parkerspastel · 5 years
soft | chapter four
warning - this chapter contains smut, kn*tting, and more. skip this one if you feel uncomfortable with these subjects.
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Once May and YN arrived back at her family’s apartment, the woman had YN head into her room. May grabbed every blanket she could find in the entire home so YN could nest if she wanted to. The unmistakable scent of an omega in heat filled the air, which caused a sigh of relief to come from May. She had gotten YN to a safe place before any alphas had gotten to her.
YN laid on her bedroom floor, curled into a ball between probably twelve blankets, eight pillows, and a ton more stuffed animals to create her nest for the next week or so. 
May wouldn’t have to stay for the full week, though. YN’s father’s ‘girlfriend’ would be there after a few hours to take care of said girl. But did that mean that May wasn’t going to worry for an entire week about her nephew’s best friend? Absolutely not.
Desperate moans floated from YN’s room as slick coated her thighs. She did everything she could to try and relieve the building pressure in her abdomen: nothing seemed to work.
Her voice was whiny and her breath ragged as she whimpered out the same word over and over, “Alpha.”
It flew off her tongue like a prayer. “Alpha, please-!” She whined as her hand began to make its way into her soaked lace panties, causing moans to leave her lips between the whines for an alpha.
Her mind was so clouded that she didn’t even remember that May was in the apartment with her, which lead to her yelling in frustration as her body begged for an alpha’s knot.
Meanwhile, still at school, none of her friends had an idea as to where she went. All Peter knew was that May had picked her up sometime during second period, and every fiber of his being was telling him that something was wrong. That he needed to be with YN immediately.
The remaining four teenagers ate in comfortable silence with the occasional joke or question, usually from Ned or Betty. MJ was too busy staring at Gwen Stacy to notice Peter’s uneasiness. 
After he had taken a few bites of his mashed potatoes, they became bland and stale in taste. He was too worried about YN to even have an appetite, which worked out in Ned’s favor.
“Hey Peter, you gonna eat those?” He asked pointing to the potatoes with a plastic white spork, as the students were no longer permitted to use normal forks due to an issue at the beginning of the school year. 
Peter just shrugged in response, “Sure. Take ‘em. ‘M not hungry.” His words hung in the air as MJ’s attention was grabbed by them.
“You’re always hungry. What’s going on? Spill.” The girl said while sliding Peter’s tray over to Ned. “And don’t lie.”
“I’m worried about YN. Okay? She never leaves school early, not even that time that she had the flu during finals week and passed out on her way to the nurse’s office.” He wasn’t embarrassed of his words, though. No, it was quite the contrary. His posture had straightened and he held his head high as he spoke, something that Peter rarely did.
“Lover boy, why don’t you just call her? Or even just go see her after school. I know that you know how to get into that apartment.” Betty said with a huff, “You’re making it way more complicated than it needs to be, okay?”
Peter, now flustered, sighed. “You’re right. I’m making this way more complicated than it should be. She probably just went home because she felt faint or something.” He decided to ignore his instincts to stand up from that lunch table and run himself all the way to YN’s apartment and make sure that nothing was wrong.
After school Peter called YN’s cell, which went straight to voicemail. “Hey this is YN’s phone, drop a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!” Her sweet voice coming over the receiver put Peter even more on edge. She usually didn’t let his calls go to voicemail. 
Peter had arrived to her apartment just after May had left YN in the care of her father’s ‘girlfriend’, he had decided to try the front door first. 
As the door opened, he was hit with the sweet smell of an omega in her heat. “Hello?” A woman with red hair greeted, her voice seemingly familiar.
“H-Hi, I’m good friends with YN LN, and I wanted to make sure she’s doing okay. She left school early today, and she usually doesn’t do that.” Peter said quickly, ignoring his instincts to rush to whatever omega was suffering and fix it for her.
The red head’s eyes met his, and immediately Peter knew who he was talking with. “Peter, she’s in the middle of something right now.”
As if on cue, YN’s voice rang out through the apartment once again, “Alpha!” She whined, causing Peter’ cock to twitch inside of his jeans. 
