Remember Our Name
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personalfictionals · 1 year ago
Chopper sighs in annoyance. He knows he can't force him to eat, but at the same time he can't just go on not having ANY sort of nourishment! It just didn't sit right with Chopper! Maybe Drake thought the stew is poisoned or messed with? Chopper decides to help Drake's eases. "It's not poisoned, I promise. Here I'll show you!" Chopper would take the spoon and takes a bite into his spoonful of stew. The taste of it just melded so dang well that Chopper might have to ask Sanji for seconds. Though, the seconds would have to be for Drake alone. He needed it more than Chopper did.
"See? Yummy! It's the best thing in the whole wide world!" He'd giggle softly. Children were just easier to get along with. Chopper didn't have to feel afraid of being judged or hurt by them. Drake may have a devil fruit, but he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt anyone. Not by choice anyway. "Try it, it'll be good to have something in your tummy." He offers again holding the spoon for Drake to take. He just hoped now that Drake could trust him.
"You need to eat." The young doctor would warn the young boy softly. He hasn't ate in the last several hours, and well, Chopper is greatly concerned about him. They saved him from pirates who was using his devil fruit powers for gain. For showmanship. It angered Chopper greatly to see someone so young seen as a freak. Chopper knew all too well. Those pirates would've never let him go. They would've milked him for all he's worth and then discard him like trash. Chopper is afraid of Drake not trusting him as his doctor. Chopper sits down next to Drake. His concern on his small face is evident.
"Please. You're so young. You can't go without eating... I promise none of us want to hurt you." Chopper hoping his pleading would get through with the young boy. Sanji made it especially! Who could deny the greatest cooks food on the ship?! Drake seemed quite tired and all after he's been through? He isn't surprised. "It's stew, so it should be easy on your tummy." Plus Chopper had grinded up a bit of medicine into his food to make sure those bruises of his healed up.
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personalfictionals · 1 year ago
"You need to eat." The young doctor would warn the young boy softly. He hasn't ate in the last several hours, and well, Chopper is greatly concerned about him. They saved him from pirates who was using his devil fruit powers for gain. For showmanship. It angered Chopper greatly to see someone so young seen as a freak. Chopper knew all too well. Those pirates would've never let him go. They would've milked him for all he's worth and then discard him like trash. Chopper is afraid of Drake not trusting him as his doctor. Chopper sits down next to Drake. His concern on his small face is evident.
"Please. You're so young. You can't go without eating... I promise none of us want to hurt you." Chopper hoping his pleading would get through with the young boy. Sanji made it especially! Who could deny the greatest cooks food on the ship?! Drake seemed quite tired and all after he's been through? He isn't surprised. "It's stew, so it should be easy on your tummy." Plus Chopper had grinded up a bit of medicine into his food to make sure those bruises of his healed up.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
Asgore knows that it may have been a bit too soon to reveal that to Drake, but, it's better to not beat around the bushes and keep Drake aware of what is really going on and what he's essentially getting himself into. It's to keep him safe and careful around monsters. Many aren't going to hurt him outright. But, to be better safe then sorry in that case. Asriel still being a smiling and warm force would keep Drake not too stressed on the situation by hopping down from his seat and lightly pulling onto his hand. "C'mon! C'mon! I wanna show you my room before we go to sleep!" With that, young Drake and Asriel were dragged off towards the otherside of the house. Asgore sighing ruffling his forehead.
"Should I have told him that so soon? I feel as though it might have been a bad idea." He confesses to Toriel who placed her own hand onto his. "I think it was a lot to put onto him, but, I think it was for the better to keep him aware. I'm sure he'll understand soon." With that, Asgore decided to help with the dishes as Toriel would begin to head towards the direction of Asriel's room to make sure he's not getting too hyped up before bed and made sure to do his nightly routine before bed. Toriel knows he's just trying to help distract Drake. So; now that way Drake could sleep easier. Entering their room, would Drake notice it's somewhat similar to the guest room, although a tiny bit bigger.
"Isn't it cool? I even have a nightlight here that makes the dark all starry!" He said kneeling down next to the blub with a cute little planet design. The room itself only lit by a small lightbulb next to Asriel's nightstand. Drake tilted his head a bit. He's always wanted one.
