peenuttg · 5 days
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I'm pleased to announce the completion of my public, free to join MTAS-Discord server, "Our Time at Sandrock". During my time in the MTAS fandom, I've noticed that a number of users often speak about how they feel alone in the fandom, with no one to talk to or interact with. OTAS was created with those people in mind- so that anyone who wants to share their work, discuss interactions with their characters, ect. can do so amongst a group of their peers and finally find the connections they've been missing. :)<3 I don't expect anything huge, but I do genuinely hope that we can build our own friendly little community. Special to @florisam for helping me get this baby up and running<333
Anyone interested in joining can do so through the link posted below. A few things to keep in mind however below the cut:
As of 9/9/2024, this server has been converted to a purely 18+ server in preparation for a NSFW space to be added in the future. Minors are not allowed and any attempts to join the server while underage will result in an immediate ban.
This is my first time running a server. I've done my best to smooth things out from the get go, but there may still be a few bumps here and there that need fixing. I ask that anyone who joins the server to keep that in mind. Any polite suggestions for improvement are welcome.
All users who join the server are required to introduce themselves before being granted access to the rest of the server. This is to prevent bots, spammers, and anyone with ill-intentions from causing a mess. It may take time for access to be granted, so again I ask for patience.
Please familiarize yourself with our server rules, character, and art guidelines before you being posting your work in the chat. There are a few of them and all of them are to make sure your experience within the group is as fun and worry-free as possible.
Artists, writers, and other creatives are all equally welcome.
There is a forum specifically dedicated to sharing your characters and discussing interactions with other builders built into the server. The threads you create are your own space to build as you please, and there are rules in place designed to keep them that way and ensure at least everyone gets at least one comment on their beloved ocs. Hopefully they'll be more then though<3
This is a drama free zone. Seriously cannot stress that enough. Anyone caught bashing other members for any reason, causing arguments, being rude, or otherwise disruptive to the peace of the server will be removed without warning.
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peenuttg · 1 month
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just a thing to play and.... then throw away!!! 🎶🎵🎶🎵
happy kagepro this year as well
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peenuttg · 2 months
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Welcome to August 2024! Here's my piece for Kagezine 2024 calendar + some closeup details 🙌 @kagezine
Thanks for having me again this year💖
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peenuttg · 3 months
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peenuttg · 3 months
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Relaxed as a hamster ✨🌼
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peenuttg · 4 months
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there is not a punchline.
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peenuttg · 4 months
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Been feeling kinda unmotivated so I did some outfit designs for my builder, Mai. I’m just gonna info dump about my silly lil OC bc it’s my blog, my rules babyyyyy. Also I’m making a tag for this particular character for any future posts I do about her (#mai’stimeatsandrock)
Mai competed as an athlete in Highwind’s gliding competitions (Until Pathea releases more info about Highwind’s gliding, this my concept lol). She participated in racing and had the impressive performance in the obstacle race event, where gliders have to not only make it to the finish line first, but must also navigate through a series of obstacles as well. During one year’s competition, Mai gets into a physical altercation with one of the most popular athletes bc Mai believes they tampered with her glider after witnessing them hanging around her equipment shortly before one of the races. Mai’s glider malfunctions during the race, nearly causing her to crash and be severely injured but she manages to perform and emergency landing and avoid too much harm. Mai, being extremely high-strung and prone to lashing out at this point in her life, throws the first punch. Her claims of the competitor’s possible interference are ignored by authorities due to Mai’s instigation of the fight, the competitor’s prestige, and the knowledge of Mai’s past aggressive behavior. She is banned from competing and thus ends her future as an athlete
Mai’s reputation and sense of self are both shattered. She feels incredibly guilty bc not only is she harassed and gossiped about, but her family and friends are also affected. Mai is unable to show her face in public for quite some time without ppl immediately talking about her or confronting her. She harbors shame about her behavior and the burdens she has brought in her parents’ lives. During this time, Mai fixes things around the house and for some kind neighbors who are at least willing to hire her for some small jobs. In the hardest time of her life, building seems to offer some kind of respite
Mai, realizing that any previous hopes of gaining scholarships from gliding were effectively gone, decides to pursue building as a career. Reconnecting with a childhood joy seems as good an option as any. Only, due to her horrible reputation, she has no access to any sort of financial aide from Highwind’s trade schools. Mai, with the help of her parents, manages to pay her way through school and takes any and all classes she possibly can. From building basics, to history, to defense classes, to safe ruin-diving practices. She throws herself into building and vows to prove herself to make up for her past mistakes
Mai learns to discipline herself and ends up becoming a very patient person, but she struggles to shake off the bad reputation and shame of the gliding scandal. Not to mention she’s just growing into a mature adult, so she doesn’t behave as recklessly as she did as a teen
After graduating, Mai cannot find any work in Highwind for several years. She can only find odd jobs here and there but nothing stable or long-term. What may have served her during school is not viable for any future plans. Her reputation in Highwind prevents her from getting any long-term contracts as a builder, and she struggles to find work outside of Highwind as well. Mai becomes a bit listless and idle, and slowly starts to grow restless in the process
Finally, after a few years, Mai notices a “Builder Wanted” flyer from Sandrock, and she jumps at the chance. She doesn’t even consult her parents she just sends a telegram to Sandrock’s City Hall to let them know she’s coming to work. She tells her parents, who are obviously shocked but supportive. They know how desperate their daughter was becoming and so they don’t try to stop her
However, her parents and Nia are worried because there are rumors of Sandrock’s state—it’s basically a wasteland and ppl avoid going due to the dangers of vicious monsters and a rogue bandit on the loose
Sandrock provides a much-needed sanctuary for Mai. She has a fresh start and can show what she’s capable of free from her past. She meets ppl who are similar to her—perseverant, stubborn, a bit reckless and crazy, but all in all trustworthy and committed to their community. Mai deals with severe homesickness, and for a while, she doesn’t plan on staying in Sandrock for longer than her 2yr-contract mandates. But she comes to consider Sandrock home, and eventually lets go of Highwind (although she knows two places can be like home), and chooses to settle down and sign a long-term contract. This part of Mai’s story will (hopefully) be elaborated on in future posts
Anyways, that’s all for nowsies byyyeeee
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peenuttg · 5 months
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ISSUE 927: goodfunny
06 february 2024
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peenuttg · 5 months
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A wish come true
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peenuttg · 5 months
Please tell me I’m the first to do this xD
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peenuttg · 6 months
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one of my favorite gags is when the characters huddle and gossip. these were the only ones I could remember off the top of my head but I think there's more
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peenuttg · 6 months
You should play My Time at Sandrock, video by me lol
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peenuttg · 6 months
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Sandrock doodles part 9
I've been working on my pc file to try to romance Fang and later Logan down the road, but been taking my time due to con prep and just... starting over in Sandrock again lol. (EVEN THO I HAVEN'T FINISHED ON THE SWITCH) but the steam graphics update has been really nice. So my doodles are all over the place, but I think you can tell which ones are from my current file, and which ones are from new file depending on the interactions XD Also have some dad Qi wholesomeness in the last one
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peenuttg · 6 months
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i need this so bad
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peenuttg · 6 months
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A Family portrait during the Spanish Flu, 1918 ♡
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peenuttg · 6 months
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He lost his builder…
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peenuttg · 6 months
Fang: I studied...unconventional medicines... Builder, about to get -50 pts with Fang and +150 pts with X: You ever study Sugondese medicine?
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