Łukasz Regulski
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
CAS Reflections
I believe that my CAS routine has made me a different person. I was usually a person that works quite “at the moment” when I learned that I should carefully plan my future. CAS taught me much about my personality and future opportunities.
The most significant factor in my experience was service. I have taken up many challenging tasks, including 12-hour shifts in the hospital in Warsaw.  Since the aim of CAS is “to enable students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development by learning through experience”, this certainly was a fulfilment of this aim. I had to make multiple ethical or unethical choices during this work - people suffering from various diseases were not allowed to enter the hospital due to COVID-19 restrictions. I was also taught patience and respect towards work since the shifts were exhausting and long.
I also learned to schedule my tasks since I had to conduct my CAS experiences regularly. I had to learn how to manage my time correctly and crate the schedule of school and CAS experiences. 
As far as I am concerned, CAS experiences highly encourage students to do and create extracurricular activities. Those are very important in further life. Collage applications, CVs, and motivational letters have to be filled with activities, and CAS is a motivating factor for students to conduct the activities. 
Thanks to CAS activities. I experienced many new challenges that taught me life lessons as I was the leader of a band or the school’s representation in the competition “Pierwszy milion w głowie�� I was taught how to manage a team support its members. I worked with people and had to motivate them. 
I found LO2 activities the most satisfying as I highly enjoy taking up new actions and take up challenges. CAS experience provides life experience, and I believe that it teaches students about their future.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
1. Evidence of CAS project
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
I have tried the cross country skiing for the first time.
I have taken up a complietely new job experience
I can see the developement of my cycling skills
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
i have learned how to record and master songs
i have learned how to investigate and tune the piano
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
i have been cycling with carefully prepared plan to achieve better results
i have prepared schedule of collecting teddy bears for a foundation
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
i've worked in the hospital in pre-triage zone
i've been the leader and band's drummer, guitarist and singer
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
as a team, we have collected 1803 teddy bears without paid promotion of a collection
for the cas project, my band has collaboretively prepared a concert
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
i've worked in the hospital in pre-triage zone, fighting the pandemic
i've collected blood for the people suffering from covid
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
I had to make choices whether to let a patient to enter the hospital
I was making choices which animal supporting program to support
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences.
CREATIVITY: i performed for the first time with my band which significantly boosted my confidence
ACTIVITY: i've raced in an extremely difficult winter race which was an enormous challange
SERVICE: thanks to my hard work and commitment, i became the main volunteering coordinator
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
Learning outcomes table
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Today I have tried for the first time to tune the instrument. I am aware that I have a very sophisticated hearing sense and I can easily detect notes. It turned out that i did it pretty much perfectly. I confirmed it with computer and AI programs detecting sound.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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This time I tried playing with the strings. I adjusted multiple objects such as guitar to see what does it sound when connected. The experiment did not provide any results but it was fun and enjoyable to investigate the instrument. 
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Today I opened my piano to see how it sounds like without all its covers. I have to admit it sounds quite weird. It is very loud however still the sound creates is beautiful and much more powerful. I will further investigate its features.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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I have played this instrument once again. Xylophone is actually wonderful instrument I have not appreciated its sound. It is the connection between a piano and the drums which are due to insurance I love and can play
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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After a while I decided to finally try once again to play xylophone. I remember how to play animals by Martin Garrix. It was a relief to take up this instrument after five years of break and say that I did not forget how to use it after all
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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The second day of me running went pretty well. This 6 km long habit will make me feel much stronger physically and psychologically therefore I will continue it’s as long as the weather allows me to
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Finally the weather allows us to go outside and run.  I feel like this is going to become my habit to run outside for 40 minutes since this provides so much positive emotions that I feel much stronger. 
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Aldo it was called I went for a cross-country skiing trip to have some privacy and rest from school. I love being in the forest in this kind of weather where it was sunny and not windy.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Cross country skiing replaces the regular sking which I am not able to do this year. The weather finally allows doing this sport. I have to admit that this was one of the first attempts of this sport and it was wonderful.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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Riding a bike motivates me to work much more on school duties and work. This time I was frankly exhausted after the training but I feel so much better after it that I don't think about the tiredness.
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pedalowanie · 4 years ago
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This time I made a high-intensity training on my bike at home. I believe that sports are the chance to keep the happiness during the quarantine
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