“You need to head home, Peter.” The woman said sternly, “Her father has me here to make sure that nothing happens that either of you would regret, okay?” Her voice was hard and commanding.
“Nat, please!” YN begged through the walls of her bedroom, trying her hardest not to cry. “Just let him fix it!” She cried, throwing her head back on the wood of her bedroom door. 
Natasha was reluctant to even allow Peter into the doorway, “You need to go, Peter. It’s a bad idea, okay?” 
“Can I at least just talk to her?” The boy asked with a pained expression. It took everything he had not to shove past Natasha and help YN through her heat. “She’s my best friend before anything else.” He stated with finality. 
The woman sighed, “Okay, but you have to keep the door shut. No arguments about it.” She allowed Peter to enter the home with a bit of wariness. If he didn’t listen, she would have quite the mess to explain to May, Tony, and YN’s father.
Peter raced to YN’s door, but kept the boundary Natasha had set in mind. “YN? Can you hear me?” He asked softly, placing a large hand on the painted wood that separated the two teenagers.
“Alpha,” She whined, causing Peter’s cock to twitch once again. “It hurts so bad alpha.” She cried, turning to face the door.
“I know omega.” Peter said gently, though he was becoming increasingly frustrated with the rule Natasha had set. He had almost moaned when he heard YN’s gasp at being called by her classification. 
Tears pricked her eyes as a large puddle of her slick pooled beneath her and onto the wooden floor, panties having been discarded a long while ago. “Please fix it alpha.” She begged as the tears began to glide down her cheeks.
“Baby I can’t,” He said sadly, his heart hurting at her tone of voice. “Natasha said that I can’t.”
She let out a sob as her forehead hit the hated door, “Please, alpha, I need you to fix it.” YN begged once more.
Peter’s eyes were beginning to water as well as he spoke, “YN, baby, I need you to listen to me, okay? Are you listening?” He asked.
“Yes.” YN replied quietly as another bout of pain went through her stomach. 
Peter took on a more ‘alpha’ tone of voice as he spoke once again, “It’s gonna be okay baby. ‘Mega, I promise you’re gonna be okay. If I could take it all away, I would. But ‘mega, you’re gonna have to be strong, okay?” Everything he said was the opposite of what he wanted to do. He wanted throw open the damn door and take her, get rid of the pain she was feeling. 
“Okay alpha.” She spoke with a pained tone, trying her best not to cry out for him as more pain ripped through her. 
What neither of them had realized, however, was that Nat was stood in the other room listening to their exchange while speaking to May on the phone.
“I really don’t think either of them would regret it, May. She’s in pain and I can smell his rut already.” The red head said to the other woman with a sigh. “Neither of us really wanna allow this, but it’s probably the best thing for them. She’s on birth control
” Natasha trailed off, her shoulders moving to create a shrug.
“Okay, but did you talk to her father?” May questioned with a quirked brow, tapping her fingers against her kitchen table anxiously.
Natasha nodded to signal a yes, though May couldn’t see the gesture, “He just said not to interfere and see what happens.”
A particularly bad round of pain ripped through YN’s body, ending any resolve Peter had not to fall into his rut. “Omega, it’ll be okay, okay?” He said in his ‘alpha voice’. YN whined, now smelling his rut in the air along with her heat. 
“Oh shit, May he’s in his rut now.” Natasha said quickly, her eyes widening. “What do you want me to do?”
May sighed, “I’ll be there as soon as I can. If he gets aggressive, just let it go. I don’t want you hurt or something broken.”
Natasha hadn’t a choice as she heard Peter speak once more, “Omega, I want you to get back from the door, okay?” 
YN complied, sliding back as fast and as far as she could. The door swung open to reveal Peter, the outline of his hard on extremely visible in his jeans.
YN immediately presented for her alpha, ass in the air and face to the floor. Peter slid out of his clothing before sliding a finger down her folds, collecting her slick on his finger. He grinned as he took in the sight before him, her pussy glimmering with the slick her body had produced. “Beautiful, perfect omega.” He uttered as she wiggled her ass in the air. 
“Alpha please, I need your knot. Please!” She begged, pressing herself up against him. 
