partialdarkncss · 19 days
It wasn't what she had came here for — at least, not consciously. If she took a moment to think about it, Veronica would fear she was using Zelda somehow, but she had wanted her company. It wasn't just her lips or her hands that interested her, though she wouldn't deny they were quite nice, it was her. Her personality, everything about her. She just liked being around her, no matter what they were doing. She made her feel safe and warm and while that was something she would stress about if she let herself think about it, there were too many other things to worry about at the present. How she may feel or may not feel was temporarily on the backburner.
She might've had a remark to throw back at her, but Zelda's lips were on hers before she could really process the words, and Veronica wasted no time kissing her back hungrily. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd touched her, but it felt like far too long as she felt her hand now on her leg, her body pressed against hers. "I'm happy to help you too," she murmured, letting herself get lost in the moment, a whine leaving her lips when Zelda broke the kiss.
"So cheesy." She laughed, though if she was being honest, the feeling was mutual. "I don't need wine," Veronica decided, stealing another quick kiss from the woman before she let herself wander to her chin, hovering above her jawbone. "Not as long as you keep touching me." Placing a few soft kisses on the side of her face, she lifted her head again, pulling Zelda's lips into her own, one hand on her face, the other moving to Zelda's inner thigh.
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Zelda knew there was going to be a shift in the air with the way Veronica's eyes glanced over her face. The hint of a smile was enough to confirm what was next to come. Not that Zelda was complaining, she had said she would do anything to help her. When Veronica's hand pressed against Zelda's face a smile fell over her own features. "Is that what's going to help you?" Zelda drawled out. Her hand went to Veronica's side, trailing down until it rested firmly on her hip. With her other arm she draped it around the woman's neck. "If I'm so good at helping you then your wish is my desire," she said just above a whisper before pressing her lips to the other woman's.
Zelda's hand snaked around Veronica's waist to tug her closer. She pressed her chest against the other's, heated lips still against hers. Zelda only pulled away to look her in the eye. Her forehead was pressed against hers and her heart was already pounding faster. "I want to help you just as much as you want me to," she stated. She moved her arm from around her neck to rest her hand on the side of Veronica's thigh. Her lips pressed a gentle kiss to her neck, just beneath her jaw, letting it linger for a moment before she pulled away.
The thought of wine had been long forgotten until Zelda caught the scent of the alcohol on Veronica's breath again. "You wanted wine," she murmured. "Me too, but...I think I could get drunk off the taste of you alone." A mischievous smile rested on Zelda's lips as her eyes look up to gaze into Veronica's. "I don't need alcohol to know you're enough to satisfy the craving."
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partialdarkncss · 20 days
It was almost hard to know if she was hurting. In a way, it wasn't like Veronica's friend was missing, it was like a part of her was missing. It had been so long since she was without Thorn and Luna; the only highlight of being stuck in Evermore was the fact that they were stuck together. While she would claim she wouldn't wish that fate on them, a selfish part of her argued that she would, that she had to, because she didn't know how to get by without her best friends. They were the only family that she had, they were the only people in this world that she had ever truly loved. Not knowing where one of them was... and most importantly, if she was okay... she could hardly face it, so she didn't, not really. She ignored it, tucked it away, ran from it until it found her cornered in her bedroom on a dark night and choked her with grief.
"That's what I'm best at," she mumbled, a sad attempt at a joke... but it was true and anyone that knew her at all knew it. She wasn't the kind of person to open up about how she felt, she was the type to ignore it and punch a hole in her wall. Blinking her tears away, she willed them to stay gone; crying wouldn't fix anything at all. "Wine would be good." It wasn't like it would make her situation worse. She hadn't drank that much yet, and she was so used to hangovers this point. It just felt easier to face everything she was trying not to feel when there was a buzz in her system.
As she spoke, Dusk's eyes flickered over her face, the smallest of smiles tugging at her lips. That was why she had come. Even without realizing it, she knew the woman would make her feel better. She was adorable as she rambled, trying to make things better, and her wanting to was enough. They both knew this situation was out of her hands, both of their hands. The only way she knew how to deal with the ache was to pretend it wasn't there and if anyone could make it easier to pretend, to forget, it was Zelda. "Then help me," she murmured, lifting her hand, palm pressed against the side of her face. "You're always so good at helping me."
