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Pride flags Ao3 skins! :D
Happy pride month everyone!
Code, instructions on how to install them and previews HERE 
The specific flags are separated in various chapters, and there are quite a few more than those shown in this tumblr post! (I had to cut down the previews or the post would have been SO LONG). 
Of course I couldn’t make THEM ALL they are so many, and I had technical problems for flags with more than 6 colors and I still haven’t found a way to handle chevrons….
The ones I’ve made (you’ll find them all in the link above) are these: the Rainbow Flag, the Trans Flag, the NonBinary Flag, the Agender Flag, the Bigender Flag, the Genderfluid Flag, the Genderqueer Flag, the Greygender Flag, the Lesbian Flag, the Gay Man Flag, the Pansexual Flag, the Bisexual Flag, the Aromantic Flag, the Asexual Flag and the Polysexual Flag. 
The header, the menu and the footer all have flags in it. 
The buttons have flags when you hover them 
The tags are colored by type (relationships, characters and freeform) each having a different flag color!
Each flag was made to work decently well both on light mode and dark mode (reversi).
Have fun! 
here the link again. the skins are separated by chapters, different flag for different chapter.
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Pride flags Ao3 skins! :D
Happy pride month everyone!
Code, instructions on how to install them and previews HERE 
The specific flags are separated in various chapters, and there are quite a few more than those shown in this tumblr post! (I had to cut down the previews or the post would have been SO LONG). 
Of course I couldn’t make THEM ALL they are so many, and I had technical problems for flags with more than 6 colors and I still haven’t found a way to handle chevrons….
The ones I’ve made (you’ll find them all in the link above) are these: the Rainbow Flag, the Trans Flag, the NonBinary Flag, the Agender Flag, the Bigender Flag, the Genderfluid Flag, the Genderqueer Flag, the Greygender Flag, the Lesbian Flag, the Gay Man Flag, the Pansexual Flag, the Bisexual Flag, the Aromantic Flag, the Asexual Flag and the Polysexual Flag. 
The header, the menu and the footer all have flags in it. 
The buttons have flags when you hover them 
The tags are colored by type (relationships, characters and freeform) each having a different flag color!
Each flag was made to work decently well both on light mode and dark mode (reversi).
Have fun! 
here the link again. the skins are separated by chapters, different flag for different chapter.
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wait why is virgil cavalcanti :o
apologies in advance because i am by no means an expert and i suck at explaining things but.
basically there's an intepretation of commedia virgil that sees a correspondance with guido cavalcanti, mainly because of the crucial role they both had for dante in regards to literature, they were his writing models and had a huge influence on his style, in a sense they were his two guides. another common feature is the aspect of rationality: vrigil in the commedia is essentially a representation of human reason (that cannot reach heaven ofc because only faith can hence why virgil disappears in favor of beatrice at the end of purgatorio yadda yadda), and guido was an excellent philosophical thinker whose thought went as far as atheism. the idea is that behind the representation of reason that virgil embodies there is a lot of guido's philosophy.
again trust me there's definitely a way better way of putting this into words that what i managed to do (i invoke the help of @girlcavalcanti and @catullus-true-bicon who are astronomically better at explaining all things guido) but i hope you get the general sense <3
(also we went batshit insane about this interpetation in these posts x x)
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Pride month headcanons for the FACE family! What do you head canon them as 👀 👀 👀
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Check it out yo
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I would engulf the sea for you,
Or travel her on foot,
Fight with Thetis with my feeble body,
Guard you from every spear.
I am ready, yes I am,
To wear your armour
And march to the battlefield,
Because I was never anything separate,
You and me- a singular entity.
We are like two colours
Which complete the universe,
The colours which slowly merge into each other,
Till even the artist cannot dissociate them.
You are in me,
And therefore, I am.
I will drink every regret of yours
Till you reach the shore,
I would happily drown myself,
Because, my beloved, even your regrets
Do behold you.
I will be with you,
In your darkest of times,
When you have not spared a single mortal,
Even when every drop of blood on the warzone,
Was spilled by you.
I will have garlands ready
When you come home to me,
And I will be the peaceful beach where we first kissed,
Where you can always rest after the mayhem.
I will stroke your hair
As we get drenched in the silvery light of the moon,
You may have smelled of bronze in the morning,
But you always smell lavender at these hours.
And I cannot rest
Till I have seen you at your best,
Even when I am in no physical form,
I am made of memories.
||this is another poem i wrote on patrochilles, i would love it if you all give your thoughts on it.||
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yalitmeme: otps [1/8] → Achilles x Patroclus
The sorrow was so large it threatened to tear through my skin. When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.
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so, the other night I couldn’t sleep (like most of my nights) AND my head was like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, How Muriel’s sneeze would sound like????????? and here I am with my headcanon of the main six sneezing, enjoy I guess. 
you know that one video of the sneezing panda??????? that one. 
this one.
his head would move involuntarily from side to side (like in the video)
cute sneeze uwu
if he’s with his chickens and those get startled by his sneeze, he would apologize to them. 
mildy strong but cute.
cannot sneeze one time. 
her nose would furrow in a cute way, kinda red looking. 
If Pepi is over her lap she will try to not sneeze but OH GOD IS SO HARD— 
the fingers of her hands would stretch involuntarily.
very prob to curse after. 
sophisticated sneeze.
she practiced those. 
cover her face with her arm. 
a ‘‘nice dab Noddy’’ would be followed by Lucio. 
a cute thing to see. 
comes out from nowhere, most of the time without anticipation. 
it will surprise you. 
like Portia, he cannot sneeze one time. 
no matter what times he had sneezed, he would say ‘sorry’ after doing it. 
*sneezes* sorry *sneezes* sorry *sneezes* sorry *sneezes* sorry
If he had sneezed much, he would try to stop himself from doing it. But it will only end up by him doing weird expressions with his face. 
very strong, very noisy. Rowdy.
no matter where you are, u are going to hear him. 
if he’s with you and he sneezes, he will stare at you until you say ‘‘bless you’’ to him.
you would notice with anticipation that Asra is about to sneeze.
It’s just his face preparing, mouth opening, and—
Smooth sneeze.
he could pass unnoticed tho.
makes a cute face after, like  (´ ∀ ` *)
Since I’m already here I’m just going to throw the courtiers into this: 
cat sneeze, the most cute of them all.
she will brush her finger under her nose to try to take the itchy feeling go away.
you don’t even know what is going on. 
makes a cute face after I think. 
they don’t sneeze.
you sneeze for them,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,over the vivisection table. 
u don’t even know that THAT was possible until you see them doing it. 
the loudest sneeze ever oh my— 
curses after.
Another sophisticated sneeze. 
perfectly balanced, as all things should be. 
a good sneeze.
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Gonna leave this here
Lucio loves you.
Nadia loves you
Julian loves you
Asra loves you
Portia loves you
Muriel loves you
Valerius loves you
Valdemar loves you
Vlastomil loves you
Vulgora loves you
Volta loves you
Nahara loves you
Natiqa loves you
Nazali loves you
Navra loves you
Nasmira loves you 
Nafizah loves you
Selasi loves you
Namar loves you
Nasrin loves you
All the animals love you!
And if you don’t think so.
well then Bitch, I love you!!!
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sound on for vibes // hetalia style headcanons/moodboard. made on canva; music from here; most images taken straight from brand sites, the rest from pinterest.
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the haikyuu!! boys “each morning” — それぞれの朝
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