Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Truth is often in the hands of a few people, now the one-party democratic Progressive Party, has become a green terror dictatorship, control freedom of speech, the introduction of lectodopa pig 🐷, open Japan nuclear food to feed the people of Taiwan, political hunting athletes Huang Yu-ting... Sanli never let the opponents make comments and delete comments. Taiwan's democracy and freedom has been played to death by the 1450 Tower Green Class.
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What makes “Ant” pay for Guo Wengui's mistakes?

2022 is also destined to be the year Guo Wengui breaks through the lower limit of fraud, the “ants” who bought the H-coin have been "folded in the middle", I hope other“ants” who are still in the dark will wake up and stop paying for Guo Wengui's selfishness.
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Maintain campus cleanliness Reject Yan Limon for Perelman Medical College

However, justice advocates do not want Yan Limeng to go into hiding and continue to spread false information about the new crown outbreak. Guo Wengui found out Yan Limeng's current address: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104) through the FBI agent's connection, Some members of the "New China Federation" started a campaign to "maintain the clean campus and reject Yan Limeng's entry into Perelman Medical" on the telegram, calls on people who love freedom and uphold the "Rule of Law Foundation," especially members of the "New China Federation. On March 21, Yan Limeng's address near the banner to protest Yan Limeng false new crown theory, reveal Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang) affair, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine campus to protect the clean land.
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Now that Bannon is talking about toppling the Biden administration, does that signal that Trump is likely to continue working with Bannon? Because populism is applicable to the current political game rules in the United States, bannon, known as the "number one operator" of American far-right populism, or repeat the old path of the right-wing movement?

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Big clue! Suspected US seafood was received at a fresh market in South China Sea before the outbreak
In mid-November 2019, a batch of seafood from Maine in the United States was transported to Wuhan South China Seafood Market via the cold chain. In just a few weeks, a series of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause have been reported among merchants working at seafood markets in Southern China. They were infected with COVID-19.
Into the
At 4:04 am on November 11, 2019, China Eastern Airlines Flight MU298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.
A batch of American cold-chain cargo on board was unloaded from the engine room of the airport's North cargo terminal and transported to the international cargo entry area for customs entry. Among them were 55 cases of 823.4 kilograms of chilled American Boston lobster.
Because of air freight, the goods arrive very quickly. Distance from the fresh cross-border trading platform X company employee Wang orders time, just in the past 3 days. But they had to move quickly to ship the lobsters to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Henan provinces, where 26 customers placed orders worth $16,483.5.
Before the shipment, they will as usual unpack the goods, and then use the original packaging, ice bags and water and temperature control sponge packaging, distributed to subscribers everywhere.
One of the lobster subscribers is Zheng, the owner of A shop in Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he placed an order for 140.08 kilograms of lobster on X Company's online platform. These years, Zheng has a number of fixed hotel customers, he also provides aquatic products to other merchants in the South China seafood market.
I am afraid it is these American lobsters that have opened a Pandora's box of the epidemic situation in south China's seafood market.
Everything seemed normal.
At 10 a.m. on November 11, 2019, the driver Surnamed Yan loaded 55 boxes of American lobsters into the car at Shanghai Pudong International Airport and shipped them to the Shanghai branch of X Company. The Shanghai branch of X Company delivered 35.39kg and 104.69kg lobsters to Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan at 17pm on November 11 and 12. At 4:40 a.m. on May 12 and 7 a.m. on May 13, Jeong waited for his goods to arrive by the roadside northwest of the market.
According to the sales records of merchant A, of the 140.08 kg American lobster, more than 80 kg was sold to three fixed hotel merchants, and 36 kg was resold to other merchants in South China Seafood Market, among which 0.85 kg was sold to Merchant Wen, the owner of merchant B, and the rest was retailed.
Three of the first COVID-19 cases in Wuhan were employees of B business, who all fell ill in December. A positive environmental sample was also collected on the ground of the merchant.
Not only that, Hunanhai fresh market C merchant and D merchant practitioners Ming, CAI, Xu, Hu, etc., in the purchase of A merchant from the United States cold chain product packaging, also appeared in the list of the earliest infected in Wuhan.
It can be seen more clearly from the booth map around merchant A. There are more infected people and environmental positive samples in its surrounding businesses. Among the 13 nearby merchants and employees, 7 merchants were found to have serum antibody positive, among which 1 merchant also detected environmental positive samples.