"I nevah had a nightloight b'fore. Uh.. I-I Don'.. I don't loike sleepin' inna dark. M'too scared of it. Please don' laugh." Drake answered back nervously. Asriel would raise a brow. "Why would I laugh? I think the dark can be scary too. But, I also like to remember that we're super duper safe here in the palace, so nothing could hurt us. M-Maybe you can think of that too?" Asriel suggested to Drake which, Drake chuckled pitifully. The thought is nice, but, that isn't the reason WHY he's scared of the dark. Asriel wouldn't understand. But, he thanks him for trying to help. "Don't worry. Mom and dad are also here to protect us. They're the most strongest monsters I know!" Asriel's right in a sense. He wouldn't have to worry about anyone hurting him here.
For now, Drake would stand back up and look around Asriel's room where the two were on a short tour around the room itself. Cozy. Warm. Drake never had that at the orphanage. Sometimes it got too cold. Or too hot. Here? It's JUST perfect. "Hey Drake?" Asriel began. "Don't worry. You're safe here! It'll be okay." Drake sighs and gives a weak smile. "Thanks Asriel. I-I uh.. don' wanna take up too much of yur toime. Yur mum probably would get mad ah me fer keepin' y'up too late." Drake would smile and wave goodbye. "Night, Asriel. Thanks for showin' me yur room." Drake left Asriel to his own devices. Drake seemed rather quick to cut conversation and Asriel wasn't sure why. Maybe he's just shy? This is his first day in the Underground he supposed. Asriel would see him the morning anyway, so, he didn't have to worry too much. Asriel should get ready for bed too.
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Drake coughed a little bit, flustering in shame at his sudden burst of starvation that had creeped at him. He needed to be more careful about that. Drake sheepishly laughs. "Thank you, Miss Toriel, I.. jus' haven' ate all day s' all!" Trying to hide the fact he's been without good food for 3 months. So; He's just trying to stuff his tummy as best as he could. More silently eating would Asriel break the silence of the dinner table next to him where Drake's attention would fall onto the younger monster. Where.. he came from? Oh, right. He probably should talk a little more about himself. Though Toriel seemed to be a little hesistant on Asriel asking about it. Sipping his water, Drake shook his head. "No.. no it's okay. Uhm, I come from a place called England. Err.. Unless this place s' undah England?" Drake sounded confused. Regardless, Asriel shook his head at knowing anything about it. Asgore smiled and answered Drake.
"No, Drake. We're from entirely different country altogether. You're a very long way from home. You're under a place called Ebbott Mountain. Most humans who come here are from the Barrier or from a few holes above us. Although we cannot reach them as the holes themselves are attached to the proximity of the Barrier." Asgore reveals. Which to Drake asks next. "What... barrier..?" Drake sounded concerned. Asgore sighs knowing this conversation was going to come up sooner.
"Remember how I told you earlier how monsters cannot leave? This is due to a magical barrier that.. humans have placed on the mountain. I believe it is time for you to understand our history Drake, and why monsters are afraid of humans." Asgore catches a breath. "This is only to keep you informed about our situation. Around a few centuries ago, and yes I mean that in hundreds of years as boss monsters like ourselves are able to live more longer then normal monsters. A war broke out between human and monster kind. Humans of a neighboring country had found out about monster kind, and how we lived in a secret area from them. Humans, fascinated at first, worked along side us and helped us create a better future. We learned from them as they did from us. We exchanged technologies, weapons, resources and they taught us a lot about magic. Although, for some reason, they grew more greedy about their knowledge and started to take more and more..." Asgore finishes his plate.
"And thusly, a terrible war for power and resources began. Humans began to kill monsters, and... we as well as humans." Drake listened intently, keeping his eyes on Asgore. "This war lasted for centuries. And only VERY recently did it just end. So; monsters are still trying to get used to humans and forgive them. Although, many can't. Which is why it is safer for you here with us. We may not be able to entirely return you back to England. But, we can make things as comfortable here as possible." This is a lot for Drake to take in, truthfully. He exhales as he finishes his own plate. "I... I see now. That's why the monsters earlier were crowding around me. They.. they wanted to hurt me?" Asgore hummed in disagreement.
