pctl · 1 year
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Acne treatment may sometimes feel like a war with your skin. To get rid of pimples, you might employ harsh chemicals, exfoliants, and masks. However, bear in mind that you and your skin are on the same side, and applying excessive chemicals may backfire by making your skin overly dry and sensitive. Acne is caused by a variety of factors that no skin care product can address, including hormones, stress, sleep, and diet. Hocl solutions may cure acne more successfully than other chemicals.
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pctl · 2 years
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pctl · 2 years
Use HOCl solutions to treat acne
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Acne treatment may sometimes feel like a war with your skin. To get rid of pimples, you might employ harsh chemicals, exfoliants, and masks. However, bear in mind that you and your skin are on the same side, and applying excessive chemicals may backfire by making your skin overly dry and sensitive. Acne is caused by a variety of factors that no skin care product can address, including hormones, stress, sleep, and diet. Hocl solutions may cure acne more successfully than other chemicals.
What is HOCL acid 
Hypochlorous acid is created naturally in the human body and contributes to the battle against sickness. Chemists figured out how to create it by electrolyzing a saltwater solution. However, technological advances have recently enabled the large-scale synthesis of hypochlorous acid. It is also used in topical rash therapy to treat skin rashes.
How Hypochlorous Acid can help with Acne
Ability to kill acne bacteria - C. acnes, the kind of bacterium that causes acne, may be killed by hypochlorous acid.
Boost up the acne healing process- By destroying bacteria that slow the healing process, hypochlorous acid may improve the healing of minor wounds such as acne lesions.
Help to heal acne scars - Hypochlorous solution may help minimize raised scars that occur after acne lesions heal.
Provides relief from itching - Certain quantities of hypochlorous acid may reduce itching, which is a frequent symptom of acne.
Conclusion - 
Hypochlorous acid moisturizes your skin without clogging it. It is safe for most people to use, and it has the potential to be used as an additional acne treatment. However, Hocl solutions may not be the ideal acne treatment option for you. In this case, you should seek the advice of a professional dermatologist to determine the best treatment alternatives for your skin.
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pctl · 2 years
Electrolyzed Water's Advantages in Cleaning and Disinfection Systems
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Electrolyzed water is a non-toxic solution for cleaning a variety of surfaces. It oxidizes dust by mixing salt water with an electric current. It is also significantly superior to bleach and other chemicals for usage on a variety of surfaces. Furthermore, unlike other disinfectants, electrolysis water is completely safe to use. The EPA and the Centers for Disease Control have approved its use as an environmentally friendly disinfectant. 
The latest electrolysis process provides a variety of advantages, which are – 
Risk-free - It is both risk-free and reliable. A bottle with electrolyzed water destroys bacteria. It is also less expensive than other chemicals. Electrolyzed water has the same advantages as chlorine bleach, but it is a far safer and more environmentally friendly disinfectant for any surface.
Eco-friendly - The solution produced by electrolysis technology for surface cleaning is both safe to use and ecologically beneficial. The method is quick and efficient, which reduces the need for toxic chemicals and carbon emissions. Both industrial equipment and food may be sanitized using electrolyzed water.
Free from the bad smell - The absence of a bad smell or irritation is a significant advantage of electrolyzed water. Electrolyzed water may be used to clean your pipes along with cleaning any surface and foods.
Low-cost - Another advantage of electrolyzed water is its low cost. The cost of the water electrolysis device is slightly more than the cost of other disinfectants, but it may be repaid in a year. The technology may replace traditional chemical cleansers while also saving you money. The procedure may be simplified from hours to minutes too.
Conclusion - 
As Electrolyzed Water technology has gained acceptance in the facility management and regulatory commissions, it has become more widely available, owing in part to a welcome trend toward a "green" facility management system.
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pctl · 2 years
A hospital cleaning procedure to improve infection prevention
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It is a well-known fact that infectious materials can be found in hospitals by anyone. Infections spread from person to person by bodily fluids, airborne microorganisms, and routine human contact. All cleaners must abide by hospital cleaning requirements for them to be successful, which helps to minimize this risk. If even one surface wasn't thoroughly cleansed with a disinfectant solution, cleaning staff, hospital staff or visitors' rooms could catch dangerous infections.
In various hospitals, you might find various cleaning methods. However, to help keep everyone safe, here are a few hospital cleaning recommendations you may use at any location.
Take precautions - It's essential to safeguard you and your team before starting a hospital cleaning. Always put on personal protection equipment (PPE), such as gloves, a mask, or safety glasses. You may also wear a paper gown to keep infectious materials off of your clothing.
Use quality disinfectant solution - The grocery store cleaners are not strong enough to maintain the level of cleanliness needed in a medical facility. Use an EPA-approved disinfectant solution for better results, because these potent chemicals eliminate 99 percent of the bacteria present in hospitals practically immediately. 
Utilize clean tools - Once you have finished mopping a floor, remove the mophead and replace it with a clean one when you move to the next level.
Maintain a checklist - To ensure you don't miss any of the hospital cleaning requirements' steps, create a checklist you may use while working. A checklist will help you remember all the intricate details of hospital housekeeping. 
Dispose of sharps safely - Sharp objects, such as needles, should be handled by hospital staff safely, but occasionally something may be found on the floor or a glass bottle may fall and break. All of these items should be disposed of in a red sharps container, which is typically readily available in hospitals. 
Utilizing the proper cleaning supplies and techniques will help to prevent the spread of disease and keep your patients secure. So always abide by the rules to keep the environment safe.
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