petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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❛     y’know what     ??     i heard that running in zig-zags is a   foolproof   way to escape rabid assholes with power complexes     !!     ❜   despite not being aware of   all   that happens in his friend’s home, he is convinced of two things:     one     /     there are medieval torture devices hidden   SOMEWHERE   amidst modern furniture.     two     /     looking past the family’s charming  pretense,   the fraught tightness that burrows itself behind stiles’ ribcage whenever elliot surfaces from the house after days of not seeing him happens for a   reason. he doesn’t   trust   sir termaine and company.    ❛     —   look, el, by the time we make it back he won’t even have the chance to fire up his guillotine. we’ll be  fine.   ❜   watching the blonde step away from the house, pink lips press together; he vaguely remembers conveniently forgetting to elaborate tonight’s plan knowing elliot might not have joined him otherwise. the alabaster male doesn’t   intend   to get the other in trouble, he’ll ensure he gets back without hitch, but elliot deserves some time away from the house if nothing else.   ❛     we  could   do whatever it is that we were going to do now right now and   fast   if what we were gonna do was a fast activity in general, but it’s not.     ❜   words are rambled intently with the hopes of sounding incoherent enough to delay potential fretting. he opens the passenger side of his jeep, hand gesturing towards the seat.   ❛     ALRIGHT. your chariot awaits.     ❜
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❛   i’m pretty sure that only helps when they have a gun pointed to your head or something of the sort   ??   then again i’m just a small town boy, what do i know   ??   ❜   a part of elliot was surprised that stiles stuck around after all of those years, even after finding out how his stepfather was, but he was always grateful for the boy’s company.   he didn’t know what he would have down if he had to go through all of that a l o n e. the blonde still worried about his friend from time to time, putting stiles’ needs before his own.   he worried that the alabaster teen was taking too much on his plate.   el didn’t think that he had to share the pain that he was going through and he definitely didn’t want to put the other in harm’s way.   ❛   i know that he’s not the best man in the whole entire world, but what makes you think he has a guillotine   ??   he’s much more civilized than that in a sense.   ❜   cinderfella let out an amused chuckle as he finally tore his attention from the house and over to stiles.   most of what he knew about the night was in general terminology, but deep down inside he was just glad about having some company that weren’t mice, no matter how fun they were to talk to.   ❛   has anyone told you that you ramble quite often ?? it’s like i’m speaking to someone in tongues or something.   ❜   nonetheless the blonde still bowed before stiles and as he got into the keep he made sure to give him his thanks.   ❛   thank you my good sir, such a fine gentleman that i have on my hands this evening.   ❜
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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               “I don’t mean to be a party pooper or what ever the word for it is, but I’m not supposed to be out this late. I should have actually been home an hour ago.” His step-family had went out to a party and that had left Elliot feeling a bit risky for the night, adventurous even, but if he didn’t get back before midnight he was going to potentially get there after them.
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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               “excuse me my good sir, but it happens that i have gotten lost. would you mind poitnting me back to the main part of the city? i still have to go to the market.” elliot had went on one of the more interactive chores, grocery shopping, but he took what was supposed to be a shortcut through the woods and ended up in another part of the town. when he realized he didin’t introduce himself. frantically stretching his right arm out to shake his hand. “oh, i’m sorry i didn’t give you a name! i’m elliot dufour, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
putsthegladingladiator replied to your post:sleeping beauty snow white
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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sleeping beauty
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snow white
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
send me ☞ + a character to see how i would portray them.
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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             “Matt isn’t working today, I thought the Scooby Doo Gang would know that.” The blonde chuckled softly at the nickname he had for Donovan and the rest of his friends. He finished cleaning off one of the tables before turning back to Tyler. “Unless of course you’re just here to eat or get drunk. If so, then this table is free.”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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     “For crying out loud I’m not hiding anything, I’m just an ordinary guy who does the chores around the house.” Elliot held tightly onto the broom, standing it straight on the floor. “I don’t know how to use brooms and mops as weapons. The most I can probably do is just trip people with it.” Sighing softly the blonde put the broom back, making a mental note that it wouldn’t be long before he had to mop the floor. “I’d like to believe I don’t need to know how to defend myself. After all who’s going to come after me?”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
The moment he felt the hand against his back Morgan flinched. His breath hitched in his throat, his eyes closed tight, and his body tightened as the panicked nerves in his system waited for the strike he’d dreamed was coming. Instead of that familiar sting of pain, that familiar bite of his father’s wedding band digging into his cheek bone, there was just warmth; an oddly comforting warmth. Still in a bit of a daze, he opened his eyes again as he shook his head. “Breathe,” Morgan repeated the other’s words to himself, his body resting back against the gentle touch now as if it were the only thing anchoring him to reality. The rise and fall of his chest slowed as his quick, sharp breaths began to fade into more controlled inhales and exhales through his nose. “We hooked up…” the bartender mumbled to himself as he continued to calm down. Looking over at the man beside him, the first thing he did– purely out of reflex– was click his tongue against his teeth and curse under his breathe. “Fuck.”
