pb245 · 8 months
Dumb fantasy idea
a powerful magical contract only granted through fey or demonic entities. It allows the user to own any object, place, or even creature by just shouting the word “Dibs”. A dibs can only be counteracted by another dibs, and can only be removed if the dibber is killed.
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pb245 · 8 months
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Dead Titan Pass - Battlemap - 32х44
Download the full resolution image of this map at my Patreon, as well as alternate overcast, sunny, night, rain, autumn and winter variations!
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pb245 · 8 months
hey, pspspspsps. you play D&D? you dm?
consider a settlement of elves and dwarves sharing each end of a giant tree. because that's what i just came up with
i know hardly anything about D&D so i pass this over to y'all. seemed like a cool concept. please credit me if you end up using it though!!
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gonna start calling dwarves tubers. lil root veggie lads <3
also research deck prisms!!! they're really cool!!!
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pb245 · 8 months
I got to hold a 500,000 year old hand axe at the museum today.
It's right-handed
I am right-handed
There are grooves for the thumb and knuckle to grip that fit my hand perfectly
I have calluses there from holding my stylus and pencils and the gardening tools.
There are sharper and blunter parts of the edge, for different types of cutting, as well as a point for piercing.
I know exactly how to use this to butcher a carcass.
A homo erectus made it
Some ancestor of mine, three species ago, made a tool that fits my hand perfectly, and that I still know how to use.
Who were you
A man? A woman? Did you even use those words?
Did you craft alone or were you with friends? Did you sing while you worked?
Did you find this stone yourself, or did you trade for it? Was it a gift?
Did you make it for yourself, or someone else, or does the distinction of personal property not really apply here?
Who were you?
What would you think today, seeing your descendant hold your tool and sob because it fits her hands as well?
What about your other descendant, the docent and caretaker of your tool, holding her hands under it the way you hold your hands under your baby's head when a stranger holds them.
Is it bizarre to you, that your most utilitarian object is now revered as holy?
Or has it always been divine?
Or is the divine in how I am watching videos on how to knap stone made by your other descendants, learning by example the way you did?
Tomorrow morning I am going to the local riverbed in search of the appropriate stones, and I will follow your example.
The first blood spilled on it will almost certainly be my own, as I learn the textures and rhythm of how it's done.
Did you have cuss words back then? Gods to blaspheme when the rock slips and you almost take your thumbnail off instead? Or did you just scream?
I'm not religious.
But if spilling my own blood to connect with a stranger who shared it isn't partaking in the divine
I don't know what is.
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pb245 · 1 year
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pb245 · 1 year
people keep trying to make "ladies and gentlemen" more inclusive.
I think we should go the other way around.
make more and more weird false dichotomies in greetings. "gamers and pianists". "oil painters and swordsmen". "vexillologists and entomologists". "chess masters and diamond artificers". "accountants and gendered individuals".
we need to be dropping shit into formal meetings to make people say "wait what? which one am I?"
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pb245 · 1 year
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big egg
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pb245 · 2 years
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pb245 · 2 years
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pb245 · 2 years
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No, I’m sorry. Having Adrien and Marinette have their picnic date in the same spot as Gabriel and Emilie, where in both cases he asked her if she was ready….. definitely not a good sign, sorry.
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pb245 · 2 years
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Villain: The Birdwatchers
In a moment before a major turning point of the campaign, the party encounter a group of sinister figures standing on a hill observing a great murmuration of birds, massed in their thousands and winding through the sky like some colossal thing with life unto itself. One figure, shrouded, watches the swarm with a concentration that borders on mania, while the other two, armoured,  begrudgingly turn to the party and regard them with a distant wariness. The party have intruded on something sacred, and while they’re warned not to interrupt the oracle at her work, they’re extended a stark invitation to stay and find out what the future holds.
Adventure Hooks:
These foreboding strangers are agents of an order that follows the Flock of Famine, a monstrously powerful celestial of disaster and dissolution that appears in time of great turmoil to make hopeless situations worse. The priests of this order practice a form of divination called Ornithomancy, which gleans insight into the future from the movement of birds. While this art is practised in many cultures, the nameless order study the Flock in order to divine the woes of the land and how they could be turned to the order’s benefit, as well as what the monstrosity wishes for them to do in order to help it achieve a full manifestation. They’re more than happy to share the information with the party if it’ll help push them towards rash or destructive ends.
The Order’s agents appear during a crisis, whether it be a brewing civil war, a spreading blight, or in the wake of an ongoing disaster, acting as advisors to whatever pretty tyrant promises to make the situation worse. Which means when the party confront this foe, they must also face off against a prophetically inspired anti-paladin bodyguard throwing around wasting curses left and right. Imagine their surprise then when after knocking the villain from their throne, a very similar knight shows up and pledges service to them, offering them insights on how to best exploit future events.
