pasta-creepers · 4 years
Serious Question, Fam
How would you all feel if I remade this blog into a a new one that combines this fandom with others? That’s means this blog would be gone, but I’d be sure to reblog all content from this one onto the new one and just go from there.
This isn’t set in stone I was just wondering what you guys thought about it?
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
hi hiiii😳 do u still take requests for creepypasta/MH? 🤔 cuz i freakin love them❤❤
Yaaaaas Queen, you bet!
And thank you so much 💕 you’re sweet as can be!
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
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oh my god Boku no Hero Academia Smash!! is killing me
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Yeah, what of it?
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
slender can be a simp dont @ me
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Ok but like you didn’t hear this from me but-
If he falls in love with you, that’s it, he is whole heartedly devoted to you and you alone.
Due to his appearance and overwhelming mental affect on human beings, his love language is more often than not gift giving
He has to take care of you, even if you aren’t aware it’s him doing it at first. In his mind, you will romanticize the mystery gift giver as your dream partner aaall on your own.
You could toss every gift out Immediately and he would simply take it as “not what you wanted” or “must have been the wrong color”. Sort of ultimately putting the blame on himself rather than thinking of you as not interested or even ungrateful- never! You’re far too well mannered and polite, far too sweet to behold in his ‘eyes’
While he won’t tolerate blatant disrespect in a relationship, he WILL let you get away with an awful lot. You’re just being fussy, or a bit tired, that’s all, he’ll pick you up some flowers to brighten up your day sweet love don’t you worry.
You could be the laziest person in the world and he would excuse it, “you’re still recovering” he would say. Even if the last time you did an honest days work was over a year ago. To him, just being you, just being so beautiful and handsome and PERFECT must be ever so exhausting.
Unintentionally makes himself a butler for his lover, can’t reach the remote even though it’s RIGHT THERE? Call him in the room, he’s gunna chuckle and pass it to you.
He will get you anything you like, just please, say thank you. Smile for him, or he gets antsy.
While he would still engage in intelligent conversation with you, how he physically treats you could be considered borderline infantilization. 
If you were anyone else, my dear. He would never. Not in a million years. But for you, and only you. Boi is a simp.
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Hello it's nice to see your active!!!!!!!!!!!
I have returned, my sweet fall babies!
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Omg hi! It's been a long time since I saw you active.
I know 🥺 I’m so so sorry about that guys, I’m gunna try and be more active from now on, I miss all my curious little creepers ❤️🕷🖤
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~ Mod
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Oh absolutely!
Though he would more likely rub his face on their skin or play with their hair and glide a few strands across his lips (just to feel the softness on such a sensitive part of his face) after he’s done offing them, or while they’re tied up and scared out of their mind (him getting angry and strangling them into submission if they make a fuss over his gentle actions)- or even just before they drift away- I could see him laying next to them if the job went smooth and quietly enough, as they bleed out, creating an odd spectacle as they drift away. Their murderer, rubbing their hand over his face.
It could almost be considered comforting.. loving even. Though the reasoning behind the action is purely selfish.
How about some soft hc's for Jeff The Killer?
- Actually enjoys when his hoodie smells like fabric softener
- Walks by people he has little spats with to try and get them to speak to him
- Carrys a brush in his back pocket, brushes his hair often, gets anxiety when he forgets his brush
- Mashes up his steamed vegetables like a kid
- Pets stray cats
- Rubs his face on soft things
- Covers up the other pastas when they fall asleep around the house
- Isn’t always a jerk
- Grumpy with a heart of gold
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Pretty boi, pretty
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friend told me to draw eyeless jack in the strawberry dress, i drew eyeless jack in the strawberry dress
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Let’s just say.. Dark minds think alike 😈
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Did You Know?
Humans have a highly developed survival instinct in which they are capable of actually SENSING when somthing is actively staring at them. So next time you are alone and you get a little paranoid, just remember, there’s no need to fear! .... you’re never truly alone.
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pasta-creepers · 4 years
Did You Know?
Humans have a highly developed survival instinct in which they are capable of actually SENSING when somthing is actively staring at them. So next time you are alone and you get a little paranoid, just remember, there’s no need to fear! .... you’re never truly alone.
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
Who is this? For real. This mod seems, strange
This is... MOD? For really real.
Guys I am so sorry for the majorly long hiatus- long story short, we had a house fire back In May that I totally didn’t start, and JUST got back in the house about a month ago, and my laptop was tragically lost in the blaze, no one was hurt, and all pets are ok! We’ve all moved back in the house now, but for the month we’ve been back- I just don’t know why I can’t get myself to WRITE? And I just, don’t understand why. I want to, I want to bust out like 100 posts a day, but I just can’t get myself moving just yet. But I promise guys I really am trying to kick myself back into the swing of things. I appreciate you all sticking by me- I love you all very much and appreciate you all so much 💙
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
Who is this? For real. This mod seems, strange
This is... MOD? For really real.
Guys I am so sorry for the majorly long hiatus- long story short, we had a house fire back In May that I totally didn’t start, and JUST got back in the house about a month ago, and my laptop was tragically lost in the blaze, no one was hurt, and all pets are ok! We’ve all moved back in the house now, but for the month we’ve been back- I just don’t know why I can’t get myself to WRITE? And I just, don’t understand why. I want to, I want to bust out like 100 posts a day, but I just can’t get myself moving just yet. But I promise guys I really am trying to kick myself back into the swing of things. I appreciate you all sticking by me- I love you all very much and appreciate you all so much 💙
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
have you seen the party city eyeless jack costume im sharing this because i cant suffer alone
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Sweet Mary Jesus God in heaven, what have they done to you, my gross garbage gremlin?
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
Happy Father’s Day to SLENDERMAN ONLY
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
I am intrigued 
Psst, hey, hey you, yes you
Everybody who reblogs this before may 25th 2019 will get a little cryptid design based on their blog, url, etc.
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pasta-creepers · 5 years
Hey is this blog dead? I hope not cuz i love it so soo much 💕💕
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- Noooo, I don’t think ill ever eternally deactivate this blog, I may disappear for a time (which I am very and truly sorry for), but i’ll always come back. I want to apologize for the inactivity, I’ve just been dealing with some rather annoying however crucial life stuff, but I promise, the weight wont be for too much longer. 
- I’m ok! Ill be it, a bit depressed because of the inactivity, but still ok! I hope you all have been well and are not too upset with me 😅 Im so sorry to make you worry.
- Yes, still active, just failing at uploading at the moment.
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