"Not at all. Some were angry. Some were confused. Some curious. But, they wouldn't do anything outright, I don't think. If they had they would have to answer to me or Toriel." To which Toriel spoke. "I am sorry that this is the way things had to turn out, but we promise you that you'll be safe at New Home. I assure you. I suppose that things have been dramatic enough for one night. I should prepare everyone for bed." Toriel's right. Drake didn't sleep TOO well and maybe after one scene, he could sleep more easier tonight. Drake would nod. "I'm sorry tha' happened to you guys. I would.. I would nevah hurt anyone." Toriel smiled softly. "I know, dear. Most monsters have a sense for someone's soul purity. But, that is a discussion for another day. Time for bed Asriel. You too Drake. We have a strict 10:00 PM curfew."
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
"Oh, dearie it's certainly not a problem at all! I'm glad you're enjoying your new room. I hope you'll take care of it." Toriel would answer back seeming also delighted Drake is enjoying the new place he's in. To be honest, when Toriel was talking with Asgore earlier about letting Drake stay she had been very hesitant about giving up Chara's old room. But, Toriel too knew in her heart she could just leave Drake alone either. It's not a good example and she too is still in greiving. Even if it's been two years now. She's just scared that Drake will fall ill too. Albeit, Chara's illness was hereditary and not of actual illness. She's still trying to let go. But, when you adopt a child for so long, it... weighs on the loss still. Asriel patting his hand onto the chair next to him wanting Drake to sit next to him. Even a stranger, Asriel is still accepting and welcoming of Drake. It's good to see that Asriel is still finding the hope to make friends.
"C'mon Drake! Sit with me!" Asriel's face lit up when Drake did so next to the young goat monster. His own world alighting happily. Drake too is willing to experience the uncomfortable even with new people. Asriel would continue to eat at his food with Drake watching him intently. As if curious about the meal when he inquired about it. Toriel blinked for a moment and laughed bashfully.
"Oh! It is a human recipe I am told. Although, some of the materials for the recipe are hard to come by which is why it's a monster take on the human recipe of 'lasagna'. Simply meat, cheese and spices on top. I.. must've forgotten to ask, sweetheart. You aren't.. allergic to anything are you?" Drake would nod and answer her. A relieved exhale. Which, she's glad she didn't add any peppers or pepper materials into the meal otherwise she wouldn't know what to do! She's not really prepared for a allergic reaction, so she'll keep in mind for that in the future. Asgore too if he tried his hand at cooking, but, he'd probably just end up burning the house down!
And thankfully, once he realized what's in it the human would begin to rather... hastily scarf his meal his meal down from his plate which came to a surprise as to how... hungry he was. The poor thing's stomach must've been hurting all day. Although, he's eating a little TOO fast for Toriel's comfort. Even Asgore and Asriel picked up on this where Toriel would place a hand onto the young boys hand to calm him down. "Drake, sweetie. Please slow down. I do not want you to choke on your food."
She would gently advise where he seemed embarrassed about it. This didn't sit right with her, there's hungry. And then there's HUNGRY. Toriel's seen it before with a few monsters when the war was over, but, this isn't just about the war, is it? "It quite alright, dear. There's more if you'd like." Drake seemed to remain silent for the time being, but, Asriel wanted to know more about Drake. So he stopped eating for a moment and glanced over wiping his face with a napkin. "So, Drake! I wanna know, where'd you come from? We don't see a lot of humans these days." Toriel furrowed her brow. "Asriel.." She gently warned. "Sorry.. I just, wanna know what the surface is like.. I mean, I do know, but I wanna know more."
Asgore sighs. "It's okay, Tori. He's just curious." Toriel sighs and goes back to finishing her meal. She knows Asriel meant well. It's just humans were a sensitive topic in the Underground. Especially when they recently lost Chara. She just doesn't want to think about it, but, it was going to be a topic unavoidable, because whenever she looks at Drake, all she can think of is her lost child. Asriel goes back to finishing his food too feeling a bit bad for bringing it up. Toriel exhales. "I'm sorry. Humans are still a sensitive thing around the Underground, but, I think monsters will open up to you if you show your true self, Drake." Toriel adds trying to ease the tension. "Maybe then they'll be accepting again." At least this is Toriel's hope.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
A small laugh escaped the younger monsters mouth seeming to also find that once the awkward silence is broken, Asriel is more like himself. "Yeah, I'll say! It's really nice to meet you too. We uh.. haven't seen a human in a little while! Maybe we can be friends!" Asriel suggested happily. Although, Asriel wanted to have new friends, apart of him is scared that history would repeat itself with Drake being the second to have fallen. Or, rather, came here mysteriously. Most humans fall through the hole in the mountain, like Chara had. But, Drake apparently came through a strange bubble of sorts. Asriel is glad Drake isn't too injured. Though he still did walk with a slight limp. The injury wouldn't heal in just one day entirely. Asriel follows Drake and Asgore into the old room where it looked brand new.
