Jesus Remnant Devotion
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Read your Bible. Pray Everyday
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pastorphilipcofie · 7 months ago
That we may know JESUS....
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Date: 16th July, 2024
Main Verse: that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,( Philippians 3:10)
Further Reading: Mark Chapter 1
A great theologian, summarised the book of mark in this manner: _The purpose and theme of the Book of Mark were to point to Jesus being God's Son. He writes about the authority Jesus had as the Son of God. Mark's writings focus on the actions of Jesus, that he was a servant, that he performed miracles, and that he was crucified and resurrected._
Mark was intentional about pointing his writing to the person of Jesus Christ. He wrote with such grace, grit and passion that, we may know him.
Is there any greater and important theme except to desire and thirst after the son of God? Its through him and by him, all things were made in heaven and on this earth. He is the author and finisher of our faith and in him, all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. The hope of glory is He in us and in him, are hidden all the treasures of wisdom. He is the way, the truth and life. Its JESUS CHRIST, we must thirst and hunger for. Christianity is not about a church, a denomination, a church building, a servant of God or the show of human wisdom and cleverness. Christianity is JESUS CHRIST and JESUS CHRIST is Christianity: a spring of life in this lifetime and eternity to come.
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent( John 17:3)
There is no rest, peace, life, strength, hope, grace, wisdom and grace, until our heart has been filled with a passionate affection, love and honour for the son of God; to know him, please him and do his will
To know him, is to turn your heart and ways from the idols of this world, until your only gaze is him
To please him, is to carry your cross daily and follow him
To do His will, is to be partakers of the Gospel: helping to build the body of Christ with a focus and goal of soulwinning
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
Date: 9th April, 2022
Main Text: Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him( 1 John 2:15)
READ FURTHER: Galatians 1: 1-10
The Apostle Paul reveals to us that, Jesus Christ gave himself for our sins to DELIVER US FROM THE PRESENT EVIL AGE. Christianity is not just owning a Bible and attending a church. There is a sacred purpose in our walk with the Lord; to be delivered from an evil age.
A Christian, who does not recognise and acknowledge that, the world we live in today is a demonic structured evil age, that Christian can easily be swayed into backsliding and destruction in the end.
Let's study on part two of the present evil age.
4. The present evil age of Mockery: Mockery is defined as teasing and contemptuous language or behaviour directed at a particular person or thing. Belshazzar made mockery of God and Holy things, when he chose to use the vessels of the temple as cup for drinking wine. The wrath of God came on him. In our generation today; God, godliness, spiritual leaders, spiritual acts and works have become a major target of mockery by unbelievers, celebrities, politicians, statesmen, media, media personality and the world at large, but God is not mocked. The bible teaches is that, a person is divinely blessed when he or she does not stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of scoffers. The opposite of a blessing is a curse. Don't join the world! Be sober and meek about God, godliness, spiritual leaders and spiritual activities.
5. The present evil age of "Show off": To show off is to display someone or something that is a source of pride. This is the evil that characterise our age. The show off of cars, dresses, shoes, phones, hair, perfumes, holiday tours, food, etc. Most of these are done to display the pride of life. Believe me a person who is rooted in God and knows that all things are by grace, often does not show off. I am not talking about a casual post of an activity you are involved in but an intentional show off of something. The hidden evil of modern show off is meant to pressure people to be discontent, envious, jealous, compare and most often to lust for these material show off. Things like evangelism, holiness, ethics, godly character, fruit of the spirit, humility are not showed off, even though they are the true treasures for humanity to hunt for. The world rather makes mockery of them and despise them. Its a sharp contrast between the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit, things on earth and things above, carnality and spirituality, what the world reveres and what God honours, etc. The former is the wisdom of this world that is leading many to self destruction. We has Christians are to show off the light in us, that darkness may dissipate and many living in darkness will arise to our lighting to be saved. Jesus said, I seek no honour from men. Learn from Jesus, seek the honour that comes from above and is eternal.
Overcome!_ Overcome the present evil age.
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
Date: 7th April, 2022
Main Text: Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.( 1 John 2:15)
READ FURTHER: Galatians 1: 1-10
The Apostle Paul reveals to us that, Jesus Christ gave himself for our sins to DELIVER US FROM THE PRESENT EVIL AGE. Christianity is not just owning a Bible and attending a church. There is a sacred purpose in our walk with the Lord; to be delivered from an evil age.
