patrickpattersxn · 3 months
he liked his new found tradition of watching films with rita. it had helped distract him from everything he had been dealing with and it had coaxed him out of his bed over time.
patrick wasn't as dumb as most people think he is. he was silly and he did have his dumb moments but patrick was justas intelligent as paxton, he just hid it more. he knew there was something going on between paxton and nani long before they did, and he knew that it was going to cause issues between his brother and father figure - that part was only starting to spark. patrick smiled at her antics and caught the popcorn in the nick of time "they think they're being subtle, they're terrible at it." he agreed "he's not said anything officially, he never would. paxton isn't one to talk about how he feels but i feel like this one is different. he really likes her. he wouldn't be giving up his time for her if he didn't think she was worth it. i don't know, it's nice to see him have someone by his side for once. it's like she's breathed life into him"
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“let’s put it down to an wanted fever dream,” she nodded in agreement over the ‘bin’ pile. “it’s probably written and directed by the elusive chicken, to be honest.” she gave the screen the side eye, before turning her attention back to patrick. it wasn’t the worst movie they’d ever seen (killer clowns from outer space came to mind) but definitely not the best.
and definitely not more interesting than gossiping about their besties.
she gasped dramatically– “paxton patterson taking a lunch break! it’s a shock the whole place hasn’t come crumbling down around us, huh? we’re gonna have to hang up warning signs at the door. danger: sexual tension ahead. keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.” she leaned over conspiratorially, popcorn hanging onto its spot on the couch for dear life– “has he said anything to you? officially?”
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patrickpattersxn · 3 months
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patrickpattersxn · 11 months
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I don't want to get rid of you. It's just... I can afford my own place now.
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patrickpattersxn · 11 months
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
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HOW I MET YOUR FATHER | 2.18 "Parent Trap"
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
send me ( inspiration ) for my muse to talk about someone they knew as a child who inspired them to be who they are, currently
"paxton basically gave up his life for me and to make sure we were okay. he lost his childhood to playing parent until we met hayden and he adopted us. despite all the hardships, my brother never wanted me to be anything other than a kid. he didn't want me to lose what he lost and that makes me want to be the best person i can for him. he deserves to go be happy now."
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
rita couldn’t help but laugh at the confusion on patrick’s face (adorable) but to be fair, this was a pretty wild movie they’d landed on. truly what happens when you just let the folks at netflix do whatever they wanted. she smiled, reaching out to pat his arm with utmost sympathy– “no patrick, there was a chicken.” she grinned at his question– “mistress’ status is tbd at the moment. she’s presumed dead but you never know with these things. yes! that’s right– you’ve totally got this.”
she pointed dramatically at the screen- “look at him. he’s all smarm, no charm. can’t be trusted. it’s, y’know-,” he definitely would not know- “the vibe.”
rita shifted in her seat, tucking her legs under herself. she felt better and better every day, mostly but she felt mostly better right here. convoluted movie, salted caramel popcorn and someone who really did, well, care about her. it all felt a little heavy to really think about, truth be told but she was grateful for it. she wanted more of it. “i think this one is gonna go into the ‘wikipedia the plot later’ pile but that’s okay. in other news… did you see nani at the bar the other day, again?” wink-wink.
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he didn’t understand a damn thing that was going on the film, not from his lack of trying. he’s never been more baffled by a film in his life. he decided that either he really is dumb as a post or this film is one of the worst films every made. “when? when was there a chicken?!” he yelled in confusion at the apparent movie chicken making a mockery of him. “oh so she’s probably not dead, i’ll bet she’s in cahoots with this so called chicken”
“okay so he wouldn’t pass the vibe check, got it.” he said, making mental note of the character not to be trusted. 
