Perry Flynn- always a detective, occasionally an aquatic mammal.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"I used to be a cop." Perry tells her, shrugging again. "Had to retire, hence." He tapped the card he'd set down on the table.
He got it, some people were just uncomfortable around law enforcement regardless. There was plenty of reason to be. But he wasn't law enforcement anymore, and he didn't try to be. Helping people had always been the gig.
A brow quirked at her question- mystery mom problem. Almost funny. "There has to be a catch on offering you some googling advice?" He said, rubbing a hand along his jaw, "I just hate inefficiency, and computer illiteracy? These search engines have a lot built in to help you that most people just don't utilize."
He has another sip of his coffee, "and sure, I like helping people. Coincidence, maybe, I've got a client I'm helping with a mystery parent problem of their own right now. 'Course, I'm pretty all in on that, and they're paying, but I don't charge for advice." Actually, if she asked around enough, she'd find people who told her Perry Flynn probably didn't charge enough full stop, half the time.
He made it work- there was an art to balancing clients, to making sure people got the help they came to him for. "My office is down the way, corner of Main street and Excalibur road." He used to say, right by the hunted deer, but that was little more than a burnt out shell now, and given the opinions held at the establishment, he didn't like to associate with it either way. "Not a great stop if you're allergic to animal hair, though."
these are my files | Peranna
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His mother was the only person in Perry's life who had ever made a fuss about his appearance, and without her around to tell him he needed to get a haircut or throw away that worn out shirt, he just wasn't as motivated. It was more indifference than any blasé faire, minimalist thing.
"Oh, I'll be awake again by opening time." Perry assured the other, rubbing his temple for a moment, "I've had a seven am alarm etched deep into my brain since my training days." It's said with a dry chuckle, while Perry angles his cigarette outside of the window and taps gently on the edge to get rid of the building ash. "Feel free to hang around if you want, though. I best get back home at some point to feed the nightmare, anyway.''
worse for wear || perol
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If Perry needed information, he knew how to get it. And he knew how to read if someone was willing to answer questions or not. Errol might've sated Perry's curiosity about the nature of the incident, but he'd heard enough stories about getting shot and had one of his own to boot, they were all similar enough.
He nods, still rifling through the notes. "I want to get his name, at least. If I can get her that..." It was unfathomable to him that she didn't have it, just not right. That there was so little trace of him...
"You managed to eat anything?" Perry asks, refocusing and glancing over at his friend, "what about the dogs, they had a walk? There's nothing scheduled at the agency today, if you could use a hand."
Blinding Ideas | Perry & Errol
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Perry nodded, his hands in his pockets as he started to slope off towards his office. "You do this every year?" He asked, fishing for casual chatter on the short walk, "or- you new to town? I know most faces, these days- not all, 'course." He was an odd combination; observant to a fault, but also often lost entirely within his own ruminations. He wouldn't be surprised if an entire person had passed him by year after year.
"Name's Perry, by the way." He nodded, gesturing vaguely to his name printed on the door of the office as he opened up, ushering Wolf in as he picked up a few packages from the doorway, setting them on his desk.
The tree was in the front window of the otherwise sadly empty so called reception area- Perry was not busy or well off enough to have need of a receptionist, so he was not sure was to do with the space. "I already took the decorations down." He said, as if it wasn't obvious, "half convinced myself I would take care of it myself somehow."
Stick Recovery Service - Open
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Perry, who has been threatened with far worse things by far scarier people, just calmly raises his hands in a show of surrender for a moment before taking a sip of his coffee and reaching into the pocket of his blazer for a business card. He set it down on the edge of her table, by way of explanation. Perry Flynn, Private Detective, it read.
"I didn't look at your laptop-- well, I looked enough to notice you had one, obviously, and it didn't look like you were studying, say, a subject for school, but it did look like you were looking for something and having a hard time with it."
He shrugs, "and yeah, the asterisk works. Can't promise it'll give you the results you want, 'course, but it'll give you something. Don't waste your tea on me- it'd cost me more to buy you a new one than it will for me to replace this shirt, hardly worth it."
these are my files | Peranna
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Perry shrugs, "I don't really care what I look like." He tells the other man simply. The sentiment is true enough; he's aware of his appearance, and aware it might not always be the neatest or prettiest. He knows how to sharpen up when it matters, but beyond that doesn't really give it much thought. It's not like there's anyone in his life pressing him to care.