A Christian, who does not recognise and acknowledge that, the world we live in today is a demonic structured evil age, that Christian can easily be swayed into backsliding and destruction in the end.
1. The evil age of music: Music affect every human soul. You can say that, it's impossible for a human being to live without music and with this music affect our actions and inactions positively or negatively, godly or ungodly. This is the age of foolish, vain, profane, lustful, drug and perverse music and videos. And every music ministers to a spirit with its effect. Evil music ministers to evil spirit with evil effects like fornication, adultery, divorce, stubbornness, drug addiction, etc. Say no to worldly music!
2. The evil age of social media: Social media is an addictive invisible power. It controls almost the entire societal structure of human life today. Social media operates on the pride of life, lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. Many Christians are loosing their personal times of fellowship with the Lord because of distraction and addictions from social media which often does not build one up. Profane clips, jokes, write ups, images, etc are some of the evil seeds Satan keeps sowing in the heart of Christians. Again Social media has become a powerful tool in the hands of Satan to misinform people about God, the church and priest of God. Pursue Godliness as a foundational priority in your life.
3. The evil age Pharoah: Pharoah did not want the children of Israel to serve God. He imposed on them strenuous task to keep them from worshiping God. It's the same happening today. We barely have time to have queit time, read our Bible, do bible study, Memorize and meditate, listen to tapes, etc because the Pharoah of this present age has occupied has with overwhelming cares of life. You need to fight the good fight of faith to press on daily to know God.
Only light can overcome darkness
And you cannot overcome the darkness of this present age if you love the world.
Love not the world!
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world( 1 John 2:16)
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
Date: 2nd April, 2022
MAIN TEXT: Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant( Galatians 6:7. NLT)
READ FURTHER: Ruth 2: 8-12
God said those who honour him, he will also honour( 1 Samuel 2:30). In other words, if you sow a seed of honour unto God, you will reap same. Many Christians fail to understand that, life is often about seed time and harvest time.
When I was in the secondary school, during my final year, I spent a lot of time studying over and over again whiles some of my colleagues spent a lot of time sleeping and fooling around. We all had time but we sowed different things. When the results came I passed excellently with a single digit whiles some of my friends failed miserably. It was seed time and harvest time.
Many people are actually harvesting today, the things they have sown in the past. Evil seeds of wickedness will sooner or later become evil fruit for you to eat. Becareful the seeds you a sowing today!
1. Sow Godliness: If you sow ungodly music, Pornograpy, betting, profane jokes, nudity, drugs, etc you will definitely reap the unpleasant outcomes of these seeds. You cannot be a Christian and a worldly person, living double life. It does not work that way in the kingdom. Jesus said, If any man will come after him, he should first deny himself, take up his cross and follow him. This is the kingdom pattern and structure that leads to life, rest, peace and safety. Godliness is always and will always be profitable in this life and the life to come!
2. Sow honour: One of the things I have observed about poor people is that, they don't know how to honour and you will see that their life is bereft of anything honourable. Honour God with your life and substance, honour your father and mother, Honour spiritual leaders, honour the church of the living God, honour your older siblings, honour elders and people placed in leadership roles above you, honour your spouse and live with a mindset of sowing honourable seeds everyday. You will definitely reap it back!
3. Sow Prayer: There are two things ahead of us every single day. It's either good or bad. Death or life. Safety or tragedy. Disappointment or achievement. I spend a lot of time praying knowing that, life is very spiritual and the things we see in the physical do not come from the physical thus the onus is on us to sow into the spirit, so we can see a manifestation of good things in the physical. Stop living by the wisdom of this world. It will fail you. Your Safety and assurance can never be in your money, career, spouse, car, house or visa. When you don't sow seeds of prayer, earthly circumstances which often is controlled by evil forces of darkness will determine many bad things for you. God is the ultimate and we must seek his grace, mercy, help and intervention through seeds of prayer. Pray always and pray ahead. There will be a good harvest for you.
Eternity is coming! Sow into it....
