Protector of Paris
38 posts
"Who are you? A citizen of Paris, or not? If you are in trouble, the police are here to assist." {Indie Inspector Vergier RP sideblog from the game Rhythm Thief}
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
This Phantom sure seemed to be enjoying himself, even joking at him. "Don't underestimate me!" He shouted. While he may be able to catch up to him, he'd still have a distance between them. Normally he had other men chase after him anyway.
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"Run Run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m a Phantom man!" he laughed.
Oh man he enjoyed this.
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"You’re faster than I expected!"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Even though he hadn't pushed her aside, this stubborn man wasn't going to allow her on this job. Though he had wanted to praise her, if he did that would only cause her to continue, which he didn't want having.
"Don't push your luck, Charlotte." She was right though, with all that she had done. He had seen the cases she solved, even when he had told her to not do such a thing, the work was...exemplary. "You may be capable of some assignments, but not even you can accomplish everything." Vergier huffed. "You'll see it soon enough. Everyone else will to." The inspector would be sure that he would capture that phantom thief. With assistance or not, though he'd preferred if he captured him on his own.
Ah, this was progress. He hadn’t tried to push pass her or cut her off in mid-explanation. This was good. Perhaps she and her father were getting somewhere. Maybe he was even going to consider what she had said-nope. Shot down once again. Hrmph. At least the inspector hadn’t denied that she was good. That actually made Charlie’s pride swell just a bit. Didn’t mean that she was going to be any less aggressive in attempting to get her point across though.
"I can do a lot more than you think I can, Papa-including taking care of myself. I’ve lived this long with you practically living at your work, yes? And I have solved cases before on my own.’ Mind you, most of them were of the smaller kind but she did solve them, and there were a few upper level ones she managed to get her hands on as well. At his statement though she laughed, a prideful look similar to his own slipping onto her face. 
"Hah. I’ll believe that when I see it. I am one step ahead of you for that on all fronts."
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Yeah he was going to need all the luck he could get to capture him. Though he would out right deny luck to get his hands on him. "Of course I will take you in! Now, for once, don't move." The inspector wasn't expecting him to listen. It would be a miracle if he did.
"That’s the spirit!" You shouldn’t be encouraging him, Ryth. Not that it would make a difference. It’s been two years and the man still couldn’t catch him. Shame, it’s probably ruining his rep, too. Ah well, nothing he could really do about that. "Who, me? Good luck with that."
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
She wasn't going to get him off her trail so easily. Even if she were to go faster than him, he'd speed up, just a bit, so she could know he was following behind. "Of course I know why you are here! Thats why I'm here to stop you!" Just like every other time. "I will not stop, not until you have left from this building!"
"You should be!" She huffed, continuing to walk away this time without stopping. He could be stubborn, but it was a trait he passed on to her. She may keep going, but it wasn’t the door she was heading for. "You know very well what it is that I’m here for. Don’t pretend that you don’t. I’m sure that you have other, more important things to concern yourself with, so just leave already, would you?" Maybe if she just walked a little faster, he’d stop. That wasn’t likely though.
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
cheesehund started following you
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Why was that dog following him around? He looked familiar, probably reminding him of that thief's dog. But Phantom was nowhere to be seen. If the dog kept following him, he'd probably have to find his owner.
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
distinctis started following you
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It was quite a busy day at the constabulary, with more criminal activity there was more work to be done. And now this girl had come to him? Whatever for? Reporting some crime? "Is there a problem?, miss"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
automatesvoleur started following you
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Seeing another Phantom R...or maybe it was one of those alternates? Hmph. Whichever it may be, a thief was still a thief. Even if he may not be completely up for the chase at the moment, he wouldn't give up. "Stop...Phantom R!"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Of course, Phantom had to deal with him and his daughter. It was a shame they couldn't work together to capture the thief, but he'd be the one to capture him. "Perhaps your time in jail will give you a break from us." The inspector stopped, eyeing the thief. He was probably going to move soon, so he should take a precaution. "Time for your arrest! Surround him!" He pointed towards the thief, the roller skate brigade already moving after him.
Aforementioned dog, Fondue, raised his muzzle with an inquisitive whimper. He did not really get the subject of the banter between his master and the inspector with the loose tie as a greyhound’s tail, but it was, without fail, the same rhythmic: he talked, the master replied that would infuriate the poor man, they left on the roofs. Same day every day; as he knew that too, Phantom R took a step backward, faintly eyeing the balconies to make his escape, and a grin plastered on his face.
“Trust me when I say dealing with your entire family is enough punishment!”
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
"You're wrong to think I'll give you a head start." He answered. Let him get one? As if! An alternate to his Phantom would still be quick, at least he assumed. So before he could say anymore he began to go after this new thief, Cracktom R.
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"Figures, I suppose I should start huh? maybe count to ten to give me a head start?" he chuckled.
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"This show is somewhat over!"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
A stubborn man like him, he wouldn't stop until she at least left the building. Though that would be a tough thing to do. "You think I would be relieved by such a thing?" He was still a parent, even if he hadn't always been around her, of course this made him just follow after her, even if he wasn't keeping up to her speed. "Your business so happens to be my business. As long as you are intent on trying to be in here, then I'll need to know what you're doing!"
When he followed after her, she stopped abruptly, turning on the spot with an expression contorted with anger. “Quit following me! How dare you tell me I don’t know when to quit, when you’re the one persisting on something that isn’t your business anymore? You aren’t required, by any means, to oversee any aspect of my life now! Shouldn’t that be a relief to you?” Then she turned once again, but took off faster this time. Hopefully, he would know to stop this time. She was well aware of how that was only wishful thinking, though.