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"I know," Zelda responded a little too quickly. "That doesn't mean I shouldn't have tried. I should have checked on you. I should have came to you. I know that--" Zelda presses her lips into a thin line. "I can't imagine how you feel right now. I...assume... that you're hurting." The woman chose her words carefully as she spoke. How was the supposed to tell Veronica she knew how badly she hurt? She couldn't just brush it off as random intuition when it was more than that. Zelda may not have been having clear visions but her intuition was strong enough to know when something was wrong without being told. Granted, Zelda did know the situation at hand but even before Veronica had banged on her door she knew that something was wrong. The feeling in her gut almost always confirmed what was true before being told.
Zelda continued to hold the other in her arms, tight enough to let the other know she didn't want to let go. Reluctantly she pulled away from the embrace to look Veronica in the eyes, her deep browns gazing into the other's. "You don't ever need a reason to show up at my door at nearly two-thirty in the morning," she told her without so much as looking at a clock. "I don't care what time it is. I'd rather you come here. I'd rather you come to me than isolate yourself and let all of these emotions fester and build." An almost forgotten glass of wine crept back up into the back of Zelda's mind. "I don't know if you want-- Maybe it's not a good idea but..." Her brows creased and she wanted to kick herself for being the worst conversationalist in the world, which was a bit of an exaggeration. "Do you want a glass of wine?" she finally blurted out. "I have other stuff. Or water. Whatever you want." It was late but Zelda rarely was asleep before the sun crept onto the horizon. Nighttime was when she thrived most and felt most at peace. "Maybe not. It's late-- not that I mind!" She had already smelled the light scent of alcohol on Veronica's breath but she could tell she wasn't drunk. Maybe there wouldn't be any damage done, but she wasn't trying to encourage the woman to drink her sorrows away either. She was trying to offer as a distraction.
Zelda let out a soft, almost inaudible sigh. "I'm sorry. I try to be decent at these things but...as you can tell my thoughts aren't always conveyed through my words." She offers Veronica a small smile. "Why don't you just stay? We can talk all night if you want. Or, we don't have to talk at all. We could sit in silence if that's what you need and I would happily sit with you." Maybe, seeing as Zelda had a poor habit of rambling. "Okay, maybe not complete silence because we both know I fail miserably at the quiet game," she said trying to make a lighthearted joke. Anything to make Veronica laugh or smile was worth doing to Zelda. "I can't help you if you don't tell me how, V. And I can't help if you won't let me."
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partialdarkncss · 21 days
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partialdarkncss · 1 month
"I wouldn't have answered," Veronica admitted, her voice hoarse and matching the hushed tone of the other woman's. She didn't mean it as a personal slight. Veronica hadn't answered anyone outside of Luna, the one person she could not shut out even if she wanted to. She knew that her best friend was hurting, too, and she refused to put her own weight of the ache on her, though she knew she could feel it. The three of them were so intertwined at this point she was sure that wherever she was, Thorn could feel it, too — them missing her. It was somewhat of a comforting thought, though she could only hope that Thorn was still around to feel anything. If something happened to her, something permanent... or if they never got answers... Dusk couldn't imagine growing old without her girls by her side. They may not have been her sisters by blood but for all intents and purposes they were. They were the only family she had left, related or not.
Melting into the second embrace, pulled into the house, she let herself breathe in Zelda's scent, let her eyes close and imagine this would do something... that something as gentle as a hug could be healing. When things went wrong she resorted to anger, her hurt always came out as anger, clenched fists and screaming and breaking things. But it had been long enough now, she had been angry enough that the fire had all but dwindled out. She didn't feel numb, not quite. She just felt... sad. "I don't know," she admitted, frustrated at the tears that sprang into her eyes. "I don't know why I came here. I guess I just—... I don't know."
