peace1love1bug · 7 years
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Hello everyone ^^ I’m back with a new series! So, inbetween commissions I’ll try to upload the winter series, wich starts with Suga sharing his super duper warm XXL scarf with gf. Please enjoy and watch out to not catch a cold ^^
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peace1love1bug · 7 years
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Black haired Suga is my favorite! It suits him so well :) Well and since his first love is the piano I just had to include it somehow. I also listened a lot to the piano version of “I need you” while painting this, so I recomend you do it too. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4pqxKlKuSA
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peace1love1bug · 7 years
Dating Yoongi would include - him threatening to break up with you every single day - “I think we should get couples shirts-” - “I think we should see other people” - “Y/n I think we should discuss custody arrangements for the cat after I leave you” - “We’re at the point in our relationship where I realize we shouldn’t have one” - Your friends constantly wondering how the two of you ended up together when you’re complete polar opposites - You being sweet and bubbly 25/8 and him being described as slightly irate on his best days - But despite him being a grouch he literally does the most elaborate romantic things but acts so pained whenever you gush over him - For example he set up an entire rooftop picnic fit for tumblr on your birthday and feigned surprise - “Yah look someone forgot their food hurry let’s eat before they come back” - “Did you do this?” - “.. I don’t even like you” - “wERE DATING” - Yoongis the type of boyfriend to treat u like you’re not all that in public when u guys are alone he gives you the world on a silver platter - You’re literally the only person who has been able to wake him up from a nap without sustaining any serious injuries - (That isn’t to say he doesn’t glare at you like he’s trying to set you on fire with sheer will power) - I imagine him being an extremely temperamental guy, especially when it comes to his music, so it doesn’t help that you’re a sensitive smol bean 99.8 of the time - He rarely lashes out but sometimes when he’s stressed with comeback schedules and writing it happens - He hates seeing your expression fall when he gets mad at you over the most minuscule things - And usually comes to reconcile within the hour - He’s amazingly awful at apologizing - You think it has something to do with the fact that he hates saying sorry - But his apologies are always extremely heartfelt and sincere if not a little painfully awkward - It usually starts with him getting unnecessarily handsy with you - Like sneaking up on you in the kitchen and resting his chin on your shoulder while you wash dishes - His apologies usually consist of “I’m a dick” and then him repeatedly rubbing circles into your hip bones until you relent and turn in his arms - “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings” - You two probably started out as friends and progressed from their so there are little to no boundaries between the two of you - Like that’s good and well sometimes because you can literally go to him for anything; problems with work, spats with friends whatevs u know - But also it sucks because he’s brutally honest with u like sometimes u just like “damn u really don’t give a shit about my feelings huh 😭” - But Yoongi only has your best interest at heart so he always tells you the truth even if it’s hard to hear n u appreciate that - Jealous Yoongi is a sight to behold - You never intentionally flirt with other guys - You’re just naturally really nice but everyone reads too deep into that 🙄 - It bugs the living shit out of him because you’re so oblivious - “You’re really nice to everyone” - “Thanks Yoongi! I-” - “That wasn’t a compliment I want you to rid yourself of this weakness” - He always wants to keep you for himself - “Taehyungs inviting us to the movies” - “Taehyung can eat a dick” - And you’re so confused and are like why r u so grumpy all of a sudden - And he just lays his head back in your lap and forces your hand back on his hair to massage his scalp - Literally puts you in a headlock so you won’t leave the bed - He has the horrible habit of (physically) kicking you off his spot on the couch he hasn’t shaken since u were still just friends - “Aren’t you supposed to be nice to me now since we’re dating ” - “That’s not how it works” - He posts ugly pics of you and captions is it wcw - Sometimes pulls your hair when you’re making him mad - Or horny it depends - You two cycle together so when you have your period Yoongi is also laying on the couch with a hot pad on his belly and a neck pillow while the both of you eat chunky monkey out of the tub in your bath robes - Yoongi always seems to be around when you’re doing something stupid and he’s in the back sending you judgmental looks - “You’re the reason this country has to put directions on shampoo bottles” - Literally bullies u all the time - “When I said I’d always be there for you I didn’t realize u would be this fucking needy” - “You don’t mean that” - “I always mean what I say I may not mean to say it out loud sometimes but I always mean it” - He can be mean to you but no one else can so when jungkook tries to come for you for being a dork Yoongi just stares at him - “Jungkook-ah I know ten different ways to hide a body” - But despite the fact that you always physically drag him out of the house and he lays on top of you so you stop trying to leave the bed you two are the most perfect couple to exist. It really is true when they say opposites attract
A/N: this ended up so long I’m sORRY HOLY COW I LOVE U BF YOONGI. SEND FEEDBACK PLZ. Who’s should I do next ??? :P
Bonus: Did u notice this is kind of a spinoff of Yoongi n Y/N from the unexpected series? BC I love u guys n y'all always ship them lOL my gift to u ❤️
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
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[.♡.] like or reblog if you use or save, pls babys
[.♡.]  credits for: @9musas
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
Eng Lyrics of Agust D songs
Give It To Me
140503 At Dawn
The Last 
Tony Montana
So Far Away (ft. Suran)
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
Why we love Min Yoongi #81
Becayse of “I think it’s the most sunlight I’ve gotten in nearly 5 years”
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
Yoongi facetiming you on tour because he misses you
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
Have you tried Redbubble? I'm getting a hoodie from there soon.
