The year is 1979
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Hogwarts is gone, indefinitely closed down after a Death Eater attack. Now the alumni go through life in the outside world, working jobs, falling in love, starting families. But the darkness is not yet defeated. There is no escaping the war that looms around them, and there is no castle to protect them now. And soon everyone must choose a side...Roleplay Date: Real Life Date of February 1979 - MOBILE NAVIGATION BELOWNavigation
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 5 years ago
Hello, my loves! I don’t know if anyone is still lurking around here, but I just wanted to tell everyone who might be to go check out this new Marauders Era RP! It’s being run by a former admin and player from here! You should definitely go give it a look & send in an application! Miss you all dearly!  
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 5 years ago
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All hell is breaking loose. No one is safe and no one can be trusted.
It’s the summer holiday of 1978. School is out and the parties are beginning. But, that’s not the only thing going on around the streets of London. There is a war brewing, one that is starting to catch wind of wizards and witches. Lord Voldemort is on the rise and his number of followers is growing everyday. People are going missing and muggles are being murdered in mysterious ways. Some are bold, claiming the rights of purebloods in the streets. Others are much sneakier. Precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of loved ones.
Some are fighting against this injustice. A resistance of sorts, better known to those within as the Order of the Phoenix. You must decide what side you want to fight for.
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 5 years ago
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All hell is breaking loose. No one is safe and no one can be trusted.
It's the summer holiday of 1978. School is out and the parties are beginning. But, that's not the only thing going on around the streets of London. There is a war brewing, one that is starting to catch wind of wizards and witches. Lord Voldemort is on the rise and his number of followers is growing everyday. People are going missing and muggles are being murdered in mysterious ways. Some are bold, claiming the rights of purebloods in the streets. Others are much sneakier. Precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of loved ones.
Some are fighting against this injustice. A resistance of sorts, better known to those within as the Order of the Phoenix. You must decide what side you want to fight for.
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 5 years ago
Hello, my loves! I don’t know if anyone is still lurking around here, but I just wanted to tell everyone who might be to go check out this new Marauders Era RP! It’s being run by a former admin and player from here! You should definitely go give it a look & send in an application! Miss you all dearly!  
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
Good morning all <3
It is with an extremely heavy heart that I announce that, after talking about it, we admins have decided that this rp has run to a natural end. So this is a post to say Perierunt Stellarum is now CLOSED.
We have had an amazing two years (almost three) and we have had some amazing players join us. And we are so thankful you all made this such an amazing place to be and write in! We love you all! We are possibly going to be starting a new rp so if you’re interested please let us know and we will shoot you a link! But, if not we hope you continue on writing and being happy and being the amazing people you are!
If you want to continue threads you are of course welcome to do so. If you even want to take the rp’s plot, or event take over the rp, then please let us know! But we will be focusing on a fresh start and, hopefully, we will see you there!
-Lots of love from The Admin Team
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
Happy New Year!!!! Let's start this year off with a bang with some new characters being taken up and some new players in the rp!  We would absolutely adore to see Severus Snape, Lincoln McKinnon, Peter Pettigrew, Rodolphus Lestrange, Regulus Black, Molly Weasley, Hestia Jones or Mafalda Hopkirk be applied for! Or if none of those take your fancy you can find all our open characters HERE! And if you need any help at all I’ll be here the rest of the night! 
-Admin Emma 
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
I was a member here before but didn't have the time and got removed due to lack of activity. Would you be willing to accept me back? Would I need to send in an audition again?
We always love to see old members coming back! You would need to send in another app, and we would love to see you applying again! So we really hope to see you sending in an app soon! 
-Admin Emma 
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
would you accept ryan gosling as lincoln?
i think he would be a PERFECT match, so surely we would !!
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
Good evening lovely roleplayers, we hope everyone is having an awesome time around the holidays! And while you’re looking through the tags we would love to see Severus Snape, Lincoln McKinnon, Peter Pettigrew, Rodolphus Lestrange, Regulus Black, Molly Weasley, Hestia Jones or Mafalda Hopkirk be applied for! Or if none of those take your fancy you can find all our open characters HERE! So why not come and make our day and check us out and send on in an app!
- Admin Emma
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
would you accept henry cavill as rodolphus?
Yes! I think he would be an amazing choice! 
-Admin Emma 
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
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Veritas Roleplay is a semi-canon mature, post-school Marauders Era roleplay taking place in 1978. We have a diverse, LGBTQ+ inclusive and friendly host of characters, and are currently looking for members to join in the excitement! We will be opening this January, and would love to have some new and excited members looking for a challenge to come and engage with us in this exciting new roleplay as we focus on the physical and mental effects of war, morality, and the fight for good and evil.
ENGLAND, 1978. The Great Wizarding War has been raging for eight years, bringing with it countless deaths and horrors that have torn the country apart. On one side are the Death Eaters, Voldemort’s elite soldiers, those that believe that the only way to survive is to cleanse the wizarding world of all those who aren’t pure of blood. But what counts as pure of blood, what is it that makes them superior? Those among them are not all of the ancient families, those old and noble bloodlines. The word ‘pure’ no longer means what it did before, and as the years have stretched on, beliefs have come into question and been rattled by those who are fighting to keep those fitting the definition on a pedestal.
On the other side, the Order of the Phoenix fights to keep the fragile foundations of the wizarding world secure, and bring unity to an already divided country. Not everyone will survive, they know, but it is a pursuit they are desperate to come out victorious from. But it’s not easy to keep the lines clear, and as the war has continued, those fighting for good discover that it’s no longer so easy to tell the good side from the bad. Compromises have to be made, and when the leaders of their side are willing to make them, are they really fit to lead at all?
But the sides are not the only two fighting, and it is not as simple as it might seem. With a war this size, with conflict already running rampant, it’s impossible for those searching for peace in all of this madness to keep to the sidelines. Those without sides are forced to pick one, and those without any stock in the war are forced to either join in the fighting, flee, or find a way to turn the conflict to their advantage.
The war calls, the war consumes, the war kills. It’s not the bravest that survive, it’s not the strongest. It’s not the smartest or the fastest or the wisest. There is no justice in it, there is no valor, or honor. There is nothing noble about death, or war. There is only the struggle, and the fight to try and find your way out of it alive…
But however you make it through, you will not be the same on the other side…
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
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Mary MacDonald 
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
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Accepted! Welcome to Perierunt Stellarum, CAT! You have been accepted for the role of MARY MACDONALD! (LILY COLLINS FC HAS BEEN ACCEPTED ) Please make the account within 48 hours, send the key points in maximum two weeks, track theseTAGS and follow everyone on the BLOGROLL ! We’re so excited to have you here and can’t wait to see your character in action !
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
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Mary MacDonald (+1)
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
as i’m making sure all the pages are up to date, you should come and check us out !! we’re waiting for new members as we’d love to have you !!
on that note, heads up to our members so they remember to send their charcater’s key points as soon as they can! 
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
could you see Bex-Taylor Klaus fitting anyone?
yes! i could see her as  TAHLIA , BERTHA or  MAFALDA ! but choose the character that YOU think suits her best.
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perierunt-stellarum-rp · 7 years ago
fc ideas for frank?
jordan fisher, herman tommeraas, nam joohyuk, michael b jordan, amadeus serafini, tye sheridan - let us know if you need more suggestions! x
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