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There was an unsettling feeling resting on Zelda's shoulders. People were missing, yes, but it was something else. It was more than just a gut feeling. Something was wrong. She knew the intuition wasn't about Helena and when she heard banging at her door so late in the night Zelda didn't even flinch. She opened the door almost immediately because she knew a storm was coming. Coming face to face with a clearly distressed Veronica caused concern to wash over her face. Zelda had seen the list of missing people. She had seen the posters of familiar faces plastered all around town and one of those people happened to be the lead of the Hex Girls. Seeing her friend so upset, Zelda didn't say a word she just pulled her into her arms and embraced her tightly. Veronica was safe, that much was clear as it was relieving. What wasn't clear had been her visions. It was as if they had a filter over them that clouded the images. She'd been in this strange...brain fog funk for a while and was determined to clear the clouds in her mind.
Her heart was racing, pounding so hard that Veronica could surely hear it as she just held her, maybe a little too tightly. She could smell the alcohol on the other woman but that was the least of her concerns. "Why are you sorry?" she asked just above a whisper. Zelda pulled away just enough where she could place gentle hands on Veronica's cheeks. "I'm the one that should be apologizing...and telling you I should have called." Sorrow took over her expression and an almost heartbreaking frown hung on her lips. "You know you don't ever have to apologize to me or call. I don't care what time it is, if you're at my door you're coming inside." And on that topic Zelda dropped her hands to grab Veronica's to pull her inside. The woman locked eyes with her, guilt starting to encompass her gut. "I'm so sorry, V. I know you're hurting. I know you're scared. If it had been Helena I--" Zelda didn't even want to think of what she would have done. She shook her head and embraced her again, holding on tightly. "I'm glad you're safe. I wish... I mean-- I-I'm just trying to say I know you miss her and I...I can't imagine what that feels like." Her lips fall silent for a moment as she bites the inside of her cheek. "Anything you need just tell me and it's yours."
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partialdarkncss · 1 month
"You couldn't have seen it coming," Dusk was quick to state, her tone cutting a little harsher than she had meant. She couldn't sit quietly by while someone blamed her best friend, even if it was herself. Not to mention there as a ball of rage heavy in her chest, waiting for any reason to burst out. Inhaling through her nose, she leaned back against her chair, staring at Luna.
There was nothing they could do. She knew it, as much as she didn't want to admit it. Thorn was gone, just gone, like she'd never been there to begin with. "Just promise me you won't go off and disappear too." It wasn't something she could really expect her to promise, seeing as none of them knew what was going on, but... "If you do, I genuinely might start committing mass murders."
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to say luna was losing it was an understatement; two of her best friends just GONE without a fucking trace. pacing back and forth, practically carving a pathway into thorn's rug, luna chewed on the tip of her thumb, heart beating like an unsteady kick drum, feeling each pulse of the organ as it made her ribs vibrate. " i don't know , " she replied, words tight, not even able to bring herself to look in dusk's direction in fear that she'd burst into hysterics.
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" i mean . . . for fuck sakes, dusk. i know thorn wouldn't just up and leave us , and i know that — that we don't know anything about this whole situation but . . . maybe it's my anxiety or something because i can't help but feel responsible. i know that's — god, i know that's unrealistic but, i've never felt so out of control in my life. i don't know what to do. i don't even know where to start. "
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partialdarkncss · 1 month
LOCATION: zelda's place FOR: @ncttheprincess
Veronica was... spiraling. The real question was, when was she not? But it was getting bad. She'd called out of work too many days to stay holed up at home, typing and backspacing strings of pissed off texts to send to Thorn that she knew weren't fair. Even with her deep seeded abandonment issues, there were two people on this goddamn planet that she knew wouldn't leave her like this... and one of them was staring back at her from the missing posters plastered all over town every time she dared to step outside. She was not drunk, but she was certainly buzzed, or she never would have ended up outside of Zelda's, banging on the door and hoping against hope she was home. Her options for company were pretty limited, but something in her was desperate to see her, to make sure she was okay despite her name not making the list. "I should've called," she realized aloud when she was face to face with the other woman. "Sorry, I was just... fuck, I don't know, sorry."
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partialdarkncss · 2 months
LOCATION: thorn's room FOR: @wildcstwinter (luna)
Maybe she was delusional — Dusk had felt her friend pulling away, but she had refused to voice it. She kept it to herself, all bottled up with everything else, tried to convince herself she was being ridiculous. But now she wondered. Was there something she didn't know? This felt too similar to being left in her mother's rearview mirror. As much as she liked to believe Thorn wouldn't leave them behind... what if she would?