The room itself is designed as a dark oak, with warm colors painted onto the ceiling. A dark brown matching a warm white. The room is still filled with toys, books and old clothing. Drake doesn't really feel interested in changing it seemed. Maybe he only say his visit as temporary? Asriel wanted a new friend... he loved the monsters and his family of course! But it would really be the same? He needed kids his own age to play with. Sure, there was that Undyne girl that Asgore trains with but she's too rough, and Sans is.. well Sans. He doesn't really have much interest in playing with him since he has his little brother to take care of. So; Asriel hoped Drake and him could get to know one another better!
Now of course, Asgore is more then delighted to have Drake enjoy the comforts of his own room. Even if it once belonged to Chara. Drake would be happy here. That is the plan, is it not? To finally just have everyone happy. No more death. No more pain. No more sadness. That's all Asgore ever wanted. Ever since losing Chara his second child, the memories of watching the human die. The illness just so bad to the point where they couldn't even more without assistence. Until.. it were all over. Maybe Asgore is afraid for the same for Drake if it is a Monster born illness or just a human illness in general. Still, all Asgore can do is hope. Drake seemed incredibly happy and grateful for their kindness to let Drake stay. There is something else about Drake too that Asgore picked up. Like him, there's a tragedy somewhere. That scream at the Inn. It wasn't of fear, but of desperation. Asgore wanted to make sure Drake is safe enough to leave, both physically and mentally.
Asgore would stand back up from where he was. Drake needed a moment to gather his surroundings. Asgore wouldn't be in the way of that. "Alright, I understand. I hope you'll join us. We wouldn't want your food to get cold now!" And that, he left the young boy to his own devices. Drake hasn't ate all day either even since they found him around 4:00 or so and arrived at the Inn Room at 5:30. It's nearing 9 PM. Asriel's bedtime is in a hour. Asriel hurried over to the table after leaving Drake to his own devices as well.
"Mom! Do you think me and Drake can be friends? I-I really wanna be friends with him." Asriel's voice chipped up as the plates are being set out along with a extra plate for the human to enjoy. They expected Drake to arrive soon, as thankfully it were just fresh and ready. This all felt so familiar. And, maybe Toriel isn't exactly ready. It's only been two years and it also stung to Asriel and Asgore. But, Asgore wanted to try and move on even if internally he's still grieving. A small smile lifted Toriel's cheeks to try and console her son with the idea. "Well, I think Drake would like that too. But, let's make sure to give him space. He's just arrived after all, dear." Speaking of Drake, here came the human now.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
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So like, undertale anniversary and deltarune chapter 2 am I right?
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
theyre walking on air :))
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
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sometimes i remember chara was so loved that it changed the world and it makes me choke up
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
The Dreemurr Family Photo, 201X, Colourised 
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
Tomorrow I will plan making the drabble conversation between Toriel and Asgore, it's just tonight is really not a good night because I need to let this melatonin start to work it's magic and once it does i'm off. I just need to keep distracting myself otherwise I'm gonna break down lmao
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
Asgore smiled at the childs' enthusiasm about his home. His kingdom. Asgore is almost to the castle of the Capital where they can enter into the Dreemurr residence once they arrive. Pulling out a small, but noticeable golden key with a Deltarune etched into the side of the key. The official king's key. His red hues glance downwards to the young boy. "I'm not sure where this London is, but I am sure it is just as impressive." He would reply seeming to feel more at ease now they were inside of the walls of the palace where they could be safe from harm. The walls were made out of a greyish-white material. Stone and marble for what it looked like. The floor carpeted with a purples and reds. The only light being the torches from the magically lit wood that seemed to burn forever.
"Welcome to New Home, Drake. I hope you'll find it to your liking." As they are entering into the palace further now, Drake began to notice how... much more simpler the aesthetic of the palace is becoming. Less from rich and royalty to more of a calm and 'cottage' like atmosphere. Stone and marble replaced by Wood and stone. Asgore chuckled. "Surprised? This part of the castle is strictly for the Dreemurrs. It is our home." Which meant that Asgore could finally stop being a king for a moment, and just be Asgore. A fountain... and then staircases that led up to another portion of the castle. Purple walls... and then in the middle were a home. Quaint. Soft looking. A tilt of the head. The door opened to the little home where another similar looking monster emerged. Her horns smaller, garbed in purple and white similar to Asgore, whilst he had fleshes of Gold here and there. Drake shys away from The other monster hiding behind the cloak. He kneels down.
