all apparently just popped into existence one day. for someone claiming to be concerned about social science academics you sure are dismissing all of their hard work! but if you just frame every academic in Israel as a poor little individual victim being randomly attacked for no reason then it’s easy to hide what’s actually going on, which is academics as a group experiencing the harsh end of a boycott. they are being targeted specifically because they are an intellectual class of a colonial state whose genocide is being live-streamed to the world, but if you obfuscate the academy’s role in training, educating, and providing intellectual architecture for the bureaucratic classes and institutions that make up state governments, then you can frame a principled pro-Palestinian position (boycotting Israel) as misguided, stupid, overzealous, ineffectual, and most importantly, detrimental to the cause of freeing Palestine, all of which is of course so obvious to everyone but Palestinian activists. this is naked concern-trolling for the zionist project of annihilating Palestine and it is no less disgusting than any other zionist cheering on the mass murder of children
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