parscltonguc · 8 years
@kryptonbornn ♥’d for a starter!
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        “ i-i don’t have any MONEY, i swear, ” tom breathed out, the cold metal of the blade making him SHIVER just slightly, as the mugger SNARLED. it took everything he had to not reach into his back pocket and pull out his wand ; cast the IMPERIUS curse on him, and call it a day. maybe watch him walk off a PIER if tom so chose. but he didn’t. his eyes flickered over to the outside of the alley, a small sigh of irritation escaping his lips ( that sounded a lot like a WHIMPER ) as the knife was pressed closer to his throat.
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parscltonguc · 8 years
@boywhclived ♥’d for a starter!
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        icy blue eyes flickered across the features of the other. he didn’t even BOTHER to try and hide his staring, his fingers tapping lightly on the table. the facial CONSTRUCT doesn’t process in his mind, but his body had become flighty, ready to RUN. his fingers itched for his wand that was buried deep in his messenger bag. but tom willed himself to STAY still. a moment passed, and he sighed shakily. he was just going crazy, wasn’t he?? he needed to get out of there. a moment passed, and he stood up from his table, grabbing his bag, then his coffee. he walked PAST the other, all too QUICKLY, and failed to notice the chair leg that was sticking out into the aisle, and TRIPPED over it, falling down onto the tiled floor, tea spilling everywhere. 
          “ bloody hell. ”
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parscltonguc · 8 years
Please, let him be soft.  I know you made him       with gunmetal bones      and wolf’s teeth. I know you made him to be      a warrior      a soldier      a hero. But even gunmetal can warp and even wolf’s teeth can dull and I do not want to see him break the way old and worn and overused things do. I do not want to see him go up in flames      the way all heroes end up martyrs. I know that you will tell me  that the world needs him. The world needs his heart      and his faith      and his courage      and his strength      and his bones and his teeth and his blood and his voice and his– The world needs anything he will give them. Damn the world,      and damn you too. Damn anyone that ever asked anything of him,      damn anyone that ever took anything from him,            damn anyone that ever prayed to his name. You know that he will give them everything      until there is nothing left of him          but the imprint of dust               where his feet once trod. You know that he will bear the world like Atlas     until his shoulders collapse          and his knees buckle               and he is crushed by all he used to carry.  Dear God,  you have already made an Atlas. You have already made an Achilles and an Icarus and a Hercules.  You have already made a sacrificial lamb of your Son. You have already made so many heroes, and you can make another again.  You can have your pick of heroes.  So please, I beg you– he is all that I have,  and you have so many heroes and the world has so many more.  Let him be soft,  and let him be mine.
Please, let him be happy ( j.p. )
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( demcnmarkcd ).
    ☠ — Dean was on, maybe, his third bottle of Whiskey. He’d had so many in the last few hours he’d forgotten. Yet, it wasn’t the alcohol effecting him, he hadn’t been affected by alcohol for years, and especially with the MARK he wasn’t feeling anything, but the hunger for killing. Drinking was just something that distracted his thoughts, and without the first blade, he would be unable to satisfy the hunger. His deep emerald eyes flicked to a deep, jet black as he turned to the person next to him. “Would you be opposed if I said next round is on you?”
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          “ i would, ” tom said firmly, although not DEFIANTLY, and he flashed the other a pure smile, almost too pure. icy blue eyes flickered to the other’s jet black ones ; it doesn’t strike fear into his heart----if anything, it’s INTRIGUE. “ i’m afraid i don’t have the money, for one, and unfortunately, in the states, it’s illegal for ANYONE under the age of 21 to buy alcohol. you’ll have to forgive me, ” tom finished, although he didn’t sound all too SORRY. 
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( judithgrcmes ).
“Great, it won’t go away,” she grumbled at herself, hissing as she gently touched the bruise that was still dark on her upper cheek
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       “ love, what happened to your FACE?? “ icy, calculating blue eyes flickered to her cheek, a frown on his lips. 
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( ballerinaisms ).
There’s a subtle shift in the air - He’s figured it out. Most people think nothing of her blindness, but he… He has a a brain in his head. He knows she is particularly keen with her other senses. But his voice is kind, almost too gentle, and she takes it in stride once again. Ballora does not show when she is intimidated, especially by young boys. ❛❛ Nearest train station, ❜❜ she repeats, looking away, pulling her hand back to her, thinking. ❛❛ I can’t say, unfortunately. I hear them all the time, but I never know where they’re going. ❜❜
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           he frowns. ASKING A BLIND woman for help to get somewhere was going to go up to the top on the list of stupid shit tom riddle has gotten himself into. “ ah, that’s alright. t’was kind of a SILLY question to ask anyways. i doubt i would be able to leave here, ” he says softly, a sheepish smile on his lips that made him LOOK and feel dumb. it’s not like she is able to SEE him anyways. however, a small part of the slytherin is INTRIGUED by her. she’s not scared, in fact, holds a certain kind of QUIET confidence. it irks him. “ may i buy you a COFFEE for your troubles, miss? “ he asks ; more of a BLURT.
