path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Sarah J. Maas Bonus Chapter Masterlist
Many people have posted images of the bonus chapters from Sarah J. Maas's books, and I thank you for giving us access to content we would have missed out on otherwise. However, no one has posted all of them, so I figure that I can collate the links in one place.
There are minor spoilers below the cut in the chapter descriptions, so be wary of looking too far ahead, if you have not read all the books.
Throne of Glass
The Captain and the Prince - A conversation between Dorian and Chaol before the start of TOG
The Assassin and the Captain - When Celaena arrives back at the castle from her first mission as the King's Champion between TOG and COM, Chaol is waiting to greet her
The Assassin and the Princess - Before the start of COM, once Celaena has been the King's Champion for a month, she and Nehemia do a little shopping in Rifthold
Untitled - Mistward is visited by nobles—including one of Rowan's exes—during Celaena's time there in HOF
Untitled - A bonus chapter while Aelin and the rest of her court travel through Terrasen in EOS
Untitled - Chaol and Nesryn's sea journey before the start of TOD
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Wings and Embers - Cassian goes to visit the mortal world and ask Nesta to deliver a letter to the mortal queens in ACOMAF
Feyre's Perspective - In ACOSF, after Feyre and Rhys tells her sisters about their baby, they have a conversation
Azriel's Perspective - After the Winter Solstice celebration in ACOSF, Azriel is wandering the halls, unable to sleep
Crescent City
Ruhn's Perspective - Once Cormac comes to town in HOSAB, Flynn's younger sister decides to visit
Bryce's Perspective - Part 1 - Part 2 - Cormac invites her to a luncheon at Flynn's parent's villa in HOSAB
Tharion's Perspective - Part 1 - Part 2 - Tharion reminisces about first meeting Hypaxia during HOSAB
An alternative is here; the highlights contain all three chapters
If I have missed any, please feel free to let me know, or link them in the comments/reblogs :D
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Plant Correspondences:
This is going to be a long post! This is in no way, a complete list. This is Simply some Popular ones! If you have any other plants, herbs, or flowers you’re curious about, List them in the comments below!
Edit to add: Huckleberry! HUCKLEBERRY (Leaves): Good Fortune, Luck, Dream Work
TREES: • ACACIA ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Visions, Wealth, Protection, Blessings • ALDER ~ Banishing, Transformation, Truth, Power of Water, Intuition • APPLE ~ Dream Work, Enchantment, Fertility, Love, Luck, Harmony • BIRCH ~ Reduces anxiety, Defensive Magick, Increases concentration, Creativity • CEDAR ~ Afterlife, Clairvoyance, Breaks Hexes, Psychic Ability • CYPRESS ~ Binding, Defensive Magick, Comfort, Mental Power, Wisdom • ELDER~ Grounding, Healing, Love, Magickal Power, Success • ELM ~ Intuition, Love, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Stability • JUNIPER ~ Fertility, Happiness, Protection, Optimism, Spirits, Strength • OAK ~ Confidence, Justice, Luck, Money, Success, Independence, Wealth • PINE ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Hope, Prosperity, Self-Work, Releasing • ROWAN ~ Astral Realm, Devotion, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Visions, Spirits • WILLOW ~ Moon Magick, Moon Power, Protection, Knowledge, Fertility • WITCH HAZEL ~ Healing, Inspiration, Willpower, Fidelity, Wisdom