After a moment he stands up and strolls to the window, taking one of the offered cloves and fishing a lighter for it out of his pocket. "Mm, maybe you're right. I've been staring at the same notes since before you got here, anyway." He says, pushing the window a bit wider open before he lights the cigarette, quiet for a moment as he takes a drag. "Maybe it's time for a power nap."
worse for wear || perol
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Perry was a man with a lot of tools-- but Wolf was correct in thinking his collection was not the sort that included tools for taking apart a Christmas tree. It was more ridiculously small screwdrivers, every kind of wire that had ever existed, old broken stuff full of cogs that might be useful to make something else work.
Luckily, it seemed now he would never have need to purchase such a thing for himself- likely cumbersome, and hardly useful save the once a year Perry gave into holiday spirit.
He weighed up the options, dealing with the tree now while it was on his mind and the offer was on his mind, or walking away with a leaflet and putting the onus on himself to organize it another time.
"Sure," he nods, already knowing the leaflet would end up in the bottom of a desk drawer and he'd forget about it until the tree started to go brown, "I don't have anyone scheduled to come in until this evening, and I was just headed up there to sort out some deliveries anyway."
Stick Recovery Service - Open
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Perry, who had been a detective most of his adult life, and an avid people watcher long before, found it hard not to notice people. Especially in a place like Hatters, where folk went about like their table gave them their own little bubble of the world. He knew it was insanely rude, and a terrible habit, but sometimes it did work in his favour.
He'd caught himself looking a little too long at a young woman sat at the table across from him a couple of times, curious about the nature of her work. She didn't seem to be studying anything, but she was scribbling away furiously, and didn't seem at all satisfied.
He knew such a face well, from sitting up in his office until ridiculous hours of day and night trying to get a break in a case. After a while, he got up to approach her table, his mug still in hand, hoping he wasn't overstepping or being rude. "...You know, you can add an asterisk to a google search if you're missing a word or part of a phrase. Or, if you want to see what sort of stuff comes up often in association with whatever you're looking up. If you... It looks like you're into some kind of research, so.."
these are my files | Peranna
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"You'll make sure to be around to poke fun at me." Perry muttered sardonically, the dark twist to his face only lasting a moment, quickly taken by surprise as his chair tips onto the back legs for just a moment, his arms flailing out towards the desk and quickly seeming to realise how foolish they are when the chair settles again almost right away, left clinging on when he didn't need to.
He huffs, staring daggers at Errol's back, where he's already staring out the window.
When he looks back just to assess Perry's grey he huffs again, sending a puff of hair flying up from his forehead for a moment. There were, indeed, some greys. Even if he wasn't the sort to lament over such things or spend too long staring at himself in the mirror, he'd spotted them too.
"S'my office, anyway." He points out, like that means he doesn't have to be the nice one of the operation. "The paperwork is enough of a headache, I'm not... smiling at people, too."
worse for wear || perol
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Perry was not much for celebrations. Or decorations. His own home was entirely devoid of the latter- and mostly devoid of the former, too- but a few years back he'd decided he ought to doll up the agency for special holidays, at least, like most of the businesses in town did. Better to blend in when it came to stuff like that, and people appreciated the festive touch.
For his part, Perry hated dealing with the damn tree. He should get a fake one, really, but for all that he couldn't be bothered putting up his own, the pine fresh smell reminded him of Christmas at home, so real it was, despite the headache.
He was ambling over there just now, though not to deal with the tree, just to sort out a couple of deliveries that had arrived and make sure nothing had gone awry in the very brief time he'd taken off for Christmas, when the chime of a greeting voice stopped him. Perry paused, and looked at the fellow a moment, leaflets in hand. He wasn't overly familiar, but Perry was sure he'd seen him about. "...Yes, actually."
Swynlake did have its ways of bringing people together. "I've got one up at the office that I'm putting off dealing with.. Is that- are you-" Perry gestured towards the flyers, "smart sort of service to offer, this time of year."
Stick Recovery Service - Open
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"Ah, if there's more than one brain involved in the matter I fear it will only end up a battle of frustration. I'll be dramatic enough over the whole thing doing it by myself." Perry waves away the offer, sure he'll end up muttering to himself into the small hours of the morning over the whole thing, but also sure it would be easier handled alone.
He could handle some paperwork, even if the numbers of it all could make him feel a bit too clinical. Perry didn't like turning the people he helped into financial figures.
"I'm not young.." He said with a chuckle, kicking back further in his chair and settling the documents down on the desk, reaching for a notebook instead to jot some thoughts down. "Either way, I think you should be the nice one and I'll keep my head in the papers."
worse for wear || perol
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"Ah, right." Of course, it made sense that it would be from an old injury. Perry had seen the scares before he'd just never asked. Didn't tend to pry about that kind of stuff in general, which maybe made him a bit of a rubbish mate in scenarios like this because he didn't know what to do to help.