What remained of the napkin she had been ripping at fell to her pants, tiny little fluttering pieces of thin paper. So, breaking into your recently declared missing friend's place wasn't the brightest idea, but it felt... necessary. She had hoped to find some sort of answer there, a reasonable explanation, a hint. Her attention moved to Luna, who she had called the second her mind was made, her eyes still trained on her lap. "Where do you think she is?"
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partialdarkncss · 2 months
"Yeah, here's the thing, Salgado... I'm not all that social. I don't like people. In fact, I kind of fucking hate people most of the time." And it was only getting worse the longer she worked in the bar industry. But, on the other hand, she also kind of fucking hated being alone all the time, too... "Of course I'm boring. I'm stuck in a dead end town with nothing going on. I used to be the life of the party, but now there's no party."
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"Getting old? You ain't old, maybe you're just boring." Luis replied, guessing she was probably couple years older than him, but he had long since decided that getting old wasn't going to stop him from having a good time. If he lived that long. "I don't know, Santos, seems like a you issue. There are plenty of old people out there with social lives better than this."
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partialdarkncss · 2 months
"Okay, Luna, listen. I get not wanting to text first. But this—" she gestured to the other woman, whose look was not the problem, but the whole general vibe. "This is so much worse, babe. I'm saying this as not only your friend, but your sister, your girl, your soulmate unless this fucker plans to step in and ruin that." She was joking. Mostly. The idea of Thorn and Luna having longterm partners wasn't exactly comforting with her whole heap of abandonment issues therapy had yet to solve... but she didn't actually think she was about to be left in the dust over this obsession. "What was so special about him, anyway?"
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" that's the problem , dusk. i HAVE his number. i literally have it. he has MINE. this is the whole issue i'm having. " luna rambled, smacking her palm against her forehead, feeling more humiliated than ever. this was so unlike her — and maybe this was all coming as a desperation to get laid — but she could not stop thinking about him. or that kiss. or the fact she had literally been dancing on him like rent was due and he had offered to pay it. for fuck sakes. " i was the opposite of shy. maybe i should have been more shy because . . . it literally felt like the opening scene to a porno , v. the issue is ; i refuse to text him first. absolutely refuse. like i'm gonna drop to that level of desperation for a man i met once— please."
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partialdarkncss · 2 months
"I mean it's a bad idea," Veronica shrugged, swishing the remaining liquid in her glass as she stared at her friend, a smirk outlining her lips. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for Luna, Dusk loved bad ideas. "I'd be a hypocrite if I judged you too harshly." She had seen Veronica at worse, much worse, she was sure. "Remind me again why you didn't just... ask for his number?" Leaning back on the barstool, she quickly added: "And don't dare tell me you were shy. I don't buy it."
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closed starter: @partialdarkncss !!
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" what do you mean that's a bad idea ?? " luna groaned, head rolling back, sliding her empty glass across the bar as a theatrical pout ornamented her features. she had dragged dusk out to try and find her host mystery bar man again, and luna was growing a bit restless — a bit desperate. she hadn't seen his face; which either meant he wasn't here, or he had gone with someone else. her fascination with this stranger was getting fucking pathetic. " fuck — it does sound desperate, doesn't it ?? who even am i anymore. . . ?? all of this over a MAN ?? pathetic. i'm embarrassing myself, dusk. THIS is embarrassing."
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partialdarkncss · 3 months
She only hummed in response, knowing there was absolutely no point in trying to convince him when her lost status was so clear. Her feet remained in place as he began to walk, only willing them to move when he spoke again. "You know what," she began, somewhat drunkenly stumbling after him, "that is sad, isn't it? Fuck, I hate getting old. The social pool just gets worse and worse."
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"Unfortunate." He quipped back, both meaning it and not. Dusk was hot, that much was clear, but the bitchy look that gave off an air of being lost? That wasn't a good look - pun intended. "Oh, that's why? Right, right...not lost at all." Luis flashed her a knowing smirk before he started walking again, not stopping for long to see if she fell into step with him. "What's sad, Santos, is that you're all alone on a Friday night."