HERBS & FLOWERS: • AGRIMONY ~ Harmony, Healing, Breaking Hexes, Dream Work, Protection • ALLSPICE~ Business, Luck, Success, Kindness, Money • ANGELICA ~ Repels Negativity, Divination, Purification, Success, • ANISE ~ Balance, Energy, Harmony, Purification, Well-Being • BASIL ~ Psychic Ability, Love (Reconciliation), Money, Messages/Omens • BELLADONNA ~ Imagination, Night Magick, Visions, Astral Realm • BETONY ~ Solving Problems, Security, Decreases Anxiety, Protection • BORAGE ~ Beginnings, Business success, Skills, Courage, Awareness • BLUEBELL ~ Kindness, Luck, Love, Manifestation, Overcoming Obstacles • CARNATION ~ Deep Love, Beauty, Communication, Fertility, Harmony, Emotions • CATNIP ~ Love, Luck, Psychic Ability, Spirits, Prevents Nightmares • CHAMOMILE ~ Blessings, Calming, Reduces Anger & Anxiety, Money, Luck • CINNAMON ~ Wealth, Money, Security, Luck, Desire, Attraction, Peace • CLOVE ~ Divination, Prosperity, Psychic Ability, Success, Truth, Visions • CLOVER ~ Grounding, Luck, Marriage, Prosperity, Success, Spiritual Balance • CUMIN ~ Fidelity, Harmony, The Home, Longevity, Love, Repels Negativity • DAFFODIL ~ Afterlife, Fairies, Love (Unrequited), Security, Spirits, Calming • DANDELION ~ Clairvoyance, Clarity, Divination, Communication, Spirits • DILL ~ Defensive Magick, Breaking Hexes, Love, Lust, Sex Magick, Money • FENNEL ~ Blessings, Repels Evil & Negative Energy (from entering the home) • FEVERFEW ~ Healing, Heartbreak, Love, Protection, Strength, Purification • GARLIC ~Banishing, Justice, Protection, Breaking Hexes, Release, Security • GINGER ~ Money, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Moon Magick, Unity, Success • HENBANE (highly poisonous) ~ Astral Realm, Divination, Love (Attract) • HONEYSUCKLE ~ Affection, Destiny, Happiness, Love, Peace, Well-Being • IVY ~ Attraction, Marriage, Love, Stability, Transformation, Fidelity, Omens • LAVENDER ~ Reduces Anger and Anxiety, Love, Manifestation, Luck, Rebirth • LEMON BALM ~ Business Success, Calming, Clarity, Fertility, Relationships • MANDRAKE (Poisonous) ~ Desire, Courage, spirits, Wealth, Omens, Bind • MISTLETOE (Poisonous) ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Business, Luck • MOONWORT ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Moon Magick, Money • MUGWORT ~ Spirits, Psychic Ability, Astral Realm, Awareness, Psychic Energy • NETTLE ~ Healing, Justice, Luck, Protection, Courage, Confidence • NUTMEG ~ Life, Luck, Love, Money, Power, Attract, Psychic Ability, Divination • ORRIS ROOT~ Astral, Protection, Relationships, Love, Sexual Attraction • PATCHOULI ~ Manifestation, Peace, Luck, Love (Attract), Money, Business • PEPPER ~ Motivation, Lust, Justice, Bind, Security, Strength • PEPPERMINT ~ Dream Work, Divination, Luck, Money, Visions, Healing • ROSE ~ Fertility, Family, Blessings, Love, Luck, Happiness, Beginnings • ROSEMARY ~ Psychic Ability, Psychic Protection, Inner Power, Luck, Afterlife • SAGE ~ Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Visions, Clears Negativity, Business • SANDALWOOD ~ Focus, Concentration, Success, Luck, Moon Magick, Blessings • ST. JOHN'S WORT ~ Strength, Power, Money, Consecrate/Bless, Prosperity • SNAPDRAGON ~ Clairaudience, Emotions, Money, Protection, Assertiveness • STAR ANISE ~ Divination, Psychic Ability, Purification, Consecrate/ Bless • STRAWBERRY ~ Beauty, Desire, Luck, Love, Relationships, Divination • SUNFLOWER ~ Clarity, Dream Work, Solar Energy, Light, Peace, Money, Luck • THYME ~ Healing, Happiness, Increasing, Rebirth, Protection, Calming • WORMWOOD ~ Clairvoyance, Dream Work, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Spirits • YARROW ~ Defense, Banishing, Heartbreak, Marriage, Healing, Release, Strength
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Menstration Magick
The interpretation of getting your period during specific lunar phases is often associated with symbolic and metaphoric meanings rather than a scientifically established connection.
Here are some general interpretations associated with menstruation and specific lunar phases:
Full Moon: The full moon represents the peak of the lunar cycle and is often associated with illumination, abundance, and heightened energy. Getting your period during a full moon can be seen as a time of release, letting go, and emotional cleansing.
New Moon: The new moon phase represents a fresh start, new beginnings, and potential for growth. Menstruating during a new moon may symbolize a time of renewal, introspection, and setting intentions for the upcoming cycle.
