135 posts
sideblog to musesfromthefifthdimension. RP Sideblog for Jack and his daughter Angel from the Borderlands series.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
pateretfilia · 7 months ago
[tbh? I think I'm gonna move these muses on over to @musesfromthefifthdimension . Bor.derlands isn't a super active rpc and also it would mean this isn't a sideblog anymore :> ]
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pateretfilia · 8 months ago
"Wow! The rustbucket comes into HANDSOME JACK'S OFFICE, with NO goddamn appointment, calls ME childish—!!"
Jack's gun is pointed at Hayden's before either of them can blink. Do robots blink? Doesn't fucking matter. (The gun? Hyperion, of course. Energy pistol. New model. Never been fired.)
"You're gonna tell me who the fuck you are," Jack growled, his voice real quiet now, smouldering, "and why you're here. And if I haven't gotten a sufficient answer in five seconds, you're dead. I'm a very BUSY man. Alright? ONE—!"
❮ I'm charmed. ❯ Samuel's synthetic voice practically growls.
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❮ I can tell you run a tight ship here, but I assure you, if given the option - I would not be here. ❯
The cyborg glowers down at the shorter man. He doesn't even have a name to work with, but with that introduction? Does he truly need one?
❮ So I'm going to offer you a kindness. Act like the grown adult you are, the supposed businessman I presume you are, and I'll be out of your hair swiftly. I'd rather not engage in these childish antics. ❯
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pateretfilia · 8 months ago
"Why do you think I'm stuck?"
It was a lie, and she knew it. Instinctively she braced for a disciplining that wasn't coming — not from this kind fly. She coughed awkwardly.
"My dad, Handsome Jack, he keeps me here so I'm safe. Evil people, they would want to hurt me — or worse — for my powers. He doesn't want that to happen. And I don't either, really."
A male voice suddenly entered into the room from the other side of the one door out. It was Jack. And he was starting to unlock the door. Angel could tell — she could sense the movement.
"Pumpkin? Who are you talking to?"
Angel's face paled. "Myself!" she blurted.
Well, of course, Melody would say, though she merely grinned. Of course, she’d give someone else company—a friend or a stranger. Loneliness felt dreadful; it was the worst ache she could imagine, an ache that spread from one’s heart to one’s stomach through all of one’s muscles. No one should have to hurt that much.
She fluttered over and perched on the center of the human’s palm without any thought against it. A hand could be dangerous, but not hers. Definitely not. No matter how she looked or the explanation behind her enormous wings, Melody was relaxed here upon her.
“I’ve never met anyone like me, either,” she said, idly scrubbing at her eyes and wings for a freshened gaze and a pair of wings cleaned up after a long flight. “I guess we’re not so different that way. But why?” She stopped and tilted her head. “You’ve only ever met one person?”
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Melody eyed the chains. “Are you stuck here?”
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pateretfilia · 8 months ago
"Listen, cupcake, you might be the man in charge on whatever backwater planet you come from. But here? Pandora? Hyperion goddamn space station? I'm in charge. I can snap my fingers and have you turned into scrap metal before lunchtime. So don't test me."
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pateretfilia · 8 months ago
Blog Rules
Any smut will be "fade to black"
No magic anons
Don't rush me for replies
Don't reblog threads you're not involved in
Folks who write the same muse(s) as me are more than welcome! You have some good taste and I'm of the opinion the more the merrier
No godmodding, infomodding or metagaming. No auto-hitting in fight threads.
Don't force ships.
No in.cest or ped.oph.ilia plots.
Don't guilt trip me into writing with you and don't force me to write anything I'm uncomfortable with. No means no.
Related to the above, Blocking means I don't want you to contact me in any way and I'll consider any attempts of circumventing a block to be harassment.
Please leave your drama, your callouts, etc at the door. Sometimes people can be pretty awful, I get it. But there are ways to deal with that which don't involve harassing people off-site. Please tag your drama and your callouts also so I can blacklist. If however you have a legitimate problem with me or someone I write with, my IMs and askbox are always open - but anything sent on anon with zero evidence whatsoever will merit a hard-block, as will trying to get me to 'pick sides' in drama.
I don't write with non rp blogs/"personals". You're free to follow and like things, but please don't reblog any of my writing unless it's tagged "ok to reblog".
If you are not planning to send in a meme, especially if it's an easy out of character one? Please reblog it from the source, not me. It sucks to reblog a meme and get excited about a notification hoping someone sent it in only to see someone has reblogged it from me without sending anything.
Fandoms I won't rp with for personal reasons are Viv.zie.Pop ones (Haz.bin and Hell.uva Boss), muses based on and other, Harr.y Po.tter, and Pa.rk, but I have no issue blacklisting character or fandom tags for those if you are a multi.
Glad to tag any and all triggers upon request. I do my best to tag common ones, e.g. gore, torture, abuse, guns.
Basically don't be a dick and you'll be fine.
About me and general preferences
I am over 21 and my pronouns are they/them.
