I’m back... stronger than ever
For all you fanfic lovers in the kpop community (especially the ahgasae fandom), you’ll know me as my last account, jinyoungsbum. 
Wait, hold on, who are you and why should I know you? 
Here are some links that will prove to you that I actually existed. (1) (2) (3) (OR SEARCH jinyoungsbum ON THE SEARCH BAR)
Well, let me introduce myself to you. 
Three years ago, I was formally known as jinyoungsbum. Most people would know me from the story I wrote many years ago. It was called Rich. Due to personal reasons, I exited myself from tumblr and stopped writing. My life after retiring from tumblr had its ups and downs. (mostly downs) Of course, I think about my past and how I was once writing to a community of wonderful people. Writing had always been my escape from the real world. I didn’t realize it until I became an English major in university. Sitting in lectures and listening to my professors made me realize on thing. That the stories within me will never leave my soul. 
And that’s why I’m here to once again write the stories and hope to inspire others as well. 
To the people who don’t know who I am… you will :) To the people who recognized my past username… I’m back! 
On an ending note, I will begin my journey in creating new stories and rewriting old ones too. 
In the next few days, be prepared to read the reboot of Rich. 
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just me & you
short short drabble you could say…
Genre: Angsty
Word count: 416
Pairing: Optional Bias x You
Just me and you he said, no one else he added, it was the phrase that made me smile, a phrase that had so much power to make me have rosy cheeks, that made me form a giant grin on my face.
The reality,  It wasn’t just me and you in this relationship. he lied to me and to himself, and it was to run away from the truth. He created this illusion of believing this relationship would be between us and just only us, and that no one would interfere. Overtime, that wasn’t the case. his friends barged into our relationship and my parents barged in also, but he still kept telling me “just me and you, no one else,” As time passed by, the phrase was repeated more frequently, the use of the phrase started to lose its meaning and then in the end, it meant nothing anymore. He eventually stopped saying the phrase and stopped trying in the relationship.
It was inevitable to accept that we weren’t going to last forever.
Soon everything shattered and I lost hope to continue, even if I loved him. The first words that came out of my mouth that day, “I’m tired,” He looked at me and realized what I meant. Although he knew, it was him who wanted to continue, he insisted, but I refused. How could a relationship work out when everyone disapproved, more importantly how could this relationship work out when the meaning was diminishing. He begged, but I didn’t dare to look him in the eye, his voice was shaky and you could see the wet tears dropping onto the cement floor, the tears being imprinted onto the dry cement. I knew, if there was one look in eye, it would cause me to burst, because even if I was tired. No matter what I still loved him but it was time to let go.
Before and after the departure, he said he loved me, he said he’ll always no matter what he’ll love me, and that I will always be his world and he’ll always treasure me.
That’s what they always say.
But just like that, he was already off with some other girl, he was off posting everywhere how I broke him and played him, but not once but apparently three times, lastly he was calling me immature, annoying and dumb.
From there on out I stopped believing in love.
“Just me and you, no one else,” he said.
thanks for reading
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Between Us
This is one of my fav writings, anyways I hope you guys enjoy this too because I  really had fun writing this piece. 
Character: Kim Seungmin x You 
Genre: Angst, mild fluff?
Word Count: 1677
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I was the class president for this class, it was my job to basically know everyones name and be in charge of class duties and take care of everything. There wasn’t anyone I was particularly interested in besides one girl, but I felt as if I never had a chance, her name was (Y/N).  Her radiance was powerful and yet she was silent, maybe it was my eyes that were deceiving me, but something about her was intriguing… Everytime she smiled it was bright, everytime she laughed, she was shining. All these expressions she showed, I wish I could see more. She was always quiet in class and she never spoke, but everytime she did, I wish I could hear and see more of it. She only expressed these emotions to her close friends and outside of school. She was a mystery and I really wanted to know more of her… unfortunate.
One day after class had ended the teacher asked me to help tutor someone, I agreed because, I kind of had no choice to deny since the teacher was trying really hard to convince me anyways. I asked her who I was tutoring and all of a sudden, I saw her walk through the door. 
“Her, (Y/N). You’re going to be tutoring her,” She smiled. 
My nerves kicked in and I was beyond panicking, all I could do was only bow to her and with that the teacher left. There was high tension in the air because mainly she’s a very quiet person and I was panicking, but I had to say something. 
“Let’s start shall we?” I said. 