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Tch, of course he had something to say about this. Just saying that wouldn't get him off the hook. Phantom R would always be on his radar until the time came when he managed to get him into jail. "You'll regret ever becoming a thief once I have you." The inspector took a few steps towards the thief, ready to follow after him and give any orders once he moved.
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If it wasn’t his favorite inspector, Paul Vergier! His voice was neither something he would have liked to get- a needlessly hard task for what could only be compared to a bulldog’s bark, despite the silhouette- nor something he liked to hear- as it was, without a miss, reserved to accuse him. Phantom R tipped his hat backward with an arrogant smile. “I’m just taking a walk with my dog, is that illegal now?” Keep hoping, Vergier, but that thief is not one you will get your hands on!
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Text wasn't a stolen painting? He put a hand to his head, rubbing it, getting really annoyed. Just like with any other insult, he ignored it. "You should have started running long ago...Cracktom." He said angrily. Honestly, he'd prefer the regular Phantom R over him.
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"You didn’t like my trick? what a party pooper!" he pouted.
he turned it around, it was a stickman riding a stick horse.
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"I tried painting one time, at least I can say, I’m no artist." he shrugged.
He shook his head.
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"The goods I have indeed stolen are in a good hiding place, better than my pants!" he laughed. "I suppose I should start running, non?"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
The inspector should have seen this coming. He was expecting her to stop him or even just follow after him to get some information. He was forced to stop once she stood in his way, giving an annoyed sigh, but remaining to keep the papers away from her.
"Stating those reasons won't change my mind." He hated admitting that she was actually really great on cases, doing things that most of his men couldn't do. "You may be quick, but you cannot protect yourself from certain criminals. As for that accursed Phantom R, do not bring him up. I will be the one to put him behind bars."
Curse her father for being taller than her and curse her dignity that prevented her from outright jumping for those papers. A couple of grabs was all she was willing to spare before he turned away from her and began to withdraw back into his office. Hrmph. He wasn’t getting away that easy, no way. So she did what any determined Vergier would do when their quarry was getting away: she stood right in his path.
"Fine. You may not be as old as I think you are but neither am I as young as you think I am." She stated crossly, a sulky look on her features. “I know Paris better than almost all of your constables, and I can get around the city quicker as well. I’m fast, agile, and dare I say it, got yours and mother’s smarts.” The young detective paused for a moment before adding on one last stinging bit. "Plus, I’m also the only one who’s really gotten close to catching Phantom R. That counts for something, yes?"
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
"You don't know when to stop! Constantly continue to go after every case, not even once listening to what I say!" Vergier was used to that glare. Seeing it on her face, he knew things would only continue to get worse. "You may be an adult, but you are still a child to me, Charlotte! Whatever you choose to do, I have to oversee it!" At least when it came to cases. That was the only time he could keep watch over her. He walked after her, he wasn't going to let her go.
"I know that they aren’t games! Why do you always insist that I’m playing? You treat me like a child constantly, and I’m sick of it!" At this point, she was outright glaring up at him. Something that wouldn’t come as a surprise anymore to anyone who had ever witnessed one of these arguments before. "When are you going to get that I don’t need your permission anymore? I’m an adult! I have control over my own life! You can’t always tell me what I’m allowed to do anymore!" And with that said, she stomped off, but not out of the constabulary.
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
"You won't get away so easily, Phantom!" He shouted out. Figuring he should at least catch one of them, he wouldn't let them escape. The inspector would follow him until he managed to get out of sight. Just how long that would last, he didn't know. He wouldn't let this end in failure like the other times.
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Uh oh. Look at your luck this week. Not only were you cornered nonstop by one Vergier, here came the other! Absolutely awful luck was a factor that loved you, it seemed.
❞Sorry, Vergier! No can do!”
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Yip, yip, Phantom! Book it!
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
"I'd prefer one over two Phantoms!" If he couldn't catch one, having another one to chase after would be a nightmare. Maybe he would get used to seeing alternates, though he wasn't sure if he  could handle seeing so many thieves roaming Paris. "But, I will take what I can. Taking one Phantom into custody and then the other. You will be the first, Phantom R!"
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"Calm down, Inspector. It’s just two of us." This must have been the first time Vergier has seen more than one of the same person. Poor guy. He’ll get used to it after a while…Maybe. I mean, there are more than one of the person he’s been after for a long while now. Were there more than one Phantom R this whole time? Vergier would never know. Ryth snickered at the thought. What an asshole.
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paulvergier-blog · 11 years ago
Oh no, he wasn't going to let her take ahold of these papers. Letting her have any kind of information on any case was the last thing he wanted. She'd cause more trouble for him that way. Get involved and try to do things on her own. "I'm not as old as you make me out to be. I can still take care of all my cases," He replied, moving the papers out of her reach. She just didn't know when to give up on getting information.
"You're too young for this case. And every other one." He stated, beginning to walk away from her, back into his file filled office. "Go home and stay home rather than try to find out police work. This isn't a game a child can play."
"You go home, old man." Came her sharp retort as Charlie fixed her hat snugly on her head and drew closer. As if she was going to leave when he obviously had something interesting going on-which she promptly tried to get into the middle of. What were those papers that he was holding? Something important? Probably. Would he let her see them? Probably not. Was she going to try to get them anyway by any means necessary? Yep. 
"You’re getting much too ancient for this sort of work. Why don’t you just let me handle whatever case it is you’re working with right now and go take a nap." The detective said as she tried to stealthily grab a hold of one of those sheets.
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