paulasydny · 3 years
Let the moment seizes us
Let the moment seizes us
Let the moment seizes us I’ve been waiting for more than an hour to see this place change from something normal to something magical. You know how everyone’s always saying #carpediem or seize the day/moment? How about we try the other way around? Let the moment seizes us instead.
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paulasydny · 3 years
Live in the moment
Live in the moment
Ichigo Ichie #ichigoichie will teach you to live in the moment. #onetimeonemeeting “an encounter that only happens once in a lifetime, reminding us to treasure every moment.”
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
Hi! I’m Paula Sydny, I’m a registered nurse, experienced sales executive and training manager, frustrated writer and cook (or just plain frustrated), a business owner, and last but not the least, I’m a wife and a mom to a beautiful baby girl. I decided to create a blog so that I can immortalize my thoughts (If possible), reflect on my actions, plan my next move and of course share with you my experiences and struggles of being everything I wanted to be and show all those who doubt themselves, that they too can do the same. I hope that by doing this, I can help you, inspire you, motivate you, and lift you up when you’re feeling down (singing). I also hope that we can help each other, after all I’m still new to this experiences and I still don’t know a lot of things. I understand that I took too many roles and responsibilities that I can handle and believe me it’s not easy. Until now, I’m still trying to figure out how I can make things work, but we’ll get there soon, for now I’ll introduce myself.
I am a pure blood Filipino living in this wonderful coutry consisting of thousands of islands, where, as our tag line claim, it’s more fun in the Philippines!!! I’ll be turning 33 soon, but I still feel young, after all, age is just a number. As I said, I’m a frustrated cook as well, so I hope you can give me some simple recipes that I can start with. Expect this blog to be random, since it’s consist of my random thoughts. So…that’s finally it. I don’t know what else to write. Let’s talk again soon, please leave comments, suggestion of what it is you want to talk about.
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
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paulasydny · 3 years
Starting my fitness journey
NOTE: I wrote this July 26
Tomorrow, July 27, I will start my Low Calorie Diet, hopefully I can achieve my desired weight in 3 months. I currently weight 92.7kg and my height is 165cm. If you are going to check my BMI, I fall under the category of obese. My weight for my height should be between 59-63kg only and please don’t get me wrong I am in line with “loving yourself” and all but I decided to get healthy because I want to be able to spend more or rather longer time with my family, I want to see my daughter’s 18th birthday, I want to see her get married and have children of her own and I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with my husband and travel. I also realize lately that loving yourself also means taking care of your health and that it is never too late to start.
My health condition is not that great to be honest, I am gaining a lot of weight due to the medications I’m taking and because I don’t want to exercise. Most of the time, I’m sitting down reading books and running our business and watching netflix. I hate going outside to walk, I don’t even like getting all sweaty and all and I tried a lot of things before to lose weight and failed and then I just gave up. But I realized that I am not getting anymore younger and that what I’m doing is neglecting myself, giving excuses why I don’t like it or that I’d rather die eating at my hearts content than dying of regrets because I wasn’t able to eat what I want. But everything started to change when I change my mindset and my priorities. My priorities will always be my family so If I want to spend longer time with them then I need to change how I view things and that’s what gets me started this fitness journey.

And if in the long run, I lose weight, then maybe I will have more energy to add some exercise in this fitness journey. I will let you know when that time comes.
NOTE: I will tell you guys about the Low calorie Diet Meal plan that I avail in my next blog.
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paulasydny · 3 years
Part 1: How the book, “The 5am Club” by Robin Sharma, affected me?
PLEASE NOTE: This is my own opinion about the first 2 chapters of the book, everything in “BOLD” letters are rightfully owned by the author Mr. Robin Sharma. This is not a sponsored blog. PLEASE SUPPORT the author by buying his book, “The 5am Club” by Robin Sharma.
So, I’m currently reading a book and to be a honest, its been a while since I last hold one. I really like reading and other stuff but I always get distracted by the digital world 📱💻 and this book helps me unshackled myself from it, finally.
I’m still haven’t finish reading it but so far, I learned quite a lot. I also have a unique way of reading because I interact with the books I read by writing my own thoughts on it, highlights some good words and all (am I the only one?) so when the time comes that I finished the book, it looks like a mess, but it’s all worth it. I would like to share some good words from the author (I’m still on chapter 5) and I am really affected on how he put words together and it becomes magical. The “bold” part comes from the book.
‼️⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️‼️ For those of you who are still not strong enough to read it, please skip this part.
This is the quote from chapter 1, it says “How could a once-glorious life be ended swiftly and precisely, with a minimum mess yet maximum impact? - For those of you who don’t know me (that’s probably a lot of you 😂), back in August 1 of 2019, I was diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder with Moderate Anxiety symptoms and then later on it was change to Bipolar 2. I knew all along that I am far from normal but I thought that I can do everything my mind set to even without asking for professional help. But I was wrong. I needed help but I was too stubborn to admit it or even ask for it. I got to a point of my life where I feel very numb and lost, I was doing fine professionally, I got promoted every six months but none of it makes me happy. I hurt myself not only once but a lot of times. I cut, I tried to OD and attempted to jump of our building. It was a really hard time and I saw how it affected my family (that’s why this quote got me) but I am very grateful, God never left me and my support system (which is my family) really gives me all the love and understanding that I needed and because of it I was able to survived that part of my life (not completely though, I’m still on medications).
✅You may continue to read this part✅
The second one is the opening quote from chapter 2, it says “The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.”-Ayn Rand, this one got me because it makes me feel confident. It makes me think that anything is possible, if you firmly believe in it, that WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU WANT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE. It turns IMPOSSIBLE to I’M POSSIBLE. Chapter 2 also says that “Life is too short to play small with your talent and that you were born into the opportunity as well as the responsibility to become legendary. Each of us has a call on our lives. Everyone of us carries an instinct for excellence within our spirit. Limitation is nothing more than a mentality that too many good people practice daily until they believe it’s reality. We need to remember that our excuses are seducers, our fears are liars and our doubts are thieves. If you sense that your life’s a mess right now, this is simply because your fears are just a little stronger than your faith.”For me it means that we are responsible for our own choices, that if we fail it’s because we choose to fail and if we succeed, it because we choose to succeed. Chapter 2 also says that, Ideas are worth nothing unless backed by application. The smallest of implementations is always worth more than the grandest of intentions. This word are simple to understand, it only means that you have to put actions into your goals otherwise, it is just a dream. Remember that “World-class begins where your comfort zone ends.”
Thank you so much for spending time reading my thoughts. I hope it helps some of you who needed a little bit “pat-on-the-back” or “a-little-push” for the day to make a difference. Please wait for the rest of the chapters to be posted. PLEASE SUPPORT the author by buying his book, “The 5am Club” by Robin Sharma, I bought mine in fully-booked store here in the philippines, I’m not sure if a soft-copy is also available online, but I hope that you can get a copy of it. It is an amazing book and I hope that it can help you the way that it helps me.
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