She nodded and took a seat and I made towards my way to her desk and took a seat next to her. My heart was beating really fast, I felt like she could hear it since the room was so quiet. She took out her notes as so did I, until I dropped my notebook and cursed under my breath and went to retrieve it, but ended up hitting my head while trying to get it. I cursed in pain and all I heard from her was small giggle, I looked her and she looked down at her notes.  
“Are you okay?” she asked quietly. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied. 
After an hour of studying we decided to take a 10 minute break, she grabbed out her headphones and attempted to play her music, I don’t think she realized her headphones weren’t plugged in all the way, so I actually heard a snippet of the song. Lucky enough I knew the song, it was the song called “l Loved You,” By DAY6. I looked at the ceiling and closed my eyes debating if I should try to make small talk, but I was to scared. Ten minutes had passed and she tapped on my shoulder and told me break was done, I teased her, 
“Eager to get back to work?” I smiled. 
She shook her head and frowned. 
“No, I actually rather not be here,” She said. 
“Ouch, is it because of me?” I asked. 
“No you’re okay, I just hate school and studies,” She said. 
“We’re on the same boat,” I replied. 
“By the way, I heard you were listening to DAY6 songs, I’m also a big fan,” I said. 
She bursted out of her seat and grabbed my hand and smiled. 
“You’re a MYDAY FAN?” she asked. 
I panicked and made her release my hand and I put one hand behind neck. 
“Yeah,” I replied. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to outburst on you,” She said. 
“No, its okay. I’m not use to physical contact,” I said. 
“What? Class Prez has a weakness?” She said. 
“Not a weakness, just not use to it, don’t twist my words,” I told her.
“Hm,” she hummed.
She got close to my face and smiled, I panicked and leaned back on my chair which caused me to fall backwards. She laughed at me. 
“You know, you’re not that bad class prez. You’re pretty cool,” she smiled. 
I frowned and look at her. 
“What did you think I wasn’t cool?” I asked. 
“Yes, I totally thought you weren’t cool,” she rolled her eyes. 
And with that our friendship started.
As weeks passed, we weren’t necessarily closed but we would greet and say hi and smile at each other, the only time we talk would be only during tutor sessions but even then we would be studying more than talking. It was a regular day and class had ended, it was also time for the study session, as more study sessions passed, I became less nervous with her. She came into the door and greeted me, and I greeted her. She sat down and we began studying. 
She sighed. 
“I don’t want to study,” She frowned.
 “You have to, we have a big test soon,” I replied. 
“But, it’s so much work,” She said. 
“Hmm unfortunate,” I replied. 
She stuck her tongue out at me, 
“Wow thanks man,” She said. 
“No problem,” I smiled. 
“Okay, here how about if I pass this test no more study sessions, lets just hangout instead,” She offered. 
“Deal,” I smiled.
TIMESKIP –> Test Day
The big test day came and before class I saw her and smiled and gave her thumbs up and wished her a good luck on the test, she smiled and thanked me. (time skip lazy). Test were handed back, no surprise I passed but did she? It was our study session today, class ended early since it was testing day and so I waited for her. She barged into the room with a happy face. 
“YEEHAW I PASSED,” she yelled. 
“Wow yeehaw? You’re that excited,” I laughed. 
She smiled brightly, there it was she was shining and I couldn’t help but blurt it out. 
“I like you (Y/N),” I said.
 She smiled and laughed.
“I like you too, you’re cute,” she replied. 
I looked at her with a serious face. 
“That’s not what I meant,” I said seriously. 
Her face formed a frown upon her face. 
“I’m sorry… I don’t believe in dating anymore or I don’t think I’m cut out for it,” she said. 
I couldn’t help but blurt out the question why… 
“May I ask why?” I asked. 
She heavily sighed. 
“Long story short, in all the relationships I’ve been in, I’ve been hurt, played, and blamed for ruining their life,” she replied.
“(Y/N), I swear, I would never hurt you,” I told her. 
She shook her head, 
“That’s what they always… I’m sorry,” she said and walked out. 
And with that she left me standing there in the silent classroom. I sighed and kicked the chair, and went after her. 
“(Y/N) wait,” I said. 
She turned around and looked at me and I went up to her. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blurt that out. Just forget it, I rather keep this friendship then have it be ruined over this,” I said. 
She smiled and took my hand and dragged me.
“Where are we going?” I asked. “To that hangout, no more study sessions remember? I passed my test,” She smiled.
