personal-pizzaplex · 1 year
Apologies for any inconvienence but for the time being, Freddy has been shut off to rest.
Our teams will have him up and running again as soon as possible!
-Lyla Allen, Coding team
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personal-pizzaplex · 1 year
Everything is wrong.
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personal-pizzaplex · 1 year
Spinach and chiken is GOOD AND THE BEST
Feels weird to say when Chica is there but it izz what it izz
Oh dear! I.. I hope she does not think any less of me..
I did not consider that she may find that offensive!
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personal-pizzaplex · 1 year
Hi, yes hello! Honestly so happy to get to talk to you, Ive been a HUGE fan!!!
So so question, do yall have any favorite pizza toppings? Mine is mushroom and bacon
Mushroom and Bacon is a wonderful choice! I personally favor a white pizza with spinach and chicken.
Anything and everything! All pizza is good pizza!!!
Just pepperoni is best! I’ll eat whatever though, because I’m NOT a quitter!
…I liked Meat Lover’s, before the ‘Plex stopped being able ta afford more than pepperoni.
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personal-pizzaplex · 1 year
Introducing our new communications interface! Instead of having to track down an employee or crew when faced with a burning question like, ‘What does Roxanne like best about the PizzaPlex?’, ‘What is Freddy’s favorite pizza topping?’, and, ‘Who should I tell that the bathroom is on fire?’, you can turn to here for answers! For your convenience, each of our performers’ answers will be color-coded. If faced with a staff response, the text will remain black, and the employee’s name will be signed at the bottom.
Hello superstars! We have been instructed to introduce ourselves in the event you may have not met us before; this is Freddy speaking- err.. typing. I am the vocalist of the band, and enjoy reading, watching television, and of course, a good game of Fazerblast!
Hi everyone! Chica here! I’m the guitarist of our little band here, and love love LOVE cooking for my friends! I run my bakery AND Mazercise, so I’m always on the run, but when it gets slow, I love being able to take photos with everyone!
Hey there, Monty at’cha service! I‘m the rockin’ bassist of our little gang here, and I‘m in charge of Gator Golf! I love puttin’ on the green, but if I’m not there, you’ll most certainly find me relaxin’ in my room. Don’ be afraid ta stop in an’ say hi, though!
You already know it’s Roxanne wolf here, and I’ll give you the speedy version, since I gotta race to get back to; I play the keytar, win races, and will slap the best makeup on you at the salon! Last thing- I Always come first! Hahah!
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