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persephone "seph" nott. 15. hufflepuff.
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
“I know, I’m usually always right.” A smile appeared on her face as he looked at the blonde. “Not romantically - we’ll probably never love each other but we know that this marriage is happening unless one of us dies - and that won’t be me.” 
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“Of course, Bellatrix.” Maybe not, she didn’t really trust the opinions of the eldest Black sister, but she would take everything with a grain of thought. “That’s unfortunate. Wouldn’t being stuck in a loveless marriage be the worst?”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
As he walked into the library, a smile lit up  his face seeing the blonde girl and he walked over to her hoping to sit with her and do his homework – but turned pink at the girl’s question. “Not really.” he said in a small voice. He was stupid, obviously she didn’t want company when she was trying to get work done. “I was just here to study, you know, and I thought I could sit with you and – well, I mean, if it’s okay, that is. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
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A smile fell on her face as well when she caught sight of Hugo. He was cute, the very least, and kind. “Of course you can come sit with me.” She cleared her things out of the way so he could set his own things down. “Feel free.” Motioning to the chair across from her, she smiled once more. “What dreadful class are you studying for, then?”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
Marriage was a sticky subject for Pandora. She knew that some girls in the school were very much talking about it, planning to jump into a one as soon they graduated. She didn’t honestly know if that was the direction her life was going to take though. She didn’t really have any intention of jumping into one. She didn’t know if she had what it took to be a wife. She  knew that it was something she’d eventually had to figure out.  Honestly before that, she just wanted to stop doing things that didn’t exactly serve her in order to distract herself from her real feelings. “We do,” she said after a moment. She knew that she had made plenty of mistakes and she would continue to make them, until she figured out how to be honest with herself and the people who mattered most to her. “It is a part of life. I don’t have any siblings but I imagine if they did, I’d probably be saying the same things. Stefan is there when you need him though.”  That was one thing she could say about him - he was dependable, honest and he didn’t judge her for any secrets she might have. “Everyone likes to be noticed,” she added. “I think that maybe you can work with them to find someone who meets their standards but that appeals to you. You just have to figure out what you like first.”
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Jumping into marriage wasn’t Persephone’s intention, but she wasn’t going to tell anyone that at the moment. It wasn’t what she particularly wanted to talk about, her parents were beyond excited about it. They still were in the old times, it seemed. Pureblood marriages over anything else, which was almost disgusting. “I think that we deserve better.” No people being rude, nobody pushing them around to do what their parent’s wanted. “He is, yes.” But that didn’t stop Stefan from annoying her. A girl needed her space. “I guess you’re right.” She just couldn’t imagine fancying anyone in this school, and would have preferred to meet someone once she’s graduated. “I should focus on school, though, not love.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
“No need to apologise. School can be hard. Families can be hard.” A frown appeared on his face. He knew all too well what it was like coming from a pureblood family - the restrictions and reservations grew too much for him in his early twenties. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I know what it’s like to come from a pureblood family.” 
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Everything could be hard, but she wouldn’t mention that. He didn’t need to worry about her crisis. “Thanks, Professor.” She forced a smile and leaned back against her chair. “Again, thank you.” Now, she was intrigued. “You were? I didn’t know that. Are you apart of the Sacred Twenty-Eight?” A real smile finally graced her lips as she leaned in closer to him. “You know, Purebloods who are and were in Hufflepuff are the best.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
It wasn’t comforting to be up at all hours of the night, worrying about a war that might not even happen, but here Persephone was. It was exhausting, really. Nobody else seemed all too worried about this frightening end that seemed all too real. Maybe it was just Persephone flipping out, or maybe she just didn’t want to move forward, and marry someone just to be married. Her parents kept pushing that idea in her head.
You can’t control things like that, Stefan.
Surely, she would wake one of her dorm-mates, but they were all fast asleep, it seemed. Opening her laptop, she answered the Skype call. “I’m fine, Stefan,” she said, looking around to make sure her voice didn’t alarm anyone. “No, no. It’s late.” She sighed, leaning back against her pillows. “I don’t want to get married, especially not to someone our dad pick out.”
