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Commercial Pest Control Jonesboro, AR
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How do termite control treatments kill termites?
One of the most tested termite solutions in history
Before Termidor was made available to American homeowners through Termidor Certified Professionals, it was subject to some of the toughest tests in history. The active ingredient in Termidor is fipronil. It works quite differently from other termiticide active ingredients. Most termiticides are repellents, which means they keep termites away from a treated area rather than killing them. These repellent termiticides also kill termites. However, since the termites are repelled when they come in contact or just before actually contracting pyrethroid treated soil, the ‘killing power’ is less dramatic. And if anyone took the time to count dead termites, they’d find it less efficient. Termidor is non-repellent. Termites can’t detect it. Since they don’t know it’s there, they foray freely in a treated area. Like other leading liquid termiticides, Termidor is lethal to termites when they ingest it (which they do readily since they don’t know it’s there). But unlike all other termiticides, Termidor is lethal by contact as well. Once a termite comes into contact with Termidor, they carry it back to the colony on their bodies. Every other termite it contacts will itself become a carrier, contacting and infecting others. This is known as “The Transfer Effect.”
We promise safety for your family and property while delivering the highest level of service. Our year-round protection plans are designed to get your home or business pest free and keep them that way.
For more information visit www.acmepestinc.com.
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How to prevent Zika Virus using mosquito control methods?
Zika is spread by the Aedes species of mosquito including the Aedes aegypti mosquito which predominantly bites during the day.
There have been some reports of Zika being transmitted sexually. Zika has been found in semen two months after illness and in the female genital tract. According to the NEA, you can help protect your family and loved ones against the Zika virus by preventing the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes.
You may do so by: Changing water in vases and bowls on alternate days Removing water from flower pot plates on alternate days Turning over all water storage containers such as buckets and pails Covering bamboo pole holders after doing laundry Cleaning roof gutters and putting BTI insecticide in them monthly.
When at home or outdoors you may prevent mosquito bites by: Using insect repellent Wearing clothing that covers your body, arms and legs Sleeping under mosquito nets CDC (Center for Disease Control) says potential spread of mosquitoes carrying Zika now includes nearly all of Arkansas. Jonesboro and Northeast Arkansas is a potential high risk region because of the prevalence of Mosquitos in this region. As the mosquitos carrying Zika spreads through out the United States, ACME Pest Inc. - Pest Control and Mosquito Control, Jonesboro, Arkansas, says "Reducing the risk of exposure to Zika is the same as increasing mosquito control in and around your home". It is important to pay attention to steps for mosquito control, and our technicians are standing by to help you and your home from the threat of mosquitos and Zika Virus.
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