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Extended Play on Words
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peacefulwarriorep · 2 years ago
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Invention #001
The Timberland Tea Cosy
with built in tea-strainer.
(Not to be confused with the tease trainer which might be in tomorrow’s world)
Up cycled sock with benefits.
Ode to the lair
The best form of defence is defending the heights; the walls the flight path of dragons and sprites.
The highway the my way the road to salvation. The nation with hills valleys rivers un-damned-nations. Wales prevails with clean waters sweet for the cleanliness reeks of the sweat of the labourers proud who don’t falter to shower in proudly unfiltered water we oughta known that private is public latrine on the scene. The Angloside sold their solutions to queen. She was foolish or toolish or ghoulish delight now the egrets and herons are forced to make flight cos the waterways tarnished with factory smoke. The otters are hotter, on thick weed they choke. The grimy and slimey result of a payoff. The capital greed leads to sickness and chaos. But walk upstream back to the waters of gods. Earth filtered through forests and fields of peat sods. Atlantical rain clouds all gathered in mist rise up over Ireland, where they are all pissed off but still buying mountains of butter with glee whilst the ham sham and Welsh lamb are practically free.
As her shadow wanes once more the moon into darkness, the mood changes nightfall and pressure falls, larks nest and owls roost cos they know the dark nights are coming and the fox and the weasel and stout have a plan. No torches for poachers in wilderness life. The hunters are hunted by no farmer’s wife. The farmer himself dares not venture these days, cos his mind it has changed, he forgot the old ways. Lamping rabbits and hares, no one dares to step out of the comfort of home while the throne’s left un-sat-on. Unlike Saturn whose moons carry loons, seven spoons away. The dish of that mission led a war of attrition - not gypos v yids but ship-ho on skids. Cassini on Titan, the might of the crusade - a space age attack to see what might come back - but no life were detected, Huygens disinfected by probing the heat, plutonium beat. Twenty years of data. Don’t hate her 4 billion that might’ve lifted humans from poverty, you see, we know that the bow of then was knowledge and power to the steeple, the people forgotten and rotten enslaved but at least we now know there’s hexagonal beauty found northerly pole, seven moons, seven spoons, seven years to get there. We’re gonna need a faster racket. Pack it in before we begin. So much banter about net zero. Heroes of course may refrain in due course from short haul extraction but fractional distillation of aforementioned revenue streams and dreams of a brighter future comes with nationalised water, mud bricks not mortar. Small fields yield larger. Scattered homesteads commune faster and last longer than developers lego making thin walls, foundations designed to crack and fail at the slightest incursion from roots a diversion from truth and stability, the pillars of inhabitability - a house in a Forest, a village in a thicket , a town on a plain, a city in the rain. Cathedrals were once made by rivers in canyons and people gazed up to the stalactite yup they found beauty in nature and bowed down to worship the earth’s natural beauty, connected reflected in water not mirrors. Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, now green not blue. Algae we see you. The inheritance stagnated left long and unpainted by masters and mistresses - indomitable misses… near miss or a master who plasters the walls, covers cracks with thick paint, I could faint at the vividness. But hell. Must not dwell on the now or the past, built to last is what’s needed. This country’s conceded lang ago to tyrannical power, we cowered to money and numbers and attacks while we slumbered. It’s time to wake up what lies there in the slopes where the droplets condense, make some sense boy, this fence of defence seems to lack a sure footed attack but the wings have a number awakening slumber, a puff from the nose holes, clagged up by the slaves who made waves and retreated long enough to now puff a little smoke from those portals and mortals might shudder to know that the throes of life are returning to the dragons lair.
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peacefulwarriorep · 2 years ago
Word for the day
… a theory which, when applied to the Earth’s ecosystem and humans. Is quite frankly
Carrying capacity could be WAY higher than common projections - just needs us to be decent and responsible human beings - (tall order BUT achievable.
The awakened youth (not to be confused with woke idiots) need to breed and do so responsibly. Don’t be hoodwinked into “sterilising”yourselves (or worse still your children) - leave that to the ignorant lab rats.
Just to be clear - Malthusianism is the mainstay “taken for granted” theory that underwrites many “Green” agendas which are being touted and hijacked by totalitarian global elites (financial ones at least).
The idea that we as humans MUST reduce our carbon emissions is obviously essential to a point. But only because we are DOING IT WRONG (life).
All fossil fuels should certainly be treated with care and we do need to reduce POLLUTION of our waters and air. BUT, reducing population growth (as is being surreptitiously pushed by WEF) can NOT be used as a way to validate the insane farming practices which we have been forced into by a capitalist culture.
Human migration DOES need some kind of cap in some areas. Growth of cities and towns need to be addressed responsibly and not arbitrarily through government guidelines.
Massive areas of wheat land and other monocultures ought go back to small holdings of much more productive intercrops and syntropic agroforestry.
Fecundity is something I remember well from my animal population dynamics at @newcastleuni - For example - in times of drought and food shortage, elephants need to travel further and have a larger interval between calving.
Another example of reduced fecundity would be “Medical Doctors” giving random children #pubertyblockers before their hormones have levelled out (apparently aged 28 - but don’t take my word for it. It is largely excepted by every single brain surgeon.. ever. )
Hormones are ANY chemical produced internally or introduced by injection OR by our naturally occurring and mutually beneficial - symbiotic MICROBES!) which affect mood and behaviour and thereby physiological activity which is intrinsically linked to the gut through the vagus nerve. Plants also provide many hormones to us. To trust injections or pills over nature is baffling to me personally.
It is very careless to play with medically administered hormones IMO. I am not trying to devalue any one whose mood or health has been helped with artificial hormones. But just know that THERE IS A NATUROPATHIC ALTERNATIVE to all of them.
I know many women who were duped into hormones by the medical industry and who are now dependent on them to manage their eggs.
(happy Easter by the way)
Birth control also fuels promiscuity (in case that wasn’t self evident). Everyone can decide what they want for themselves when they have sufficient KNOWLEDGE. When one’s kids get to decide for themselves is also up to us.
Many MANY hormones are produced by our microbiome. Maybe Gaia is spiking us with bacteria which (who) make us do irresponsible things?! It has been shown fairly convincingly that toxoplasmosis for example makes us take greater risks. Which might be why all the best footballers play better when they live with cats. That could also be because they are getting validation daily (albeit feline). Confidence is a super power.
Pretty hard to know for sure what our microbes are delivering in the way of “hormones” since we still only know the function of 20% of the diverse healthily nourished human microbiome.
Food production is ONLY LINEAR IF WE RELY ON FAKE FERTILISERS and quite frankly IDIOTIC monoculture practices.
Revolutionising our food production systems by REGRESSION could be one part of the solution - for example - regenerative zero till permaculture food forests which significantly INCREASE yield and build soils and need only water and sun.
It’s also called NATURE.
We need to work WITH nature NOT against it.
#EndMonoculture (not tomorrow obviously - but it has to be phased out)
Innovation and advanced tech can handle the “policing” (for want of a less authoritarian word) and monitoring of honesty in farmers so we do not get another band of liggers hijacking a “trend”. We can also grow more of our own. Micro greens under gro lamps especially.
Accountability and transparency are essential in all areas of life.
#ARC vs #WEF
Thank you Dr Jordan B Peterson for that word of the day #Malthusianism (taken from the first of his 3 part lecture on marriage - pictured) which opened the path for my morning #MindWorm
🕊️ peace
🤎 love
🙏🏻 compassion
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