Parker Does Parkour
131 posts
Puck | 20 | They/Them | This is a little blog dedicated mostly to Twisted Wonderland and my OC’s. I might add some more of my special interests later on :)
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parkerdoesparkour · 9 days ago
-I Never Imagined Someone's Heartbeat Could Sound So Amazing w/ Epel Felmier-
Sometimes ‘I love you’ is said a little differently. In this case, after a close call with an overblot, Titania and Epel are relieved to find each other.
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Titania’s body is sore. 
There’s no other way to describe it. After a fifth overblot dealt with, the ache in her joints and tingling in her palms is almost second nature. She’s not overly in pain. It’s a dull sensation deep underneath her skin, as if it’s always been there. She’s sore. 
She slowly moves away from the main scene, too tired to deal with the questions and the attention to her rather minor injuries. She takes up residence behind a pile of rubble as she sits to investigate her own wounds. They’re nothing more than a couple bruises and scrapes, maybe a sprained ankle. She doesn’t need any extra eyes on her right now, anyways.
Fighting doesn’t get any easier. She thought it would have. She’d been training in the art of the sword since she was a child. She’d seen war, death, political betrayal. No matter how mundane her new life, she would never forget the world she originally came from or the person she was then. 
She starts with her breathing. Her therapist always said getting her breathing under control was critical in situations like these. She flexes her fingers open and shut in time with her breaths. The tingling subsides. She stretches her right leg in and out. Then, her left. She rolls her shoulders. She takes deep breaths and counts the seconds like she practiced with Dr. Gordon. 
Halfway through her breathing exercises, Epel finds her. 
He doesn’t say anything or try to get her to rejoin their friends. He just sits beside her and stares blankly ahead at something she can’t see. A few minutes later, his head slumps against her shoulder. She glances at him to see his eyes pinched closed in pain. She adjusts her position so she can wrap her arms around him and he can lay his head against her chest. 
“We survived,” Epel eventually croaks out. 
“I need at least two weeks off of school, now.”
Titania snorts and presses a swift kiss to the crown of Epel’s head. “Crowley would never let you.”
He tightens his grip on Titania’s waist and sighs. 
His next words are whispered into the lapels of her school jacket. “I never imagined someone’s heartbeat could sound so amazing.” 
Titania flushes, but Epel continues on. “I’m so glad you’re alive. I’m so glad we survived.”
“Me too,” she says. “I’m glad I came here.”
“To Night Raven?” Epel asks but she shakes her head. 
“To Twisted Wonderland,” she explains. “I’m glad this is the world I ended up in. I’m glad I got to meet all of you.”
“Especially me, though, right?” he teases and she laughs. 
“More like epel-ecially–.”
“Boo! Boo!” Epel jeers and the two are consumed in a fit of laughter. 
“We should get ice cream after this,” Titania says as the laughing dies down. Epel nods. 
“Or have a movie night,” he suggests. “We can cuddle under a blanket and not move for ten hours.”
“Epel, are you asking me on a date?” she asks with an air of fake surprise. 
Epel snorts and rolls his eyes. “Technically, you asked me first.” He pauses, then adds, “I really love the sound of your heartbeat.”
Titania squeezes him. “I love the sound of your heartbeat, too.”
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parkerdoesparkour · 12 days ago
-For Dessert: Chocolate Ice Cream (Malleus Draconia)-
Malleus and Titania's relationship in fluffy little snippets.
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Acceptance How long did it take for them to accept that they were in love? What were they like after accepting it?
Malleus would accept immediately he was in love with Titania, if he knew what that meant. She was his first friend so he assumed the butterflies in his stomach and the fluttering of his heart was normal in friendship. Thankfully, Lilia was a bit brighter and was able to put two and two together for the sake of his son. 
“Well,” Titania sighed, “guess I should head back.” She cradled a sleeping Grim in her arms, a sign that she’d overstayed her welcome at Diasomnia’s dorm. Lilia watched from afar with amusement as Malleus rose quickly to meet Titania at the door. He pouted and played with the sleeve of his uniform. 
“You’re more than welcome to spend the night,” he said. “I have plenty of space in my room.”
Titania chuckled. “I appreciate it, Mal, but I still have chores to take care of at Ramshackle.”
“I can help with those. It will be easy with magic.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“Then, at least allow me to walk you.”
“Nice try,” she teased, “but last time I let you walk me, we ended up staying up even later. I’ll see you tomorrow, though.” Malleus sighed and Lilia couldn’t help but laugh. He was quiet enough that Titania didn’t hear him, but Malleus sent him a dirty glare over his shoulder before bidding Titania goodnight.
