pennyinthecity · 8 years
Mid March Hares
All I seem to do is moan about men on here! This isn't good and normally I'm so upbeat and like a laugh! Last week I became an honorary member of a club and get a freebie breakfast. Hoorah! 😋 Yesterday I missed an amazing opportunity to bump in to Levison Wood. I'm a Wally! And need to sort out my acting on impulse strategy. A course on LTC tmz, so anything could still happen. Need to get my brain in gear X
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Towards the end of Feb
Captain SX is in love with another woman. He's using me as a backup plan. I feel dreadful. Why can't I have a lovely romance. What is wrong with me? I will try to be strong and carry on positively. I felt that lots of good things were being attracted in to my life right now too. I suppose I can't desire everything in to my life. I can't sleep. Off skiing soon too! What a day.
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
The end of Jan
It's not over. We're on to Act 3! Bought that piano 😊 it's coming next Friday. Excited 😊 Bloke upstairs is officially bonkers! Men, men, men! Drive you crackers. I'm happy 😊
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Another blue day in Jan
I hope this month is over soon. Nothing is working out! Upstairs man bailed on me yesterday. So can't be arsed with that. Tindering went ok, but funnily the same guys are coming back to me. Soon the Italian will be turning up!! Life is working in mysterious ways... Don't know if I will bump in to Captain SX sometime. Still don't feel that is all done somehow. Still can't buy a piano. Need to get some flow in my life, keep hitting hurdles. I suppose the right thing will work out. I need unblocking!!
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Early Jan
Well, Captain SX blew me out last week. I cried all night. It all ends in tears. My tears! Have continued to be in a very low mood ever since. Even watching Levison Wood didn't cheer me up. A ray of hope though this evening on my return home. A nice tall blonde guy who lives in my building was talking to the concierge and I was introduced. Later on as I passed reception my concierge said he wanted to give me his number!! Blimey, still sat on said number, but will definitely text back later tonight or first thing tomorrow. This has been one hell of a journey. Don't think my nerves will hold up!
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
New Year
I'm in a very deep depression it feels. Been like this since before the New Year. I can't seem to please Captain SX, I feel it's all my fault. I miss him dreadfully. I hope that I can move on from all this and find happiness with someone. I'm terribly lonely.
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Nearing Xmas
All change! Things don't flow it's all cliff edges. AB never spoke to me again. Fallen out with Captain SX. He upset me quite a bit. Said he doesn't know if he likes me or not. Not really spoken to me since. Think that's done. Why can't I have a dream. Will I be able to date anyone?? Made mince pies. Friends are great, they have my back. What's in store next? BTW, I'm not going to be an aunty. Sad 😢 Reading The Power. Trying to give love to attract love ❤️
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Another day in December
I don't know! Fallen out with AB. Posh boy is ill and haven't heard from Captain SX! Never a dull moment! Needed a bit of a break though. Time to take stock. Finally sobered up and no hangover so need to keep on the straight and narrow...want to get fit and get back in some decent clothes. Loving life though. 😘
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
I don't know what date it is
Lots has happened. I was ill. Mum was in hospital. AB wants me to torture him. Posh boy is fun. Captain SX is back. And sis is preggers. It's all happening!! Don't know what is next. Other than it will be amazing! Loving life XX
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Day 4
Right, day 4. What is going on?! AB txt me back. After I thought he wasn't interested. What is his game?! Chatting to other bumbles now so feel very confused. I'm going to end up with a sexy guy army at this rate! This is not like Sex and the City (btw I have thought all these years it was Sex IN the City!) how wrong I have been. Good grief. I need an events manager.
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Day 3
Been sent a charm today. Still contemplating what to do with it! Got more than 50 bumbles waiting so have spent the 5 quid to find out who they are. Let them do they hard work swiping! 😊 Heard a few words from Captain SX yesterday, but looks like he could have blocked me! Ha! Probably best. The only way to stop me 😜 Watched episodes 3&4 today from Sex and the City and it's a parallel of my life! Arse bandits and everything...maybe I will learn something from that box set after all. Nothing much happened at work. Lots of invoicing. Will let you know if anything picks up there. Oh must phone Kate.
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Day 2
Well, so much happening everyday to include! Looks like 9" has discarded me! Then captain SX unmatched me from Tinder. I think that the parties well and truly over. My friend Kate said "the party is not over young lady. You just need to go to a different party", which made me laugh 😂Drowned my sorrows at the Ivy with a friend. All in a days work. Started to watch the entire box set of Sex and the City which Kate bought me for my significant birthday. Thought it might help, not sure it's taking my mind off the situation though... only another 42 hours to go! Anyway not all is lost, new Tinderella on the scene and Captain SX has contacted me on WhatsApp, that will keep me going for another day. Have decided to take it all out at the gym. Something I can control and feel good about. 😊
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pennyinthecity · 8 years
Penny in the city - Day 1
Here's my first day blogging. It's an apt day to begin as I'm feeling crappy as I've been abandoned after another Bumble BAE date. I try not to get attached to these virtual relationships, but find it hard and as with normal dating it hurts when you are jilted, and this happens more frequently because you date so many more people. Think I'm going to give these apps a wide berth for a while, my emotional energy is depleted. And anyway I'd like to talk to the virtual world out there. Or maybe this will just be a monologue 😜 Anyway as it is 3am in the morning and can't sleep, I may call it a day for my first blog. Short and sweet. Will attempt to look at colours on this app later. 😘
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