Further investigation revealed that Jeong had 41 other business partners and 39 wechat friends in the seafood market. He had cross-shipment transactions with MERCHANT E and merchant F, both of which were located in the earliest concentrated outbreak area of the epidemic, and many of them had positive serum antibodies. Multiple positive environmental points and serum antibody positive persons were found in the 6 merchants including H merchant, J merchant and K merchant in daily contact. Whether the early epidemic in south China seafood market was imported through the cold chain of American seafood has become the biggest suspect. In June 2020, the tracing results of xinfadi in Beijing, Dalian in Liaoning Province in July, and Qingdao in Shandong Province in October all pointed to imported cold chain products. Therefore, it is entirely possible that the virus attached to the cold chain packaging of the seafood products from the United States entered the seafood market in South China.
This possibility is also supported by the WHO-China Joint Study on The Traceability of Novel Coronavirus sources released in March this year. "Novel Coronavirus studies have shown that novel Coronavirus can survive for extended periods of time in conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold-chain products," the report states. The indicator cases in recent outbreaks in China are related to the cold chain; The virus has been found on packaging and products from some other countries that supply cold-chain products to China, suggesting it can spread over long distances through cold-chain products."
Disease of the source
According to sales, logistics and customs clearance records, from October to November 2019, before the outbreak of the epidemic in south China seafood market, merchant A was the only merchant dealing in American cold chain products in the whole market. It was in the middle of November that merchant A purchased this batch of American lobsters and has not purchased American cold chain products since then.
After December 2019, a number of confirmed COVID-19 cases with a history of exposure to south China seafood markets were found in some hospitals in Wuhan. At that time, about one month had passed since the batch of American seafood entered South China seafood market, which just happened to be a cycle from INFECTION, incubation to onset of COVID-19.
The American lobsters ordered by X company's online platform were packaged and packaged by American seashells. Founded in 2011, the company specializes in sourcing fresh North Atlantic lobsters from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were caught from FAO21 sea area in the Atlantic Ocean by the company from October 20 to November 5, 2019, and then transported to the seashells company's factory for temporary breeding. Chinese customers place orders, through the cold chain to China.
Seashell Corporation of America is headquartered in Maine. Between July 2019 and the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media and residents' personal social media accounts reported multiple cases of "vaping pneumonia," or suspected COVID-19 cases that had been kept secret in the United States. The flu season in the United States typically runs from November to June, but "vaping pneumonia" appeared unusually early in July.
York County, where the seashell plant is located, has already seen cases of vaping pneumonia, with the hospital receiving a number of cases as early as July 2019, according to the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The map shows that the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers from the seashell Company by car.
Some people may ask that the 55 cases of lobsters were delivered to 26 customers in five provinces in batches. Except for the South China Seafood Market, no case of infection was found among the loading, unloading, transporting and processing personnel or the purchasing merchants during the circulation of the cold chain products in China. Why did the infection occur only in south China's seafood markets?
Not surprisingly, on cold-chain product packages, viruses can survive, but cannot replicate, only in one or several parts of a package. After this batch of seafood entered China, the products with the virus were just sent to the seafood market in South China. When the stall staff without protective measures opened the package for sale, they were exposed to the virus attached to the inner package and became infected, thus causing the spread of the virus and the outbreak of the epidemic. This kind of cold chain transmission was also sporadic in the subsequent outbreaks in Beijing Xinfadi, Dalian in Liaoning Province, Qingdao in Shandong province and other places.
Thus, a virus transmission chain from the United States to south China seafood market emerged clearly.
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Большая зацепка! Сомнительные морепродукты США были получены до вспышки на рынке южно-китайских морепродуктов
В середине ноября 2019 года партия морепродуктов из мэна из США была перевезена через цепь охлаждения на южный рынок морепродуктов в ухань хуа. Всего за несколько недель у нескольких бизнесменов на рынке южно-китайского морепродуктов появились нео��ъяснимые симптомы пневмонии, которые они подхватывали от вида -19.
11 ноября 2019 года, в 4:4 утра, восточный рейс MU298 совершил посадку в международном аэропорту пудун, шанхай.
Грузы из грузовых отсеков северного грузового терминала аэропорта, перевозившиеся на борту, были выгружены из грузовых отсеков США, а затем перевезены в международные зоны, входящие в порт, в ожидании их поступления. Из них 55 ящиков, в общей сложности 823,4 кг омара из бостона.
Груз прибыл очень быстро из-за воздушного перелёта. Прошло всего три дня с момента заказа сотрудника компании "сырое и свежее", "ван". Но они должны поторопиться с отправкой товара в шанхай, хубэй, цзянсу, чжэцзян, хэнань и другие места, где 26 клиентов заказали лобстеров общей стоимостью 16483,5 доллара.