Looking to redevelop land long left fallow, a farmer is perplexed when her plow keeps bringing up fingersized shards of silvery metal, and has come into town to ask around if anyone ( say a group of well respected heroes) might know anything about it. These shards were infact the fragments of a holy weapon sent by the god of harvest and agriculture (Pelor, Yondalla, karametra ) Foreseeing the threat posed by an emerging Flock of Famine. To actually get the weapon, the party will have to aid the farmer in tilling her land, putting in the sort of work that they might’ve thought they were above being high-flying adventurers and all.
Edit: Also thanks so much to the ever amazing Jessjackdaw for their monster stats/ideas.
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pb245 · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Astrology
Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st) is the ninth astrological sign in the zodiac originating from the constellation of the same name. It’s represented as a Centaur is related to the Greek legend of Chiron who who mentored Achilles, a Greek hero of the Trojan War, in archery. Traits associated with Sagittarius includes being Independent and strong-willed, with their personalities all about going off the beaten path. They’re also unafraid to step away from the pack, and are natural born leaders who go after what they want, regardless of what other people think. Sagittarius are a born adventurers, and they love solo travel and exploration. They also loves exploring the inner workings of their minds, and love stretching their horizons through a good book or movie. Sagittarius are open-hearted, generous, and big-spirited, and are always truthful. You can also trust a Sagittarius, period. Unlike other signs, they won’t spill any secrets.
artwork by Yaroslava Apollonova
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pb245 · 2 years
Maeve is Theia, the original Starborn Queen.
This theory contains spoilers for ACOTAR, Crescent City, and Throne of Glass!
As discovered in CC2, Ruhn and Rhys look identical. If they are not reincarnations of each other (still a plausible theory), then they must share a common ancestor. As most people have already deduced, logically, this must be Queen Theia; the first Starborn Queen, and ruler of the Dusk Court.
It then begs the question; "well, who actually was Queen Theia?"
I truly believe that there is only one candidate for this; Maeve, from the Throne of Glass (TOG) world. Here is a summation of the evidence for this:
Maeve, Ruhn and Rhys are the only 3 characters who have the "violet" or "violet blue" eyes. (Some argue that this is irrelevant as Maeve could change her form, but so could Erawan, and his gold eyes were passed onto Manon).
They all have the same "raven black hair."
Maeve, Ruhn and Rhys have the same darkness/shadow power.
They also all have the rare mind-speaking (or "daemati") power; an ability we first saw originate in Maeve and the other Valg Royalty.
Even Ruhn's name is (seemingly) derived from the Ruhnn mountains; the place in TOG where Maeve kept her handmaidens (and I suspect where Maeve walked between worlds).
Rhys is Lord of the Night Court; Ruhn is Agent Night; and Maeve is Queen of the Night.
With this many uncanny similarities between all three people, it makes the most sense that Ruhn and Rhys descended from Maeve, and that ultimately, Maeve is Queen Theia.
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Queen of Glass.
I first suspected that Maeve may be Queen Theia when reading the Original Throne of Glass book, 'Queen of Glass,' that SJM published on a fan fiction website when she was younger.
This is how Maeve was originally described; does it not sound like a Starborn Queen (and also... exactly like Rhys)?
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See also:
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Even the iconic way that Rhys's eyes are described (as having stars inside of them), is akin to how Maeve's eyes were originally described:
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Additionally, in this original version of TOG, Maeve was engaged to Athril (which is similar to the events of the published TOG). However, Athril was said to be the first Fae to ever exist, and the greatest warrior in history.
When the Valg broke into their world, Athril forged Goldryn (and 3 other weapons). It was a death sword that was capable of slaying the Valg, and emitted a bright "white light." Sound familiar?
Athril then fought on the the peak of a mountain "archway," in an attempt to stop the Valg from entering his world. Although he was successful in destroying the Valg, he was killed - right on the mountaintop. After that, the cities were formed and a period of peace ensued.
This sounds EXACTLY like the story of Fionn that Rhys detailed in ACOSF (the mighty "fae warrior" who used Gwydion to overthrow the Daglan), AS WELL as Enalius (the first Illyrian who fought an "unknown enemy" on the top of Ramiel, and died there).
What's more, is that after Athril died, Maeve closed the gates and all rips between all worlds.
This is EXACTLY what Queen Theia did.
Proof in the published version.
Although 'Queen of Glass' is not officially canon, it gives us important clues regarding SJM's line of thinking.
However, there is still evidence in the actual TOG that points to Maeve as being Queen Theia. Most prominently, Maeve states that in her "original world," she came from a "small territory" where she was made Queen.
This sounds just like Theia and the Dusk Court.
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It is also explicitly stated that this "small territory" that Maeve ruled was a place where powers were not given, but "simply born" (as if... starBORN?)
