devil's advocate
11 posts
you like flawed logic? the kind you can't even really argue against because dude what the fuck? you'll either love or hate this blog then, or both. just remeber that if I posted it, it's likely another thought of it too and just didn't take the time to write it out and they might actuay feel that way. how many times in school did someone ask the question you didn't have the guts to? or had the same reply you thought of but didn't express? exactly.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Or you don't eat them, pick the good apples and let the ones you left on the tree to rot sit so nature can consume it like was intended.
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Chop it down!
1K notes · View notes
But isn't hating on her anti-Semitism?
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21K notes · View notes
Dealing with these attitudes irl is hateful, have you tried attempting to explain the hunters put the most into the animals environmentally along with the fact that trophy hunting isn't actually bad and in fact pays for the proper protection of the animals. That the $50,000 payed if for the thrill of the hunt and the photo, that the animal is generally donated to the aboriginals of that area to eat and use the furs/hyde as they please.
They'll argue, and they won't listen to scholarly sources, or the word of a hunter... At least not from my experience.
Some people are just ignorant by choice, they protest hunting but not the packaged meat sold at their grocery store. It's interesting to say the least.
i hate that the left think hunting is only acceptable if it’s done by like one obscure inuit tribe at the top of canada if they’re doing it for survival. u guys would flip if you had kangaroos on your front lawn every day bc hunters aren’t allowed to cull their population numbers anymore. stupid.
609 notes · View notes
What about those born with syndromes related to their sex defining chromosomes?
Would you have additional bathrooms for XO, XXY, XXX (I feel like this one would go over poorly), XXXY and XXXXY? If you're going by sex you better be accurate.
Also fun fact: about 1 in 1000 women have triple x syndrome, only a small percentage are ever diagnosed.
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terf logic is literally nonsensical like…excuse me?? “i can’t wait to abolish gender so we can continue to separate everyone out by their chromosomes just like it was under patriarchy”……….alright
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14K notes · View notes
I am 24, since you asked (I haven't come across a person on tumblr older than 43 in my experience). I am not an upset boomer, looking at the notes on this post a lot of people seem to think the negative comments do come from boomers which speaks a lot lmao but if that is your sole and only experience with seniors then I truly pity you. Some of the kindest most caring people I have met happen to be those belonging to the boomer generation (73-55 year of age today), everyone has their own experience which will shape their core beliefs, EVERY generation has shit heads but being around a generation you grew up with we have a different collective memory which makes finding common ground easier with people our own age.
I use rationality that is sometimes very intolerable to people on this blog, that is why I mentioned it as you are the one who replied and may not have context as to what I mean in saying what I do. If you are young then you'll get what I mean in time by it is counterintuitive, hypocrisy absolutely always seems to thrive and oftentimes isn't even noted by the one who is the hypocrite (i.e. someone may be quick to judge one smoking a pack of cigarettes every day but they carry a nicotine filled vape pen in their pocket). This is the kind of rationality in which I am referring.
Also the first thing to go when you get old is your mind, dunno why but I feel like it is important to include.
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99K notes · View notes
Then just use the passive aggressive "okay boomer" like you're already expected to at this point in time, just keep in mind the implications that'd be made if the roles were switched. Being told it is okay your whole life and then a sudden "it's not okay" you'd be like um why, of course you'd get short, someone is challenging your core beliefs and values.
I'm saying understand why they are being a certain way, understanding or appreciating means taking in all of it and accepting it for what it is... It does not mean don't listen because that's what you assume their thought process is, they don't feel appreciated and have neglected their means to further their emotional intelligence... They worked and retired and then reflected, we have the tendency to spend at least half of the time we work in time reflecting, it means saying "I understand you feel that way and respect your view but I would appreciate it if you could hear me out, we may not agree but I think it is important to revive both inputs so that respect may be mutual." Instead of "okay boomer".
I'm not telling you how to live your life I'm offering food for thought, the idea of treating everyone as an ends in themselves and never as a means does mean you need to put emotion aside regularly, it is to understand your frustration is likely just as fruitful as theirs though theirs may be way greater or even lesser and acting as if it is greater and being sympathetic to that. It is bullshit because it is counterintuitive to how humans work but that is just they way it is. Humans are flawed, always were and always will be. We can only speculate. This blog is purposed with being devils advocate, just letting you know that regardless of my own feelings on the topic I am likely to offer a response that may upset a population of readers though it holds some truth.
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99K notes · View notes
It's not the fault of the baby boomers, in fact it is kinda irresponsible to think they are not the product of their environment just as much as the gen z or millennials are.
Baby boomers were brought into this world by people who were thanking the lord the great depression was over, the war was over, they gladly participated in the capitalist economy as they were thankful for all their parents had sacrificed and how lucky they felt to not have to do what their parents did, their freedom was already fought for, they could provide for their wives and children without feeling the need to complain about the way the world was because of how it was when they were brought into it.