Once she was gone, Lilia joined Malleus in the lounge. He was still pouting and the depressed aura radiating off of him made Lilia sigh. “Oh, Malleus.”
“Is it wrong that I wish to spend more time with my friend.”
“No,” Lilia said, “but is she really just a friend?”
Malleus tilted his head. “I don’t follow.”
“Yeah, I figured as much,” Lilia said. “Let me rephrase it. How do you feel about Titania?”
“She is one of the dearest people in my life. I wish to spend as much time with her as possible before she leaves.”
“And if she leaves?”
“I would be devastated,” Malleus admitted. “I would ask her to stay with me forever, if I could, but it is her choice.”
“Alright, how about this? What if Titania did stay with you?”
“I would be delighted–.”
“Because she and I married.” Instantly, the dorm became dark and Malleus’ pout turned to a full on scowl. Lilia laughed and gave him a pat on his arm. “I’m only teasing you. But, you should consider your own feelings more closely.”
“Again, I do not follow your line of thought.”
“You got angry when I suggested I might harbor romantic feelings for her,” Lilia explained. “But if you would not be happy if I courted her, then who should pursue Titania.”
“Me,” Malleus answered without hesitation. There was a beat of silence, then his eyes widened and his ears turned red. “Oh.”
Lilia howled with laughter as Malleus went to lay down and consider his next course of action. 
Best Friends What was it like to be friends with them? Have things changed since they started dating their s/o?
There wasn’t much of a difference between how Malleus treated Titania before and after they started dating. He still often followed her around campus and accompanied her on any minor errands she had to run. They still went for nightly walks to look at the campus gargoyles and Titania was already a familiar face in Diasomnia so it wasn’t a surprise for dorm members to find them in the lounge together. In fact, there were two major reactions to finding out Malleus and Titania had started dating. 
“Oh? I didn’t notice.”
“I thought they were already dating.”
The biggest shift in their relationship that came with dating was now Malleus was almost unashamed in his affections for Titania. He became much more physically affectionate (kissing her on the cheek, holding hands, cuddling, etc.) and spent a lot more time by Titania’s side. He wasn’t sure if she’d be returning to her own world one day and was too afraid to ask her to stay with him, so he wanted to monopolize her attention while he still could.  
Confession How did their confession go? Was it planned or was it out of the blue?
Malleus gave himself one week to plan his confession. He didn’t want to risk Titania being swept off her feet by Lilia anyone else, but he wasn’t going to do this half-baked either. He wanted to make sure he properly conveyed his feelings to her and, as the week drew to a close and the final details were ironed out, he found himself nervous for the first time in his life.
He planned to confess on their nightly walk, underneath her favorite gargoyle on campus, but now that they were walking in that direction he thought he was going to throw up. His heart was threatening to climb out of his body via his throat and he couldn’t focus on the story Titania told him no matter how much he wanted to. 
The gargoyle came into view but before they could get any closer, Titania stopped. Malleus stopped too, hoping his nerves weren’t obvious when she faced him. “Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“You seem…” she trailed off and looked him up and down. “Do you feel alright? If you’re sick, there’s no need to push yourself. We can always do a raincheck.”
“No!” Malleus shouted. He shook his head vigorously. “I feel perfectly well. Let’s continue, please.”
Titania sighed. “I can tell something’s up. You don’t have to pretend.” 
“I promise you I am not ill–.”
“Well, I’m not moving another step until you tell me what’s wrong,” she said. She crossed her arms and stared up at him stubbornly. He knew that expression well–she was giving him the Prefect Stare Down–and he relented with a sigh.
“Very well,” he said. They were close enough to the gargoyle and Lilia had said that it didn’t need to be perfect so long as he spoke from the heart. He took Titania’s hands and held them gently. “I am nervous.”
“How come?”
He hesitated, for a moment, then said, “I am in love with you, Titania.” She gasped and her hands squeezed his. “Tonight, I planned to confess, which is why I was acting strange. I realized one week ago that my feelings for you went beyond simple friendship. You do not have to feel the same way. I will not be offended. I only wish to stay by your side for as long as you’ll let me.”
“Oh…” she whispered. Malleus swallowed his thundering heart as he watched Titania’s face split into a wide grin. “What if I said I wanted you to stay with me forever?”
Malleus matched her smile. “You would be granting me eternal happiness, then.” She giggled and added, 
“I feel the same way, Mal. I’m so happy–.”
