why i’m sad?
well there are always the small things:family,friends,school,body problems,studying but the biggest thing is him.him and his dorky self,my annoying loser...how does he make me sad well....him,leaving me alone.high school is just around the corner,he goes to one school,i go to another.Not a single time will we see each others face unless we are on break,every time i look at him i’m not sad because somethings wrong with me its because i’m afraid....i’m afraid he’ll disappear,i’m afraid his dorky smile and his annoying weirdness will not be in my life anymore.so when i seem sad its because of him leaving,please don’t leave,’m afraid to see what happens after that.
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Him and memories
he is the guy to make me happy,there are so many memories i want to say, many.but where to begin,he tells me im beautiful just the way i am...that’s always a good memory.when me,him and our friends go to the mall he keeps me close,its cute.i remember the last time we went to the mall he set me on his lap and left me there.he holds my hand,he holds my tiny hand.it puts me at ease,our dance...i can remember the song,place,outfit,hair,how i wore your glasses,how our friends teased us about it,almost everything.When i showed you my sad moments,you told me all of it was false and that nothing was true.The first time we went to the mall,you saw in my eyes something was wrong.you held me close because you were right,i was in a bad mood...hopefully soon i can tell you all the reasons ive been sad...not because of you and i because of it soon just being only me...
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Me: *pours my heart out telling him i like him*
Him: *says lies just so i don't cry*
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idk maybe on a later date my answer might change but as of now I need to say no...sorry
the boy i liked that i know that doesn’t like me and only said that to not hurt my feelings.
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i tried
sad,i asked my crush out again and he said no.i shouldn’t be sad though,i already knew it was going to happen right? so why do i feel like crying? i feel the same pain as when i first told him.their won’t be a next time,he thinks their will...it’s too late because once school starts that’s the end...it hurts but you know always keep a fake smile to hide all that pain.
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My Special One
my special one,the one who keeps me away from negative thoughts,suicide thoughts and thinking bad about myself.the one who calms me down when i’m feeling stress.the one who would be disappointed at me and not mad.my comfort baby,my sweet comfort baby...everyone has a comfort place well he’s mine,i know a person isn’t a place but he makes me feel at ease even when we aren’t there for each other.one thought of him just makes my day brighter,him calling or answering my calls makes my day seem clearer.he’s my best friend,he’s my crush,he’s my special one. <3
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no,don't worry.i'm not sad.
Me when i’m talking to anyone.
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I’m back and more sad
well I became more depressed,i love it guys. I’ve got a lot more stuff to say so i turned my drawing account into a account for my sad life,I love it man.
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Never get a Girl Mad
Getting a girl mad is the worst thing to do,she is a bomb that if one wrong move she'll explode in two different ways... One is madness,mostly even on her girl times she can just burst into flames and start yelling at the closet person near them or the person who has set them off.Some girls will calm but other hold a grudge and will not let that go for eternity,But with the right person and right time she will calm down and feel better. The second way is sadness,it's the worst time of way for a girl to explode even at her hard times of depression.A girl may not explode like a bomb but more like a timer bomb where any day she can break down feeling like a nobody.How to fix this? She needs someone to be there and help her without that she can be alone and feel so much worst,She may also need time but don't leave her or else she can lose it.All a girl needs in sadness is someone to be with her to keep her happy even when she's low. (Sorry people who see this,I just needed something to calm me down and writing it the best~)
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