peoples77 · 4 days
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peoples77 · 4 days
Silly content has dark fandoms and dark content has silly fandoms, it's tradition
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peoples77 · 5 days
I spent 2 weeks on this and then realized I have 1 friend to share it with
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peoples77 · 14 days
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peoples77 · 14 days
well that was fucking stupid
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peoples77 · 21 days
why is it that people who dont play hollow knight are the funniest about it. friend whos been watching me play sent me this headcanon of theirs
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peoples77 · 21 days
Somehow Lady Gaga is only 38, meaning she’s probably the same age (or similar) as Ethoslab. I’d like to present a new theory
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peoples77 · 21 days
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okay. thanks
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peoples77 · 22 days
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why do i even bother .
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peoples77 · 22 days
anyway in honor of the second part of return of the true dragon releasing here’s probably the only cookie run related thing i’ll ever post myself
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peoples77 · 25 days
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Original idea from @saintdaily
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peoples77 · 25 days
the pros of reading ao3 fics in public is that their layout is so clean and simple that people would think you’re reading some academic researches when you’re in fact reading a 50k fic. the cons is that you need to control your face all the fucking time
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peoples77 · 27 days
why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????
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peoples77 · 27 days
Are we all crying together on this warm Tuesday night in June
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peoples77 · 27 days
Who makes the music for the game and where can we listen to it? I've very much enjoyed the main theme and I kinda want to play it on piano someday!
That would be the wonderful @sandygarnelle!
I would be so happy to see you play it on the piano, wow!
I haven't shared any of the rest of the soundtrack yet but it is all very *chef's kiss*. Very peaceful and calming. Here is a little extract of the theme for the outside of cottage, which is called Sunlit Sparrows
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peoples77 · 1 month
A trip down memory lane
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peoples77 · 1 month
The one and only silly
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