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SOFTIP Trojkráľový večerný beh už zajtra. registrácia dnes od 17 do 19 v Europa SC v BB, alebo na mieste... #trojkralovyvecernybeh, #TKB
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3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image
Machine Learning research from University of Nottingham School of Computer Science can generate a 3D model of a human face from an image using neural networks:
3D face reconstruction is a fundamental Computer Vision problem of extraordinary difficulty. Current systems often assume the availability of multiple facial images (sometimes from the same subject) as input, and must address a number of methodological challenges such as establishing dense correspondences across large facial poses, expressions, and non-uniform illumination. In general these methods require complex and inefficient pipelines for model building and fitting. In this work, we propose to address many of these limitations by training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on an appropriate dataset consisting of 2D images and 3D facial models or scans. Our CNN works with just a single 2D facial image, does not require accurate alignment nor establishes dense correspondence between images, works for arbitrary facial poses and expressions, and can be used to reconstruct the whole 3D facial geometry (including the non-visible parts of the face) bypassing the construction (during training) and fitting (during testing) of a 3D Morphable Model. We achieve this via a simple CNN architecture that performs direct regression of a volumetric representation of the 3D facial geometry from a single 2D image. We also demonstrate how the related task of facial landmark localization can be incorporated into the proposed framework and help improve reconstruction quality, especially for the cases of large poses and facial expressions.
There is an online demo which will let you upload an image to convert and even save as a 3D model here
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ADRIM Nemciansky beh 2017... takto to dnes vyzeralo z podia pri dekorovani zasluzenych vitazov... (na mieste Nemce)
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Scientists predict that a pair of stars in the constellation Cygnus will collide in 2022, give or take a year, creating an explosion in the night sky so bright that it will be visible to the naked eye.
If it happens, it would be the first time such an event was predicted by scientists.
Calvin College professor Larry Molnar and his team said in a statement that two stars are orbiting each other now and “share a common atmosphere, like two peanuts sharing a single shell.”
Scientists Predict Star Collision Visible To The Naked Eye In 2022
Photo: NASA/IPAC/MSX Caption: Scientists predict a star collision in the constellation Cygnus.
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Kľačiansky vláčik 2017 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
zábavky detí a zviereniec na zimnej dedine
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Vianočná sánkovačka pre otcov a deti 24.12.2016 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
Tradičná Vianočná sánkovačka pre otcov a deti na Šachtičke .... je vlastne vianočná guľovačka, stavanie snehuliaka, sviečka pod nosom, drobné omrzliny, čaj s termosky a všetky tie zážitky, ktoré môžeme dať svojim deťom z pochopiteľných dôvodov jedine v neprítomnosti mamy. Mamy pripravujú štedrovečerný stôl a domácu pohodu. Otcovia vyrážajú na sebazničujúcu jazdu s deťmi. Štart: 24.12. o 10:00 na parkovisku pred hotelom Šachtička. Cieľ: premočené a do červena vymrznuté deti, prípadne s drobnými zraneniami, ktoré k tomu patria - toto by sme mali docieliť cca do 12:00, prípadne podľa podmienok a individuálnych preferencií. Výbava: akékoľvek pomôcky pre prácu so snehom a pohyb na ňom, dobrá nálada, sušienky a čaj. Povolené sú doplnky nezdravej výživy. POZOR! Sánkujeme za každého počasia...nie je umenie sa spustiť na sneho, ale bez neho je to poriadna výzva ;)
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Radvanček_14.12.2016 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
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Lampiónový sprievod 2016 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
Vďaka za svetlo do duší
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Lubetha Víkend Aktívnej Rodiny 2016 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
Tradičné zábavky detí na dedine Zážitkový polokros so živými prekážkami
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Akcia Šarkanoid 2016 from peter fabok on Vimeo.
on-point aktivity pre naplnený život
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ťažký život draka from peter fabok on Vimeo.
flying the kite
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