to make himself feel better, patrick shovelled an unhealthy amount of popcorn into his mouth and munched away until he felt the frustrations at the film melt away. “i think this one’s gonna go into the ‘bin’ pile” he tried to talk with a mouthful of popcorn. patrick nodded his head at rita’s question and finished swallowing his food “she’s around the bar a lot. barely ever drinks and it’s clearly for paxton” he grinned, knowing where the conversation was going. rita and her gossip “then again, paxton takes his lunch breaks now and doesn’t take on all the extra shifts, so there’s that as well” 
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
send me ( rose tinted ) for my muse to talk about a childhood memory they used to view as positive, but now see as negative
"finding hayden was a real positive memory, but i didn't remember the circumstances when i was younger. over time it has slowly but surely come back to me. when i was younger, i always thought that hayden had just adopted us through normal processes, but my brain had clearly put some sort of false memory in place. the real memory was that paxton and i were on the streets and i got sick. so sick that according to paxton he thought i was going to die. he dragged me to the nearest place he could find and that was where hayden found us. paxton agreed to work for him if he got me the help i needed and the rest is history. though since then hayden has taken us on as sons more than employees"
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
send me ( rage ) for my muse to talk about how anger affected them throughout their childhood
"during my childhood, i didn't feel a lot of rage. i witnessed it in my brother. paxton held a lot of anger towards the world and how we were cast aside by it. he carried a lot of anger through his childhoon, teens and twenties and in a result of that he drew into himself. it affected me because i feel like i lost out on time with my brother over it, but my brother lost his childhood over it"
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
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How I met your father (s2, 2023)
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
Nani shook her head in disbelief. She made a note not to let Lilo and Stephen anywhere near Patrick, lest they get stupider in his vicinity. “That was two other dark-haired people, actually. In fact, I’m pretty sure the town’s majority all have dark hair. Could’ve been anyone. Babette and Victor… Mrs. Hasagawa in a wig.”
“I hope he’s started putting out the word for babysitters already,” Nan remarked. “I know it’d take me nine months to psych myself up for that job.” She hoped that she hadn’t just inadvertently volunteered herself. Maybe if she asked Lilo nicely she’d ship her back to Timbuktu again, just in case.
Nani grimaced at the sight of the old woman on the table. Retirement really had sent her off the rails. She averted her eyes to the bar. “That’s a fair observation, but you’re never going to improve if you give up at the first foam block hurdle.”
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Patrick was an idiot, that wasn’t up for debate. But in his defence, he does notice some things “Nani, I know who my goddamn big brother is.” he shot back “If it was Babette and Victor they would’ve either scarred us all or got arrested, whichever one comes first. The same reasons apply for Mrs Hasagawa in a wig. Either way, the tension alone let everyone know it was you two” He couldn’t speak for the rest of the town, but he definitely felt like he had been intruding on a moment with them regardless of everyone being at the same event.
“With the size of our family, he won’t need to” he chuckled “Bold of you to assume you’d be picked after your ol’ claw to the head moment” he grinned being the little shit he was. 
Patrick knew that there was no controlling Mrs Hasagawa, he could only try to reduce the shenanigans. “They told me to give up. Doris said I looked like a noodle that made a wish to become human for the day. Those old ladies are mean as shit” 
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
Nani gave Patrick such a flat look that, for a moment, she became two-dimensional.
“Do you hear the words that come out of your mouth?”
Paxton would absolutely one hundred percent be hearing about this as soon as she left Mount Olympus. The passing mention of Hayden preparing a nursery did make her laugh though. “The thought of Hayden prepping a nursery really doesn’t sit right with the image of him that lives in my head,” she remarked. “Oh, Timbuktu was great, once I got myself untied.” Nani glanced over her shoulder on the lookout for any stray Yoga Ladies. “They might listen to you if you go to one of their classes.”
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Patrick knew he was annoying her, but he really knew when she became the equivalent of Flat Stanley. 
“I do and I stand by them.” he said confidently “You surely must’ve known that I was going to be saying something after Paxton and your little display at the Hootenanny. Bold as brass the two of you” 
Hayden prepping a nursery was an odd thought. “Does the devil have kids? Not yet but they’re on the way. I don’t think that man is doing any painting, he’s got people for that” Patrick was the people. “Ah that’s nice, getting away for some R and R” he played along, finding the yoga ladies getting out of hand again “Mrs Hasagawa! For the love of God, get off the table!” he hollered over the bar at the elderly woman “I went to one of their classes once and I was told, and i quote, ‘we’ve seen more grace in a bowl of noodles during an earthquake’ and also ‘spaghetti shouldn’t be on yoga mats’”
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
Ares smiled, it was nice to see Patrick (well not really see patrick) but know that he was there. “Aha! I know exactly where I am.” He cackled. “Oh you really like toying with your brother, that reminds me one time when Hayden- ah I shouldn’t tell you that.” He wouldn’t want to embarrass his brother in front of his adoptive child now, would he?
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“Glad to help” he liked Ares, he was fun and he had a laugh. He could see that took after his adoptive uncle more than he did his adoptive father. “Paxton teases the hell out of me, it’s only fair that I get to play annoying younger brother” he chuckled “Oh no, you should absolutely tell me any funny story. Hayden doesn’t talk about when he was younger” Patrick was sure there were legitimate reasons for that “I know you guys had a real shitty time though and Zeus sounds like a real piece of work”
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
rita had said she was fine and patrick hadn’t pushed which she was deeply grateful for. it wasn’t lost on her though that they both knew she’d been lying. patrick watched her when they were at work, looking out for the telltale signs of headache or fatigue. at home, he’d make sure she barely had to lift a finger. that anything she could need, or want, was there from extra blankets to extra hot hot wings.
she felt safe but she didn’t wanna say it out loud. she was fine but she didn’t want to be alone. in truth, sitting on the couch with him, watching whatever movie came up on ‘shuffle’, might have been the only time she actually felt fine since halloween.