Peter obliged, shoving himself inside her, bottoming out as she moaned in both pain and pleasure. “God ‘mega, you feel so tight around me.” Peter groaned as he began to thrust in and out of her, giving the relief she needed so desperately.
“Alpha!” YN moaned as drool dropped from her lips while she was being rammed into. “I’m- I’m gonna-!” She whined.
“Me too ‘mega, let go baby.” Peter said between grunts, and YN followed his order to a fault. Hearing her moan out his classification while her walls closed around him was enough to cause him to finish inside of her, his knot locking them together for a little while.
Peter maneuvered so that YN was sat atop him whereas he was laying on his back on the floor, the two of them covered in a layer of sweat and slick, though neither of them cared much. 
Peter pressed a kiss to her forehead as she came to rest on his chest, his thumb drawing soft circles on her upper arm. “Thank you Peter.” YN said sleepily, whining gently as he slid out of her, not liking how empty she felt without him.
“No problem, YN. Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up, okay?” Peter said in a loving tone as she crawled inside her nest of blankets and pillows, and her body was covered up with the sweater Peter had been wearing. 
He smiled at her as she gestured for him to join her in the nest she had built, which was rare for an omega to do. The two slept in each other’s arms as Natasha and May, who had gotten there halfway through the encounter, peeked in on them. “So you aren’t really dating her dad are you?” May questioned quietly as they looked upon the sleeping teenagers.
“No, but Dan isn’t even sure he’s her dad so it’s an easy lie. She believes it enough. C’mon, I’ll set up a movie. I’m guessing you’ll wanna stay here for the next few days anyway.”
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parkerspastel · 5 years
soft : chapter three
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Tony had FRIDAY alert Bruce that he and Peter would be bothering him shortly, which Bruce didn’t mind. “What’s going on, Peter?” Bruce asked as the two entered into his lab. 
“Hi Dr. Banner.” Peter said instead of uttering the embarrassing words a second time. 
Tony huffed, semi-annoyed at the way Peter was beating around the theoretical bush. “Bruce, he hasn’t had a rut in so long that he can’t remember the last one he had.” The man said with a worried tone.
At Tony’s words, Peter’s face flared a bright red. “Well, I’ll take a look at your hormone levels, but usually that’s okay with younger alphas.” Bruce stated before turning his back and beginning to type on his computer. 
An hour later, there was a graph on the computer screen that represented Peter’s hormone distribution. “Okay, Peter. Your body is preparing you for something, but I’m not quite sure what. Could be a long rut, could be nothing. Just try and read any signals your body gives you, and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Dr. Banner.” Peter stated before grabbing his book bag and heading out the door of the lab with Tony right behind him. 
“So you all good to head home, kid?” Tony asked with a slight smile. 
Peter returned Tony’s smile with one of his own before nodding, “Thank you Mr. Stark.” The teenager said before entering the elevator to head down to the compound’s lobby.
The next day, YN’s stomach felt a bit odd as she laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her body felt heavy, as though she was sick. However, she felt fine otherwise, so she made the decision to attend school.
it was mid-November in New York, so to say it was cold was an understatement. Even with the cold, YN’s body felt extremely warm. during her first period, which was English, she finally realized what was going on. She was about to go through her heat.
“Mr. Stevens, may I use the restroom?” She asked with a small smile, and was allowed to do just that. 
the moment she got into the restroom, she pulled her phone out to call May. She picked up after the second ring. “YN?”
“May? My dad is out of town and I’m about to start my heat at school. I hate to ask this, but can you please come pick me up?” Tears began to leak from her eyes as she spoke, due to embarrassment.
“Yes of course honey, I’ll be there in a few minutes, okay?” May said with a sympathetic tone. “Just try to hold on as long as you can.” 
“Thank you May.” Her voice was meek and sad, as if she was uncomfortable with being so vulnerable to someone. “I’m sorry.”
May took in a slight breath before replying, “It’s what omegas go through, honey. I understand.” 
After the two hung up the phone, the bell for second period rang, and she really couldn’t leave the washroom. It was quite the issue. If someone were to open the wooden door, everyone would know what was going on. 
After the bell rang to signal the students needing to be in class, May texted her to let her know that she had arrived at the school. YN snuck out of the restroom at this, walking as quickly as she could the main office came into her view quite quickly. 
