...and Peggy!
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
The fireplace at the back was rarely in use so Peggy was quite surprised when suddenly there was someone stumbling out of it. “You’re quite far away from Hogsmeade,” she observed, offering the other a tissue in case he wanted to clean his face. “I’m going there to see my boyfriend in a couple of minutes, we could go together?” She suggested.
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Laurie coughed and waved his arms frantically to clear the thick smoke in front of him from flooing to work– at least, that's what he thought he'd done. He took a step out now that he could see where he was and the distinct lack of heart shaped kitchenware and red coloured tablecloths meant that he was definitely not at Madam Puddifoots. "Oh jeez," Laurie sighed under his breath, desperately looking around for someone to ask for help. "Hey. Really sorry to bother you–... I kinda messed up flooing to work. Any chance you could tell me where I am and how to get to Hogsmeade?"
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“There is nothing wrong with being a little crazy if you ask me,” she laughed softly at the response. “But I do genuinely think there’s a chance your idea could work. I think the only thing that’ll really drive it home is if you believe in yourself.”
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“I suppose there isn’t,” she agreed, nodding slowly. After all, best ideas came from people who were at least a little bit crazy, didn’t they? “Oh, well, I guess we’ll see how it goes then,” she smiled awkwardly. Peggy rarely believed in herself no matter how she tried to improve that.
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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“Seen what?” Alastair asked with a cheeky grin that she couldn’t see, “I don’t but I’m sure I could ask about one,” he replied enthusiastically, happy that she liked them so much.
"That’s why I love you,” Peggy smiled in delight once she heard he would play along. “I’ll go to some flower shop tomorrow, surely they would know one. Wanna come with? We could grab some takeaway and then go on a picnic afterwards?” She suggested.
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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“I think it could really work if you commit to it,” Willow told the other with a soft laugh as she heard the other’s idea out. “Have you run this past anyone else or am I having the honor of being your first test subject?”
“I guess I mostly wanted to hear that I haven’t gone crazy and there’s a chance my idea could actually work,” Peggy grinned in reply. Commitment was another issue though, as she often got excited about something and then gave up when she met with an obstacle. 
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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“Pegs, did you just hit yourself in the face?” Al asked with an amused smile as he glanced over at her. He beamed, “You like them?” he asked, “I put them together, pride-themed. Just for you,” he smiled.
"You so haven’t seen that,” she muttered, a bit embarrassed that she wasn’t as inconspicuous as she thought she was. Sure, Alastair had seen her in various moments of her life, but she still felt like an idiot whenever she did something dumb. “I love them, truly. Do you know a spell that would make them last a long time? I’d love to have them around for at least few months.”
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
Merle took another sip of the rainbow cocktail she’d ordered at the bar. Pride events back in New York had been so special to her when she celebrated them with her brother, but the two she’d been to since moving to the UK… well, the first one had been attacked by death eaters and the current one, she was going through being broken up with by the love of her life. It was hard to stay sad though with so much love and joy all around. “No, no. You go ahead. I’ll stay here,” she waved the other on. “I’ll just drag the mood down and you don’t want that.”
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"There’s no way I’m leaving you here alone,” Peggy’s voice was firm as she shook her head. She didn’t have any important plans anyway, so staying put also seemed like a good idea. Besides, Merle looked like she could use a friend by her side, so going anywhere without her was not an option. “So, which drink should I get? It gotta be fruity though, I do need some sugar.”
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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“Wait, wait, wait, close your eyes!” Alastair exclaimed, covering up what he had as he added finishing touches and then turned around, “Ta da! Look what I made for you!” he grinned as he held out the bouquet he had put together at a stall.
Peggy smacked her hands over her face, wincing slightly at the impact, but still deciding to ignore the feeling. “I promise I haven’t seen anything,” she quickly assured her boyfriend. She patiently waited for him to give her all clear and once he did, she gave him the prettiest smile. “It’s gorgeous!” She exclaimed, rushing over to have a better look.
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“I don’t know where she is now and I just want to know the healers were able to help her. I just want to check in on her,” Charlie admitted, her voice growing quiet as she hoped that the worst hadn’t occurred. She took a moment before blinking over at Peggy, appreciative that she’d come to check up on her. “No uh– stay actually. Stay for a moment,” she reached out her hand to the woman. “How are you, Peggy? And Al? Where’s he?”
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Peggy nodded in understanding, she would want to know too. She was going to offer to go and look for the girl again, but when Charlotte asked her to stay, she sat down again. “I promise to ask around later,” she assured her friend. “I’m all good, not a scratch. Al is around, he’s very worried of course. He’s going to be thrilled once he sees you’re up,” she said with a little smile. 
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“I appreciate you coming to play the hero and making sure I’m okay, but I am- really.” Max commented from where he was currently sat on the ground, skateboard a few feet away from him from where he had came off it. He was more then certain that after the Spring festival events too that this was nothing compared to what others were going through. “I’ve had a lot worse, got the scars and stories to prove it but I’m not sure you’ll want to hear them, apparently I can be pretty graphic when describing the oozing.”