“yeah, remember the scene with the chicken? he was the guy holding the chicken. you’re confused because he looks almost exactly like the other guy– the one who faked his own death just so he could run away with the mistress,” rita explained in between mouthfuls of salted caramel popcorn. “he’s the worst, we hate him. and his chicken. you know?”
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he hadn’t lived with rita long, but he had grown attached. working and living with her was bound for that to happen. he looked out for her like he looked out for his family. he would tell her to take breaks if he thought she looked tired, he would have food and other things around the house that would cheer her up or help her relax. it was coming to a point that it was practically second nature for him to see a snack she’d like and pick it up without second thought, or to make sure there were extra blankets around, but not that green one that she said was scratchy. patrick would take the scratchy blanket. 
movie nights had become sacred tradition on the household. both not wanting to be alone and both far too stubborn to say they needed someone around. an ongoing trend for the duo. 
patrick looked over at her incredulously “what chicken? there’s a chicken?” he asked absolutely baffled “but isn’t the mistress dead?” confusion was written all over his face. he had no idea what was going on but he was willing to grin and bare it. “okay, let me get this straight. he’s the guy with the chicken, and we don’t like them. why don’t we like them?”
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
Mirage was starting with the easy questions. It was simple enough to read the man behind the bar as he flurried to prepare her drink, attempting to act cool as he leant against the bad upon his return. Mirage remained pleasant, but unreadable. The key words she was looking for came up - Mr. Bodaway - which gave her an easy in to lead the conversation where she needed it to go. Of course, she had heard all about him. Knew his reputation, knew what his real deal was. The question she had, really, was one of competency. Firstly, were his staff any good?
“How intriguing. Mr. Bodaway sounds like quite the clever business man,” Mirage replied, sliding the napkin closer to herself, but not drinking her wine just yet.
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He couldn’t pinpoint what it was that she was looking for. General conversations at the bar didn’t circulate around business. Perhaps she was a vendor looking for a way in, or maybe she was just curious, or was there another albeit underground reason. Either way, Patrick carried on with the conversation, it gave him a chance to size her up as much as she was doing with him currently. 
“He wouldn’t have Mount Olympus if he wasn’t” he nodded. Hayden was for sure an intelligent man. An intelligent man that should never be underestimated no matter who you were. Patrick may be considered a dunce to most, but he was smart enough to know that. Hayden had given the boys the best education. Patrick is an idiot to the world and may have his moments of what could be considered a brain fart, but his brain was there, and it worked more than most others did. Dunce was just the role he played.
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patrickpattersxn · 1 year
If Nani had a dime for every time she rolled her eyes, she’d be filthy rich. In this conversation alone, she would be making absolute bank and wouldn’t have to work another day in her life. Patrick was clearly on the wind up, but unfortunately for him, Nani was ready to give as good as she got.
“Sorry, Patrick, I don’t want to be involved in whatever pea fetish thing you have going on here,” she jibed, throwing him her best mocking look yet. Anyway, it was none of Patrick’s damn business whether Nani needed a bag of frozen vegetables or not.
Nani twirled the umbrella in her drink when it arrived. “See, you did miss me,” Nani joked. “I actually just got back from Timbuktu. I fell asleep on the sofa, and next thing I knew, Lilo and Stephen had shipped me off in a cardboard box. They were trying to get their money back on a return order without actually returning the thing they bought, but it didn’t work, so they sent me back. What about you?”
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Of course Patrick had to take his opportunity to annoy Nani, usually it was him being terrorised but this time everything was coming up Patrick. It was Nani’s turn for the spotlight. 
“Nah, you’re involved in an entirely different scenario with the P” he chuckled away. He was sure he’ll end up paying for it later when Paxton finds out, but it was his job to be the annoying younger brother. 
“Sure did, who else is going to bully Paxton with me? Hayden’s busy with Persephone and getting nurseries ready.” Twin Bodaway’s on the way, it was going to be an experience, Patrick could already tell “I hear Timbuktu is nice this time of year. Shame you couldn’t go and make a holiday out of it. Oh y’know the usual, trying to keep the yoga ladies in line in the bar, they remain firmly out of line until Paxton or Hayden shows up”
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