More weeks passed, and evidently we got closer and became best friends, although my feelings were there, I was just happy enough she was my best friend. One day, she didn’t show up to class and she didn’t text me telling me she wasn’t going to make it to class. I went over to her house today to check up on her.
Her mom let me in and told me she wasn’t feeling well and allowed me to check up on her. I knocked but there was no reply, I quietly saw her in bed just hearing quiet sobs. I quickly ran towards her bed and asked her what was wrong. 
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” I asked. 
“My ex friends and ex keep sending me hate and they keep posting on their SNS about me hurting him and how I’m inconsiderate,” She said.
 “(Y/N, c’mon don’t believe them, you’re an amazing person,” I told her.
 “Tell me,” She said. 
I looked at her and listened to her carefully. 
“Why is that everytime I was dating someone, I was known to be the bad guy in the relationship,” She said. 
“They’re just awful people,” I replied. 
“Why is that they’re allowed to feel sad, to feel heartbroken and complain and get sympathy, but for me? It’s like sin, and that I don’t deserve it. If I say something, I get bashed on, I get called being selfish and inconsiderate, but what about them? It’s like my feelings don’t matter,” She cried out.
I couldn’t help but hug her tightly. 
“They act like I’m the bad guy and complain how hurt they are. Okay, but what about me? I’m human too, I’m hurt too, but every time I say something, my words get dismissed,” She said. 
“They’re just blinded by their emotions,” I said. 
“But I can’t? I want to scream and yell for all the things they’ve done to me, but I know better, but I still want to, but even if I did? Why do I get hate for it? I just don’t understand why it’s me who’s suffering like any other person, but isn’t allowed to cry, yell, and scream,” she cried heavily. 
I couldn’t but help to hug her even more tightly. 
“This is why I don’t want to date, this is why I don’t trust anyone anymore,” She said. 
“But, please trust me, I’ll be there for you, I swear and promise, you will never have to go through that ever again. Believe in me,” I told her. 
She looked at me and shook her head. 
“…I’m sorry, but I can’t, not now,” She replied. 
“I really like you, please,” I said. 
“I really like you too, but I don’t to ruin anything,” She said. 
“I will wait for you, no matter what. I’ll be here, just come to me when you’re ready, because I’ll always be open arms for you,” I told her.
YEEET thanks for reading 
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yes! It’s been almost a year I think making my first skz boyfriend moodboard // homescreen-lockscreen so here is the new and updated ver2!! I hope you guys like and enjoy it [like/reblog] do not steal and please give credit !!!!
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GOT7 HYUNG LINE IMAGINE to their S/O “Will you Marry Me” 
GOT7 MAKNAE LINE IMAGINE to their S/O “Will you Marry Me”
GOT7 homescreen/lockscreen || Boyfriend Moodboard 
STRAY KIDS homescreen/lockscreen || Boyfriend Moodboard
GOT7 homescreen/lockscreen || Boyfriend Moodboard ver.2
HWANG HYUNJIN homescreen/lockscreen
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“GOT7’s Horror Movie Date”
yeehaw this was a request! Oh my goodness, its been so long doing got7 imagines and wow but here you go kekeke
Im Jaebum: Probably for Jaebum he’s gonna bluff till the max and he’s going to act like he doesn’t care and he ain’t scared but wait till the jumpscares come and he’s gonna be clinging on to you and such. He’s bluffing but in the inside he’s dying and he can’t wait for the movie to end. You guys are gonna be clinging on to each other and covering each others eyes for each other because ya’ll are scared. 
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Mark Tuan: He ain’t scared 100%, I think he’s more scared of you than the movie because he ain’t scared of jumpscares or anything its you who are, and everytime you’re jumping and screaming you scare him. He would think you are cute and adorable but you on the other hand would think otherwise, but he would hold you still and cover your eyes so that you won’t be frightened and he’s gonna hug you and rub your back to calm you down. Park Jinyoung: The only thing Jinyoung would be “scared” of is jumpscares but other than that he wouldn’t even flinch or anything, he’s not scared but the jumpscares would give him a fatty heart attack but then he would continue watching the movie without no fear, but he would notice you and he would try to hold you and reassure you since you are jumping and screaming. Despite all the screaming he’s gonna endure all the louds screams and cling-ons because he loves you that much.
