personal-blog55 · 2 years
About Coffee
There has never been as much buzz and discussion about coffee in today's urban society.
Many people habitually drink coffee before starting their daily work, after lunch, or on a lazy afternoon. 
According to the International Coffee Organization, it sold 90 million 60 kg bags of coffee worldwide in 1991. This year that number will reach 16 crores.
1. Coffee is a kind of cherry fruit. 
The beans brewed to produce coffee are the roasted seeds of a fruit called a coffee cherry. If you bite into the main coffee cherry fruit, the seed splits into two oval-shaped halves. According to the US National Coffee Association, 5% of the world's coffee consists of a single seed called the 'peaberry.' This 'pea berry' coffee is hand-picked. This coffee bean is famous for its strong flavor and excellent blend.
2. Somewhere, people don't drink coffee; they eat it
Although people have been drinking coffee for ages, people feel more comfortable drinking it somewhere. Many coffee breweries make flour from spoiled coffee cherries. This flour makes bread, chocolate, sauce, or cake. It does not taste like coffee; Its taste varies depending on the seed variety.
3. Coffee made from shit can be very expensive!
The world's most expensive coffee reaches humans through the digestive system of either of these two animals - a mammal called a 'civet' - a cat or an elephant. 'Kopi Luak' is a coffee made from the dung of the civet, an Indonesian mammal. Coffee cherries are naturally fermented through the cat's digestive system, then harvested and sold. The price of 500 grams of that type of coffee can be up to 700 dollars (about 60 thousand takas). However, this type of coffee is currently being challenged by Black Ivory Coffee. This type of coffee is made from the droppings of elephants in Thailand after eating hand-separated coffee cherries. Black Ivory Coffee was invented by a Canadian named Blake Dinkins. Thirty-five grams of Black Ivory coffee in the United States is around $85.
4. Coffee is good for your health
Antioxidants are abundant in coffee. Antioxidants protect our cells from harmful chemicals and toxins. A previous study showed that coffee intake of at least 3 cups per day could lower your risk of developing heart disease. The research was based on 16-years of data from 500,000 people in ten European countries. People's ability to enjoy more freshness and exercise is aided by coffee's caffeine content.
5. But not excessively
 As a nerve stimulant, caffeine can also have harmful effects when taken in excess. It is best to reduce caffeine intake during pregnancy. High levels of caffeine intake are thought to be associated with low birth weight. Excess caffeine is also thought to cause miscarriage. According to the British Health Authority, a pregnant woman should not drink more than 200 mg of coffee (one mug of filter coffee or two mugs of instant coffee) a day.
6. There are two types of coffee beans
Coffee grown in Ethiopia is called Arabica. This type of coffee is usually smooth, light, and aromatic. The price of this coffee is also relatively high, and about 70% of the world's coffee is of this type. Another type of coffee with a slightly bitter taste and extra caffeine is Robusta. This type of coffee is usually used to make instant coffee. This coffee is commonly grown in Central and West Africa, Southeast Asia, and Brazil.
7. discovered coffee through goats in Ethiopia!
According to an old legend, a goatherd named Kaldi in the 9th century first saw his goats eating fruit from the berry-like tree. Later he noticed that his goats passed the whole night without sleeping. After reporting his observations to a group of monks, they made a drink from the fruit; The purpose was to stay up all night praying.
8. The first cafes were in the Middle East
Coffee was not only enjoyed at home, however. Coffee shops in various Middle Eastern cities were called 'Kahveh Khaneh.' Those coffee shops later became popular as places for daily chats and gatherings.
9. But Scandinavian people drink the most coffee
According to the International Coffee Association, Finnish residents drink the highest amount of coffee on average. The average annual coffee consumption of a Finnish person is about 12 kg. In addition, the average coffee consumption of people in Norway and Iceland is over 9 kg per year. Residents of Denmark and Sweden also consume an average of more than 8 kg of coffee per year.
10. Tea or coffee?
Which one is more popular in your country: tea or coffee? According to the British Coffee Association says coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world. Every day, around 200 million cups are drank in coffee shops across the globe. Is it really that easy? India and China, Two One of the world's most populous countries are, prefer tea to coffee. Coffee is popular in the Americas and mainland Europe; However, tea is still popular in most parts of the Asian continent and the former Soviet Union. In his publication published in 2006, Geographer David Grieg pointed out that to solve this conflict between tea and coffee, it is necessary to calculate not by weight but by how many cups of tea or coffee are drunk. According to him, he should compare how many liters of tea or coffee was drunk. Because of weight, about 80% more coffee is drunk than the amount of tea drunk in the world every year. But while about 2 grams of tea leaves are needed to make a cup of tea, about 10 grams of coffee seeds are needed. By this calculation according to him, "One cup of coffee can be equivalent to three cups of tea."
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