I usually don't use icons and write in a para or multipara style
I'm not likely to continue banter style or very short threads because they don't hold my interest
I only share my discord information with mutuals. I'm fine rping there as well.
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pateretfilia · 8 months ago
[a few things -
in an effort to use this blog more, I'm going to be attaching it to @musesfromthefifthdimension as well. This is going to mean I can't get IMs, so the best way to talk ooc will be discord, which you can ask me for in a non-anon ask.
In an effort to get this blog going again - how about a starter call? Let me know if you have a preference for Angel or Jack; otherwise I'll pick.]
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pateretfilia · 10 months ago
[Like this post and I'll send some things to your inbox from a muse of my choosing.
Please specify muse if you're a multi or hub or get nothing (I don't wanna be rude but I also get stopped utterly in my tracks by indecision sometimes - that adhd do be a disorder alright) ]
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pateretfilia · 10 months ago
THIS IS A PSA FROM MULTIMUSE ROLEPLAYERS: please interact with them. please send them memes, hell most of us who have multimuses, love spams, aka send us loads of memes and different combinations. I understand that choosing one muse must be hard to choose, but trust me on this, multimuses are more scared of you than you on them. Sometimes all it takess is one meme to spark a friendship ooc or a relationship or a new dynamic. Don't know about certain OC or muse much? ask them about it, plan around it. Consider this post the universal shout of: SEND MEMES, ANSWER STARTER CALLS WITH DIFFERENT MUSES COMBO YOU WANT. Sometimes multimuses find it hard who to throw at a single blog in fear of overstepping or just pushing their muses on them specially if they are OCs with history. So just go for it.
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pateretfilia · 11 months ago
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Another one that’s been sat on my harddrive for ages. You can find screenshots for multiple characters from the Borderlands series and they’re split into their own folders. There are screenshots from Borderlands 1, 2, 2′s DLC, 3, 3′s DLC, The Pre Sequel and Tale from the Borderlands
All I ask is that you like or reblog this post if you’re planning using them. Some screenshots may be blurry or out of focus as I haven’t gone through them with a fine toothed comb.
If you would like to support me, please consider buying me a Kofi or tipping me on PayPal.
Athena the Gladiator
Baron Flynt
Brick the Berserker
Butcher Rose
Captain Scarlett
Colonel Hector
Colonel Zarpedon
Eleanor Olmstead
Fl4K the Beastmaster
Gaige the Mecromaner
Handsome Jack
Janey Springs
Katagawa Jr
Krieg the Psycho
Lilith the Firehawk
Mancubus Bloodtooth
Maya the Siren
The Mayor
Mordecai the Hunter
Mad Moxxi
Moze the Gunner
Mr Torgue
Nisha the Lawbringer
Pretty Boy
Professor Nakayama
Roland the Soldier
Salvador the Gunzerker
Comandante Steele
The Watcher
Timothy Lawrence
Tiny Tina
TK Baha
Troy Calypso
Typhon DeLeon
Tyreen Calypso
Wilhelm the Enforcer
Zane Flynt
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pateretfilia · 11 months ago
"That's... very kind of you, little fly. You really wouldn't want me to be lonely, even though you don't even know me?"
The chains jingled again as she lifted one of her hands and held it out, delicate, slender fingers outstretched and palm up towards the ceiling. Upon closer inspection, half of the young woman's head was shaven and augmented with metallic equipment, perhaps by some sort of alchemist. The other half had hair that covered her right eye, and went down to her shoulder. It was a deep black.
"I've never met a fly who can talk before. But... I haven't met anyone. Nobody except Jack."
Angel felt a dread like no other fill her when the voice actually responded to her question. Could it be someone had found out about her, and was here to kill her because of her powers, just as her father feared? In instinct, ethereal wings of light materialized from her back, illuminating the room, though she ultimately knew it would be useless—she wasn't going anywhere with those chains, and even if she got out, the collar that kept her powers at bay would leave her nigh-defenseless outside.
She stopped moving when she saw just what— no, who— spoke.
"I can see you," she responded, wings dissipating. "I was crying, because... I'm lonely."
It was an on-the-spot excuse, but hopefully it would suffice. Flies didn't know about fathers and expectations and what happened to her if she wasn't good enough, did they? And what if Jack was listening, somehow, even now?
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pateretfilia · 11 months ago
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Indie dual muse rp blog for Angel and Handsome Jack from the Borderlands series.
OC, Crossover, & AU friendly.
Heavy topics and triggering content present and tagged. See pinned post.
Follows & asks from @musesfromthefifthdimension .
Likes appreciated. Follows & reblogs encouraged.
Non-rp blogs, please dni unless you have an rp sideblog.
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pateretfilia · 11 months ago
"A— ah-Alright, alright. It's an under-the table kinda arrangement. You have to keep it real secret. Gotcha."
He hid his own uncertain nature behind his charismatic smirk, smoothed his hair back, and his mood changed on a dime as he took his gun from its holster at his hip— Fully automatic Hyperion SMG, this thing could shred a human being like a cooked chicken in two seconds flat— and pointed it at Haru.