Ignorance is bliss and those complaining about a generation of people, being as young as they are just participating in that fact of life. The whole Green movement is always started with the best of intentions, yes, but look at what happened the last time we tried to push it... We opted for plastic bags instead of paper bags because we thought the over use of paper bags was going to rid the world of all of its trees. We made this swap thinking we will save the environment long term. Look at what happened.
Existential dread doesn't dismiss rationality, even the whole planting more trees thing does help but wouldn't moving what we do based on agriculture help a lot more? Redefining it to avoid the inclusion of pastoralism, I mean cows throw out how much methane per year? Like 70kg to 120kg per year? And methane being 23 times worse as a greenhouse gas than the regular CO2 we emit they'd be making the equivalent to between 1600kg to 2760kg of CO2 per year per cow. Apparently the emissions tossed out by one cow can be equated to burning 1000 liters of petrol, for every cow you could drive 12500 km per year assuming your car burns 8L/100kms. About 1.5 billion cows(and bulls) exist for the purpose of human consumption alone.
Burning coal has a proven correlation to smog, but Asian countries are more for the banning the motor vehicles than the banning of burning coal. If you're actually for the environment you'll accept that the baby boomers are not super likely to change, they're not solely responsible, and that they will all die out soon and you can put up with their complaints until then because it's but a blip in your life... You will soon become as annoying when you're introduced to a generation 3 gens below yours, Zommies will become a similar insult when your views don't align with theirs. They won't care if you're not Gen Z, they will only care that you're old and by default have an outdated world view. They will mock you for views you may or may not hold or ever held. That's just the way things work.
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99K notes · View notes
Wouldn't this mean beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, ya know because babies can't grasp the concept of beauty.
Tiny baby on the bus: 👀
Me: 👀
271K notes · View notes
Please be joking, this hurts to read.
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Warren supporters
2K notes · View notes
So you're implying there is no NDA in place when it comes to disclosing those numbers?
Or that the language used for civilian is conflicting with that of criminal, the American justice system is based on innocent until proven guilty and going through the courts is a long process isn't it?
Add in the fact that you never know anyones actual motivation or intention in a critical moment, there are so many possibilities as to why he is not answering that question.
He is simply not at liberty to say and be quoted on it.
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626K notes · View notes
Separate the art from the artist ffs
If you're going to preach this kind of stuff then you need to look into every aspect of your consumption.
Look into consumer fetishism and only buy things knowing where they are sourced, this means no more cool shirts, jeans and underwear that were made in a Bangladeshi sweat shop that violates human rights so bad they'd sooner lock all emergency exists to prevent people from leaving in the event of a fire letting them burn to death or jump to their deaths, no more Brazilan dark roasted coffee or central American bananas, no more enjoying kpop because of those slave contracts they push on the performers, or movies with now convicted fellons no matter how many academy awards they have won, oh the music director of a new movie has a rape allegation? don't watch it out of principle. H.P. Lovecraft? His works are now irrelevant because of the name he gave his cat, you can't enjoy them anymore.
Practice what you preach or don't preach it at all. Just some thoughts on the topic, if you can't seperate the the art from the artist then you'll find yourself unable to enjoy things you might actually love, you limit yourself on what you can consume taking away any positive emotions you feel for something that actually makes you FEEL because oh they did a bad thing.
Anyone and everyone can be cancelled even you, remeber that, everyone has skeletons in their closet and if we use that logic in conjunction to interactions with things consumer facing or not then even the idea of working in retail or in fast food to make ends meet shouldn't even be so revolting and gut wrenching in your mind you will never do it because you will be interacting with people, so many people the chance that the person you just talked to, made you laugh, smiled at and told to have a great day, that preson might be a convicted pedophile, that old person who acted reasonable, the one who made you think "they were so cute and nice I wish I seen more like them" could have beat their children so bad they never had a chance at a normal life. Statistically speaking exposing yourself to that many people regularly means you will run into them and not even know it, not for a second.
That last bit is extreme (as shit) and considering this platform will probably offend but that is how I illustrate my point, either everything is okay or nothing is, none of this in between hypocritical bullshit people carry out their lives with. It's like supporting PETA and owning a cat, it just doesn't really make much sense.
Disclaimer: This blog is dedicated to playing devils advocate so whether it is actually my opinion or not I am leaving this post to be criticised just like everyone else has, the ones stating thier opinions, I am not attacking any one person not do I plan on doing so (except Lovecraft, fuck that guy and his works), just making a moot point towards some of the attitudes that seem to be included in the posts replies. I didn't come for an argument I just want to give some extreme food for thought.
quick reminder that blizzard straight up attempted to censor and punish someone for raising awareness about the insane human rights violations currently going on in Hong Kong and you should not give them a fucking penny
i don't care how much you love diablo, wow or overwatch, they want you to forget about the blitzchung incident
for the love of god hold them accountable for what they did
fuck blizzard.
41K notes · View notes