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partialdarkncss · 3 months
"This is just my face," she stated, eyes narrowed, unwilling to admit there was anything wrong... aside from the near-heart-attack. "But, if you're heading back to town, I can always accompany you. Not because I'm lost, just because you look lonely, and that's actually kind of sad."
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"A heart attack? Nah, that's not my style." Either when it came to violence or...other things. Her hiss did nothing to deter him as he strode up to her, smug smirk always on his lips and easy to bring back if it ever slipped away. "You lost, Dusk? Or do you always have that look on your face?"
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partialdarkncss · 4 months
Veronica was not someone who was so willingly submissive, more dominant or bratty in the bedroom, making someone work to get her to give in, to beg, but maybe it was the alcohol or just the way Zelda was touching her... but the woman was putty in her hands. A whine leaving Ver's lips when the other withdrew her touch, but it was quickly replaced with a hum of satisfaction as she watched her lower herself, mouth a mere inch away from her growing wetness. Just the feeling of her fingertips tugging at her now discarded panties was enough to coax a shiver, goosebumps freckling themselves up and down her arms. The anticipation alone had her squirming, but she couldn't have even imagined how good it would feel when her tongue flicked her clit, back instantly arching, inhaling sharply.
"Fuck," she hissed, bringing her hips up to urge Zelda's fingers deeper, eyes wild when her eyelids parted to catch the other woman's gaze. "I've been dying for it," she admitted with no reluctance, there was no use lying about it now. "I've been waiting— fuck— all night." She was practically panting as she tried to get the words out, the change of pace getting her close much quicker than she anticipated, but she was in no condition to complain. If the command wasn't enough to send her over the edge, and it was, hearing Zelda beg for Veronica to touch her would've had her unraveling immediately. Eyes squeezed shut as badly as she wanted to stare, she swore she could see stars, spinning for what felt like ten minutes, lungs aching for oxygen as she came back down to earth. "Fuck," she whispered again, dizzy as her muscles constricted around the fingers inside of her, "fuck, fuck."
When she was able to think clearly again, she slowly sat up, legs shaking ever so slightly. "Is that what you need?" She asked sweetly, fingers winding themselves around her wrist, gently pulling the hand Zelda was touching herself with out of her own panties. She was more than willing to do the work now. "You need me to touch you?" Veronica clarified, pressing her lips into the other woman's neck, her fingers trailing down her thigh, stopping on the outside of her panties. "Maybe I will, since you asked so nicely. Maybe I'll make you feel as good as you made me feel."
Feeling Veronica's touch against her skin and hearing her give into her commands had Zelda melting under her fingertips. She wasn't normally so dominant. With alcohol in her system her confidence levels rose though. "Anything?" she repeated. "Mmm, I have a few ideas already." Her lips plant themselves against Veronica's, kissing them hungrily and desperate for more. Her fingers stop circling her clit as she pleaded for her. Please, such a simple word but had so much more behind it. A gasp slipped out when Veronica grabbed her breast. She may not have known it but she had Zelda in the palm of her hand.
Zelda had practically given into primal instinct when she pulled away from Veronica and lowered herself so was level with her pussy. Use me however you need to. I'm yours. The words rang through Zelda's intoxicated mind. She was a drunk on more than just booze. Her hands pull down the clothing that was preventing her from exploring the other woman further. After tossing them to the floor she let her hands travel up her thighs, squeezing when she reached her upper thigh. Her head lowered between Veronica's legs, the tip of her tongue slowly running up and down her pussy. She let out a soft hum as she flicked her tongue against her clit in a few quick movements. "You taste just as good as you look." Her hand moves to her inner thigh until fingertips creep further. She used her middle and index finger to tease her opening before slowly inserting them inside of her pussy. Her fingers move slowly in and out of her pussy, feeling the natural instinct of her walls tightening against them.