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( mooniism ).
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      remus shook his head a little. he knew that the other probably meant well, wanted to make him feel better like remus was trying to do for the male. but nothing anyone said made him feel better about himself. about what he was. he nodded then. “ sure. i just mean that i know what it’s like. you… you aren’t happy with yourself because of your blood. you’ve been brought up with your family and those in your house that hate half bloods… “ he shrugged and rubbed his head. “ i grew up with a father who hated werewolves. who badmouthed one and lead to me being turned into one of him at a young age. i know he loved me… but every time he looked at me, i could feel that hatred he had for what i was. ”
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        goddamn HIM for putting any amount of faith in the other ; for being so DAMN trusting. allowing himself to listen and be CORRUPTED by a ( half blood ). but he couldn’t stop. his words gave the other a comfort he had not had in such a L O N G time. his blue eyes dropped down to his hands, his gaze lingering as he picked lightly at his NAILS, as that was easier as opposed to trying to say something and regretting it when it no longer worked out in his favour. what was he supposed to SAY?? “ ... i don’t hate you, ” he chimed GENTLY, but it was hard for even him to tell if the words rang any truth. “ does that count for anything? ”
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( nicodicngelc ).
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“Non muggle?” An eyebrow quirked in confusion, Nico found himself smiling at this entire situation. “I just…vanish, I guess. I suppose I either stay in the Underworld forever, or I die. I’d rather not find out.”
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        “ a non magic person, ” tom said reluctantly. SO MUCH for trying to avoid the word. “ the underworld?? “ his eyes widened, and it was clear he was intrigued. “ that’s a bit... MORBID, don’t you think, love? “
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parscltonguc · 8 years
@hiiroiisms @bicncasdicngelo @informcnts @parscltonguc
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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parscltonguc · 8 years
Candy, she’s sweet like candy in my veins Baby I’m dying for another taste…
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( mooniism ).
ever since he’d joined hogwarts, he’d hated everything thet slytherin’s stood for. what the preached. he tried not to, he tried to judge people on who they were. most the time he did, but the fact he had muggle family usually left him paranoid that something would happen. so he tried to steer clear. hence why the only true friends he had were in his own house. he sighed a little. “ maybe we were. but we just have to choice the right.” he muttered. remus knew this was something he should keep to himself. he’d only told people here about his condition after they’d seen the evidence after his change. deep down he knew telling this stranger could get him killed. “ i-im a monster.” Remus whispered and closed his eyes. “ a werewolf.”
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           tom said nothing. there was no USE pushing something he was not sure he believed in, and the last thing he wanted ( again, why?? ) was to make the other more upset with him. as the first statement left his lips, he resisted the urge to SCOFF. if the ( KIND HEARTED ; all too good natured ) person in front of him was a monster, that made tom a DEVIL. tom raised a single eyebrow as he finalized his statement. the same feeling from before climbed into his stomach ; strangled his throat, but he pressed a SMILE to his lips. it was BELIEVEABLE. tom was back. he could do this ; create the web of lies as he did with everyone in his life ( he would just ignore the pain that his heart got as he saw the other, the one who looked like he was about to be on the verge of tears. it didn’t hurt. not one bit. lies. ) “ okay, and? “ he didn’t say it was GOOD. he didn’t say it was bad. it was merely his confirmation of hearing the other. “ i’ve met far worse than you. ”
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( ofnvrcissa ).
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today had really not been narcissa’s day. after being dropped in the middle of a strange city that she didn’t know, she had wandered around aimlessly for a couple of hours and encountered some interesting people. and no — they weren’t interesting in a good way. she decided that it was probably best to find a place to sleep for tonight ( or for however long she’d stay here ) and to get herself a nice hot cup of tea. she walked into the first place that looked like a coffee shop, and ordered a cup of tea with some money that had magically appeared in her pocket. finally, something nice. as she walked outside, however, she didn’t pay too much attention and bumped into someone, spilling her tea all over them. “oh bloody hell!” she exclaimed before running a hand through her hair. “so terribly sorry, is there anything i can do?”
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        he had been WALKING at a brisk pace, not paying attention ; plans blossoming in his mind, counting on his fingers as he kept his head hung down towards the papers he was reading over. blue eyes flickered over it ALMOST too fast. what he DID not expect was the other to bump into him ( nor did he see her in the first place ). the boiling tea was sent over him AND his papers, and he could not help but let the expletive fall from his lips. “ bloody HELL, ” he said, at almost IMMEDIATELY the same time she did. icy blue orbs flicker over to his button up white shirt, than the papers ; both soaking wet. he didn’t even LOOK up at her, afraid he would say something too out of character. “ no, no, it’s fine, LOVE, ” he said, trying to think of a way to get tea out of his clothes and papers. in between his pointer and thumb, he held up the small, SOAKING WET stack of papers, and sighed as he saw the ink run. 