"Know who I am, don't'cha, Haru? Eh? How 'bout we make this nice and easy, so nobody gets hurt, and you lead me to the closest Hyperion outpost, no funny business?"
❝ are you lost? it's alright. ❞ ( from Haru to Jack, if that’s alright! )
@angelxtwins / dreamcore starters / accepting
"Who the hell are you? Where the hell is this? Where the hell am I?"
Jack must have held the world record for his many times someone could day 'hell' in a short span of time. But this wasn't his office. He was supposed to be there!
"Listen— alright, who put you up to this, eh? How much they paying you, huh pumpkin?"
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pateretfilia · 1 year ago
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► | Nasu no Yoichi | RP Blog | Drifters Canon Muse
► | Cared by Nephy | She/Her | 25+ | English - Spanish
► | Crossover, AU, OC, Multiship, NSFW friendly
► | Indie | Semi Selective
► | Open to all fandoms
► | + info in pinned post
► | Warning: Sensitive topics will be touched in this blog. PTSD, (signs of) depression, strangulation, death, blood. Everything will be properly tagged with tw (topic) ◄
Looking for mutuals ~
<< Like ❤️ or reblog 🔄 if you're interested in interacting with a canon divergent Yoichi - a samurai drifter who one day just woke up in your muse's world >>
Short explanation: Yoichi is a character from an isekai anime, which means that one day he could simply wake up in the world of your muse and will have to find a way to adapt to it (May also be that your muse suddenly appears in Yoichi's world) That's why he's completely open to all fandoms, it doesn't really matter what it is.
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pateretfilia · 1 year ago
"are you lost? it's alright" (let's start with jack)
@gloomygiant / dreamcore starters / accepting
Jack whistled, looking up, up, up... "Jesus, you just keep going," he snickered, "Really ate your Wheaties, didn't'cha?"
The true danger of the situation hadn't dawned on him. Or maybe it was more accurate to say that he was Handsome fucking Jack, and some gigantic goddamn monster dude wasn't gonna scare a hero like him. He had a gun this guy would answer to if he tried anything, one of Hyperion's latest and greatest models.
"There must've been something in that pad thai I had earlier. There's no way you're actually here."
Here. He looked around. Come to think of it, this wasn't Helios— this place wasn't familiar at all. Sure as shit didn't look like Pandora. It didn't smell bad enough, for one thing.
"Where the hell am I?"
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pateretfilia · 1 year ago
❝ are you lost? it's alright. ❞ ( from Haru to Jack, if that’s alright! )
@angelxtwins / dreamcore starters / accepting
"Who the hell are you? Where the hell is this? Where the hell am I?"
Jack must have held the world record for his many times someone could day 'hell' in a short span of time. But this wasn't his office. He was supposed to be there!
"Listen— alright, who put you up to this, eh? How much they paying you, huh pumpkin?"
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pateretfilia · 1 year ago
[I gotta get some sleep but if you sent a meme I saw it and I'll and I hope I can answer it tomorrow <3]
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pateretfilia · 1 year ago
dreamcore && weirdcore sentence starters 
╰┈➤  a variety of sentences that seem out of the reality of this realm...
❝ you've been here before, but do you remember how to leave? ❞
❝ i'm scared that you'll forget my name someday. ❞
❝ are you lost? it's alright. ❞
❝ there's not much time left anymore. ❞
❝ look at our pretty world! isn't it just wonderful? ❞
❝ dreams do come true! everything is so beautiful! ❞
❝ you don't belong here, do you? ❞
❝ i'll see you in my dreams. ❞
❝ i want to heal, but then what will i be? ❞
❝ the world you were born in no longer exists. ❞
❝ i hope one day you wake up not bearing that heavy feeling anymore. ❞
❝ please, don't expect too much from me. ❞
❝ don't add more pain to the world, there's enough already. ❞
❝ please... take me with you? ❞
❝ do you remember being here? ❞
❝ maybe one day they will understand. just not today. ❞
❝ imagine a world where you're happy. ❞
❝ tell me. was it worth it? ❞
❝ love is always with you, even if you can't see it. ❞
❝ you exist in more ways than you may ever know. ❞
❝ no one can disappear from this earth. ❞
❝ this world is constantly changing, are you changing along with it?❞
❝ there is no one here, just keep walking. ❞
❝ don't bother trying to find the way home, you never belonged there anyway. ❞
❝ congratulations! you've made it to the end! enjoy your time! ❞
❝ don't ignore the messages you've received. ❞
❝ are we safe now? ❞
❝ you did exactly what you said you wouldn't do. ❞
❝ oh god. i remember this place. ❞
❝ was it ever even real? ❞
❝ you can never go back, and you have to live with that. ❞
❝ was this what i asked for? ❞
❝ if i disappeared, would you look for me? ❞
❝ you've actually been here before. i just made sure you forgot. ❞
❝ your journey has come to an end. ❞
❝ you were so, so special. ❞
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