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( continued from here! )
She did wake him up but Stefan didn’t mind. Rubbing his eyes, he picked up his phone from his bed-side table and looked down at the texts his sister had sent, frowning slightly before typing out a reply to her.
Nothing like that is going to happen, I won’t let it. 
He waited a moment before deciding that those words weren’t enough – not really, and so, he sat up on his bed and skyped her even though it was very late. “What’s going on, are you okay?” he asked, his worry obvious in his tone. “Do you want me to come down there?”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
A with a shrug and a sigh the girl placed her phone on the table. “I’m going to give you a very valuable piece of information. Always listen to your parents - even if you don’t agree. They want what’s best for you” Pursing her lips, she continued. “I don’t have a choice but to marry - Rod and I, we have an understanding.” 
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Hell, like they knew best for her. But taking advice from Bellatrix Black was wise, she wasn’t generally nice to really anybody. “Yeah, you’re right.” It was easier to be reasonable with people who were a bit more intense to deal with, like Bellatrix and Stefan. “Do you like him?”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
“That I do.” Lily said before sitting now beside the girl, a mischievous smirk making its way to her lips. “Pay up, sweetie, I told you your brother would never make head boy.” She extended her palm out to her waiting for her to pass the money, far too gleeful about having won this bet. Even though the school’s choice of head boy was not one she approved of, atleast it wasn’t a bigoted douchebag.
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“You’re right,” Persephone mused before smiling sweetly at Lily Evans. It was true, her brother really wasn’t Head Boy type. Grabbing her purse from across the chair, she grabbed it and pulled out her wallet. “I’ll get you for this, Lily Evans, if it’s the last thing I do!” The blonde exclaimed with a wide grin, pulling out the money and handing it to her. “I swear to Merlin, Evans, I’ll get you.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
Pandora didn’t tend to spend a lot of time thinking about all of that. She didn’t have those sort of pressures and she was grateful for that. She could make her own choices about her love life. She would have hated to have her free will taken away from her in that aspect. It was complicated enough trying to navigate it all as was.  A part of her sometimes thought it might be easier if someone just told her how it was going to be and that was where it went. It was easy to think that when there was no chance of it becoming a reality though. “We’re human,” she said with a shrug. “I would be lying if I said I was innocent. It’s just hard sometimes. Certain people just push my buttons.”  She did feel bad when she said something that was really out of line though. She wasn’t a bad person by any means.  She didn’t want to live her life with that sort of regret. She hated drama. She wanted to just figure out where she was supposed to be and then get there. It was far more complicated than everything else. She much preferred the other talk. The trivial talk. She snickered at mention of Jame Potter being cute.  “Honestly, I think everyone always goes for James or Sirius. Of that group - Remus is the most attractive. I literally could never pick Frank. It would be like making out with my brother. He’ll literally be the best husband to someone one of these days though.  “Sometimes, I don’t think I’m anyone’s type though. Anyone chasing you?”
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At least, she wouldn’t be dying alone, if that was anything to look forward to. If she married anyone, she wouldn’t have to face the world alone, but what if they didn’t like each other? What if he was a jerk? Those thoughts were hard to fathom. “I guess that everyone makes mistakes, don’t they?” Persephone could name a few that she’d prefer not to name. “Understandable. I believe that’s just a natural part of life. I’m not going to lie, sometimes Stefan drives me mad. Not always, only sometimes.” But more often than not, lately. It was easier to get Persephone irritated lately. “Yeah, they’re all very noticeable, I suppose. Maybe they just bake in the attention too, which makes them attractive.” She nodded at the thought of Frank Longbottom being the perfect husband to some lucky girl, not her, though. She agreed that he wasn’t her type. “Agreed. No, not really. My parents tell me that I’m not ready for a relationship, and I guess I agree. They want to hand-pick who I date.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
//all I hear is I’m not ready now//
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
✘ // ?? (Doc)
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
{ 5:15am } you know what i can’t stand??? like hate to my bloody core?