Any suggestions where I can buy bts merch? I really want a BTS shirt and backpack, but cheap… because I’m broke pft
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
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Trying to tell these amazing people apart all day is tiring me out haha. I found a new love in Kpop and Bangtan Boys. The ones I can pick out is Suga, Jung Kook and Rap monster. Still working on the other ones. But I'll get there.
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peace1love1bug · 8 years
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Dragon Age Inquisition Needs Hats- free pattern on Ravelry
This one represents Sera but there are other charts for other companions
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
The DLC to get Sebastien is totally not worth it he is a romance character but they don't do anything but flirt and I think you can marry him later on but the key thing is you can't flirt with anyone else haha
Playing DA2: Hey, it’s Anders!
I actually picked up Merrill before I got to the “Tranquil” quest.  Oh god, Merrill is so freakin’ cute!  Even though she’s a blood mage… but she’s adorable!!
And, HEEEEEEEY!  It’s Anders!  Holy shit!  That was my initial reaction and then I actually spoke with him… he changed a lot.  He’s definitly not the goofy apostate that my Warden recruited back in Awakening.  
And the Wardens got rid of Sir Pounce-A-Lot?!  How could they????
…and it turns out Anders is a romance option.
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Also picked up Fenris.  He’s a walking “loner/dark” trope if I ever did see one!  Heheheheeeee… oh man.
I know there’s a DLC where you get one more companion… but I’m wondering if I really NEED it.  He’s an archer, sure… and another romance options, buuuuut..  I don’t know.  Is it really worth it?  
I AM planning on downloading “Legacy” and “Mark of the Assassin” DLCs, heard they were good.
I’ve decided to complete [almost] all the Kirkwall quests before I head to the Deep roads, I want to make sure I am well equipped.  My stats are okay, but I desperately need to get my dexterity up so I can get some good daggers!  I wanna start using poisons, too… I LOVED using them in DA:O!
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
I always....ALWAYS say hey lets ya know make it interesting this playthrough and romance Anders and then poof in pops the sexy elf with the deep voice and I change my mind
Do I romance Fenris or Anders in my next DA2 playthrough
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
playing dragon age 2: whoa anders has a spirit in him???? that's so cool whoa i love him
playing dragon age 2 after actually playing awakening: ARE YOU GOING TO EXPLAIN HOW
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
This is the best thing ever! Dale seems like a cool guy!
Things just transpired in my house hold that are equal parts offensive and hilarious… Here goes.
So my roommate, Dale, has a gf who does not live with us, but she’s here all the time. So Sunday when my gf was her we were on the couch and we kissed (scandalous, I know) and she saw it, and I’m pretty sure that’s the first time she’s seen us be affectionate, that’s neither here nor there.
So today she tells Dale she’s “uncomfortable” here and wants him to move out because she thinks me and my lady are going to hit on her or something, she doesn’t like living with lesbians, cause it’s not “normal”, so now I’m pissed. Then, Dale goes, “well you don’t live here, so it shouldn’t be a problem, just stop coming over”…things escalated and Dale is trying to break up with her, but she won’t leave our house….she locked herself in Dales room.
So, Dale barges in my room wearing a bathrobe and goes, “call every lesbian you know, we’re smoking this bitch out!” Then turns around and whips his robe like a cape…
And that’s the story of how there are 8 lesbians climbing through the window of Dales room…
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
Hawke is just as funny on Inquisition as she was in Dragon Age 2.
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peace1love1bug · 9 years
They would have to remake the game in order for the warden to show up! Let petition them too!!
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DLC where you accidentally meet the Queen of Ferelden and she asks you to join her aka Haylan completely fails at playing it cool
Inquisitor Maeve (klc-journei) and Queen Rythlen (picchar) are my canon now sorry uvu
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