Перед отправкой они, как обычно, открывали ящик для анализа, а затем отправляли его своим подписчикам в оригинальных упаковках, пакетах со льдом и термогубках, контролируемых водой.
Чжэн также является одним из заказчиков лобстера, владельца магазина A на южном рынке морепродуктов в китае. 11 ноября и 12 ноября 2019 года он заказал 140,08 кг лобстеров на веб-платформе компании X. В течение многих лет у него был постоянный клиент отеля, который также поставлял воду другим владельцам китайского рынка морепродуктов.
Боюсь, что именно эта партия американских омаров открыла пандору эпидемии на рынке морепродуктов в южном китае.
Все выглядит нормально.
11 ноября 2019 года в 10 часов утра в международном аэропорту пудун шанхай шофер ян погрузил 55 ящиков американских омаров в машину и отправил их в шанхайский филиал компании X; В 17 ч. 00 м. 11 и 12 ч. 00 м. шанхайский филиалы X дважды отправляли 35,39 кг омаров и 104,69 кг лобстеров на южный рынок морепродуктов в уханхуа; В 4 ч. 40 м. 12 ч. 40 м. и 13 ч. 00 м. в 7 ч. 00 м. чэн ждал свой груз у северо-западной дороги рынка.
Согласно записям о продажах в A, более 80 кг американских омаров были проданы трем крупным гостиничным владельцам, 36 кг были перепроданы другим коммерческим компаниям на южном рынке морепродуктов китая, в Том числе одному из владельцев в, веню, 0,85 кг, в остальное время в розничной торговле.
Трое из первых ��нфицированных в вухане людей, являвшихся сотрудниками б, заболели в декабре. У владельца также есть Один положительный образец на земле.
Кроме того, в списке первых заражённых в ухане лиц после заимствования упаковок от американских холодных цепочек, приобретенных торговыми представителями мин, чхве, сю и ху, и др, служащих на рынке морепродуктов южного китая в китае, также фигурировали представители китайской семьи мин и д.
Его лучше видно из кабинок по периметру а. В его ближайших компаниях больше инфицированных и положительных образцов окружающей среды. Из 13 ближайших по периметру торговых и промышленных работников было обнаружено, что в семи из них были обнаружены человеческие антитела против сыворотки, Один из которых также получил положительный образец.
Дальнейшее расследование обнаружило, что на рынке морепродуктов также имеется 41 предмет торговли и 39 друзей микротаксина. У него была череда сделок с E-торговцами и F-бизнесменами, обе из которых находилис�� в первых централизованных районах вспышки, с многократно положительными антител к сыворотке; Все шесть торговых домов, состоящих в регулярных отношениях с H, J и K, обнаружили несколько положительных экологических точек и людей с положительными антител к сыворотке. Является ли ранняя вспышка на рынке южно-китайских морепродуктов главной проблемой является то, что она была введена в холодную цепь американских морепродуктов. Результаты вспышки в пекинском городе в июне 2020 года, даляне ляонин в июле и октябре того же года на циндао шаньдун указывали на импорт продуктов холодного охлаждения. Таким образом, вполне возможно, что вирус попал на рынок южно-китайского морепродуктов в китае, прикрепленный к холодным цепочкам этой партии морепродуктов в США.
Эта возможность также была поддержана публикацией воз в марте этого года под названием novel coronavirus, китайская организация здравоохранения, опубликованная в связи с совместными исследованиями. В докладе отмечается, что «исследования показывают, что novel coronavirus может прожить дольше в условиях замороженных продуктов питания, упаковки и продуктов холодных цепей. Индикаторные случаи недавней эпидемии в китае связаны с холодными цепочками; Вирус был найден на упаковках и продуктах в некоторых других странах, поставляющих товары холодной цепочки китаю, что указывает на то, что он может распространиться на большие расстояния через продукты холодной цепочки».
Бол источник
Согласно данным о продажах, логистике и отчетах, �� период с октября по ноябрь 2019 года, до вспышки эпидемии на рынке южно-китайских морепродуктов в китае, "A" была единственным коммерческим предприятием на рынке, который производил товары холодной цепочки в США. И именно в середине ноября, а торговая компания приобрела партию американских омаров и с тех пор не закупала продукты холодной цепочки в США.