It took a few more moments, seconds really that felt like minutes to Morgan, before he finally spoke back up again. “Sorry about that. I, uh, I thought I’d gotten over having nightmares like that but I guess I was wrong.” It probably didn’t help that he wasn’t taking his medication, because it kept him from drinking, but he already looked like a basket case so that little detail was something he figured would be best kept to himself.  “So, uh, what’s the damage? How badly did I just ruin our night together with my little episode there,” Morgan mumbled the joke, at his own expense, as he pulled his knees closer to his chest under the sheets; which were suddenly very easy to move beneath now that he was stable. 
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Not having enough experiencing with people, at least not after Sir Tremaine was in charge, Elliot didn’t exactly know what was going on with the other male. He would have assumed it to be a panic or anxiety attack, but he didn’t know what should have been done in that situation in a correct manner. At least he knew of one thing that never failed him, comfort. Whether it was dealing with animals or other people, soft physical contact always seemed to do the trick. Seeing the man start to calm down already brought a warm smile onto the blonde’s features, still rubbing his back in a small circular motion. “There we go.” His voice was soft, almost like a melody or a lullaby. When he heard the curse after the realization that they hooked up, Elliot wanted to pull away, but he didn’t. Was them two really hooking up grounds for the word fuck? He inhaled and exhaled profoundly to try and calm himself down this time, a breath of relief escaping his lips when he realized that the bartender was probably cursing because of the scene that he had caused.
While shaking his head, Elliot moved his right hand up and down the man’s back this time, in hopes to give him a reassuring touch. “Don’t be sorry about that. You can’t control the nightmares that you have, trust me I have enough experience with them myself.” In El’s eyes nothing was really ruined, they could have still talked after this and possibly hook up again, but there was no doubt that they were going to have to be more careful. “There’s no damage.” He chuckled softly before moving blue hues up to the man’s eyes. “I’m not going to toss you out because of something that you can’t control. If anything that’s going to want me to keep you even closer, keep an eye on you and all of that. Are you okay?”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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               Elliot had heard many stories about royal families, heroes, and other people that were worth mentioning. Most came from the whispers he heard in town when he was allowed to head out, and Hercules’ story wasn’t any different. He had heard about what the god turned mortal had accomplished and ever since that day had looked up to him, hoped to one day have as much courage as the hero. With all of his admiring though, Cinder never believed he would run into the man. Yet there he was, bumping into a rather tall and muscular figure, quickly matching the face to a picture people were passing around. “Oh, I’m so sorry !! I didn’t mean to get in your way, I should have watched where I was going.” The blonde clutched onto his basket with bread before straightening out his back. “I’m Elliot, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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“It’s fine, I am using them as much as they are using me.” Hans smirked when the other gave in to buying him a drink. “Now that is more like it. What is your name hm? I’m Hans but I assumed you knew that coming over.” Hans laughed he was a rather imposing figure and well known as a user of magic in this small town. A lot of them came to him to solve their problems.
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“How exactly are you using them?” Elliot was now interested in Hans’ business, for the first time since he started the interaction. “Cause you’re so popular that everyone in this town has to know who you are, right?” It was true though, the blonde had known of the man. He heard whispers in dark alleyways and bars much like this one. “I’m Elliot.”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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verses are updated !! more to come within the next few days
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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“People only ever come seek me out if they need something. So what is it you need hm? And you don’t need claws to be special, you just happen to be ordinary.” Hans said drinking his glass and setting it down. “But if you want to stay and chat you can buy me another round.” 
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“Then you really need to start surrounding yourself around people that don’t just use you. I know I don’t need claws to be special, but being ordinary isn’t that bad. You’re using it as an insult, at least that’s what it sounds like.” Elliot groaned while sitting down, not really knowing why he was letting Hans get to him. “One drink, I’m buying you one drink.”
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
carneaderunt replied to your post:me trying to figure out a tvd verse for elliot: he...
/do it/
i’m just imaging someone drinking from poor eli and compelling him to forget and he has all of these unexplained scars and just thinks it’s from his stepdad hA
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petitgrenier-blog · 8 years
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me trying to figure out a tvd verse for elliot: he needs to be protected at all costs also me: why not make him a busboy who was always getting compelled by every big bad out there cause he was always being used as a pawn in the supernatural games ( without knowing about them )
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