❝ You tell me you love me when you're wasted I'm only on your mind when you're wasted. ❞ Indie OC. Semi-Selective. Started 6th of August, 2016.
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A very important history of men wearing crop tops
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Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Venus: What’s your first language?
Earth: Where’s your home?
Mars: What’s your sexuality?
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
Saturn: Any pets?
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
Neptune: When’s your birthday?
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol?
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness?
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret?
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour?
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie?
Cygnus: Favourite weather?
Hydra: Favourite sound?
Galaxies: Love/Friends
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much?
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity?
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship?
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?
Other stuff: Wishes
Comet: What’s your big dream?
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like?
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be?
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be?
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t?
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
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Since I have reached 100 followers on this blog, I figured I could make a font pack of some of my favourite fonts ft. some of my favourite celebrities ! This is by no means all my favourite font/celebrities but if people like this then I’ll make another one ! These fonts do not belong to me but if this did help you or you’re a rph/t/c/o anything else please like/reblog !
jenna sue || beyond the mountains || sweetly broken || champagne and limousines || signerica || beon || chasing embers || caviar dreams
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This is what I’ve been listening to as I make CCs~
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Rome Flynn x Instagram
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