Waxing Crescent: The waxing crescent phase signifies growth, hope, and the manifestation of desires. If you get your period during this phase, it might be interpreted as a time of nurturing your inner desires and dreams.
First Quarter: The first quarter, also known as the half-moon or waxing half-moon, represents challenges, decision-making, and taking action. Menstruating during this phase could be seen as a time of confronting obstacles, making important choices, and embracing your personal power.
Waxing Gibbous: The waxing gibbous phase symbolizes progress, refinement, and further development. If you get your period during this phase, it might be viewed as a time of self-improvement, growth, and honing your skills or talents.
Waning Gibbous: The waning gibbous phase is associated with gratitude, reflection, and letting go. Menstruating during this phase could be seen as a time of releasing what no longer serves you, practicing self-care, and expressing gratitude for the experiences of the previous cycle.
Waning Crescent: The waning crescent phase represents surrender, rest, and preparation for a new beginning. If you get your period during this phase, it might be interpreted as a time of introspection, self-care, and embracing stillness before the next cycle begins.
It's important to note that these interpretations are subjective and influenced by personal beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and spiritual practices.
The meaning you assign to your period in relation to specific lunar phases is a personal choice, and it's up to you to explore and find what resonates with you on an individual level.
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Tarot cheat sheets!
Save for later use❤️
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Affirmations for each of the four elements
Fire (Associated with passion, energy, and transformation):
I am a powerful creator, and my passion fuels my success.
I embrace change and transform challenges into opportunities.
I radiate confidence and inspire those around me.
My inner fire burns brightly, igniting my purpose and motivation.
I am courageous and take bold action to achieve my goals.
Earth (Associated with stability, grounding, and abundance):
I am deeply rooted like a strong tree, grounded in the present moment.
Abundance flows effortlessly into my life, and I am grateful for all that I have.
I trust in the process of life and have unwavering faith in my journey.
I am resilient and adaptable, finding strength in the face of challenges.
I create a solid foundation for my dreams and manifest them with ease.
Air (Associated with intellect, communication, and mental clarity):
My thoughts are clear, and my mind is focused on my highest good.
I express myself confidently and communicate my ideas with clarity.
I embrace curiosity and open myself to new perspectives and knowledge.
I breathe in fresh inspiration and release any mental clutter.
I am in tune with my intuition, and it guides me in making wise decisions.
Water (Associated with emotions, intuition, and healing):
I flow with the rhythm of life, embracing the ever-changing tides of emotions.
My intuition is a guiding force, leading me to make choices aligned with my soul.
I am connected to the healing power of water, cleansing and renewing my spirit.
Love and compassion flow through me, nurturing myself and others.
I release any emotional baggage and allow forgiveness and healing to take place.
Feel free to personalize these affirmations or create your own based on your relationship with each element and your specific intentions. Repeat them regularly with belief and conviction to strengthen your connection with the elemental energies.
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
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Menstrual Cramp Relief Tea 🫖
1 bag of raspberry tea
1 bag of chamomile & lavender tea
6 halved blueberries
A couple sprigs of yarrow
A tbsp Minced ginger root
I put it in about 32 ounces of water and I am drinking the whole thing. I just strain it but you can definitely put the ingredients in a tea bag or ball :)
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Crystals to protect your energy
Here are some crystals that are commonly believed to possess energy-protecting properties:
Black Tourmaline: This crystal is highly regarded for its protective qualities. It is believed to create a shielding energy that repels negative energies and provides a sense of grounding and stability.
Amethyst: Known for its calming and purifying properties, Amethyst is often used for protection against negative influences. It is said to create a protective shield around the user, enhancing spiritual awareness and promoting a sense of tranquility.
Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that can amplify and enhance the energy of other crystals. It is also thought to have a protective quality that can shield against negative energies and promote clarity and balance.
Selenite: Selenite is a gentle and powerful crystal that is believed to have a purifying effect. It is often used to cleanse and protect the energy of a space or person, creating a peaceful and harmonious environment.
Labradorite: This crystal is known for its iridescent flashes of color, which are said to deflect unwanted energies and shield the aura. Labradorite is believed to enhance intuition and provide protection against negativity.
Black Obsidian: Black Obsidian is a volcanic glass that is highly protective and grounding. It is often used for psychic protection, absorbing and dispelling negative energies while promoting emotional healing.