"You were so ready for me to touch you. I can feel how wet you are, practically dripping. Have you been longing for this all night? You don't always wear a top like that." Though she didn't always wear the type of dress she had on either. A dress that her body was desperate to break free from. With only panties underneath that were quickly growing wet from her pussy throbbing with anticipation there wasn't much that needed to be removed. She was focused on Veronica right now. As much as her pussy begged her to touch herself more she had a goal. "I'm going to make you cum over and over until you can't stand," she said as fingers slightly picked up speed. Her tongued began lapping against her clit, occasionally lightly sucking for a brief second. She wanted to feel Veronica writhe from the pleasure of her tough. She stopped going at her clit to speak again, fingers still rhythmically thrusting in and out of her. Zelda looked up at her, hair falling into her eyes that she didn't care to do anything about.
"I bet I can make you cum already." Her fingers moved faster, the tips of them curving upwards. "Do it, baby. Cum for me. All over my fingers so I can lick it off." She couldn't help her other hand moving from Veronica's thigh back between her own legs. She pulled her panties aside, stretching them so far that there was a soft crackling from the thread beginning to pop at the seams, then began rubbing her fingers in circles on her clit again. She let out another sound, something between a whine and a moan. She wanted more though. She needed more. She needed to be touched by Veronica and have every inch of her pleasured by her. "I-- I can't...I want-- Please, I need you to touch me," she whined out. Throughout her butchered words she never faltered from pleasuring the other, another flinger sliding in to pleasure Veronica.
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partialdarkncss · 5 months
LOCATION: some alley in town
FOR: @faiirytalcs (luis)
Her night had not gone according to plan. She didn't love being stood up by strangers — or anyone, really — so she had spent her evening getting wasted, which was... probably how she would have spent it had they showed, to be fair. Stumbling through the darkness, it was about the time Veronica realized she had gotten turned around and had no idea where she was that she also realized she was not alone.
"Jesus fuck, dude," she all but hissed, coming face to face with Luis when she whipped her head towards the noise. "Give a girl a heart attack, why don't you?"
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partialdarkncss · 5 months
The way her hand felt against her breast, her mouth right there, skin warm against hers, Veronica found herself struggling to breathe for a moment, lungs forgetting how to catch their breath. She seldom wondered if she'd bitten off more than she could chew, but with Zelda, the thought did tend to cross her mind. It had been awhile since anyone had touched her like this, even looked at her like this, and it was a dizzying affect mixed with the alcohol coursing through her veins. "I have no doubt in my mind," she murmured against her lips, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth gently, the mix of her words and her touch intoxicating enough to coax another moan from her lips. She could practically see stars, eyelids fluttering shut at the other woman's touch, her hips rising to meet the hand between her thighs.
She would normally consider herself the one in charge, but with the way Zelda was pressing her down, the way her hands felt against her skin, she was more than willing to abandon that title — at least for the night. What was the harm in one night? She didn't mind finding out. "Anything you want," Veronica whispered, her hands coming to rest on the other woman's thighs, to hold her against her as Zelda teased her with her fingers, a baby lingering on her lips that didn't slip out. She could feel herself falling apart beneath her fingertips already, and she'd barely even touched her. "Fuck, please, I want you more than anything." The sound coming from her lips was enough to drive her crazy, a whine of all things, one hand moving from her leg to move to Zelda's breast. If she wanted her to beg, she would beg. Her other hand moved up her thigh, giving it a squeeze. "Use me however you need to. I'm yours."
"Mhm," Zelda hummed out. "Very irresistible." The hand on Veronica's breast squeezed a bit tighter and massaged fingers around the nipple. "I can persuade you just fine." She rested her forehead against the other's, legs relaxing so she could sit more comfortably in her lap and dress riding up a bit further. Veronica's pressed against her own sent Zelda into a horny frenzy she hadn't realized was itching to be released. She kissed her back feverishly, pressing hips almost instinctively down against hers. "I...need...you...so bad," she managed to get out slowly between kisses that left her hungry for more. "And you look so fucking hot, I can't resist." Her hands reached between Veronica's legs, one rubbing fingers against the fabric that was concealing her pussy and the other massaging her inner thigh. "My eyes have been wandering all night," she said after parting lips to take a much needed breath after kissing her. Her eyes lock onto the other woman's then gaze down to her chest. "In a very disrespectful way I must admit. I have a feeling you don't mind though."