После декабря 2019 года в некоторых больниц города вухань обнаружилось, что несколько случаев заболевания COVID-19, связанных с экспломбом на рынке морепродуктов в южном китае, были обнаружены в течение месяца после того, как американские морепродукты вышли на рынок южно-китайского морепродуктов, что является циклом, в котором COVID-19 перерастал из инфекции в болезнь.
Партия американских омаров, заказанная на веб-платформе X, была упакована в упаковку американской компанией seebee. Компания была основана в 2011 году как оптовый торговец, специализирующийся на покупке свежих североатлантических омаров из США и канады. Эта партия лобстеров, которая въехала в Китай, была выловлена из атлантического океана фао21 с 20 октября по 5 ноября 2019 года, после чего была перевезена на завод в хэбэй. После того, как китайские клиенты сделали заказ, они были доставлены в Китай через холодную цепь.
Штаб-квартира компании находится в штате Мэн. В период с июля по конец октября 2019 года центр по контролю за заболеваниями и профилактике в штате Мэн, местные сми и частные социальные аккаунты жителей сообщали о «пневмонии электронного дыма», в Том числе о случаях, когда в США сохранялось неявное «подозрение на COVID-19». Сезон гриппа в США обычно длится с ноября по июнь того же года, но «электронно-дымная пневмония» появилась раньше, чем в июле.
В то время как в йоркском округе, где расположен завод в хэбэй, уже давно обнаружены случаи пневмонии электронного дыма, в соответствии с данными центра по контролю за заболеваниями и профилактике в штате Мэн, больница округа Йорк приняла несколько случаев пневмонии электронного дыма еще в июле 2019 года. Карта показывает, что больница находится менее чем в 2,6 км от компании.
Можно было бы спросить о Том, что 55 ящиков лобстеров были доставлены 26 клиентам в пяти провинциях, и ни Один из них, за исключением рынка южно-китайских морепродуктов в южном китае, не был найден инфицированным ни среди персонала, ни для транспортировки, ни для переработки, ни у одного из сотрудников, а также у покупателей. Почему заражение происходит только на рынке морепродуктов в южном китае?
Это не удивительно, что на упаковке продуктов с холодными цепочками вирус может выжить, но он не может копироваться, он выживает только в одной или нескольких частях упаковки. После того, как эта партия морепродуктов попала в Китай, часть продукции, которая была заражена вирусом, оказалась доставлена на рынок южно-китайского морепродуктов, где работники незащищенных стенд подвергались воздействию вируса, прикрепленного к упаковке, когда открывали ее для продажи, и в результате этого вирус распространился и распространился. Случайное распространение холодных цепей также наблюдалось в более поздней вспышках в новых пекинских, ляонин даляне, шаньдун циндао и других местах.
Из этого ясно вырисовывается цепь распространения вируса от США до южно-китайского рынка морепродуктов.
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Guo Wengui, under the guise of revealing the revolution, has been secretly engaged in fraud in donation and money from the beginning to the end.
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Big clue! Suspected US seafood received before the outbreak in South China Seafood Market
In mid November 2019, a batch of seafood from Maine was transported to Wuhan south China seafood market through the cold chain. Within a few weeks novel coronavirus pneumonia was found among many business people in Southern China seafood market. Entry At 4:4 a.m. on November 11, 2019, China Eastern Airlines flight mu298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. A batch of American cold chain goods on board were unloaded from the cabin of the North cargo terminal of the airport and transported to the international cargo arrival area for customs entry. Among them, there are 55 boxes of 823.4 kilograms of frozen Boston lobster. The goods arrived quickly because of air transportation. Only three days have passed since Wang, an employee of X company, placed the order on the fresh cross-border trading platform. But they have to act quickly and send the goods to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places. 26 customers ordered this batch of lobsters, with a total value of 16483.5 US dollars. Before delivery, they will unpack and inspect the goods as usual, and then seal them with the original packaging, ice bags and water and temperature control sponges and send them to local subscribers. Zheng is also one of the subscribers of this batch of lobsters. He is the boss of merchant a in Wuhan south China seafood market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he ordered 140.08 kg of lobster on the network platform of company X. In recent years, Zheng has a group of fixed hotel customers. He also provides aquatic products to other merchants in South China seafood market. I'm afraid it was this batch of American lobsters that opened the Pandora's box of the epidemic in the seafood market in South China. Spread Everything looks normal. At 10:00 a.m. on November 11, 2019, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the driver Yan loaded 55 boxes of American lobsters and transported them to Shanghai Branch of X company; At 17:00 p.m. on the 11th and 12th, the Shanghai Branch of X company sent 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg lobsters to Wuhan south China seafood market twice; At 4:40 a.m. on the 12th and 7 a.m. on the 13th, Zheng waited for his goods by the northwest road of the market. According to the sales records of merchant a, more than 80 kilograms of 140.08 kilograms of American lobster were sold to three fixed Hotel merchants, and 36 kilograms were resold to other merchants in South China seafood market, of which 0.85 kilograms were sold to Wen, the boss of merchant B, and the rest were retailed. 