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( nicodicngelc ).
“What’s apparating?” Nico queried, a curious look crossing his face. “Sometimes, if I Shadow Travel too much, I…disappear. I guess? That’s the easiest way to describe it.”
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         “ it’s like... a non muggle way of transporting yourself from place to place, ” tom explained, trying to avoid the usage of the word MAGIC. “ you disappear?? where do you go? “ interesting---colour him intrigued. 
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( mooniism ).
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      he shook his head then and rubbed his forehead. remus knew that the male wouldn’t be convinced just like that. he was a pure slytherin, he’d heard the opposite of what lupin was preaching for years upon years. he couldn’t blame him for thinking the way he did, really. remus was lucky to have been housed the way he was, with people who didn’t think little of him because of his upbringing. he cleared his throat before shaking his head once more. “ you don’t need to apologise. i understand. you and i… we think differently. but that’s not necessarily what’s in here. ” he mumbled as he gestured towards his heart. “ it’s what’s been told to us… ” remus sighed before closing his eyes. “ you’ve grown up hating your blood, i’ve grown up hating what happens to me each month. ”  he mumbled to himself.
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          he wished it were different. for a mere split second ; he had wished that he was not a SLYTHERIN, or a half blood or anything. just HIM. then perhaps it would’ve been easier to talk to the other. but he froze halfway in his thoughts. why did he want it to be easier??? the other wasn’t supposed to, and wasn’t GOING to be of any importance to him in his near future. so why did it leave him with such an unsettling feeling? a frown overtook tom’s pink lips; one of displeasure. “ one of us was TOLD the wrong thing, ” he said flatly, although it wasn’t clear who he was referring to. he had intended it for HIMSELF. as remus gestured to his heart, tom looked at his own, as if expecting it to glow , or suddenly change what it wanted from the world. as the other mumbled, he furrowed his brows. perhaps this was just a mere INSTINCT, to ask politely and reap whatever benefits he got from it later----whether or not he cared, but he still asked. “ what? you’ll have to forgive me, i didn’t quite catch what you said. ”
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parscltonguc · 8 years
this is such a good song i’m obsessed
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( cantwakcup ).
“Um,” crossing her arms across her stomach to comfort herself, she frowned. “I do, actually. I’m sorry. It’s just personal.” She didn’t want to think about what led her to that roof. To all the things that pushed her to jump (and the one thing that made her stay). As nice as this boy seemed, she didn’t want to drag if she could avoid it. It wasn’t exactly pleasant to share. “Oh, um, sure. There’s a nice little cafe a couple blocks down. I can take you if you like? I could probably use a tea right now anyway..”
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       he had overstepped his BOUNDARIES, it was clear by the way she had reacted. “ my apologies, ” he said remorsefully, “ i hope i did not make you too uncomfortable. ” tom offered a gentle smile, before nodding once. “ really?? i could even get you tea, love. my treat. like a thank you for SHOWING me the place, you know? “
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parscltonguc · 8 years
( mooniism ).
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     remus sighed and returned his coat back to it’s perch. his friends never gave up on him. not even when they found out about his muggle mother or his furry little problem. no matter how much he hated himself, he always had them to fall back on. the male before him clearly didn’t. he sighed softly and nodded. “ because i’m a half-blood too. i have lived with several slytherins looking down on me. but my best friends have always stood by me. they’re pure-bloods… they never made me feel any less important or equal because of it. just because of my blood, it doesn’t mean i can’t do what they can. we’re equal. i can do what they can, sometimes more, sometimes less. but that doesn’t mean anything. we just learn at different paces. what’s in our blood doesn’t make a difference. ”
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        something about the other’s words makes him feel uncomfortable ( or maybe just the part of him that had been instilled into him by the people he considered friends ). it made his stomach turn, and he ran a shaky hand through his soft locks of hair, his bottom lip tucked under his teeth. the other spoke so freely about it ; with a certain kind of QUIET confidence----like he knew that the idea that purebloods and SLYTHERINS had always thought about. deep down, in the dark recesses of his ( already dampened and darkened ) heart, he knew the other was right. but tom couldn’t even raise his blue eyes to look the other in the eyes. “ you’re lucky you’re allowed to think that way, ” he finally said. weakly. GOD, he had never felt so weak until then. his eyes STUNG, and he gave somewhat of a sad scoff. he shouldn’t have opened his mouth ; more talking, mo’ FUCKING problems. “ i’m SORRY i can’t say the same. ”
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