perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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matching icons for u and ur space ranger partner
please like/reblog if using!
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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couple o koganes (งಠ_ಠ)ง
+ all icons are 350x350 + all cropped/edited by me + please do not edit/repost/claim as your own + credit is not necessary but always appreciated + please like/reblog this post if you use
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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what if lance’s “i’d recognize that mullet anywhere” is a metaphor for how he’s always one step behind keith
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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(So I heard you guys wanted some black paladin Lance too)
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
is is this not what happened
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
Paladins interacting with kids headcanons
I wrote this very impulsively
despite being “Space Dad”, he’s surprisingly not very great with kids??
he tries but kids just don’t seem to like him???
because of this, they stress him out
once they’re teenagers it’s ok
he’s also fine with babies. he’s very nervous around them, but they don’t do too much so he can handle it
(assuming he lives long enough to have them????) he’s really good with his own kids, because he spends so much time raising them an knowing exactly how to interact with them
he has lots of experience from his family members alone
great with kids of all ages
he exudes big-brotherly vibes so kids can’t help but gravitate to him
they adore him
will spoil kids rotten
also very comfortable teasing kids, as any big brother should
very similar to Lance in that kids love him
does not mind becoming a human jungle gym
big strong arms for holding many children
IMMEDIATELY protective of any kid they encounter
they’re his now
lay even one finger on them and he will fuck all your shit right up
surprisingly very easygoing around kids
he finds them easy to interact with, especially toddlers-older kids
kids like him a lot because he isn’t patronizing and doesn’t talk down to them
also because he’s just as likely to do dumb impulsive shit as they are
he’s an enabler
has a soft spot for kiddos but won’t admit it
not really either “big-brother” type or “parental” type, more like “cool babysitter” type
is a kid???? ??
confused as to why you’d consider her “adult supervision”???
she’s used to being the baby so she sometimes feels threatened by any younger presence
doesn’t like sharing her stuff
doesn’t particularly enjoy being around younger kids but won’t ever be mean/rude to them
probably also participating in whatever dumb impulsive shit Keith is doing
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
Yes this is good thanks
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today’s requests !
hope you like it
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
this post saved my life I love all of you and how fucking excited you get when we find another thing
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I was rewatching episode 2 again and I noticed something that people rarely seem to comment on?
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This could always be an animation error or whatever but. Based on the way Lance is in the frame, with his hair on top of Keith’s jetpack part, this literally shows that Lance is placing himself behind Keith as a shield or Keith is placing himself in front of Lance intentionally.
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Meanwhile Keith’s arm also is taking the blunt force of the goo. The fact that his arm is somewhat blurry means he moved it there quickly. 
In other words, Keith literally gave his all to protect both Lance and Pidge from the goo attack, taking the full force of it himself.
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Keith literally would take a bullet for them. I fucking swear.
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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Ok but what I love most about this scene is that Lance barely even gets his sentence out before he’s hit in the face with a makeshift snowball by Keith
That means Keith didn’t even wait to hear that Lance was actually trying to hit him before he throws it, he just sees a snowball being chucked and immediately goes “I’m throwing one at Lance”
It also means that he came up with that flirty “like that? 😏” on the spot quick as anything, so you can’t look me in the eye and tell me Keith is not a smooth-talking gay who’s head over heels for Lance and has him on his mind all the time looking for perfect bonding moments ok I need to go lay down
((Not my gif btw but I can’t remember where I found so credit to whoever made it))
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
I just want them all to love and appreciate my boy
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so i actually really love this scene and i think it’s an important Lance moment that should not be brushed off as him merely being cocky, selfish, pouty, etc.. here’s why:
Lance disagrees with Shiro. and not only is he being vocal about it, he’s firmly standing his ground on the issue. and he’s not just disagreeing with his leader, he’s disagreeing with someone who’s bigger, older, and more experienced; and let’s not forget, he’s also disagreeing with his hero, his inspiration, someone he really looks up to.
but that doesn’t stop Lance. he gets right in Shiro’s face (enough to make Shiro lean back), looks him directly in the eyes, and stands there for a good 10 seconds, not moving until Shiro has to gently push him away. he never breaks eye contact either.
it takes a lot of courage to stand up to your friend and your hero like that.
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
Heeeeeeeeeey buddy ;))))))
I need more Voltron blogs to follow!
Please reblog this if you post/reblog anything relating to Voltron, especially klance and/or Sheith so I can follow you!
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
awwwww yis
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klance date nights? klance date nights +..。*゚+
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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this is my favourite screenshot from season 2
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perlepetit-blog · 7 years
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This took me longer than it should to make
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