{ 5:17am }fish, to the extreme. they kinda scare me, ngl
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
{ 1:45am } 
i’ve never been soooooooo drunk before, like fuck 
{ 1:49am }pretty sure if i could, i’d hook up with someone.... maybe
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
Pandora didn’t know what was right or wrong either. Philosophically, it was all a matter of perspective. All she knew was that there were good and bad people on all sides of the issue.  She wasn’t willing to write anyone off just because of their personal beliefs. It took a bit more than that.  She wasn’t exactly going to sit back and let people be an asshole for no reason though. “I just think that sometimes we could be a little nicer, if we just lives and let people live sometimes,” she said honestly. It wasn’t that she wanted to tell anyone to stop making the choices they were or living the way they were living, she just wanted them to give her the same courtesy. Sometimes, she was glad to to not be from a pureblood family that was force-feeding her purist ideals. She knew other people weren’t as lucky. She did know some who managed to turn out okay. Andromeda had. Stefan was too.  “We all have to do things to compensate for the stuff that hurts us. Even I am guilty of that.”  She would have been lying if she put it any other way. “There are plenty of Pureblood boys who aren’t trash. I mean, Evan has a hard exterior but I think he’s nice underneath it. Don’t tell him I said that - Oh and then you have the non-Slytherins. I mean, Gideon is an absolute sweetheart.”
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The inevitable feeling of doom loomed over Persephone. What once was a happy, go-lucky girl was soon becoming withdrawn to the world. Not that she minded. Persephone had never realized how comforting solitude was, especially when her thoughts were giving her an absolute migraine. It made her numb. Not to mention if the ‘suitor’ her parents were picking her out would be the age of her father nearly disgusted her to the point of making herself want to vomit. “We could all be a little bit nicer, you’re right. I don’t understand why people are so mean, a lot of the time.” Not to really her, but to other people in general. “I suppose you’re right.” But what was the point when everyone was going to suffer through this war? Maybe not die themselves, but watch friends and family die. “I don’t really talk to Evan, so I promise that I’ll keep my lips close.” She smiled, not sure if she should even talk about who she fancied and who she didn’t; it certainly wouldn’t be a Pureblood if she had anything to do with it. “Yeah, he really is. I think, uh, James Potter is kind of cute, if you’re into that type.” Eh, not really, but she wanted to talk about boys too. She hadn’t really had a crush on anybody as of late.
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
With a small laugh, he held his hands up in surrender as he took a seat beside her. “Sorry, if I disturbed you, Persephone. Just wanted to check and make sure you were okay. You seemed a little off today in class.” He didn’t want to pry, but the girl seemed disconnected - where she would usually engage in his lesson. “Is there something I can help with?”  
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At least, Persephone could trust the professors in this school. It was extremely difficult sometimes talking to her fellow classmates, but she was sure that she could trust a fellow Hufflepuff who had gone through OWLs and some part of life. Nonetheless, she couldn’t spill all of her information in one sitting, it would basically be what everyone in her general circle’s fear, so there wasn’t a point in complaining. “Oh, I apologize, professor.” Things had been tough, and she supposed that it wouldn’t be too difficult to notice. “Uhm, I don’t think that you personally could help me, but thank you for the offer.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
Pandora didn’t see herself as odd. She wanted the same things most girls her age wanted. She did want to be pursued and romanced as much as the next girl. She wasn’t about to sit around and whine about it though. She didn’t go out of her way to make herself be anything other than what she was. Sure, it meant nine times out of ten, she became friend zoned but there were exceptions to that rule.  She’d even slept with this very girl’s brother before. Not that it was really about romance or anything. Stefan was way to much of a mess for her to ever consider any of that.  She didn’t exactly need to go and put any of what she did just because on broadcast though.  She opted instead to sigh, looking at her hands for a moment before responding to the other girl. “Like the one’s who constantly feel a need to tell people about their blood status or how their clothing isn’t to their standards,” she said, choosing not to name names. “I mean, they can’t get me on my blood so they criticize other things. I don’t really care for the whole bullying thing.”  She knew that she was right though, it came down to insecurity most of the time. That was why she tried to not let it bother her too much. “I’ll take that as a compliment,” she told her with a nod. Pandora definitely didn’t think she became a Ravenclaw because she was an idiot. “I think either career would work for you. I can understand wanting to make your family happy but at the end of the day, what makes you happy should be important too. I mean, what if you marry someone who is okay with you having a job?”
