.Paula K. |Graphic Design|
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paulakru · 6 years ago
An Introduction to Queer Theory
I did not go to this lekchar but i did check some of the artist given to us to see and athar information . Emily Sparkes, FREAK (Minturnae) (2015), oil on canvas.Emily Sparkes, Tintorest (2016), oil on canvas
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies: Psychoanalysis
Why is it relevant to talk about psychoanalysis?
Art & Psychoanalysis: Illustration by Elliana Esquivel [@elesq on Instagram]
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The Unconscious he idea of the ‘unconscious mind’ is key to psychoanalysis. The treatment itself revolved around the analysis of various things Freud believed brought it to the surface, including:- Free association Dreams  Parapraxis  Freud believed that unlocking the unconscious was key to curing his patients. My opinion :
My opinion : This topic was so interesting and for me personally is very hard to explain what is it in graphic design are art.I did check other artist given to as and id show me a different side of art more explain one not only guessing one.
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies: The Hyper-Connected World
We are living in an increasingly connected world.
According to Nicholas Mirzoeff, in 2012, a third of the world’s population had internet access - up 566% in 12 years. By the end of 2014, 3 billion people were online, and Google predicts that by 2020 there will be 5 billion. How does the internet differ to other forms of media? ‘This new revolution is arguably more profound than the previous ones ... the digital media revolution affects all stages of communication (acquisition, storage, manipulation, distribution) and it affects all types of media – texts, images, moving images, sound and spatial constructions’Lev Manovich, 2001 Brainwashed: Illustration by Kristian Jones
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My opinion : Is is very scary thing to find about all of this at once but is a real risk that world is changing in a bad direction . But as well if we don't change the world we will not have future.
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies :  Politics of the Image
This lecture was very not helpful as i did know most of the things shown in the prestation there was few points that was good but not a lot to write about.
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies: Global Discourse
Why do we need to talk about race, culture & displacement? More people are displaced now than ever before. According to the UN, as of June 2018 there were some 68.5m people living as refugees. They had been forcibly displaced from their homes, forced to flee due to conflict and persecution.
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A Syrian refugee held onto his children as he struggled to walk off a dinghy on the Greek island of Lesbos, after crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey. Sept. 24, 2015.
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George Butler: Reportage Illustration
We are living in an increasingly complex, culturally hybrid, and diasporic world. Diaspora is a term which is defined in the Oxford dictionary as meaning:  ‘The dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland’  or  ‘people who have spread or been dispersed from their homeland’ My opinion so the lecture was very interesting and open my eyes but more ways the world need to change are we will go backwards . And many are kids will have better life than we have in a existing world.
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Designing for the Anthropocene  Fred Hubble ( I Miss This one )
Pieter Brueghel The Elder, The Labours of the year (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna), Dr. Steven Zucker & Dr. Beth Harris
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Climate change:  How do we know?
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This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (Credit: Vostok ice core data/J.R. Petit et al.; NOAA Mauna Loa CO2 record.) Find out more about ice cores (external site). The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
I did a bit of resorche on my own . . .
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies: Gender Discussion
A recent Guardian article was entitled: ‘UK gender inequality as bad as 10 years ago, EU league table shows’ The Guardian [online] October 2017 The gender binary is being deconstructed:  Despite the fact that gender inequality still exists, many are opening their eyes to the possibility of gender being less binary than formerly accepted. In 2014, Facebook introduced 71 gender options which users can now choose from. Users are also able to choose their preferred pronoun. How did you come to be those things? RenĂ© Descartes, a French philosopher in the 1600s, is often called the father of modern philosophy. His most famous idea was ‘cogito ergo sum’ - ‘I think; therefore I am’; in which the rational self is the centre of a variety of linked practices of ‘knowing’. This rational ‘self’ is what most liberal politics are based upon - with individual rights etc. ‘Coded as male, [the individual] is fully conscious to himself, in control of his actions, thoughts and meanings.’ Gender Studies: Terms and Debates (2003) In the 1800s, Karl Marx wrote about the ways in which humans are shaped by capitalist society. He believed that work environment would shape who you were as a person - for example, someone who worked in a factory might have a different kind of self to someone who owned a factory. He thought the economic system was the controlling factor, and came up with the idea of the ‘collective self’ - terms such as ‘collective consciousness’ can be traced back to Marx. And then there was this :  Later in the 19th and early 20th century, Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud came up with some different ideas surrounding the self, many involving the subconscious. He called the ‘self’ the ‘subject’, and he believed the process of becoming is an endless process in which the subject is torn between desires and drives on the one hand and cultural and social demands on the other. So what do these ideas have to do with gender?  ‘The system of gender 
 privileges the male over the female. Gender operates as a set of hierarchically arranged roles in modern society which makes the masculine half of the equation positive and the feminine negative.’ Gender Studies: Terms and Debates (2003) ‘What do you think of when I say the word “rabid”? One option, according to the dictionary publisher Oxford Dictionaries, is “feminist”. The publisher has been criticised for a sexist bias in its illustrations of how certain words are used. “Nagging” is followed by “wife”. “Grating” and “shrill” appear in sentences describing women’s voices, not men’s.’ David Shariatmadari, The Guardian [online] (2016)
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I believe in the power of the voice of women -  M. Yousafzai, Premio Nobel per la Pace 2014
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My Opinion: If we still have people like Donald Trump  many athar men who don't respect WOMEN  we never have Voice AS A WOMEN
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Fourth-Wave Feminism: Illustration by Ellis van der Does
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paulakru · 6 years ago
Contextual Studies Lecture 2018
1. Consumerism Capitalism Works For Me! (True/False): Steve Lambert [2013]
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1.2 Macklemore x Ryan Lewis "WINGS" Official Music Video: Directed by Zia Mohajerjasbi [2011] Macklemore explained how the subject of the single as follows “The song "Wings" is about the pursuit of identity through the means of consumerism. The attempt is to dissect our infatuation and attachment to logos, labels, brands and the fleeting happiness that is intrinsically linked to the almighty power of the purchase. The subject I use in the song is shoes, but its aim is to paint a broader picture of being a consumer and tracing the lineage back to my first memory of retail infused desire.” The Spectacle of Advertising: Robert Montgomery [2012]
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Hijacking the Spectacle: Brandalism
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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A brand Guide / Festival Band List / Festival map
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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Some of the wearables
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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Banners and posters 
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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My Logos For the Festivals 
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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Wireless Festival 2018
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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BBC Music's The Biggest Weekend festival 2018
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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Logos Ideas   ( British Summer Time Hyde Park Festival 2018 )
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paulakru · 7 years ago
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Logo Ideas  (RiZE Festival 2018 )
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