After being allowed by her father, May was to take YN home. YN climbed into May's car with an embarrassed sigh, “May I really am sorry.” 
The dark haired woman took a gentle sigh before taking YN’s hands in her own, “YN, you’re like my kid. This is just something omegas have to go through, and I have no issue with you calling me because I think of you as blood, okay?” 
YN nodded with a soft smile on her face before a pain ripped through her stomach, causing her to moan out. 
“Right. Let’s get you home, huh?” May said as she peeled out of the school parking lot. 
This wasn’t going to be a good next few days, but at least YN had May to fall back on as a parent.
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parkerspastel · 5 years
soft : chapter two
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The next day, true to Peter’s word, he walked YN to her classes. Then to the subway stop. Then home. Then to the subway stop the next morning. He was hovering.
Now, YN didn’t mind the hovering, but her father most certainly did. Her mother had passed a few months before YN’s ninth birthday in the Manhattan Crisis in 2012, so her father was parenting as a single father. So Daniel LN was extremely protective of his teenage daughter, when Peter began to hover more than usual, Mr. LN was extremely observant to it.
“Dad, I’m going to school!” YN called through the two bedroom apartment, a gentle smile on her face as a text from Peter lit up her phone screen. 
“Alright, be careful. I love you! Oh! Don’t forget this.” Dan said as he placed her chemistry homework in his daughter’s hands. 
YN’s smile grew a bit as she took the folder, “Thanks dad, you know I would’ve. Ah, I gotta go, I love you.” She said on her way out of the door. 
Peter met her at the end of the hallway of her apartment ‘block’. “Hey, you ready?” Peter asked as they began to walk down the stairs, earning an enthusiastic nod from YN.
When lunch finally arrived, YN was starving. She really hadn’t taken time to eat breakfast, which was a poor choice on her part. She was honestly just glad that nobody had bothered her about homecoming or anything else for the past few days, which was probably the work of Peter. 
As the two sat down, YN still in her usual spot, the topic of conversation was unusual. “Bro, YN, did you hear that Liz is carrying Flash’s pups?” Was the first thing out of Ned’s mouth the second her bottom came into contact with the hard seat.
“Wait, really? I heard about it but I thought that was just a rumor.” She said in a shocked tone, her jaw dropping in surprise. “That’s insane. I didn’t even think that Liz could stand him.”
Ned nodded in response, “Apparently they’ve been secretly hooking up to help him through his ruts.” 
“Yikes.” MJ stated before returning to her ham sandwich. “That had to suck.”
Peter was quiet through the entire conversation. The reason why? He couldn’t remember the last rut he had gone through. It had been that long ago. 
His thoughts swirled as he bit into the last bit of his sandwich. He’d have to ask Tony. He couldn’t go to May about something like that, the woman was an omega for christ’s sake! No, he needed advice from another alpha. 
After walking YN home from school, he made his way to the Avengers compound in downtown Manhattan. Security let him in with no issue after he flashed them a ‘security clearance’ badge, and he set out to find Tony.
Stark was, as usual, in his lab. AC/DC blasting through the speakers, once again, as usual. The only unusual thing was Peter showing up unannounced. “Mr. Stark?” The boy’s voice was somehow louder in Tony’s ear than the rock music that surrounded him.
“FRIDAY, please pause the music.” Once nothing was blaring, he finally said hello to Peter. “Hey Pete, what’s going on. You look a ‘lil troubled, kiddo.” 
“Mr. Stark, I have a kind of odd hypothetical question.” He wrung his hands as the words tumbled from his lips.
“Okay, shoot.” the older male said whilst wiping grease from his fingers.
Peter took a deep breath before speaking once again, “What would it mean if an alpha hasn’t experienced a rut in so long that they can’t remember their last one?” 
“I’d send them to a doctor just to make sure that their hormones are in balance. Is that happening to you?” Tony took a much more serious tone of voice with his last sentence and furrowed his brows a bit. The man took Peter’s silence and flushed face as a yes, “We’re going to see Banner. Now.”
