I apologize
To all, I’m sorry that I have been off for so long; however things in RL have been getting in the way of my tumbling. I will get any replies done ASAP.  Thank you all for your understanding! :D
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Send me a symbol, and my muse will answer:
❤ : Would my muse have sex with yours if they asked.
✉ : What would they say in a love letter to your muse.
☼ : What kind of outfit they think your muse should wear.
£ : If our two muses went on a date, who would they expect to pay for it.
★ : What their favorite thing is about your muse.
♚ : What my muse thinks your muse is good at.
♋ : Who would be the big spoon and who would be the little spoon.
♒ : How my muse would describe yours in one sentence.
☢ : If they view your muse as a friend or enemy or love interest.
✘ : What one thing they would change about your muse.
❥ : Where would they kiss your muse if they had to kiss them right now.
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Just so you all know...
Well recently, I found that my roommate had developed a fibroid in her uterus, and will have to get a hysterectomy. The issue, this fibroid has caused her not only abnormal “girly times” but caused her severe bleeding. Now with this bad bleeding, she has become anemic, to the point where she requires a blood transfusion. When I last talked to her around 10 P.M. (PST) She is still waiting to start the process of getting the blood transfusion. The reason is that they haven’t even got the IV in her yet. Two major factors is one, the anemia she does not have a lot of blood in her system, the other, she has deep veins that roll. I could not stay with her in the hospital while she’s waiting for the transfusion. She is in the need of 3 units of blood. Of course I am worried about her.
The point of me posting this, is to everyone that I am role-playing with, or any questions that I have not answered yet, please know I will try to get to them as quickly as possible, just know that this situation is partly the reason that I am not responding as quickly as I normally try to.
Also the things that tops the cake of this crazy day, we have to have our apartment inspected, even though we have been living here for ~8 to 9 years now. So honestly, I am feeling upset and drained at the same time.
Also I am not someone that just drops a role-play, I would let you know if I could not continue. Just so everyone knows.
However if you have made it this far, thank you all for your understanding and I hope that you all have a good day/night. 
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Yuya smiled, “Alright then, do you have a particular food that is your favorite?” Yuya asked, “We may have that particular kind of place that has it.” Yuya then looked solemnly, “I know you are upset right now, but I hope I can make you feel a little better.” 
♣ wiping away tears
Yuya was walking down the street, when he saw someone with pink hair was sitting on the side of the street, and then decided to sit next to her, “Hey there, why is someone as pretty as you, have tears falling from her eyes.” Yuya then took out a handkerchief and then wiped the tears from her eyes, and then smiled at her, “There, someone with a pretty face like yours, doesn’t need to cry, you should be smiling.” Yuya then made a smile on his face as well. “No matter what troubles you, remember that you are here now, and living. It is something to be happy about, and everyone that cares about you, they only want you to smile.“ 
Rose looked up at the boy when he wiped her tears away. She had been crying because she didn’t know how she had ended up in the place she was now in without her friends and family. “Thank you.” After looking at him for a few minutes Rose realized that he looked very similar to Yugo but his hair color, eye color, and outfit was different. “Who are you?”
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Short List of random Text Memes sfw/nsfw mix
[text] “You want to come over?” [text] “Oh my god I’m so horny right now and there’s no one attractive in sight..” [text] “He/She asked me if I was even old enough to be out this late…” [text] “This party is boring can you come and get me out of here?” [text] “I just realized how much I hate tomatoes.” [text] “Let’s go for a ride.” [text] “You wanna go on a road trip. Like right now?” [text] “Hey! I’m right outside your window. Let me in.” [text] “I’m in the driveway. I got chicken nuggets.” [text] “I’m upstairs in your room.” [text] “I’m waiting in bed for you.” [text] “I’m waiting in bed for you naked.” [text] “THERE ARE KITTENS. SO MANY KITTENS.” [text] “I’m bringing home a kitten.” [text] “I think I"m d;arunk. the mabr wont let me in.” [text] “Let’s go camping this weekend.” [text] “Send me a pic.” [text] “Send me a sexy pic.” [text] “I know it’s four am but are you awake?” [text] “Hey….hey. hEY. HEY. HAEY. HeyY!” [text] “I got this weird package in the mail and when I opened it it was some sex toy. I never ordered this.” [text] “Let’s go to the strip club.” [text] “wanna hook up?” [text] “I wanna be in the D-D-DANGER ZONE!” [text] “Shut. Up.”
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Violent and Dark Starters
"Did you think this was going to be some happily ever after fairy tale?"
"Take one more step and I'm going to shoot!"
"Sometimes I wonder why I'm even here."
"You're not going to leave me. Ever."
"I prefer doing my killing up close and personal."
"I'm sorry, they didn't make it."
"I am going to watch you bleed."
"Just say the word and they're dead."
"I just don't care anymore."
"Why don't you just leave?"
"I'm sorry. Don't hurt me."
"We're going to be together forever."
