As the sun sets over the Golden State, my heart yearns for you, my love. Though the miles may stretch wide between Chicago and California, they mean nothing in the grand tapestry of our connection. When I look into your eyes, I see the reflection of my own soul, and distance becomes inconsequential.
You, with your spirit as vibrant as the lights of Chicago’s skyline, have ignited a fire within me that burns brighter than the sun itself. Your laughter dances in my ears like the sweetest melody, echoing through the canyons of my heart. Every moment spent with you, whether it be in person or through the wire, is a cherished memory etched in the deepest recesses of my being.
As I wander the streets of this distant land, I carry you in my thoughts. I envision strolling hand in hand through Millennium Park, feeling the pulse of the city match the rhythm of our hearts. The wind whispers your name, and I can almost feel your gentle touch.
So, my love, let the miles that separate us be but a mere footnote in our love story. For no distance can dampen the flame that burns between us. Know that with each passing day, my affection for you grows stronger. Until the day our paths converge, I hold you close, forever and always.
Yours truly,
JS5…. XX96
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I Saw You Come
Although I don’t even have you
I’m already afraid of losing you, love
How fast did I get swept away
And got filled with pain
It's little what I know of you
and I've already set the game in your favor
I’m not afraid to bet
but to lose you terrifies me.
I have no other refuge, than fantasy
I have nothing else to do,
but write you a poem.
Because I saw you come and I didn’t doubt
I saw you arrive and I held you
and I gave all my passion for to keep you
and then I kissed you and risked with the truth,
I caressed you and I finally opened my heart for you to pass through.
I gave you my love unconditionally, for you to stay.
Now I will wait a few days to see if what I gave you was enough
You don’t know how terrifying it feels
the wait every morning
if you no longer want to come back
the sense of love would be lost forever
I wouldn’t understand this world anymore
I would stay away from people.
I have no other refuge, than fantasy
I have nothing else to do,
but write you a poem.
Because I saw you come and I didn’t doubt
I saw you arrive and I hold you
and I gave all my passion for you to stay
and then I kissed you and risked with the truth,
I caressed you and I finally opened my heart for you to pass through.
Because I saw you come and I didn’t doubt
I saw you arrive and I hold you
and I gave all my passion for you to stay
and then I kissed you and risked with the truth,
I caressed you and I finally opened my heart for you to pass through.
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Double P, my firm sedimentary
In a world where chaos resides, You, my rock, bring gentle tides. Through stormy seas, you guide my way, With steadfast love, you always stay.
When my heart faltered, uncertain beats, You held my hand through anxious feats. Your presence, a balm to heal my soul, A soothing embrace, making me whole.
I may have faltered in the past, But you, my love, were steadfast. I've come to realize, without a doubt, You're the foundation I can't live without.
No, my dear, you're not a stone, You're the warmth that makes a house a home. I cherish you more than words can say, And I'll prove my love in every way.
So let our bond grow stronger still, As we climb life's hills with iron will. You are my rock, my guiding light, Together, we'll conquer any plight.
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I know what I want and this isn’t it…. Secluding is not a solution
The first 6 months of 2023 were a fantasy. The 2nd half of the year will be heartbreak. I’m aware I’m pushing away my potential love of my life. As imperfect I am, I’ve had to move into different waters. These other waters that I was enjoying started to rock me. An anger that I didn’t know I had in me. Other ships came in and messed with what felt like a carnival cruise. My life is great but my love life has come to a halt. I gave up the streets for a far far away land. The resident seemed like a dream and when the time arrived to nurture and be nurtured, the court of love had a mean jury. The worst part about it was it was my friends. A relative of hers and a comrade of mine, seemed to object to any reasoning of connection before her and I. I lie and say it was a great birthday but I will always remember the heartache, the distance of being so close yet so far to someone for my 27th. I despise the idea of bringing friends close to any lover, I have always been secretive with most of my romances, the elite of the bunch as they can not come around such insecure boys who mask themselves men. Used to care about what they thought but now as I witnessed the slandering of my mejor companera, mi mejor amiga, I can not allow them to ruin what I want most. If it was me, I can accept my loss by effort, illusion. It can not be up to others to decide and belittle my favorite person in the world. I have lost not because of how she sees me, I have lost because I let them intrude. The only resolution is to stay away so I don’t say hurtful things which is not what I want. It doesn’t have to be this way. There must be better options and there is. May God help me and give me strength to be the man I need to be and endure the sways of the waves that may perish this love. This is not my destiny to be heartbroken. It can not be. She deserves more than this, and I deserve her love and respect. There is nothing here in Merced for me that is better than her. Might need to pack my bags and meet halfway. In the Rockies we can both be away from any intruders and live the life we both deserve.
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