"Fear not. This is my wife Toriel. She's already aware of what's going on. She won't bite I promise." He would tease and noticing Drake still afraid to move, would Toriel's expression soften. He really did seem like Chara in a way. Damn. Her heart sunk seeing him like that. closing the door a little would She approach from the doorway of their home and would kneel down just like Asgore were doing. She looked so similar to Asgore.
"Welcome, Drake. I've heard so much about you. I promise you have nothing to fear. You're safe here now." Toriel's softened tone would speak to Drake. The Human seeming to shying away from the King's cloak and made himself more known. The hood pushes down and revealing the sweet face of the human to both monsters. Her hand softly reaches out and presses against the timid human. A comforting touch like how his mother used to feel. Toriel smiled. "Why don't we head inside? It's getting a little late and dinner is just about ready."
From the crook of the door would two eyes match. Asriel Dreemurr. The first child of the family. Staring at them through the crack in the door seeming to onlook to the human who he has eavesdropped were coming. He looked more like Toriel then Asgore. Curious, yet shy. Not many kids were known to be in the Underground, so, a fresh face, a human one is a shock too. But, Asriel is sure once Drake is more prevalant in the home that he'd get used to it.Asgore would notice the peeking eyes and relaxed. "And that there is my son, Asriel. I'm sure you two will get to know one another as you stay." With that, Asgore guided Drake pushing his palm tenderly against his back to guide him into the Dreemurr home.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
"Please... be careful about this, Gorey..." His wife's words left a impact at his mind. It's been three hours now. He probably should have been back to claim the young human by now. He hoped the young boy were still asleep by the time he got back and hopefully that he'd be rested enough to walk again. Now that he's talked to Toriel earlier and she had hesitantly agreed to keep Drake stationed at the home for the time being. Asgore made her aware of the fact it's possible Drake is a orphan. He did tell Asgore that he had no one. No family. No friends. Which, meant that young Drake is on his own when it came to being here in the Underground. It wasn't like he could leave at anytime either. He could, but, was Drake's soul strong enough for that? The barrier isn't exactly a laughing matter. Regardless, the war is over and they didn't have to worry about humans coming, right? Drake couldn't escape from here sadly. So; Toriel wanted to at LEAST meet Drake in person.
A knock at the door where he heard a sudden shout that must've awoken Drake. He... called out for his Mother? Asgore exhales and turnt the key into the doorknob where he entered into the room, noticing a clearly distressed Drake hugging the wall. A worried raise of the brow. "Young Drake? Are you okay? I heard you call out for your mother.." The way that Drake looked at Asgore had been one of relief and gratefulness that Asgore had returned as he said. "I promised I would return for you, hadn't I?" A small laugh escaped him. "Are you sure you're okay, Drake? I am here if you need me to be." Although, Drake didn't seem insistent on talking right now. So; he'd let Drake talk when he's ready. They should leave. The incident in the Underground is still flying hard. So; they needed to quickly return back to the main home.
He would hold out a hand for Drake to take. "I'm glad to see your leg is doing better. I was worried that you would be still in pain." Once the two were ready to leave, Asgore gave a wave of a goodbye to the Innskeeper Phobane. "Thank you, Phobane. I will be sure to return the favor soon!" With that, the two left. To keep Drake going to the main home of the royal family, he would need to cross the main threshold of the hub. "Welcome to the largest city in the Underground, little one. The main kingdom resides here and so does the barrier. I do not feel comfortable sending you off just on your own, so my wife has agreed to keep you in our home for the time being. There's a.. guest room where you may rest yourself further tonight after dinner if you'd have us." Guest room.. right. That room used to have a purpose. "We will be having a special lasagna tonight. I cannot cook to save the kingdom, eheh.. so my wife, Toriel will be mostly preparing while I tend to the garden. Please do make yourself at home."