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parkerspastel · 5 years
soft : chapter one
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YN was different from a lot of omegas who attended Peter’s school. She wasn’t anything like what Peter had come to expect a teenage omega to be; nice enough, but ultimately would do anything to get where she wanted to be.
No, this girl was genuinely nice and loving. She didn’t have to try to be polite, she dressed nicely, and she wasn’t overly conceited with how she looked.
She wore nicely fitting clothing, sometimes she would wear butterfly clips in her hair, and her makeup was neutral instead of the large wings most people his age painted on. She even smelled of lavender and honey. However, her one fatal flaw was how painfully oblivious she was.
Most of the alphas at his school were interested in her, and why wouldn’t they be? She was something different, but with that came the fact that none of them had managed to get into her pants.
She let out a huff as she sat down at the lunch table with Betty, Ned, MJ, and Peter; her spot right between Betty and MJ. Her usual sweet scent laced with saltier tones. 
“If one more jock tries to hook up with me, I’m going to lose my mind.” She stated as her head came into contact with the cool wood.
MJ laughed, “Hey, ‘least you’ve got people that’re into you.”
YN shot her a glance that seemed to say ‘not funny’, “MJ, if you haven’t noticed, I don’t even have a lunch tray. Two of them cornered me right as I was walking to get my tray, and both of them asked me to homecoming. All well and good, except for the fact that I’m shy and had to figure out how to politely say no.”
In all of her rambling, she hadn’t noticed that Peter had slid her his grapes from his tray, a small smile on his features, “I know they’re your favorite
She grinned back at him, soft pink dusting her cheeks, “Thank you, Pete.” Honey and lavender surrounded her once more, the sweeter scent bringing a softer mood to the table. 
The other three teenagers looked at each other with confused expressions, usually Peter didn’t share his food. Peter Parker was definitely protective of his food, especially fruit for some odd reason. However, here he was, giving his food to YN LN. 
“What’s up with you all today?” Peter asked, referencing to the confused aura that filled the immediate area. 
Nobody had a chance to reply as the overwhelming scent of leather and musk covered: YN’S scent of lavender and honey, MJ’s scent of patchouli and vanilla, Betty’s scent of lemon and sugar, Ned’s smell of cinnamon and leather, and finally Peter’s of chocolate and coffee. 
YN and Betty both let out groans, the two omegas knowing exactly who just walked up on them. “Hello ladies!” Flash’s annoying voice announced.
“Hello Flash.” YN replied with a stressed tone, her scent once again gaining a salty tone as she popped a grape in her mouth, the sweet taste exploding against her tongue. 
Peter’s nostrils flared in response to his natural urge to protect an omega. Or so, that’s what he told himself. “Flash, what do you need?” His voice came across as angrier than he really was, but Peter wouldn’t complain about it.
“Shut up, dickhead. I’m not here to talk to you.” Flash shot back as his hand found its way onto YN’s shoulder, causing her to stiffen. “I’m here to ask YN, here, to homecoming. So how’s about it sweetheart?” Flash asked with a smug tone as his hand slowly crawled its way down between her shoulder blades.
YN’s voice shook as she replied, “N-no. I’m go-good without.” She replied, the saltier scent becoming overpowering. Both MJ and Peter were now standing, ready to take Flash on.
“Flash, it’s time you go.” MJ hissed, barring her teeth. “You don’t touch someone without their consent, dumbass.” Her tone was laced with extreme anger.
Having both Peter and MJ ready to come at him, Flash decided that he would take YN’s no as a final reply, and leave her alone for the time being.
After he had left, the scents around the five teens settled back down. “Thank you guys. I could’ve handled him, though.” She spoke with a gentle sadness, “He’s done it before.”
Peter immediately decided to speak, “MJ or I’ll start walking you to class, okay?”
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parkerspastel · 5 years
series masterlist | soft
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general about : an a/b/o dynamic multichapter fanfiction with a peter parker and reader pairing
summary : yn ln is an omega who doesn’t fit the norm of her classification. She’s sweet, loving, and not working towards an ulterior motive. Peter Parker is an alpha who has grown up with her. The two have always been close, but when certain events transpire, a domino effect begins. Will they remain friends, or become more?
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