Alenekecej biologické okénko
Na svých procházkách po polích jsem už stačila spatřit a slyšet mnoho zvláštností. Mrtvoly, kosti, roj včel, podivné zvuky, však normálka. Pole.
Ale stejně i po těch letech mě nejvíc znepokojuje prachobyčejný zajíc
Setkali jste se někdy s živým zajícem tváří v tvář? Nikdy jsem neviděla býložravce, který mi sahá sotva nad kolena, vypadat tak démonicky
Ten postoj. Divný oči. Proč to má tlapy jako pes?? Hlava mi nepřipomíná nic jiného na světě, možná kdyby jste skloubili koně s křečkem. Faktem je že mnoho lidí si neuvědomuje, že zajíci dokážou být dost obrovští, až 70 cenťáků na výšku. Naprostý cryptid materiál.
Skvělý zvíře, připomíná mi důvod proč existuje rozlišení "zajíc" a "králík", dávám 9/10
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we hav found a girl and probably a cat in the headspace. we'll see who else we can find :)
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Is it just me or does alter communication sometimes sound like animal crossing dialect. Like, I understand perfectly what they're saying, but also it just sounds like "blvlsblsbksbsmbs!"
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Shout out to all the nonhuman sysfolk that don't know what ✨flavor✨ of nonhuman they are
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our guitarist alter had his own room, blonde long hair and does nothing but play. we don't know his face, we don't know his name. he's just there, playing and playing all night long. he is probably representing our music block and the way making mjsic is becoming painful for us right now. yet, all he wants to do is to feel alive while playing.
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we've had a night encounter with anither alter. all we know is they likento play electric guitar.
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we had a little shower talk with Russley, truly a little one. he's not very talkative and is not ready to come forth yet. but he showed us his window - a nice victorian window with green curtains, partially hanging down and partially tied up. i asked why doesn't he want to look out fully. he said he's not ready yet. seems like Russley is an older gentleman with a soothing voice and a british accent. he also gave me a lesson not to be too nice to everyone and think of myself as well. appreciated.
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we've had a few songs stuck in our heads for some time now. it happens almost every day, it's songs the host doesnt particularly like, so ir gets very annoying and very loud. but now, in the middle of the night, i(host) got really upset because we got Křídla z mýdla stuck in our mind and since i KNOW i dont know the lyrics, but the lyrics were there, i knew something wasn't adding up. we tried to reach in deep. we now know our first alter. welcome, Russley. although we dont know anything about you, yoi're loved, you matter. finding you was truly cathartic ❤️
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[picking at my scabs] heehee hoohoo texture be gone. surely there will be no repercussions
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licherally cannot explain to adults these days that im actually so cool with the idea of being "just an employee" somewhere as long as i am paid enough to live comfortably and i also like the job. "but dont you want to be rich?? dont you want to always be striving for more???" like that sounds EXHAUSTING and i like having friends so
#bruh.#this.#the way my psychiatrist believes that me hating my life will be fixed by becoming rich and successful is still pissing me off lol
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To my fellow Traumagenic systems:
If your trauma stems from abuse, any kind: you’re valid.
If your trauma stems from neglect: you’re valid.
If your trauma stems from medical issues: you’re valid.
If your trauma stems from all of those things or none of them: you’re valid.
There is no right or wrong trauma, no possible way to “do trauma incorrectly”. Regardless of where your trauma stems from: you’re valid.
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you are still a valid system if...
you don’t know all your system members, how many there are, or whether some system members actually are separate or are also you
you don’t know your system members’ roles, or your system doesn’t identify with roles
you can’t clearly differentiate between/see your system members in headspace, or you don’t have a headspace
you can’t clearly differentiate between members in front/tell who’s fronting or when you switch
you don’t have a system name
you use i/me pronouns
you don’t present differently or have distinct ways of talking/typing from each other
switching feels less like your body is being taken over and more like the state of who you “are” is changing into someone else
your system members feel more like different parts or versions of the host than entire people
you can’t tell whether a new system member split or you’re dealing with an unstable sense of identity
you can’t switch at will or communicate with your system members
you are unable to make a list, set up coherent profiles on tumblr or pluralkit for your whole system, or similar.
we’ve seen these expectations placed on systems online, and people dealing with impostor syndrome because their system doesn’t fit the expectations. but none of it is actually required to be a system.
the main part of dissociative disorders, after all, is dissociation. many systems experience confusion, because the dissociation is part of what makes them a system. and since dissociative disorders develop as a trauma response, it’s actually extremely common that system members aren’t obviously distinct from each other, since splitting in the first place is the brain’s attempt at a survival tactic. it just usually isn’t as clear-cut as the online community makes it out to be.
it’s okay to not know. it’s okay to be unsure. having a disorder doesn’t mean you have to know everything about how it works and what’s going on in your head.
this post is for traumagenic systems only. it’s based specifically around dissociative disorders.
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You’re not faking your system
Habits don’t change by accident, that’s the whole point of how habits work.
Sure, singlets have different personalities for different situations, but their gender, sexuality, favorite colors, etc, won’t change along with it.
If you made up your alters for attention, how come they’re thinking in first person inside your head where nobody else can hear them?
Denial is a totally natural part of the survival mechanism. Gatekeepers or other systemmates don’t want the host to know about the system until they’re ready. It’s a lot to take in.
You can’t fake a switch headache.
You can’t fake vertigo from height dysphoria/mis-match.
You can’t fake switching your dominant hand/leg/eye.
You can’t fake pesudomemories. Pseudomemories are just as real as “real” memories, under the hood. It’s all the same brain mechanism. They’re just as impactful.
It’s normal for alters to have a lot of things in common. You already share so much.
It’s normal for alters to have a lot of differences between them. It’s normal to have different races, animals, etc. The brain creates what it thinks it needs at the time.
It’s normal for alters to change and evolve, just like “real people”.
It’s normal for alters to have a shallow or undeveloped personality, especially for fragments who don’t front much or only have very specialized roles.
It’s ok if you can’t tell who’s fronting right now.
If your voices sound super different in your head, but indistinguishable to other people, that’s ok. You share the same vocal cords, and you might have a shell alter acting as a filter.
Mood swings are one thing. If you’ve “always felt this way and can’t understand why you said you felt a different way earlier,” that’s something else.
Roleplaying with your systemmates in a fictional setting is a safe and healthy way to get to know them and to let them express themselves, especially when it isn’t safe for you to drop your external mask of pretending to be one person.
You don’t need to identify with everything on this list, or even with most of this list. Believe in yourself.
Please reblog and add your own!
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