petacrab · 4 months
There are many types of crab species out there, you can find them near your house, in a pond, or in a seashore. But there are some unusual interesting crabs you may never heard of. Here we'll talk about 5 interesting crab species that blow your mind.
The hermit crab
The hermit crab is one of the most popular pet crab species. They are not true carbs but evolved into crab-like appearance and behavior that's why they are considered crabs. They do not have a hard exoskeleton to protect their vulnerable abdomen.  To protect their body from predators they use leftover shells of gastropods as they can't grow their ones. 
For their colorful, cheerful appearance, crab enthusiasts love to keep in their crabitat.  There are two types of hermit crab you can find mainly with over 800 species.  One is marine hermit crabs that can live their whole life underwater and another is the land hermit crabs. An interesting fact is though they are crab land hermit crabs can't swim but they need water that's why they live near the seashore. Many species of hermit crabs are endangered as they are the victims of pet industry
Thai micro crab
Thai micro crab is a sea angel-like crab that looks hairy and silver-white with a 2.5 cm body. This crab is very rare to find in local shops even online because of their unavailability because they can only be found in Thailand where their name came from. This is one of the few crabs that can fully live in freshwater without contact with land.
Graceful decorator crab
The graceful decorator crab is not endangered but modernization affects their habitat and this crab is not popular as a pet. What makes it an interesting crab is their weird but funny behavior which is they like to place things they find near them into their back and the whole body. Basically, they decorate themselves with this stuff.
Anemone hermit crab
The anemone hermit crab is one of the interesting hermit crab species. Many of the crab marine hermit crab species have the ability to contact and convince sea anemones to place on their back. They do this to protect their vulnerable shells from predators in return the sea anemones get crap of the crabs' food and free traveling. The anemone hermit crab is one of them and this distinguish characteristic.
The soldier crab
The soldier crab scientifically known as Mictyris longicarpus can be found from the Bay of Bengal to Australia. They march forward with more than a hundred crabs during the falling tides like real soldiers that's why they are called soldier crabs.
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petacrab · 4 months
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