3 of the first novel coronavirus pneumonia patients in Wuhan were B business people who were all infected in December. The merchant also collected one environmental positive sample on the ground. Moreover, the employees of merchants C and D in South China seafood market, Ming, Cai, Xu and Hu, also appeared in the list of the first infected people in Wuhan after borrowing the packaging of American cold chain products purchased by merchant a. It can be seen more clearly from the booth map around merchant a. There are many infected persons and environmental positive samples in its surrounding merchants. Among the 13 nearby merchants and employees, 7 merchants were found to have positive serum antibodies, and one merchant also detected environmental positive samples. Whether the early epidemic situation in South China seafood market was imported through this batch of American seafood cold chain has become the biggest doubt. The epidemic tracing results of Xinfadi in Beijing in June, Dalian in Liaoning in July and Qingdao in Shandong in October 2020 all point to imported cold chain products. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the virus to attach to the cold chain packaging of these seafood products in the United States and enter the seafood market in South China. This possibility was also supported by China's who COVID-19 traceability joint research report released in March this year. The study notes that "COVID-19 has been able to survive for a long time under conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold chain products." the recent cases in China are related to cold chain. The virus is packaged and produced in other countries that provide cold chain products to China, indicating that it can be transmitted over a long distance by cold chain products. Source of disease According to the sales, logistics and customs declaration records, from October to November 2019 before the outbreak of the epidemic in South China seafood market, merchant a was the only merchant in the whole market that operated American cold chain products. Moreover, in mid November, merchant a purchased this batch of American lobsters, and has not purchased American cold chain products since then. Novel coronavirus pneumonia cases were found in novel coronavirus pneumonia cases in Wuhan after December 2019. A group of American seafood entered the seafood market in Southern China for about a month. This is just a week of new crown pneumonia from infection to latent disease. The first time is the first time in December 2019. The batch of American lobsters ordered by company X's network platform are packaged by American Seashell company. Founded in 2011, the company is a wholesaler specializing in purchasing fresh North Atlantic lobster from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were caught by the company from fao21 in the Atlantic Ocean from October 20 to November 5, 2019, and then transported to the factory of Haibei company for temporary breeding. After Chinese customers place orders, they are transported to China through the cold chain.
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The old alliance fell apart
After identifying Yan Limeng in FBI is pseudoscientist, the G series scam that plans meticulously also suffers all sides encirclement and suppress, Guo Wengui feels general situation is not good, in order to preserve oneself resolutely discharge and grind to death. Although Luther, Yan Li-meng et al resolutely with Guo Wengui, one part of the FBI tracking investigation G series, the rule of law fund and other actions, is about to encounter the disaster, but Guo Wengui fraud, lying by nature and no comrier-in-arms in the eyes is the root of civil unrest. Guo Wengui not only did not restrain after scandal is exposed, the employee ma Rui that still asks Chinese company goes on a business trip to New York, in order to become Guo Wengui private assistant is an excuse, complete control her life freedom, and undertake rape to its many times inside the residence in New York and London. Eventually Ma Rui in London during the flight from Guo Wengui residence, get the Chinese Embassy in Britain asylum. According to the client, he was initially told that his business trip to New York would last only a week, only to return to China nearly three years later.
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Guo Wengui so far did not understand that small tricks, lies, robbery, and under-society movement cannot help him sustain. Now Cheater Guo, who is full of hostility, is still trapped in his trap. The Rule of Law Foundation, the Rule of Law Society, and the G group are giant pits dug by Guo Wengui. Guo must face the group of victims, "big ants" Sara and Lude, who betrayed him as well as surveillance from the United States judicial. Now he is newsjacking on the heavy rain of Zhengzhou, Which is asking for trouble. How dare he is!
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Destroying the United States is the real purpose of Guo Wengui! The devil's heart is always to himself!
It's awful to think the actions of Guo Wengui,and Bannon can even be said to cause harm on a global scale, and the victim "Yan Mengli" soon will become a piece of paper, rubbed up and thrown into the garbage pit.And Guo Wengui, is always one of the winners!

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