Her eyes wander back up. Fingers that were rubbing between her legs move to undo her bottoms to gain better access. "I need to feel you shaking from my touch. I need to feel your touch against me." She was almost panting from anticipation, lips parted and tongue threatening to spill out of her mouth as she gazed at Veronica with strong desire that was taking over her. She pushed the other woman down so she was laying on the couch and hovered over her, hand going back between her legs until fingers crept into her panties. "I need to hear that you want me just as bad as I want you. Tell me, right now, beg if you have to." Her free hand moves to pull her dress up above her thighs and reaches between her legs to pleasure herself, rubbing circles over her panties. Anticipation flooded her veins in the form of a shiver. Zelda's lips find Veronica's again, tongue desperate to taste more than just her mouth and the lingering taste of alcohol in it. Fingers rub in circles just under Veronica's clit, using the lightest amount of pressure to tease her. A soft whine escapes her own lips from her fingers teasing her clit over her panties. "I need you to ravage me just as I want to to you."
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partialdarkncss · 5 months
"Irresistible?" She repeated, glad her outfit, and hopefully makeup, was hitting the mark she'd tried for. Veronica couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips, the compliment swelling her ego, though the hand that was tickling her skin was enough of a distraction to wipe the smirk from her face. She didn't mean to be needy, but she'd been missing a lot of... affection in her life, recently. Finishing her drink in one quick swig, she placed the empty glass on the table, preferring to focus all of her attention on the woman in front of her. And she seemed to have the same idea.
"I don't know, I might need a little more persuading to be sure," she whispered, though the lips against her own were enough to persuade her. It took all of her self control to pretend she wasn't entirely wrapped up in her, the way Zelda's dress was riding up enough of a distraction all night to have her eyes wandering, thoughts heavy on her mind. She wanted more than anything to lean in, to press her lips hard against the other woman's, releasing a soft moan at her touch. "I'd never tell a beautiful woman she's wrong," Dusk hummed, moving in again to press her mouth to hers, unapologetically needy.
Liquid courage must have been on her side because Zelda felt a burst of confidence take over her. "Well, if you won't complain then there's no harm in telling you how irresistible you look tonight." Zelda placed a hand on Veronica's thigh, lightly digging her nails into her. "I think you have exactly the right impression, V." Her hand trailed up until she reached the hem of the other's shirt. "Maybe I just need to show you how hot you not only look, but are making me feel right now.
Zelda's hand continued to move until it came to another temporary stop under Veronica's shirt, lightly resting on her hip. She used the confidence she felt to will herself to crawl into the other's lap, arms loosely wrapping around her neck. "Are you getting the right impression now?" she asks coyly, looking down at her through her eyelashes. An arm drops from her neck and her hand goes to Veronica's shoulder, lightly pushing her back into the couch and pressing her chest against hers. "You've been awfully flirtatious all night. I can't help but fall under a certain impression." Her smirk returns for a brief moment. "I also can't help but to feel the same way. You drive me insane in all the right ways." Her lips brush against Veronica's lips as her hand reaches to lightly squeeze her breast over her shirt. "If I'm wrong tell me, but I think we're both really horny and want to fuck each other."
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partialdarkncss · 5 months
"Oh, have I told you that many times?" Veronica... actually couldn't remember. She might have drank before ever meeting up with Zelda, but at this point her tolerance was high enough she had to or she'd be drinking with her all night. It wasn't that she needed the liquid courage, but it made everything a little better, didn't it? "Mm, maybe, but I'm not going to complain about hearing it a few more times." Her own lips curved into a smirk, her eyes flickered to Zelda's. "Something about it? You should be more specific, babe. I'd hate to get the wrong impression."
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Zelda graciously accepted the glass being offered to her then took a sip, welcoming the burn that spread down her throat. So they were going with hard liquor tonight. Zelda could get down with that. Her eyes watched the other woman as she settled into the couch beside her. She turned in her seat to face Veronica, one leg tucking itself under her. She took another sip from the glass, smirking behind it afterwards. "Maybe once or twice. A drink or two ago." She let out a small laugh. Setting the glass down she said, "have I told you that you look hot as fuck tonight though? I don't recall." Her smirk had settled into a mischievous smile as she leaned closer to Veronica. "Is that a problem for you?" she asked, having felt her dress ride up as she had leaned closer. "If so, then maybe you should do something about it."
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