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Park Jinyoung: The only thing Jinyoung would be “scared” of is jumpscares but other than that he wouldn’t even flinch or anything, he’s not scared but the jumpscares would give him a fatty heart attack but then he would continue watching the movie without no fear, but he would notice you and he would try to hold you and reassure you since you are jumping and screaming. Despite all the screaming he’s gonna endure all the louds screams and cling-ons because he loves you that much.
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Jackson Wang: 100% going to bluff but right when the movie starts he’s gonna scream and cling on to you like a bear and you’re too focused on him because he’s yelling and screaming, he ain’t gonna comfort you honey, you’re going to have to comfort him LOL, but despite all of that you love him because you get to be with him. Let me tell you jumpscares? Oh man I think by the end of the movie, he’s going to lose his voice lmao, but all worth to spend time with his boo thang.
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Choi Youngjae: The scariest of them all, he’s going to try so hard to convince you not to watch the horror movie but you didn’t budge but he warned you. Your ears? DEAD, he’s screaming and yelling and clinging on to you. The jumpscares for him? The worst, you on the other hand found his adorable and cute because he was snuggling closer to you and holding your hand and you were way more focused on looking at him than the movie.
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Bambam: first of all he’s gonna think the horror movie ain’t that bad but as the movie starts and continues, he’s like fuck, and inside he’s screaming and wants to hug you and snuggle closer but his dam ego gets in the way and he’s like “I ain’t no bitch” after the movie gets intense though he’s like “fuck it” he comes closer and squeezes your hand and screams and yells because he’s terrified. You on the other hand was just waiting for him to break because you’re gonna mock him and it’s going to be the funniest thing ever.
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Kim Yugyeom:  When he says he ain’t scared he ain’t scared, it’s more like he’s going to laugh at the movie and you’re gonna be scared and screaming and he’s like “why are you screaming, it ain’t even that scary” and you just wanna sock him in the face and tell him to shut up but you know you won’t because you love him and he’s providing you snuggles and cuddles. He’s gonna be like that but inside he’s thinks you’re cute when you’re scared and loves loves you snuggling closer to him and clinging on to him
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Thank you for reading (:
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hi.. its been a while posting a scenario, I have lots of snipped but I need to form it so here is a short Drabble ahaha..
Characters: You x Hwang Hyunjin
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Length: 752
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Hwang Hyunjin the guy who was just a year older than you, he was a family friend. When both of you were younger both families told the both of you that you were cousins but only later to find out you weren’t even close to being related and after that everything started to shift and change. When the both of you were younger, you guys were very mean and harsh towards each other and as time passed he became nicer and you became much meaner. 
Until your high school years hit the both of you and he started to avoid you while you realized how much you were a bitch to him, and after that things got even much more worse. You could never say anything to him because you were afraid to say something mean. It was his last year of highschool before he was soon heading off to college and things by then still wasn’t getting any better. Hyunjin would invite you to parties and and you would go because you felt rude to object but every party you went to, you felt miserable inside, you only went to go see him and try to talk to him but that never worked out. If you were being honest to yourself you weren’t exactly sure if you loved this kid romantically or platonically but there was some kind of love going on. Even when Hyunjin didn’t talk to you or anything he knew everything about your life from others, he knew who you were dating, who your friends were, he knew your drama and such. It was quite incredible and here you thought he didn’t care about you, more likely you felt like you didn’t deserve his caring-ness. 
It was close to his graduation party and this is the day you would hoped to have the courage to apologize to him for all the things you said when you were a kid. You arrived at the party and went to a corner and just watched everyone have fun while you sat there feeling awkward and miserable. From time to time the both of you would make awkward eye contact and look away and then you would start forming panic attacks because for god knows why, and then with the occasion he would come sit down next to you asking if you were okay and you would just look down at the floor and nod like a loser because you were to scared to face him… pathetic. It was about close time of your curfew and your mom texted you telling you that you had to ask Changbin for a ride home, so you got up and went to go talk to Changbin. 
“Hey… My mom told me to ask you for a ride home, could you give me a ride home,” you asked quietly. 
“Yeah, let me just finish this and we ca-,” Hyunjin cut Changbin off.
 “I can take her, you can work on that Changbin-hyung,” he said.
You looked at Hyunjin and then looked at Changbin, he looked at Hyunjin and nodded while thanking him. Your heart was beating fast and your hands were shaking and becoming sweaty, you stepped outside and went towards the car and prayed nothing bad would happen and nothing would go wrong. It was a silent car ride and you were anxiously sitting there with your sweaty hands and all of a sudden he broke the silence between you. 
