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Do you know about Greek mythological creatures, the Furies? (No, not Furries, you weirdos) The Erinyes, AKA the Furies, were female chthonic deities of vengeance, sometimes referred to as "infernal goddesses". A formulaic oath in the Iliad invokes them as "the Erinyes, that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath.” I love feminine mythological creatures, mostly the scary ones. I love how powerful and dangerous they were. So I made my own version of a Fury, using my face, because yes. What do you think?
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I have an obsession with christian symbols, even though I’m not religious at all. There´s something about this particular depiction of virgins that I just get obsessed about. This piece was made using a picture of mine as a base, and some free pieces found online. Made in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 with a Wacom Intuos Tablet.
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Earlier this year, I made a look to enter the NYX’s Face Awards Chile 2019, sadly I didn’t get in. But whaterver, right? I loved my look.
I like to make theatrical, horror and oniric looks, in every platform, from makeup to photoshop art. Soon I’ll make more weird stuff. 
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I’ve started to make some digital art, using my own pictures as base. I wanted to make some odd art and experiment a little with different techniques. Tell me what do you think about it! 
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