29 posts
This blog is designed to help you find your Satori. An instant awakening or understanding. Experience Satori through the powerful medium of creation, poetry, quotes and art.
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Engines ready. Drivers ready. Lets GO! The waiting is done the Summit of Inspiration kicks off this evening at 6pm EST - 9pm EST and then tomorrow 6pm - 9pm. A completely interactive platform and experience. Register at the link below
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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This Friday and Saturday fix your radars as there will be a perfect storm of meteoric inspiration with a high possibility of insightful wisdom all blown along with hurricane force winds of great humour and energy. As one of the co Emcees and conductors there is nothing more fun than hearing amazing stories and lessons realized. Join us in this storm of amazing to see element speakers from all over the globe brought to you in your home. For tickets click here. Get them before they blow away!!!!!
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Some of you may know my story. What you don't know is what happened when i went back to the accident site a couple of weeks ago. I told no one until now! Read what happened and what REVELATIONS i found. Pg 92/93 Article link below and in the comments AVAILABLE NOW: The SOURCE Edition⁠⁠ 'Where Awareness Begins'⁠⁠ Produced by Awareness Ties (@awarenessties) In Partnership with Issuu (@issuu) #awarenow #humanity #unity
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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I am delighted that my article has been published in this months top talent magazine. Thank you top talent
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Join me September 17 & 18 at the Summit of Inspiration! Hand selected speakers from around the world. One goal to bring you inspiration Go to to get your ticket!
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Are you feeling off balance, stressed out, overwhelmed, have poor or disturbed sleep and no clarity or focus? Some or all of the above? YES. Then your body is trying to tell you something. For me i am flattening the curve and It is having huge positive effects!!! So if you or someone you know is fed up living the LACK life. DM and i can and will share my journey of TRANSFORMATION.
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Just arrived. NFR (Not for resale) (Canada). My newest friends which I will be using to hopefully calm the worst of my CPTSD symptoms. Reports to follow…
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
This is not some pipe dream. Yes work is always involved but working with friends who care and want to collaborate instead of compete. Now wouldn't that be a thing. If you open to having fun, feeling great, being with friends and earning too then DM me. If you don't have any friends dont worry these can be supplied too. hehe
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
OHHH Dear. Do you feel the frustration like this sometimes? I know my computer has nearly gone out the window more than once. You too? Especially as we are now all on our computers and in Zoom meetings all the time. Calm the Chaos a BRAND NEW way to reduce stress, improve focus/productivity and help sleep better. If you are open to feeling and looking better get in touch and DM me. Definitely cheaper than a new computer!!!!!!
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
OHHH Dear. Do you feel the frustration like this sometimes? I know my computer has nearly gone out the window more than once. You too? Especially as we are now all on our computers and in Zoom meetings all the time. Calm the Chaos a BRAND NEW way to reduce stress, improve focus/productivity and help sleep better. If you are open to feeling and looking better get in touch and DM me. Definitely cheaper than a new computer!!!!!!
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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I have just picked my jaw up off the floor. Just 3 days in! What a wonderful testimonial and start to a journey for Brita. RESULTS DONT LIE. Start your journey today. DM for more info and join Brita and me.
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Very happy Sunday wake up. In little over 2 weeks I have released/lost 14llbs. Success is the journey not the destination. My wife has lost 15llbs too. Just under 30llbs combined. If you want to know more and how we are achieving this awesome results DM me. Happy Sunday
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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I am on a 30 day health change. Actually more of a healthy lifestyle challenge. If you want to join me keep reading. My goal has been to reduce pain, increase energy, kick the energy drink and release some weight. So far at day 12 i have done all of those and lost 10llbs. People are also noticing it too. If the 19 of COVID 19 is the residual weight you have put on DM me. I will share my how. This is for people who actually walk the talk as looking for great likeminded heros in the challenge team.
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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HAPPENING TODAY. Tune in on Clubhouse grab your tickets. Link in comments below. I am speaking on the 12pm EST section. Life after Trauma.
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
“You’re a fighter. Look at everything you’ve overcome. Don’t give up now.”
— Olivia Benson (via quotefeeling)
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
“So many years of education yet nobody ever taught us how to love ourselves and why it’s so important.”
— Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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paulsrogers · 4 years ago
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Today is the last day of PTSD awareness month. Our job is just beginning. This is NOT just a mindset issue. I want to reframe CPTSD/ PTSD .... C = COURAGEOUS P = PROUD / PERSEVERANCE T= TOUGHNESS / TENACITY S= STRENGTH / SAVIOR D = DETERMINATION / DEFY We all have these inner qualities. We will need to hold onto these and ACTUALLY APPLY this thinking for others and ourselves in readiness of what is to come. THANK YOU you for all of your engagement on these posts and helping others increase their levels of awareness. Those life coaches who are worried they don't have many clients at the moment. You will have! Dont give up! We will need all of us in the PRIVATE SECTOR. GlobalData epidemiologists expect a significant increase in total prevalence of PTSD, with the risk for women being twice as high as that of men. Based on a GlobalData Healthcare report on the 28 Apr 2020 (Last Updated April 28th, 2020 12:59) 17.3 million people across the listed markets are already suffering from PTSD. Front-line healthcare workers and people who have been self-quarantined exhibited the symptoms of PTSD. Covid-19’s effects are global and long-term, the psychological impact of Covid-19 will be seen across many regions in the world. WE will be ready.
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