Hi! Can I request for a platonic hc gn!reader with Zoya, Nox, and Countess Chelsea (separate)? Like given that they are sinners and us as the chief, how would they spend their time with us just doing normal stuff.
Thank you😘❤️
No thank you for being my first ask sorry if things look a little wonky gotta work with mobile limitations for a bit!🥹
Zoya would take a moment to check in on her gang and how things are going down in syndicate if given the chance.Depending on how much they trust her/ how much freedom they want to give her I can see there being just a moment of clam where it’s just a big group chill out session with Zoya, Horo, and Earl.
Though if we were talking about her joining on the day-to-day I feel like zoya would have a lot to say about the chief's methods around the prison and how things could be improved.She can come across a little nitpicky at times partly because she does like to get under the Chiefs skin but also because she actually does care about the treatment of the other sinners here.
Now the real juicy stuff is if we’re talking about just normal everyday things like running errands, going shopping, that sort of thing.From what I’ve seen I feel like Zoya would fit right in with the chief going from place to place when it comes to shopping I feel like a lot of her input would be more practical you see it a lot in her food choices. I feel like she would pick out things that wouldn’t spoil very quickly, things that could last a long time regardless of how much money she actually has.She does feel pretty prickly walking around especially In possibly higher class areas since I feel like there’s still a lot of resentment towards the people who kind of abandoned syndicate.
Now on the day-to-day aspect I feel like it wouldn’t be too bad walking around in the prison with her. There are definitely people who are afraid of her and do kind of cower away as she walks by but it’s nothing new people have seen sinners and some of them are sinners themselves. Though due to Nox's reputation people are more on edge than usual.She's very supportive surprisingly though she mostly keeps to herself dropping only a soft good job or thank you for your hard work.
If you ask her to go somewhere with you, she’ll follow, no questions asked, but she does sort of stick out like a sore thumb when trying to do normal activities and she seems to be a bit out of her element. Not fully grasping human concepts in her mind she half understands them as someone who is using faded memories of another person. She also doesn’t seem to like loud crowds very much.
As for Nox’s own request she wouldn’t have many, if any actually. She’ll reject the offer kindly at first believing this is where she belongs,but the more time she has to dwell on it the more time she has to think and probe through faded old memories she’ll one day ask if the two of them might visit an old church she remembers.That day would be quite peaceful as the two them stare at faded stain glass widows, and broken walls overtaken by Ivy.
If you take her out on the town be prepared she’ll be dragging you from shop to shop with no time to rest. Any plans the chief had are thrown out the window. Any shops they wanted to visit forget about it. She's trying to spoil chief, with lavish outfits, some are a little bit exposed to put it mildly from every shop in town. Even though they politely refused and almost had a heart attack when they caught sight of the price tag Chelsea is really trying to play her hand of getting them to be sugar baby seriously. They can’t help but feel like they're somehow in a game of chess where accepting even one of Chelsea’s gifts means losing.I don’t know why but I get the feeling the pair would also stop by into a lot of hole in the wall restaurants and cafés .
Now the day-to-day rounds around the prison I feel like Chelsea is more of a hindrance than a help. She constantly tries to distract the chief, finding the day to day grind just a bit too stale for her tastes. There's so much more fun to be had elsewhere but alas, she can’t pull them away from work. So she settles in and just watches as they do their job.
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Also because I forgot to post it on the rules inbox should be open now so please go nuts!
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Quick rules + intro run down
So the low down, the skinny, i have some free time and i want to do some headcanon writing for fun. That's it nothing crazy so here are the rules.
Readers assumed gender neutral unless asked for other wise.
l take both Nsfw and Sfw as long as the characters are old enough (aka 18+.)
Only 3 characters per ask.
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