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
MARK 1:35
Date: 1st April,2022
MAIN TEXT:  And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed( Mark 1:35)
READ FURTHER: Galatians 5:16-
1. Rising: (Decision and Discipline)_ Jesus made a firm decision to rise up from bed to go and pray. It takes discipline to achieve any spiritual goal. In the pursuit of spiritual goals, the flesh is always an enemy or opposser. The flesh want to sleep and not wake up. The flesh want to eat and not fast. The flesh want to have sex and not stay chaste. The flesh want to be on social media and not read the bible. Its always the flesh thus the need to control the flesh, so you can be victorious in your spiritual life
2. Early: (Priority)_ Jesus gave prayer the foremost priority in his personal life and ministry. Priority is the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others. Jesus placed his spiritual goal above anything else. Human activities has given many people diverse priorities and thus they have neglected the pursuit of spiritual goals. For example many people spend more time on their physical body which is temporary than their inward man which is eternal. The bible reminds us that, the things of the flesh profit little but godliness is of great gain in this life and the life to come. Give priority to spiritual things!
3. Departed: (Destination)_ For Jesus to be fruitful and achieve great result in his ministry he had to choose a destination devoid of family, friends and societal distraction. People who don't go to church and claim to join online service often have a lot of distraction. Even in the Secular world, for training to be effective staffs are scheduled outside their work premise so they can have a full concentration to be trained and be productive. Learn to depart from your phone. It's a distraction. Plan to depart from your family so you can meet God on the mountain, it's key to spiritual growth and capacity.
4. Prayed: (Vision and implementation)_ Its one thing to talk about prayer and its another to actually pray. Its one thing to teach about prayer and its another to really pray. God want us to pray because he is a prayer answering God. The bible says, in the desolate place Jesus prayed. Jesus actually prayed and also GAVE SPECIFIC TIME PERIOD TO PRAYER. In your daily life, you must have specific time period for prayer because prayer becomes effective when it habitual and we are also admonished to pray without ceasing. Have you prayed today?
The life of Jesus: An epitome of wisdom!
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
Date: 31st March, 2020
Main text:
This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’ Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it!’( Jeremiah 6:16)
READ FURTHER: Psalm 128: 1-6
Almost every Christian, is trusting God to prosper and excel in life, yet only a hand full of people are able to attain this goal in life. Why? The answer is very simple; our generation of the church has neglected foundational truth, doctrines and principles, that stands as ancient pathway to doing well in life.
One of the Ancient pathway, to doing well in life is the fear of God. Today, almost everything is emphasised in the church except a call to direct our heart and minds, to a life that reverentially fears God.
The fear of God is no more in our heart, thought, acts and even among priest of God. We have allowed the ungodly and perverse ways of the world to infiltrate our heart, family and the church as whole and for this cause we have become bereft of many blessings of God. Many people in the church today have attained prosperity and material possession that does not necessarily come from God. If you honour this evil world and its sinful ways, it does also prospers. I am taking about the blessings of the Lord that adds no sorrow.
The bible makes it clear to us; Righteousness by default exalt a nation but sin is a reproach to any group of people. In walking in righteousness, by default we show our reverential fear for God. The Apostle Paul, admonished Timothy to choose a life path of walking in the fear of God and these are the pathways;
1. Flee the lust for money by any means when it does not honour God
2. Pursue righteousness
3. Pursue Godliness
4. Pursue faith
5. Pursue love
6. Pursue steadfastness in serving God
7. Pursue godly gentleness
But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. (1 Timothy 6:11)
The narrow way that leads to life or the Broadway that leads to destruction often in the end? Choose!
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
Date: 30th March, 2022
Main Text: The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.( Psalm 32: 8)
READ FURTHER: James 1: 19-21
A counsel is a formal advice or instruction given to someone. The goal of a counsel often is to guide the receiver into something good, beneficial and also to aide the person in not making the wrong decision.
The prophet Isaiah reveals the seven spirit of God : “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord( Isaiah 11:2)
Among these Seven Spirit of God is the Spirit of counsel. When you don't have counsel coming into your life directly and indirectly, it's likely you don't have the influence of the Holy Spirit.
The Apostle James gave us three great Spiritual counsel, that we must all receive heartily and commit to being doers of these counsel.
1. Quick to hear: Hearing increases knowledge and knowledge is like light. It light up a dark room and gives illumination for one's path. We are reminded that the wise will hear and increase in learning.( Proverbs 1:5). Again, we build our Christian faith by hearing things that will build our Christian life thus the need to be mindful what you intentionally choose to hear. If you want to grow Spiritually, you must invest time in hearing spirit filled messages and songs.
