421 posts
||Hello my lovelies! I write for Peter Parker MCU|| ||Hannah|| ||She/Her||
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years ago
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¿Cómo está tu hija, eh?
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years ago
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Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon reacting to a horror film
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years ago
HC: Pumpkin Patch Date (Peter Parker x Reader)
Hello my lovelies! I’m so sorry I was on such a long hiatus! I’m back, ready to write, and super excited to reconnect with y’all! Anyways....I LOVE FALL SO MUCH (If you didn’t know that, just look at my username-it’s a pretty good representation of the amount of love I have for anything fall). I always love the feeling of fall and how it feels so warm and cozy! So it’s literally killing me that it’s still August’s a cute headcannon of Peter Parker in the warmest, funniest fall thing ever-a pumpkin patch!
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Word Count:
Warnings: None!
Genre: Fluff ☁️☁️☁️
(I was gonna make this with bulletpoints but I’m lazy and don’t feel like going through every line because this is a LONGGGGG one)
You and Peter plan to make jack-o-lanterns for Halloween, so there’s no better way to start than picking out pumpkins!
It’s autumn, so the air is colder and crisper, the leaves are these vibrant shades of yellow and orange that look so well up against the dark steel of the buildings
Even though the leaves are technically dying, they ironically give a lot of life around your walk there
The air already is smelling like autumn-y flavors, like nutmeg and pumpkin spice
Your wrapped up in a long sleeve and cute beanie with your favorite pair of boots, Peter wearing his typical sweater over a collared shirt with a jacket
The whole walk there he’s being such a cute little gentleman, offering you his sweater and holding your hand the whole time
His hand is surprisingly super warm, and it’s soft and callously at different parts and you love rubbing your thumb against the skin and feeling it transition from smooth to rough
Peter feels super nervous every time he’s around you even though you’re dating, so the feeling of your hand in his makes his heart jump alot
Everytime you brush your thumb on his skin, he can almost feel it a few seconds after, like your leaving this trail behind on his hand his nerves won’t let go of
You and Peter all the way there joke and laugh about random stuff only you guys could really argue about, like if pineapple should be on pizza, but But it’s all jokes
Sometimes you’ll throw in a comeback that makes Peter completely flustered or his voice goes up 2 octaves high and it makes you just bust out laughing as he just blushes all flustered and cute
You finally get there and it SMELLS SO GOOD
It’s like a carnival and a candy store and a HomeGoods that’s completely stocked on fall scented candles all mixed into one
Little kids are running and yelling everywhere and “It’s the Monster Mash” is on repeat
There’s a TON of hay
And pumpkins!
You already feel your mouth watering looking at all the popcorn and cotton candy and candy apples
“I’m gonna go get some tickets” Peter says and runs over and goes and gets some tickets for some games
So you just casually stand around looking at all the pumpkins and trying to find a good one
He comes back, a long strip of tickets in one hand and two cotton candy he’s trying to juggle in another
He’s smiling all cute like he’s proud of himself
“How did you know I wanted food?” You laugh taking one from his hand
“I think I know my girlfriend well enough to know when she wants something sweet,” he kids, still smiling like a goofball,
“I guess you do,” you give him a kiss on the cheek making his cheesy smile even-well-chessier!
You guys eat the cotton candy as you look at pumpkins
Youre going crazy, talking about which pumpkin color you like, what designs you want to do, trying to find the biggest one
He finds it so adorable, but your talking like a mile a minute and he can’t understand anything so he puts a piece of cotton candy on your nose
Your caught off guard, but you laugh and try to lick it off with your tongue and you can’t so the piece falls pitifully on the floor as you two bust up like idiots
You can’t decide what Pumpkin you want so you decide to spend your tickets
You get on a couple rides
Especially the kiddie ones (the attendants look annoyed but you guys don’t care)
You race a couple times in the bouncey house courses (Peter wins of course)
He has this tactic where he’ll be super quiet like he’s lost, but then he tackles you and picks you up
Then he TICKLES you
And Peter knows your tickle spot perfectly
So your giggling from butterflies and the feel of his hand on your hips and the hard *ss tickle
So he wins. Everytime.
Peter instantly pulls out his phone and starts taking the cutest photos of you feeding piglets, holding chicks…
Until you get attacked by a goose
Which he tries to save you from while taking pics and the pics are basically blurry versions of you screaming
He refuses to delete them
Even when you pout
Later you FINALLY go back to figuring out the pumpkin you want
You jokingly say you wanna make a Spiderman pumpkin, and Peter gets all cute and flustered cause you know he’s Spiderman and he gets nervous when you bring it up
But he likes it-he’s happy you’re okay with him having that alter ego
You’re picking out a nice thick pumpkin as the sun is coming down
The sky is this pretty purple and blue twilight color, the clouds are a soft feathery gray
The little golden lights decorating the tents turns on and it gives everything this soft glow
Michael Jackson “Human Nature” is in the background
Peter just watch’s you pick out a pumpkin as your oblivious to his stare
He thinks your gorgeous, everything about you is beautiful in his eyes
Your funny and smart and he loves you and he doesn’t want the night to end because he knows when he walks you home he’ll instantly miss you and just want to hug you one more time
So he gets all his courage quickly gives you a kiss on the cheeck, because he’s a nerdy, awkward mess and doesn’t want to step over any boundaries and doesn’t know how to act AT ALL
Even though you guys already had your first kiss
So you turned, you’re cheeks red and he grabs your hand and stutters an “I love you” because he does and he'd do anything for you and more
@anxieteandbiscuits @just4muggles @petersshirts @peterparkerssupersuit @fratboievans @grandmascottlang @galaxy-parker @hollandroos @hollandsosterfield @irondadofficial @itsholyholland @laureharrier @naturallytom @revengingbarnes @starksparker @tonystarks @underoosstark @uglypastels @underoos-shield
If you’d liked to be added or taken off my tag list, feel free to message me!