“How’s school?” he asked.
“it’s going fine,” you said quietly. 
“Are you seeing anyone,” he asked. 
“No, not at the moment,” you laughed nervously. 
“Oh… you’re not with him anymore?” He asked. “No… we broke up, things didn’t work out,” you smiled
But it looked like you were in pain from saying that. 
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized. 
“Don’t be,” you replied. 
“Do you plan on in the future finding someone else?” he asked. 
“Aha.. I don’t think so. I think I’m done,” you replied. 
“How come? If you don’t mind me asking,” he said.
By then he asked you this question he already arrived at your house and you were hesitating to answer this question. 
“Because apparently, I’m always the bad guy. I’m always breaking people’s hearts but when in reality it’s me who’s breaking,” you said. 
There was a short silence before you opened the car door and you stepped out of the car and bent down to thank him. 
“Thank yo-,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you in for a kiss.
okay thanks for reading lol       
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“do you know annyeong ha sae yo??” Kim Seok Jin.. Kidding!~ This is my amazing writing Masterlist ((-:
(A) - Angst || (F) - Fluff || (OS) - OneShot || (FF) - Finished
Jackson Wang x You – ft. Park Jinyoung
Consideration (A) (F) (FF) : 1 - 2 - 3 
Mark Tuan x You
Closure (OS) (A) : 1 
Last Present (OS) (A) (F) : 1 
Him - M (FF) (A) : 1 - 2
Kim Yugyeom x You
I swear and I promise (OS) (A) (F) : 1 
Im Jaebum x You
In Check (OS) (A) (FF): 1
Im Jaebum x You or Choi Youngjae x You
Lost A) (F) (FF) : 1 - Jaebum Ver. - Youngjae Ver. 
Park Jinyoung x you - ft. Choi Youngjae
He Cares (OS) (A) (FF) : 1 
Bambam x You
What are the odds (A) : 1
optional bias x you 
hypocritical (OS) (A) (FF) : 1
myself ; yourself (OS) (A) (FF) : 1
just me & you (OS) (A) (FF) : 1
Hwang Hyunjin x you
Unknown (A) (F) (FF): 1
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Hi,,, its been a while ahahaha, I’m sorry. I will be trying to update more writings but for now here is my part two,, that has been terribly written,,, have a wonderful day. 
As you laid down on the dock and stared at the sky listening to the waves of water combining the songs of lo-fi music through one of your ears, all of your worries soon washed away, you soon closed your eyes and felt at ease until you heard footsteps through one ear and you got up to look who it was.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you… I just wanted to make sure you were alive,” He said.
You looked at him for a good second and then looked down and responded to him.
“No, it’s okay. It’d be weird seeing a body laying down at the dock,” You laughed nervously.
For some reason there was this familiar vibe you felt being around this guy, but it was so weird because when you looked at him he didn’t look familiar at all to you which caused you to panic and look down and respond. He tried looking at your face one more time and you started to panic even more and so you stood up and sat down on the edge of the dock and dipped your feet in the water to cool yourself down.
“I’m sorry but you just look so familiar, do I know you from somewhere?” He asked.
“Who me? I’m sorry I don’t think we have met,” You responded.
“ You looked at me for one second and looked down,” He snickered.
You looked up and looked at him and you were flustered.
“It’s not like that!” You shouted.
He jumped a little bit with your yell and looked at you while you looked at him for a good minute when you realized holy crap he’s so cute?? Which caused you to immediately look down again at the water.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice, I’m not good with meeting new people and normally people don’t come here often,” You said looking down.
“It’s okay, I recently moved here and wanted to check around this area and I saw your body laying on the dock and got concerned. Do you mind if I sit down and dip my feet in the water too? He asked.
You nodded.
“So what brings you here miss?” He asked.
“Well long story short i kind of slept here at night and then woke up with an argument with friend and now I’m here at the dock just trying to find my peace,” You said.
“Yikes, are you okay?” He asked.
“Not sure? I’m a bit lost,” You laughed.
“That’s fair, if you don’t mind me asking what happen?” He asked.
For someone reason you just poured everything out to him, assuming it’s not like you’ll ever see him again after this.
“Well it started off as talking about soulmates and well I was telling him I could’ve met my soulmate in my dream and he got really annoyed talking about soulmates and then he blurted out he liked me and then said I didn’t care about him which got me mad and ticked which led me to slapping him and going off about him because I do care about the guy but not like that…” You said.