Hematite: Hematite is a metallic crystal that is known for its grounding and protective properties. It is believed to absorb negative energies and create a sense of stability and strength.
Remember that the effectiveness of crystals in energy protection can vary from person to person.
It's important to choose crystals that resonate with you and to cleanse and recharge them regularly for optimal benefits.
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Here are some tarot spreads that may be helpful! ❤️
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
Witchcraft Exercises
Just a quick compilation of the posts I've made about exercises to help improve your craft. These can be used as journaling prompts, inspiration for activities, or as methods for pulling yourself out of a slump and recharging your witchy inspiration.
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Witchcraft Exercise - Witchy Inspo Journal
Witchcraft Exercise - Spring Cleaning
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Your Own Runes
Witchcraft Exercise - Shakespearean Witchcraft
Prompt - Music to Witch By
Most of these are also available in the May 2021 bonus episode of Hex Positive (check your favorite podcatcher).
Happy Witching!
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
🌙 13 Tips for Powerful Witchery
1. Focus on your intention more than your tools
2. Pay attention
3. No matter how long you’ve been practicing, maintain a “beginner’s mind”
4. KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
5. Practice discernment
6. Notice when some thing/place/method resonates with you and use it often
7. Learn to quiet your mind
8. Befriend your shadow self
9. Have boundaries
10. Develop your intuition/inner voice
11. Never practice when you’re shaken up like a snow globe
12. Know when to do nothing
13. Craft your own rituals
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path-of-a-witch · 1 year
hi! ive been getting back into the craft recently and i was wondering if you have any book reccomendations that i could learn more from! (i know youve published your own, which i will be checking out soon!!)
I have a book recs tag that contains most of the titles that I regularly recommend for witchcraft studies, but there are a few I could mention by name:
Drawing Down The Moon (Margot Adler)
Triumph of the Moon (Ronald Hutton)
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present (Ronald Hutton)
The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic (Owen Davies)
Witchcraft, magic and culture 1736–1951 (Owen Davies)
The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft: Seeking an Intentional Magical Path Seeking an Intentional Magical Path (Fire Lyte aka Don Martin)
New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic (Cory Thomas Hutcheson)
By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn: The Theory & Practice of Effective Home Warding (Althaea Sebastiani)
Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices (Dana O'Driscoll)
Honoring Your Ancestors: A Guide to Ancestral Veneration (Mallorie Vaudoise)
Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells (Arin Murphy-Hiscock)
The Magical Writing Grimoire: Use the Word as Your Wand for Magic, Manifestation & Ritual (Lisa Marie Basile)
Light Magic for Dark Times: More than 100 Spells, Rituals, and Practices for Coping in a Crisis (Lisa Marie Basile)
Sigil Witchery: A Witch's Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols (Laura Tempest Zakroff)
The Hearth Witch's Year: Rituals, Recipes & Remedies Through the Seasons (Anna Franklin)
Previous Posts:
Here are the Top Ten foundational texts that I started out with.
Here are the books I recommend if you want to work with plants.
Here are the three titles I have on the market.
Here is the Dropbox I made with free (legal) historical texts on witchcraft and magic.
And here is my personal library (slightly out of date) which might give you some more ideas!
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
Do you have a ways of worshipping for Hecate? Just found you blog and I love it!! 💜
Ways of Worshipping Hecate
(Thank you for your request <3)
- do rituals and spell work on the new moon!