I hope you’re having an amazing day (or night) where ever you are at! ❤️
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years ago
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Tom Holland for GQ Style fall issue 2019
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years ago
september 1
t i m e   t o   c e l e b r a t e    h a l l o w e e n
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
Relax buds if you need too!
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
the press tour [10] | t.h.
Word Count: 2.5 K
Warnings: love is a battlefield ayyyyy
Summary: You’re a new, inexperienced actress plucked from the obscurity of everyday life to play the lead in the reboot of a famous British Jane Austen novel, and Tom Holland just so happens to be playing your love interest.
A/N: So this should have been out Tuesday as usual, but school is stressful so I couldn’t get it out in time. But here it is, and hopefully it delivers! Also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link things so if you’re looking for my masterlist, playlist, taglist (closed), or writing challenge it’s in my bio ♡
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Here we go again.
“God, how do I always end up in these messes?” You pulled at the hem of your dress, a little shorter than usual. But Bailey told you it was supposed to look like that, and everything else you owned was either too casual or too nice. She was waiting downstairs for Adrian, who was supposed to pick you up and take you to the restaurant to meet Tom and Zendaya.
Which was honestly the last thing you wanted to do on a Friday night.
Keep reading
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
September Prompts
“Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway.”
“I confess I meant to grow/wings and lose my mind/I confess that I’ve/forgotten what for.”
“If you are not long, I will wait for you all my life.”
“Love has two faces: one of them is the face of devastation.”
“—Come and help me. I am disappearing.”
“You can love him but you can’t keep him.”
“The Future is, of all things, the thing least like eternity. It is the most temporal part of time—for the Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.”
“In heavenly spirits could such perverseness dwell?”
“Your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.”
“You may be a sinner/But your innocence is mine.”
“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved.”
“We would be together and have our books and at night warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright.”
“Among the faithless, faithful only he.”
“I broke my own heart. I couldn’t stand the suspense, waiting for you to.”
“Ring the bells that can still ring. Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
“How could I get rid of something that felt oddly like grace?”
“Whatever their bodies do affects their souls.”
“I’ll take care of you.” “It’s rotten work.” “Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
“I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
“He cannot ravish; he can only woo.”
“My soul has been so fearful, so violent: forgive its brutality.”
“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.”
“When you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them and their response is “you’re safe with me” – that’s intimacy.”
“The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake.”
“And I said to the star, ‘Consume me.’”
“Truthfully, this is the fabric of all my fantasies: love shown not by a kiss or a wild look or a careful hand but by a willingness for research.”
“For to know a man’s library is, in some measure, to know his mind.”
“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”
“Are you going on for the rest of your life, stumbling into respectability and having to be dug out again?”
“I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.”
“I don’t want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there.”
“I don’t know everything about him/her. And he/she does not tell me everything. That is okay. We are not one person. How lonely that would be, a couple who has made themselves one, so completely, that they are once again alone.”
“Tear off the mask. Your face is glorious.”
“Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them.”
“I am burning in stars/I am feverishly filled with stars.”
“The first desire is to feel that one is desired, not just wanted but preferred.”
“Stay close to the ones who feel like sunlight.”
“I thought that pain meant I was not loved. It meant I loved.”
“If we meet each other in Hell, it’s not Hell.”
“In the night, to be feral is to be a possibility./Even when outlined in lace.”
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
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Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
Hey guys I know I’ve been gone for a SUPER long time but I’m back and ready to write! ❤️❤️❤️
(If ya want, leave some ideas in my inbox cause it’s pretty empty rn...)
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
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Tom Holland and RDJ posting these pictures:
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
valkyrie: now, as the newest heroine of earth you have to protect the spiderchild. we've all agreed on it.
jane: sounds great, can i meet him?
valkyrie: peter!
peter: hi, dr foster um thor (?), I'm so excited-
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
At the “Sony and Marvel’s fighting killed my franchise” support group
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
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Bro, it's like 4PM in São Paulo right now and all the smoke made it look like it's already of ashes indeed.
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
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hey, remember when tony believed a 15yo kid who told him there were dangerous arms dealers and tony listened 100% and reacted immediately, and hey, remember when tony was trying to warn everyone about the big war coming and, like, nobody listened
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
me: *makes an unoriginal and unfunny shittypost*
my three loyal followers:
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peterpumpkinparker · 6 years ago
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Tom Holland behind the scenes of Spider-Man: Homecoming
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