“That sounds like a wild mess, but when in doubt I think you guys will be okay if you guys both talk to each other with no slaps and yelling,” He said.
You looked at him and gave him a death stare.
“Real funny,” You said
“I’m joking, just talk to him again but talk to him when you’ve calmed down and give him some time to calm down too, he might be feeling a bit guilty for having you yell at him,” He said.
“ I guess you’re right,” You shrugged and smiled.
“What was your dream about?” He asked.
“Secret,” You smiled.
“Well then, I hope you don’t find your soulmate,” He said.
You looked at him and frowned.
“That’s not nice to say, but I’m starting to think that dream is the key to my soulmate,” You said.
He leaned back and looked at the sky and sighed.
“Must be nice having motivation trying to find your soulmate,” He said.
“You don’t have motivation?” You asked.
“In order to find my soulmate we have to have the same dream and meet each other in the dream and share our safe haven, but the thing is  I can hardly remember anything. So I find no point in trying to find them if I can’t remember anything,” He said.
“Ahh, that sucks, you can’t remember anything at all like their face or what you guys were doing?” You asked.
“Not a clue, I don’t know anything, I wake up and everything is a complete blur,” He responded.
“I feel it, last night dreams I remember what we were doing but their face is a complete blur and I can’t remember what they look like,” You sighed.
“Well it seems like we’re both in a dead end,” He laughed.
“Maybe,” You said.
You were getting sleepy and wanted to lay down but all of your stuff was gone because of Changbin so welp, it may be too weird to ask him but for some reason you felt comfortable asking him.
“This may seem weird but I’m kinda getting really sleepy and my pillows and blankets are gone and I really wanna sleep, and so could I lay on your lap,” You said while blushing.
He was bit taken back but then nodded and you thanked him. As you laid down on his lap you saw him looking at the water and he looked at you and your face turned red and you covered your face. He let out a small laughed and you peeked to see if he was still looking at you. He then started playing with you hair and before you knew it, you were out like a baby.
“HELLO???” You heard someone.
You woke up and realized you were laying on the towel that was under the sand, and you got up and rubbed your eyes.
“Wake up sleepy head, it looks like we meet again,” He chuckled.
“It’s you again! Now, I’m starting to think maybe we are soulmates,” You laughed.
“I think we are. I’m pretty convinced you’re the one,” He smiled
“Ahaha maybe,” You blushed.
“Before I forget, my names Hwang Hyunjin,” He said.
“I’m (Y/N),” You introduced.
“Nice to meet you!” He said.
“You know, you look very familiar, I feel like we’ve met somewhere in the real world,” You giggled.
“You think? Perhaps but either way you seem like my type,” He winked.
You cheeks turned bright red and you looked away from him.
“I would say I’m kidding but I’m not , you’re really cute and its major plus we have one thing in common, and it’s our safe haven,” He smiled.
You sat there frozen in thought, did he just say safe haven? Your ears were ringing and your head was pounding in pain, all of sudden tears were rushing out of your eyes….
You felt the shaking from someone and heard them calling you out your name. Your eyes open and you felt the tears from your eyes. The guy you slept on the lap kept calling your name and last time you check you never actually told him his name.
“Hey (Y/N) are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.. I’m fine. Hey how do you know my name?” You asked.
“I don’t. I just started calling you on an impulse,” He answered.
Your mind clicked. That’s him. Thats your soulmate, there’s no way its not him.
“Did you by any chance sleep too?” You asked.
“Yeah, I got tired and bored,” He said.
You got up from his lap and rotated your body towards him and took his hand and looked at him in the eye.
“Did you remember your dream?” You asked.
“No, I already told you, it’s a blur,” He replied.
“What’s your safe haven,” You asked.
“What? Why would I tell, you’re going to think it’s stupid and boring,” He answered.
“Tell me,” You said
You looked into his eyes with deep stare and he gave in.
“My safe haven is going by the dock and looking at the stars and ocean while listening to soft music,” He said while blushing
Bingo, you found him and you were happy to the max, your eyes sparkled when he said that and he looked confused.
“Is your name Hwang Hyunjin?” You asked.
“Yes? How did you know?” He asked.
“Because you’re my soulmate!” You smiled.
“What there’s no way!” He said.
“Really now? Then how come I know your name and your safe haven is the same as mine,” You smirked.
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[M] datura
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(n.) a beautiful flower: its deadly alkaloids have been used for murderous purposes
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