Further, Erawan also suggested that Yrene's power (which is almost 100% certainly the Starborn power) existed in his home world. Interestingly, he refers to wielders of this power as "death maidens," which sounds an awful lot like Nesta's power (and perhaps explains why she has the Starborn tattoo...)
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Maeve in mythology.
In some strains of Celtic mythology (which appears to greatly influence the ACOTAR world), Queen Maeve was seen as the chief and deity of the Tuatha dé Danaan. Is it then any coincidence that Ruhn's (and possibly Rhys's) last name is Danaan?
In the same mythology, Maeve had 7 sons.
Just like the 7 High Lords.
Or the 7 Princes of Hel.
Or the 7 Asteri.
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Maeve's power.
A pitfall of this theory is that Maeve's power (as far as we saw in TOG) did not manifest as light. But, are we sure we know the whole story of the Starborn? It is mentioned multiple times in CC2 that Bryce has not fully understood what her power is capable of. Similarly, Rigelus seems to hint that Bryce can walk between worlds simply because she is Starborn, and Maeve was a world-walker.
And perhaps more curiously, most people in the Starborn lineage (ie. the Avallen people) actually have shadow/darkness powers - just like Maeve did.
For this theory to be correct, it also suggests that Maeve was involved with Aidas.
Yet, as per another theory I have posted, I have already theorised that the Princes of Hel are actually the Valg.
Aidas is also a play on the name "Hades," and Hades is another name for Orcus - Maeve's original husband. This checks out.
As Theia and the Starborn likely originated from Prythian, there must also be evidence of Maeve's existence there.
It is then not surprising that many have already theorised that Maeve (and subsequently Queen Theia) is "the Mother" in the ACOTAR world.
Maeve is the only character we have seen with the ability to manipulate fate (and assign 'mating bonds' to people); just as the Mother does. Even in Celtic mythology, Maeve is another name for Mother.
Then, by extension, the Valg (or Princes of Hel) must also have existed in Prythian for this theory to be true. Interestingly, in the Crescent City audiobooks, all of the Princes of Hel have distinct British accents.
Is it then a mere coincidence that Prythian is in the shape of Britain, and similarly, Prythian is an ancient name for Britain?
(Map courtesy of Cassiopeia Reads).
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Thanatos (a Prince of Hel) is also seen in the Hewn City.
The 7 layers of the library are reminiscent of the 7 layers of Hel (with many musing as to whether the 'cat like' presence is Aidas).
And, when Bryce says she is going to Hel, she lands in Prythian.
Alternatively, for Maeve to have been Queen Theia, she must have also existed 15,000 years ago. This suggests that Throne of Glass is a story that takes place in the PAST.
Linking with this idea, I theorise that the ACOTAR and TOG characters actually shared the same world (with the TOG characters existing many thousands of years ago). In fact, the notion of ACOTAR and TOG characters sharing the same world is something that Rigelus straight up suggests is true:
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It also links in with Merrill's theory about the universe; that different worlds share the same space, but are separated by TIME.
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This would explain why Rhys suggested that the old fae, 15,000 years ago, were more "elemental," and would imbue their swords with their magic.
Just as Aelin and the TOG fae did.
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It would also explain why the Night Court and Terrasen (both in the North) are so similar.
Velaris is also exactly how Rowan described the future city that Aelin would rebuild.
What's more, is that Velaris smells like "lemon verbena," which is Aelin's scent.
This may all seem impossible if you believe the timelines to be concurrent - but, what if they're not?
What if, when Aelin fell through worlds, she fell forward in time? The Harp even mused that when it was last played, it transported the user through "TIME and space," and through the "eons."
ACOTAR last names.
If this is all true, perhaps it offers an explanation as to why the last names of most ACOTAR characters have been hidden. That the big reveal is that they all descend from TOG characters.
For example, the Winter Court would descend from the Whitethorns; with their wind/ice power, and signature white/silver hair.
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The Spring Court (and Tamlin's lineage) would descend from Lysandra (with her shapeshifting abilities), and Aedion.
I mean, the resemblance is rather uncanny.
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Even the Dawn Court, the place of healing, with their parallels to Yrene and Silba's descendants (even their book being called Tower of DAWN...).
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Ultimately, the connections and possibilities are endless.
Yet, no matter what, I theorise that the person at the centre of everything, across all worlds, is Maeve.
Or, otherwise known as Queen Theia.
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pb245 · 2 years
Broke: Oh, hey, it’s Marinette in her PJs
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Woke: Oh, hey, it’s Marinette in her Date-Wear
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pb245 · 2 years
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it’s a good week to love cringe
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pb245 · 2 years
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Adrien's smug smile while remembering the kiss and Marinette's face 😓🤭
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pb245 · 2 years
The new episode in 2 words
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