2. Slow to speak : The bible reminds us that too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut( Proverbs 10:19). Again If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame( Proverbs 18:13), thus its prudent to always be slow to speak so you can reflect, think and respond to issues wisely.
3. Slow to anger: Below are some things the bible warns us about anger
1. Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.( Proverbs 29:11)
2. ...human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires( James 1:20)
3. A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense( Proverbs 19:11)
4. Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools( Ecclesiastes 7:9)
5. Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly( Proverbs 14:29)
6. Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered( Proverbs 22:24)
The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.( Psalm 32: 8)
Yield to the Lords counsel today!
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pastorphilipcofie · 3 years ago
A Humble Position
Date: 29th March,2022
Main Text:
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion:Greetings. (James 1:1)
Further Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
James commenced the epistle of James with a very simple and true identity. He described himself as a servant of God.
One time, John the baptist was asked a question of identification. "Who are you?". The bible says, John described himself, as the voice of one crying in the Wilderness. He chose a humble position. His description guided him to do the the right thing and achieve Gods call and purpose in his life.
It's easy for all of us, to describe ourselves has something great and important but it's spiritualy healthy to see yourself as nothing. David saw himself as nothing and he was a man after Gods own heart. Jesus though he was in the form of God, saw himself as nothing. He was highly exalted by God. Pharoah saw himself as something great and mighty and his end was disastrous. Vashti saw herself as something high and mighty and her crown was taken from her.
James described himself as a servant and Jesus admonished us to be people who serve rather than to be served, thus servanthood brings true honour in the kingdom of God.
1. A servant recognises and honours a master
2. A servant humbly accept rebukes and reproofs
3. A servant takes instructions and excute them appropriately
4. A servant does not count equality with the master
5. A servant does menial jobs
6. A servant can be trained, guided and supervised
7. A servant is willing, obedient and often available for the masters need
8. A servant knows that intergrity, Faithfulness, hardwork, obedience and good character are the keys to great rewards
In your personal life, marriage, business, career, leadership, ministry and all kinds of relationships always remember that "humility" is a great key to greatness. Choose a humble Position!
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pastorphilipcofie · 7 years ago
I recently watched a short video of the Pope with a young boy in a one on one question and answer time. This young boy was given the microphone to ask the Pope his question. He stood there in silent and suddenly began to shake and sob. It was an emotional scene. Everyone wondering what was wrong.
The young boy, who was not more than ten years, was carrying a heavy heart and burden. Apparently, his dad had passed away. His dad was an atheist and died as an atheist. This young boy wanted to find out from the Pope if his dad made it to heaven since he was an atheist.
I was personally moved to tears as I watched this video. I was touched to my innermost being about the reality of eternity as I watched this video. I suddenly began to think about my late dad and all the loved ones I knew of, who had passed away.
One thing came to mind_ how come a young boy like this can be so concerned about eternity? How come he can be so moved about eternal life?
How come we_ this generation of the church is not concerned about eternity? How come we_ this generation of Christians are not concerned about the salvation of our loved ones? How come we don't have any emotion and sorrow about lost humanity?
Keith Green in his music “asleep in the light said,
“Bless me Lord, bless me Lord You know it's all I ever hear No one aches, no one hurts no one even sheds one tear But He cries, He weeps, He bleeds and He cares for your needs And you just lay back and keep soaking it in
Open up, open up and give yourself away You see the need, you hear the cries so how can you delay? God's calling and you're the one but like Jonah you run He's told you to speak but you keep holding it in”
Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. (John 4:35)
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pastorphilipcofie · 7 years ago
“... do the work of an evangelist..” (2 Timothy 4:5)
Paul wrote to Timothy, admonishing him to do the work of an EVANGELIST, because it will help him to fulfill his ministry. Evangelism is scriptural. Evangelism is divine. Evangelism is eternal and the most important Christian work anyone can do.JESUS was an evangelist and he directed our heart and minds to the reality of a harvest of souls that is plentiful. How do we do the work of an evangelist? What will require us to be effective evangelist?