- animal statues, she's particularly fond of 3 headed animal statues if you can find them
- offerings/objects in lots of 3 or 13
- do your shadow work
- begin learning to find a level of comfort in discomfort, you have to accept all facets of yourself, Hecate can help with this
- leave offerings at a crossroads or outside your door
- food offerings such as:
- raisins and currants
- raisin and currant muffins and breads
crescent shaped cakes and cookies
- eggs/eggshells
- pomegranate
- (dark) chocolate
- meat
- cheese
- nuts (specifically almonds)
- bread
- grapes
- honey or honey cakes
- apples
- black coffee, jasmine tea, milk and honey, red wine and mead
- decorative masks
- her associated plants/herbs: cinnamon, garlic, lavender, cardamom, yarrow, rose, mugwort, aconite, ebony, oak, mandrake, nightshades, willow, dark yew, blackthorn, saffron, dandelion, pumpkins/squash, night blooming flowers such as, moonflower, datura, brugmansia, night lilies and more
- Snake, dog, deer, alligator, horse, sheep, bat, owl, weasel, ferret and boar imagery
- Snake shed (ethically sourced)
- dog fur or teeth (ethically sourced)
- horse shoes (ethically sourced)
- owl feathers (ethically sourced)
- bones/skulls (ethically sourced)
- her associated scents for candles or incense: cinnamon, honey, myrrh, dragons blood, benzoin, mugwort, lime, lemon and verbena
- her associated metals and gems: sapphire, silver, gold, moonstone, black tourmaline, bloodstone, black onyx, hematite, smokey quartz and other black Gemstones
- enchant your jewellery with protection magic and wear it in honour of her
- learn baneful protections (or regular protection)
- practice witchcraft and ask Hecate to participate and assist
- learn the magical properties of herbs
- Hecate can be associated with birth, so take care of pregnant people or animals
- foster/adopt puppies
- honour the dead and/or your ancestors
- spend time in graveyards
- clean them up while you're there if you can
- go to mystery spots
- do crosswords, word unscrambles and riddles
- knock before entering a room
- babysit/take care of/foster children
- pray to her at night
- keys
- coins
- a cauldron
- a broom (good for sweeping out unwanted energies)
- candles! Especially black, silver, red or purple
- wear a (dark) veil! (This is a form of protection magic, and dark colours are associated with Hecate)
- hold a feast in her honour! Set a place for her at your table or leave the food offerings on her altar
- donate to animal shelters
- cut out the toxic people in your life
- celebrate samhain!
- nurture your inner child
- little toys and trinkets
- devote your education to her, study something new, this could be hymns, or schooling or just a topic you're personally interested in
- self care as an offering
- be kind to people
- donate money or food, blankets, etc to homeless shelters
- torches/torch art/imagery
- the wheel of fortune tarot card
- share your story, you deserve to be heard and they deserve to be outed for what they did.
- support other survivors
- dog treats and dog bones!
- knives/athame
- rope or cord (to symbolise birth and rebirth)
- devote a form of divination to her
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
The ancient Greeks also considered the snake as a symbol of the afterlife, and it was generally believed that the dead would appear in the form of a serpent: the spinal cord of the deceased person was said to transform into a snake and come to life. It is within this context that we meet the first aspect of our Serpent Girdled Hekate: the subterranean underworld Goddess who guides the souls of the dead through Tartaros. However, the early functions of chthonian deities were not simply limited to the processes of death; neither did the definition of the word chthonic entirely mean as such. For the earth was also considered as a place of hidden potential and power, and so the chthonic role was also one of regeneration, enlivening potentiality, and growth. The snake also became associated with the powers of fire and the sun, fertility and prosperity, altered states of consciousness, and even the ecstatic journey of the soul; all notions which recall the ancient origins of Hekate.
—Vikki Bramshaw, Swaying with the Serpent: A Study of the Serpent Girdled Hekate
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
Prayer to Hekate
I call to you, kind Hecate, watchful daughter of far-seeing Asteria,
Torch-bearing goddess, night-wanderer, pale and fair as the moonflower.
Hekate of the three ways, goddess of the crossroads, keen-eyed one, you see clearly what others overlook.
Hekate of the three realms, goddess who holds a stake in all the worlds, all within are yours to stir.
Gentle of touch and firm of hand, Hekate, leader of the ghostly train, the barking of dogs marks your passage, the shining of stars lights your path.
Hekate who is the companion of those who walk the bounds of light and dark, I praise and honour you.
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
Litany to Hekate for Protection
Mother Hekate, Apotropaia,
O Fearsome Brimo, be my defender.
Mother Hekate, Apotropaia,
Night's Radiant Daughter, be my defender.
Mother Hekate, Apotropaia,
Light of the Abyss, be my defender.
Askei Kataskei Eron Oreon Ior Mega Samnyer Baui Phobantia Semne.
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Photo by Henning Schlottmann on Wikimedia Commmons.
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path-of-a-witch · 2 years
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𝖍𝖊𝖐𝖆𝖙𝖊; 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈🔮🖤
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cr. nonalimmen & artists of photos
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