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
Silence were the only two accompany at this point. All Asgore did was stare at the numbers shifting upwards from number one to number three in the elevator. So many questions ate at the king's mind. What is he going to tell Toriel? Would she even agree to this? The loss of Chara still stung. Two years.. two years and another human arrived just like Chara. Alone. Afraid. Unable to leave. So, now all that's left is to try and have Toriel agree to this. He wasn't going to just show up with the human. He's going to talk about this with her like any couple should. This is unfortunately their problem now. 8 years after the war. And humans somehow found their way into the Outpost regardless. Two mysterious cases of two children ending up here with no explanation. There's a pattern here somewhere but, Asgore isn't going to go too off on it for now.
Upon stepping out of the elevator, young Drake's inquiry followed those big fluffy ears. "Oh? Phobane? Ah yes, he and I are close friends. We err..." Should he mention the war? The war. So costly. Humans who were so bent on taking everything from the monsters. It was a fight for resources. A fight for technology. A fight for land and exploration. A war that could shut the monsters down forever. And, it had worked. That's why the monsters had came back to this place. A old outpost turned into a grand haven for Monster-Kind. It could not amount to what Asgore has done because of it. Blood on his and Toriel's hand with a small infant during that war. They have done so many terrible things for survival. And in the end they lost. Asgore remains silent for a moment. "Phobane was.. apart of my army once." Asgore revealed. "He was once a healer you see. A doctor. He healed Monsters whenever they were hurt or sick." Asgore sighs. "I shall tell you more about that later. For now, you need rest. I will return for you, I promise. I will leave two of my guards at the front of the Inn."
Entering into the room would Asgore glance at the room. Small, but doable. Sitting down onto the brown blanket covering would the small boy clammer off of him. "There we are. I won't be long. Do be good, okay?" Asgore flashed a warm smile from his previous guilted one. Asgore would shut the curtains and kneel down to simmer down the lights for Drake to sleep easier. Once the boy is settled into the room, Asgore would close the door behind him where he would make his journey back to the main home of the Dreemurr Family where he had hoped that he could convince Toriel to shelter the young boy at the royal family home. It isn't going to be a easy discussion, but, it will save another child's life at the least. That's what they wanted right? To save others? To prove to humans they were the bigger and better species by not killing? In the eight years that had they lived peacefully, no human had stepped forward to this. Maybe.. maybe a grown human can show that monsters can one day live besides them again too.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
Ah! Had he made Drake worry again? Silly of him. He suppose he should've followed up with he'd return for him. Asgore sure could be forgetful at times. Asgore chuckled a little to relieve Drake's worries. "No, no. I won't just being leaving you alone. I promise to return. I have to return back to my home for a moment to check in with my family. They just would like to know if I am okay." He reassured the human. Asgore always smiled talking about his family. It reminded him what he's fighting for and what how they're one day going to gain their freedom. Several Human Souls. That is what they're going to need right? But.. surely there could be be alternatives. Alphys said she'd look into it. But; she said there isn't any promises. Hope. That's all Asgore could ever ask for. A chance. A chance to find their freedom and return back to their home-planet. And, once they gain their freedom, Drake could return back to his people too?
"I apologize if I had made you worry, dear Drake. That was not my intention. I will come back, okay?" Asgore didn't want Drake to worry about anything right now. Traveling along the metal gratings and flooring of the monsters around. He could feel stares. He knows that entering into the town here wasn't exactly going to be without notice. He really didn't want Drake to have to feel like he is a outsider, even when he is. Asgore would fix this. He is going to. He gave Drake his word he would. Entering into the Inn would a monster with four eyes. One on the top of their face and bottom of their face, wearing a soft woolen turtleneck, and a pair of earrings on the side would turn to face the larger monster. "Oh! Your highness, what brings you here? I have a extra room avaliable for your travels if you need one."
A shake of the head. "Ah, no thank you old friend. I actually have a request for you if you could do this for me. I am sure you're aware of the rumors of a human arriving to the docks." He would begin. The caretaker of the Inn tuttered their lips. "Ah, I've heard. Such things do travel fast, but if I may inquire, what does this have to do with the favor?" Asgore would feel a cold sweat run down the back of his neck. "About that... I have the human behind me. I need to shelter them here for the time being as I need to return back to Toriel and give her the news of their arrival. I won't be long. The human here is injured and I would just like for them to rest. Please keep the Inn closed for the time being until my return. I will come back for the human. I will give you additional gold. Just a moment." With that, Asgore would reach down into his personal handbag and would fish out a few gold for the Inn caretaker to take.
"R-Right.. uhm, thank you your highness. There is a free room on the third floor to the right. Room 5." A nod. "Thank you, my friend. I will not forget this."