He went very quietly back into the kitchen and checked for the basic things he needed; milk, bread, that sort of stuff. If he'd been out of commission a few days there was a chance he needed a few things. Perry went back to the living room with a mental list, and settled in an arm chair to take a look over the case notes. "Did you find anything? I haven't come into much of note yet, myself." @hngrylikethewoolf
Blinding Ideas | Perry & Errol
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Perry frowned again at the sight of him, toeing off his shoes and settling them neatly by the sofa, confident enough that Errol's dogs weren't going to go for the laces, unlike his own nightmare cat. Then he padded quietly over to the table for the painkillers, back through to the kitchen for a glass of water too, setting both down delicately by Errol.
"Two days?" He echoes in quiet concern, "that... Have you spoken to a doctor? That seems too long..." Not that he was a doctor, but Errol was a healthy and fit man for his age, so this seemed out of the ordinary.
He shakes his head, "don't worry about the case while you're sick, mate. It's not going anywhere, especially this one. just get some rest."
Blinding Ideas | Perry & Errol
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Perry, for his part, didn't think it was smart to rely on dogs. He knew they could be useful and had no doubt Errol's were well trained, but they were still animals, and anyone with the worst kind of intentions could plan ways past them. Maybe he did need to take a look at Errol's security measures.
For right now though he just wandered through to the kitchen for his keys, and then went to lock the door, feeling a lot better for it. He took a breath, double checking the door then returning to Errol in the living room, and the pile of blankets he was hiding under. He didn't sound good. "...Just figured I'd swing by to check in, haven't heard from you in a few days." He said, softer than before. "You need anything?"
Blinding Ideas | Perry & Errol
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Right, no one left on the mothers' side either. So paper records, any online archives or such that might be floating about from the time that whatever happened to the man had happened. Perry pulled one of his business cards from a draw in the desk, sliding that across to her incase she didn't have one, "if you want to reach out and check in or you think of anything else you want me to know, all my contact information is on there. Email tends to be fastest way to reach me, I don't always have the agency phone on me."
Well, he usually did, but sometimes he forgot to charge it, and apparently he was supposed to have work/life balance, or something, so that seemed close enough.
He stood up, buttoning his jacket and coming around the desk to walk Eilonwy back to the door, "I'll do my best to uncover everything I can about your father, I appreciate your trusting me with a case like this, I know family matters can be... Delicate, to say the least."
A Dame Walked In || Eilerry
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It is neater. As loathe as Perry is to handle the actual business side of running his own business, with Errol around for more work- and honestly, an interest in offering Hiro any kind of work he might be interested in after he graduates- it's time to pin things down a bit better. "...I'll work on it this week." He sighs.
It's stopped feeling like a stop gap, at least, a way to fill time. The agency really feels... Like his life, now. Like work he's proud to do, not work that was something he took to cling on to the last vestiges of a life he'd been forced to abandon.
Perry snorts dismissively at his next comment, reaching to take a sip of his coffee. "Ah, sure. My eyes are old, I s'pose." He hums into the mug. He's aware of his face, his body in general. Gangly and sharp and somehow always a bit too skinny, despite his workout routine and reasonable diet.
worse for wear || perol
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It had been a few days since Perry had heard from Errol- not totally strange, they often went varying lengths of time without speaking, both of their jobs being so on and off. Still, he did contact him about the rather interesting case Eilonwy had put on his desk a few weeks ago, so he’d expected to hear something from him by now, even if it was only how frustrating the whole thing was.
With the weather outside turning too, Perry had already prepared his home and the office for any powercuts or such winter emergencies too, so he figured he could stop by Errol’s place to discuss the case, and ask if he needed anything while he was there. He was the well prepared sort, but Perry had a pretty well stocked inventory at the agency for this kind of thing.
When he knocked and got no answer he wasn’t that concerned- the lights weren’t on, he could be out. But he knocked a second time a little harder to be sure, and when the door gave a little, he was concerned. Perry pushed a bit and the door started to swing open. Unlocked. Perry stills for a moment, analysing. It wasn’t bashed in or broken- had Errol left in a hurry, or forgotten? Quietly, he slips into the house, his head on a swivel. Nothing seemed amiss, and the two dogs Perry knew he had weren’t making a racket anywhere, so he just kept moving through the house until he found Errol, curled up on the corner of his sofa in the dark. “Errol-” He blinked, “bloody hell mate, fright of my life. Where are your keys?”
Blinding Ideas | Perry & Errol
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