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There wasn’t much that Persephone could say when she was finding someone significant to her; they had to be charming and attractive, of course, and funny. In a world so dark, humor was the way to make things finally bright. Perhaps the world would be better once the war was over, and the right side won... but what was the right side? Her parents insisted that Voldemort would be the way and the answer, but somehow a free world for all seemed like the right way to go. “Yeah, those people aren’t very nice.” The person that came to her mind about blood status would be her brother and his friends. “They just do it to make them feel better.” Nobody was nice these days, it seemed. “I was hoping that you would, it certainly wasn’t meant as an insult,” the blonde told her with another small smile. “Thank you, I enjoy clothes, though. I suppose I never thought about having a decent husband. This Pureblood thing is absolutely sick, I’m telling you.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
“Oh trust me, I know how hard parents can be.” A scowl appeared on her lips as she pulled her phone out of her leather jacket pocket. “That’s why I’m stuck getting married to Rodolphus Lestrange - I mean, he’s easy on the eyes, sure. But between us girls. He has a terrible fashion sense.” 
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Did their parents ever experience being kids, like them? “Honestly, I could see why you wouldn’t want to marry Lestrange. Why would you want to marry anybody?” It was a waste of time and money, really, unless you were actually in love.
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
Pandora didn’t always understand why things were the way they were but she felt as though they had better options for the future. They didn’t have to put their kids or any future kids in that matter through the things they had all been though. She didn’t know if children were in her future. Most of the time when she thought ahead, she couldn’t see much time and maybe that was why she was in such a hurry to think up her best ideas and make them come to fruition When she looked forward, she wanted to picture herself happily married to Edgar with maybe with a few kids running around but - she didn’t know if that was what was meant for her. Actually, she was certain that wasn’t what was going to happen. Her own self-doubt and insecurity was always plaguing her when it came to everything.  Maybe she’d just marry a Slytherin. There were a few that were attractive enough. If her parents couldn’t thrive, maybe she wouldn’t either.  “Unless you mean, petty girls coming at me, then nah, I’ve not really been under attack. I honestly don’t pay them any attention though,” she told the younger girl.  “I mean, I know it says more about them than me. They’re just insecure – and we’re all insecure about something.”  She definitely wasn’t going to pretend that she wasn’t. She nodded though, flipping through the pages of her book. “It’s okay though. I mostly do this stuff myself. My great aunt Perpetua developed the lunascope and I guess that I just want to come up with something as awesome as she did. Outside of that, I don’t really know what I want to do with myself. Have you figured it all out?”
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There were many things going through Persephone’s brain whiile she spoke on with Pandora Fancourt. Perhaps the number one thing about Pandora was that she was a bit odd... not that there was anything wrong with that. Her eyes watched the other girl closely, trying to be cautious around her. Trusting people was a rarity in this sort of world and Persephone would do her best to keep her thoughts concealed to herself. “Which petty girls?” Because inside of Persephone’s circle of friends in Hufflepuff, everyone was pretty sweet. “I suppose that most people are insecure about everything.” Persephone gave the girl a small smile. “That sounds rather nice, if I’m being honest. That sounds rather ambitious... you sound smart. I’m thinking something to do with clothing. I enjoy fashion a lot, or maybe work in St Mungo’s.” She couldn’t help but sigh. “My parents would rather if I sit at home and have children, but that doesn’t sound desirable whatsoever.”
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
What’s it like to have a good father
a what
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persephone-nott-blog · 7 years ago
☎ (Rod)
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. { 4:28pm }Hey.. you’re good at potions right??
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