peacedovey · 25 days
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My Opinion: 
The Indoraptor is made out to be a monstrous villain. He is supposed to be seen as a monster, as something that is pure evil, an abomination. Yes, the Indoraptor’s actions in the movie were not good… 
But I do not see him as a monster. The Indoraptor was likely brought up in a small enclosure, his whole life spent in this metal cage - no sunlight, no grass, no dirt, nothing, he was not given the luxury of a beautiful paddock as the dinosaurs had on Jurassic World. 
I believe the Indoraptor was also mistreated; there is a deleted scene that depicts this? Plus, we do get a glance of him actively being mistreated in order to provoke him to be “vicious” when they bring him out to show to the auction, being stabbed with electrical sticks. 
“Animals Raised in Isolation aren’t always the most functional.” - OWEN GRADY. 
That quote is very true. Indoraptor was raised in isolation, and even worse than the Indominus Rex who at least had what appeared to be a jungle in her paddock. Indoraptor did not have that. 
Indoraptor seemed… More lost, confused and curious than anything else. His interactions with people were negative; everyone who seen him screamed, yelled and would start running from him. He is a predator, running is a trigger for a predator to chase you. We see this even in domestic dogs; most dogs will start chasing you if you start running from them. 
Let’s point out that the Indoraptor did not kill anyone innocent. He did indeed try to do so, however, to be fair, Owen, Claire and Maisie were quite triggering for him as they would scream, yell, run and hide. 
Looking at the scene in Maisie’s bedroom, the Indoraptor went through SO MUCH effort to find and come face to face with her. He finally has her trapped, he had all the time in the world to kill her right then and there. But he did not… I feel he was more curious about her, slowly approaching her, slowly reaching for her - why waste time doing that if he wanted to kill her? 
Nobody can truly say they are 100% positive that the Indoraptor would have killed her because Owen busts in and interrupts. The Indoraptor DOES NOT strike back, I feel it’s important to take note of this. When we look back on the Indominus Rex, when people shot at her, she charged immediately and killed them. Indoraptor is shot at and he does not immediately enter a rage to kill Owen. 
Indoraptor stands tall - we do not know if he would have attacked Owen or not, and even if he did; is it not somewhat justified? After all, Owen did just shoot him multiple times. Blue then barges in and attacks him.
The indoraptor did not kill any dinosaurs, and while he and Blue fought each other this was not the fault of the Indoraptor, he did not attack first. Blue attacked him first, and he rightfully defended himself against her. 
Truthfully, Indoraptor was not given enough screentime at all to really get a good idea of how he is. He should have been more prioritized in the movie, he should have had at LEAST an hour of screentime, but we were only given 20 minutes, give or take. 
But in my personal opinion, I believe that the Indoraptor is NOT the monster that people make him out to be. 
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peacedovey · 1 month
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peacedovey · 3 months
Last time I went to grab screenshots I noticed/remembered some of the unspoken stuff Lake did around the map car/toad car and it's killing me again.
As soon as the flecs appear Lake pushes Jesse behind them.
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Arguably he could be in their way, aside from the fact that it keeps happening.
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When they get to the door Lake picks him up. Jesse isn't the one the flecs are after, he's of no use to them and he isn't close with Lake yet. They could leave him. They should.
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It would have been just as easy to push him out the door instead of pulling him into the room. But the point is that despite having moments before said this-
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"So are you just gonna keep him now? Or what. 'Cause I kind of just wanna hang out with this deer."
Lake wants to keep Jesse with them. Even though they don't know each other well. Even though it'd be easier not to have him around or explain.
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Look at the soft smile they get after Jesse gets excited about traveling with them! THEY SAID THEY DIDN'T WANT THIS AND YET- JESSE BEING EXCITED ABOUT SPENDING TIME WITH THEM CLEARLY DOES MAKE THEM HAPPY!
The truth is simple. Lake has always wanted a friend, and to be known. They're just scared of losing that person or them potentially turning on them.
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peacedovey · 3 months
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It's soooo long since I've drawn fanart but I finally decided to do it again and of course Jesslake my precious babies have to be my newest victims<3
I tried a brush I'm not used to and have a messed up hand so not my proudest work
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peacedovey · 5 months
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Made this for valentine’s but I forgot to post here 🤡 I’m sorry
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peacedovey · 8 months
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sketch dump!
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peacedovey · 8 months
hi there! i recently found ur page and i am in love with ur lost in space robots, do you have like a specific process/tutorial on how to draw them??? ty!
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This is more of a breakdown of my observations as to how they are put together that rapidly became an excuse to draw more noodle aliens- but thanks anon!
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peacedovey · 8 months
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WILL & ROBOT → Touch | Season 3
+ bonus:
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+ one time Robot was denied touching Will:
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peacedovey · 9 months
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Entrapta please save your lab partner
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peacedovey · 9 months
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Well lookie here, I'm uploading art again.
These are two OCs of mine (based on my own characters in Istaria, an old MMORPG).
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peacedovey · 10 months
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Here’s my Infinity Train comic that I’ve been doing in my spare time! I loved the show and wanted to see if I could do a short format story with thematic significance. I had fun if anything!  You can find this comic posted on my Twitter & Instagram 
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peacedovey · 11 months
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The ending we ALLLLLLL wanted.
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peacedovey · 1 year
I'm not really getting the Aziraphale hate because even without all the pressures of religious brainwashing etc etc we've literally just seen through his eyes:
- Crowley radiating joy at the sheer wonder of the universe only to be crushed by orders from up high
- Those orders being the ONLY reason Crowley fell. Aziraphale knows (and has always known) that Crowley fell simply because no one wanted to listen to his ideas.
- 6000 of Crowley clearly aching to do good in defiance of his own nature
- Crowley admitting how desperately lonely that defiance is for him
- Crowley being BETTER than Aziraphale at morality and making Aziraphale better as a result
- Evidence that no one is ever going to be chill with Angel/Demon relationships unless they are too powerful to be stopped and/or willing to vanish
- That they are never going to escape the monitoring of heaven/hell (they literally were *stalked* by both sides the entire season) so they can't just live unnoticed among humans
- Even during their last few years of 'freedom' Crowley has still been desperately unhappy. He's at the 'what's the point of it all???' stage BEFORE anything bad happens in S2. For all he talks about the preciousness of their life, Crowley is radiating misery during his freedom whereas Aziraphale actually seems happy.
Like why WOULDN'T Aziraphale see this offer as the perfect solution? Crowley can get what he always wanted - to do good without anyone stopping him, with Aziraphale helping. It can be exactly like the nebula scene forever - only this time Aziraphale can just bask in Crowley's joy.
From his pov he is sacrificing his own life on Earth for THAT.
Oof we are in the last 20% of a very angsty slow burn, kiddos.
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peacedovey · 1 year
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peacedovey · 1 year
Aziraphale is the most character ever. He ran out of ideas so he declared war on hell. He canonically says fuck. His favourite colour is yellow. He’s literally an angel and can speak every language on earth but still isn’t fluent in french. He told his boyfriend to shoot him for his magic act and made him go through with it when their miracles weren’t working. He gave away his flaming sword and then lied about it for the next 6000 years. He has a bookshop that never sells books. No one’s doing it like him.
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peacedovey · 1 year
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A heaven of their own 😊
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon on october 1st
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peacedovey · 1 year
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I would love you with our heads down
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