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
You know, I feel like I should TRY and fix the timeline that I mistakenly kind of rushed, so, the war takes placeor at least ENDS twenty years before Frisk, right? So; Here's the ideal timeline I have for my Outertale verses.
Asgore, Toriel, and Asriel are still alive. This is without a fact since The magical 'force-field' barrier is very hard to get past since humans made it very clear only human souls are able to pass through the certain made barrier. Magic is still a thing, which is how after the war Monsters were trapped because the force-field is a HUMAN made object. So; no matter how strong a boss monsters magic is, without a human soul they can't leave.
Chara still dies. Now, I'm probably the odd one out but, I genuinely don't have a care for Chara as a character. Not because they're evil, because honestly, they don't really go into too much depth with Chara besides fandom made 'canon' stuff, like Gaster for example. Chara still dies from a illness, and because they're in Outerspace, they aren't able to pass through the barrier and they're still trapped in the Ebbot Quadrant / Sector. No humans are around to be able to kill Asriel. The family unfortantely still had to watch Chara pass away, unable to do anything as they lie bedridden dying. I'm estimating this due to monster passed illness that Humans weren't protected against or due to a space born illness that just effected humans since Chara lived so long in the Outpost.
Eventually, Asriel also dies from a illness that must've festered in Asriel until it came too late. But this doesn't happen for another good long while. But, Asriel in my roleplays and canon will be alive for the time being.
Now, about the timeline between Chara and Asriel / Dreemurr Family which I unfortunately fucked up. So; here's the way I see it. Chara and Asriel are the same age. Chara comes to Outpost around 7 years old. He lives until they're about nine years old. Chara dies within the same year. Asriel is 11 by the time that the next human (so Drake) arrives. So; this would mark two years after Chara's death which is why Asgore is so hesitant to bring Drake back to his family afraid that the same monster-born illness they assume will affect Drake. Afraid he'd suffer the same exact illness his second child did and would unintentionally bringing him to his death.
So; Toriel and Asgore had Asriel during the war. The war ends when Asriel is six, and before Chara came. Chara arrives mysteriously. Same story goes as noted above.
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
OuterTale Asgore
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Subject Number #89891 Outertale Asgore. King of the asteroid belt and ruler of monsters. Asgore rules the underground with the burden of trying to free the monsters. He used to have his wife Toriel and his two children, Asriel and Chara. However Chara and Asriel tried to free the monsters themselves, leading to their deaths. This made Toriel fall into a depression while Asgore became angry due to realizing that the humans were responsible for his children's deaths. He declared that any humans that came to the asteroid belt would be captured and have their souls taken away. Toriel disgusted at Asgore left him, leaving Asgore to mourn his children's deaths and rule his kingdom alone. Asgore is kind and has a lot of regret, however he does not want anyone to die despite his actions. Asgore tried to find alternatives such as determination and using monster souls. During the battle he uses a strange staff that fires stars and can even use blue and orange attacks. Asgore can also use fire magic, and the ability to mess with gravity. Asgore must be weakened in order to defeat him, you can either kill or spare him, either way Flowey comes and destroys Asgores Soul before absorbing the souls. However if you are doing a pacifist route, Toriel knocks Asgore down and the humans friends all come to support and stop Asgore only to find Toriel to which they all have a humerus conversation.
ATK: 80
DEF: 80
DMG: 2
Theme: A S G O R E
Sprite by: CARNO-POWER
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personalfictionals · 2 years ago
OuterTale Asriel
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Subject Number #89821 Outertale Asriel. Asriel is a kind fluffy goat monster who is the son of Toriel and Asgore. He is the final boss of the true pacifist route due to him absorbing everyone's souls and attacking the human thinking they are Chara. Asriel however can be brought back if shown mercy enough times. Asriel uses stars, meteorites, Black Holes, Chaos sabers, fireballs and lightning strikes. Asriel is also immune to any form of attack so trying to hurt him is impossible. During this battle you are given a new mechanic...SAVE. you can now Save your friends and even Asriel himself.....Asriel eventually becomes himself again and he frees everyone, and breaks the barrier. Asriel explains he will turn back into a flower and he gives you a hug before you leave to the surface.
ATK: ∞
DEF: ∞
DMG: 4
Theme: Hopes, Dreams and Wishes
Sprite by: CARNO-POWER
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