"Pain is the only thing I'm familiar with."
"If you're going to do it, DO IT!"
"Get on your knees and beg."
"This whole world needs to be cleansed."
"I have spilled blood and tasted it upon my lips."
"Kill them. Kill them all. Make them suffer."
"You're never getting out of here. You are going to stay here until you no longer draw breath."
"I take trophies from all my kills."
"There's nothing like the sound of pained wails."
"What makes you think you're ever going to live to see another sunrise?"
"My, aren't you pretty? I think I'll add you to my collection."
"If you think I'm going to be easy, you have another thing coming."
"I am not some object to be bought and sold!"
"Sod off, you sick fucker!"
"Has anyone told you you have amazing eyes?"
"Mine. You're all mine."
"If you're good, maybe I'll let you out for a while."
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ask tag thing
SUN || how are you feeling today?
MOON || are you content with yourself?
RISING || what time do you usually go to sleep?
MERCURY || are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
VENUS || what’s your aesthetic?
MARS || what’s your spirit animal?
JUPITER || do you believe in luck?
SATURN || do you believe in karma?
URANUS || have you flown on a plane before/did you enjoy it?
NEPTUNE || what’s your musical style like?
PLUTO || what’s your strength?
LILITH || weakness?
ARIES || are you a leader or a follower?
TAURUS || what’s your favorite food?
GEMINI || do you have a lot of layers?
CANCER || do you have a significant other or crush?
LEO || what’s your best talent?
VIRGO || are you a feminist?
LIBRA || are you a good liar?
SCORPIO || do you want/have tattoos?
SAGITTARIUS || are you an adventurer?
CAPRICORN || are you an optimist, realist, or pessimist?
AQUARIUS || do you believe in aliens?
PISCES || what inspires you?
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Yuya nodded, “Sure, let’s see...” Yuya looked around, “In fact, are you hungry? We could get something to eat, and at the same time, I can show you around.” Yuya suggested.
♣ wiping away tears
Yuya was walking down the street, when he saw someone with pink hair was sitting on the side of the street, and then decided to sit next to her, “Hey there, why is someone as pretty as you, have tears falling from her eyes.” Yuya then took out a handkerchief and then wiped the tears from her eyes, and then smiled at her, “There, someone with a pretty face like yours, doesn’t need to cry, you should be smiling.” Yuya then made a smile on his face as well. “No matter what troubles you, remember that you are here now, and living. It is something to be happy about, and everyone that cares about you, they only want you to smile.“ 
Rose looked up at the boy when he wiped her tears away. She had been crying because she didn’t know how she had ended up in the place she was now in without her friends and family. “Thank you.” After looking at him for a few minutes Rose realized that he looked very similar to Yugo but his hair color, eye color, and outfit was different. “Who are you?”
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Yuya could not help but laugh as well, “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
Eeeeeh! Eeeeeeeh!
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depends on the situation?
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Are you a hero or a monster?
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Send me a ‡‡ if you like how I portray my muse.
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Yuya nods, “Your welcome, Samantha.” Then Yuya thought about it, “Did you want to come over to my house and find something to do?” he asked Samantha.
Samantha was walking through the streets of Maiami City, trying to find someone she can talk to cause there was a big bully who insulted her and she got depressed "I wish I had someone to talk to... someone who can help cheer me up and make me happy again."
Yuya was walking through the streets, watching the people seemed to just pass him by. However he could not help but notice that for the most part, everyone seemed happy. Which seemed to make him happy, but then he saw someone that seemed very sad, Yuya slowly approached the young lady, “Hi there, my name’s Yuya Sakaki, but you can call me just Yuya.” he then got a little closer, “Why are you sad, do you want to talk about it?” Yuya asked the girl.
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Yuya smiled, “If you want to, will you make make some pancakes?” Yuya then kissed Subaru’s neck.
7. good morning kiss
Yuya awoke from a deep sleep, and softly yawned and saw that Subaru was still sleeping, Yuya had a small smirk on his face, and then took his fingers and brushed some stray hairs, and then gently kissed Subaru on the lips. When Subaru woke up, Yuya smiled, “Good Morning, Subaru.”
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PLEASE, PLEASE Reblog if You're a Roleplayer That Believes Mun and Muse are Two Separate People.
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7. good morning kiss
Yuya awoke from a deep sleep, and softly yawned and saw that Subaru was still sleeping, Yuya had a small smirk on his face, and then took his fingers and brushed some stray hairs, and then gently kissed Subaru on the lips. When Subaru woke up, Yuya smiled, “Good Morning, Subaru.”
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12. deep kiss
Yuya looked inot Yuzu’s eyes, he had a smirk on his face, “Something that I have not done in a while, dear Yuzu-chan.” He grabs Yuzu’s arm, bringing her in close to him, his other hand holding the back of her neck, and gave a soft, but passionate kiss upon her lips. After both needed air, Yuya let go of Yuzu’s lips and smiled at her.
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