1. Personal walk with God: Jesus came calling people to follow him. Finally, he called twelve disciples to work with him. Through his teaching and miraculous ministry, he was able to disciple them to become fishers of men and that is the work of an evangelist_ to fish for men. If you are living your life outside the will and path of God, you cannot be vessel that God can use to reach others. As we yield our ways  and life to God, he makes us_ fishers of men. Jesus said, follow me and  I will make you. There is the process of making. It the process of daily quiet time, listening to tapes, reading christian books, participating in church activities, being prayerful, living a life of holiness, truth and integrity, etc.
The more we walk with God and surrender our ways to him, the more God nature we imbibe and exemplify_ We then become light for the world for others to follow and find eternal life in Jesus Christ.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Mathew 5:16)
2. The work of soul winning: You can be very holy and yet do little for the salvation of others. You can be very committed in a church and yet do nothing about the salvation of lost souls. You can be very knowledgeable in the word of God and yet do nothing for the harvest of lost souls. Many churches have no interest in the practical work of going out to preach the gospel. Jesus after mentoring his team, directed them to the practical work of “GO-ing” to win souls. Do you have the practical work of soul winning in your life?. Does your church guide and influence you to ‘GO” out and win the lost at any cost?. The work of an evangelist is not a dreaming work. It a work that must be put in place practically and purposefully, for that intent and mandate to be fulfilled.
3. Toil and endurance: We are in a generation of comfort Christianity. Nobody want to be discomforted in anyway. The generation before us, was a generation willing and eager to loose, sacrifice and even die for the work of evangelism. Missionaries left the comfort and glory of their nation to dark and terror heathens of the world, to fulfill the work of an evangelist. what about us?
You cannot do the work of an evangelist, if you are not willing to toil and endure for the salvation of others. The work of an evangelist will put you in danger of going to places, traveling, facing ridicule, giving up your money and resources to reach others. Jesus acknowledged the works of the church in Ephesus, because they toiled and endured many things for the cause of Christ and the advancement of the gospel. They were fruitful because they were willing to toil and endure. Many Christians can toil and endure for many earthly things, but not the things of Christ or the call to evangelism, thus we have become barren Christians with no fruit of souls to show and prove of.
“‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance...’ (Revelation 2:2)
..... to be continued
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pastorphilipcofie · 7 years ago
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
JESUS came to this earth with an eternal purpose. He came to seek and save that, which was lost. Jesus came to seek and save humanity. It is this vision that drove him to the cross. He had a passion to fulfill an eternal will and more importantly the will of the father.
Zeteo is the greek word used here for the word “SEEK”. It means the following;
1. to demand something from someone: God want us to demand lost souls from the hands of Satan. The bible says, the whole world lies in the hands of the wicked one. God sent Moses to demand the release of his people from the hands of Pharoah, thus the church needs to pray and pursue evangelism with a certain sense of force till Gods precious souls are set free from the path of death.
2.  to strive after something: it takes a lot of energy, time and discipline to strive after something. Winning lost souls, will not come to us on a silver plate. we need to strive after them. we need to be determined after them. we need to fight the good fight of faith, until we lay hold on lost souls for Jesus. we need to overcome personal life issues till we fulfill our call. we need to persevere after lost souls. we need to keep preaching, keep visiting and keep praying, until we attain that which we are seeking for. seek in order to find: Gold is not found on our street. Gold is often hidden way beneath the earth and it must be sought after diligently to find it. unfortunately, the church today is not seeking. Pastors are not seeking and congregant are also not seeking for lost souls, but Jesus sought after lost souls. The disciples sought after lost souls. Missionaries traveled near and far to seek for lost souls. If we dont seek, we certainly want find.
The people of the world are seeking for the lost and deceptive things of this world built on evil, wickedness, immorality and falsehood. God want us to seek for his kingdom and its righteousness. God want us to seek for something ETERNAL. God want you to seek for something that will bring an eternal life and hope to someone.
So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Mathew 6:33)
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pastorphilipcofie · 7 years ago
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By the grace of GOD, We embarked on another exciting soulwinning task at a suburb in Accra called Adabraka.
We shared our tracts to a lot of people in their homes and on the street of Adabraka. One striking reality was that, “The harvest of souls is truly plentiful”.
We are still encouraged to keep sharing many gospel tracts as much as possible to many people in the whole of Ghana.  Soulwinning is our vision and our passionate goal.
We pray for more grace and strength to labour for Jesus Christ. Wherever you are in Ghana, join us to share one million gospel tracts to one million souls.
”I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)
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