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"You sure you haven’t hit your head?” Peggy still asked. From where she was standing the other’s fall didn’t look like something that should be ignored, but she decided not to butt in. “Can’t say that injuries are my favourite topic of discussion..,” she said slowly, trying not to scrunch her nose at the sole mention of something oozing. 
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“Do you suppose putting confetti in instruments and on drums to let it fly out is a good idea? Or better, a fun idea? With everything going on, I’m really trying to make the end of the year just fun for the students, their morale has been… well bad to say the least.”
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"I think it should be fun as long as there’s no additional explosion involved,” Peggy observed. Any loud noises surely wouldn’t be welcomed. “It’s really nice of you that you want to make your students feel a bit better,” she added, smiling softly. 
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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Everything ached. It felt like Charlie had been run over by a truck, every single fibre of her being burning uncomfortably. Unfortunately, it wasn’t too unfamiliar of a feeling. A lot of the time she suffered from chronic pain and was generally weaker because of her illness. This just felt like somebody had turned the dial up to a thousand. 
“There was a girl with me,” the memory struck her all of a sudden. She couldn’t remember how she’d gotten into this very hospital bed, but she could remember helping a woman who kept falling in and out of consciousness. Charlie’s adrenaline levels had given her the strength to somehow guide herself and the woman out of the rubble and to the nearest healers, despite their injuries. “Is she okay? I don’t remember if we exchanged names. Where is she?” she asked, clearly pushing through her own pain as she tried to piece the past events together.
Peggy didn’t mean to fall asleep but the stress of the events finally took its toll on her and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t expecting Charlotte to be up so soon so she kep blinking to wake herself up when she suddenly heard her voice. “The girl?” She repeated, sounding confused. She tried to remember if anyone had said something about another person being there with Charlie but she was so focused on her friend that she hadn’t paid attention. “Sorry, I’m not sure,” she shook her head. “I can go find out though? Can I bring you anything?”
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
"Those roses don’t have thorns, right?” Peggy motioned at the flowers on the other side of the table. She preferred to make sure before she reached for them to add to her flower crown, not wanting to injure herself in the process. With her luck she would end up scratched all over and that certainly was not something that she wanted at the beginning of the festival.
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“Hey!” Jordan said when the other approached him. Jordi gave a bright smile before continuing to talk. “I was thinking about going on a hike. Want to come? I can pack another water for you if you want.”
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"If I know anything about those hikes of yours is that I’ll definitely give up halfway through and then there’ll be no one to carry me,” Peggy stated. She was not a quitter, but when it came to physical activities, she was more than happy to listen to her body and give up whenever she was too tired to make another move.
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
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“No wayy,” Alastair murmured between kisses, “No, no. That’s not possible because I love you more,” he insisted. He was typically loving and affectionate but drunk he was even more so. He held her pressed up against him, unwilling to let go, “Hey, you wanna dance?”
Peggy’s grin widened, she was positively melting. “You, good sir, are the love of my life, end of story,” she said firmly, not wanting to seem less affectionate than him. “Are we going to do the tango? Maybe they won’t boo us if we give them a good show,” she suggested. Did she know how to dance? Nope. But she was very eager to try. 
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
💃 - our muses dance to some Irish music
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“I think I like watching everyone try and figure out how to dance to this music without doing Irish step dancing or going into a jig,” Charlie called over the music to Peggy with a soft laugh. There wasn’t too many people on the dance floor thankfully, otherwise it would’ve been harder to convince her to get up and dance. “That guy on the fiddle is having the time of his life up there,” she pointed out to where the band was playing the music from.
"I’m sure we’re offending someone but unless they throw eggs at us, I’m going to pretend we’re doing really well,” Peggy grinned in response. While at times she felt overly self-conscious, during times when she was having fun with friends no one else’s opinion mattered. “If he doesn’t receive a standing ovation from everyone, I’m going to riot.”
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
“What even was that anyway?” Niamh asked, looking in the direction of where the item flew. “Hit any harder and maybe I would’ve been a salad.”
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"One of cherry tomatoes. I always seem to have a problem with cutting them,” Peggy explained, smiling awkwardly. She wasn’t the greatest cook, but she could manage a few dishes. If only the ingredients wanted to cooperate with her… “I mean, I don’t think it would’ve actually hurt you, but I guess I understand where you’re coming from.”
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peggycarson · 2 years ago
😘 - one of our muses share a drunken kiss ( @peggycarson​ )
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“Come here you,” Alastair pulled his girlfiend into his arms and planted a heated kiss on her lips. It was clear that he was drunk. She could no doubt taste in on his lips and his mood was far more giddy than usual, “I love youuu,” he cooed with some slur in his words.
Peggy giggled loudly, putting her arms around Alastair’s neck as he pulled her towards himself. She very much enjoyed how affectionate her boyfriend was, especially since she had drunk a couple of drinks herself and didn’t overthink what others may say. “I love you more,” she purred.
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