paulmgreen · 3 years
How Do Athletes Re-adjust Once They Retire?
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To become a successful athlete, younger players train extensively from a young age. Often, you will hear the interviews of elite athletes who sacrifice their personal lives to fulfil their glorious dream. They spend huge finances, move away from family and friends to undergo extensive training. Hence, many of them do not even like to think about retirement in great detail.
However, it is a fact that whether they are Olympic medalist or runner ups, the end of a sports career is inevitable. Some may have to retire because of age, while others may retire due to tiredness and injury.
 But the question is, what mostly happens when they retire from the days of rigorous training? How do they deal with the void of time which they used to travel? What happens when they do not have to further compete with the adrenaline rush?
 Veteran athletes are predominantly vulnerable to depression. The 2015 study showing 224 retired athletes of Australia finds that every one out of four athletes was battling with depression. The end of a sports career becomes a struggle for them. They find it challenging to adapt to regular life without the limelight, competition and audience.
 The termination of a sports career provokes dramatic changes in occupational, personal and social lives. Furthermore, these changes can negatively impact cognition and behaviour aspects.
 What is the role of a Sports Psychologist?
Sports psychologists not only give support to athletes to improve their performance when they are competing against their opponents. A sports psychologist also gives support to athletes when they retire from the sports world.
 Tracey Veivers is a well-known sports consultant who has worked for several decades in sports psychology to help them fulfil goals. Her sports psychology consultant brand is also helping the athletes and veterans to stabilise mental health.
 How Do They Help You?
 There are numerous ways in which you can reduce your depression after retiring from the sports world. A sports psychologist helps you guide after retirement from the sports world in the right direction.
 ·         Enhance Self-identity
 Lower your exclusive Sporting Role and Promote your Self-identity. Expanding your self-identity ensures you discover a whole new world.
 ·         Find Interest beyond Sports
 Find out your interests in different activities and dreams other than sports. Pursuing something different or finding a new hobby can help you find peace after retirement.
 ·         Teach Management Skills
Educate you in developing stress and time management skills. These skills will encourage you in reconciling better with sports and other roles.
 ·         Make bonds Stronger
 Sports psychologists help you strengthen relationships with your family, friends, coaches and managers. Just like your sporting achievements, they care about your personal growth. With their support, you will be able to diversify your mind and achieve solace.
The general belief of athletes being mentally strong, healthy and happy is quite stereotypical. This attitude often makes it harder for them to approach someone to help.
Apart from these, there are some programs that aim to provide support to the athletes for transitioning after retirement. The main aim is to help athletes develop other domains instead of focusing on their sports identity.
 So, if you want to make your transition process smooth, visit
 and consult with experienced psychologists
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