A sudden shout from a nearby bush caused her to jump. Malleus pulled her instinctively into his arms but when he turned to the source of the noise, he saw Lilia and Silver attempting to pull an overjoyed Sebek back into their hiding place. 
Date What was the first date with them like? What is their go-to date? What is their dream date?
For their first date, Malleus wanted to do something Titania wanted. They often walked around campus or spent time stargazing because they were things he enjoyed doing. So, for their date, he was determined to show that he paid attention to her interests just as much as she paid attention to his. 
He surprised her with an all-day pass to a botanical garden in the Kingdom of Heroes. He was thankful for Theseus, who recommended the garden, when Malleus saw Titania’s face light up as they entered. With so much space, there were more magical plants here than they could grow on campus and Titania spent hours inside taking notes and absorbing as much information as she could about the plants. 
She would talk a lot about plants from her world too, and Malleus listened to her every word with a soft smile on his face. He knew she didn’t talk much about her previous world so the fact that she trusted him enough (or was simply so excited she forgot her reservations) to go on and on about wild flowers she grew up picking made his heart warm. 
They stayed the whole day and stopped on their way back at a ramshackle (heh) ice cream shop on the side of the road. “Thanks for today,” Titania said. She leaned against his shoulder as they ate. “It was a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Malleus responded. “I, too, had a wonderful time.” She laughed and looked up at him.
“Even though I just talked your ear off?”
“Beloved,” he said, “that was my favorite part.”
Elapse How long can they go being away from their s/o?
Shocking no one, Malleus doesn’t like to be away from Titania for long periods of time. He gets visibly depressed whenever they are separated for long periods of time or something interrupts their designated time together. 
He tends to sit around the Diasomnia lounge, pouting and sighing, so everyone knows he’d rather be elsewhere. Most have gotten used to moments like these, but Lilia does his best to help Malleus through the ‘dark’ periods. Thankfully, Malleus and Titania are more together than not and so Diasomnia doesn’t have to worry about the depressive episodes too much. Malleus also has the ability to pop into wherever Titania might be if he ever gets lonely. 
This has caused Grim a few heart attacks but he’s managing… somehow.
Fight How often do they fight with their s/o? Do they apologize first or do they wait for an apology?
Malleus will avoid a fight with Titania at all costs. He is the epitome of that tweet ‘my girl and me don’t argue, she bashes my head in with a rock and I walk it off like a man’ but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their occasional minor spats. This usually results from small miscommunications or one person not understanding the other’s intention. Their fights rarely last longer than an hour despite both of them being terrible at apologies.
Typically, Malleus and Titania don’t apologize out loud since both of them are awkward with their words. Instead, apologies look like cuddling under a blanket for a while in silence or walking hand-in-hand through Titania’s garden. If, on the rare occasion, the argument gets really bad, they will both attempt to talk through it as best they can though sometimes Lilia will have to act as a mediator. 
Gift What is something they would buy as a gift for their s/o?
In true dragon fashion, Malleus has acquired quite the collection of trinkets to give to Titania. Ranging from precious gemstones from Briar Valley to various knick knacks he’s picked up on his walks. He holds onto everything she gives him as well which isn’t nearly as valuable as the historic treasures from his home country, but don’t tell him that. His room is starting to look like Lilia’s with how much he’s hoarding.
Hug Do they like to hug their s/o? If so, how often do they hug them? What are their hugs like?
Malleus is incredibly touch-starved and almost cries every time he and Titania hug. However, he is too awkward to initiate hugs, or any form of physical contact, so Titania does most of the legwork on that end. He never turns away from her affection and is always happy to wrap his arms tightly around her and squeeze her until her bones pop. Once affection is initiated, he is always the last to let go.
Introduction How did they meet their s/o? What was their s/o’s first impression of them?
True to canon, Malleus and Titania met when he was walking around Ramshackle and didn’t realize the dorm was no longer unoccupied. He was surprised that someone was living in Ramshackle, and even more surprised that this student wasn’t afraid of him in the slightest, giving him a silly nickname to boot. For this reason, he was immediately attached to Titania and spent as much time as he could at Ramshackle befriending her. Still, he was afraid of her finding out who he actually was and becoming terrified so he kept that secret as close to his chest as he could until VDC.
That night, as they walked around Ramshackle’s garden, he broached the topic, “Are you not afraid?”
Titania stopped walking and blinked up at him. “Huh?”
“Of me,” Malleus clarified. “Now that you know my true identity.”
“Oh, that,” she sighed and he held his breath. “I knew.”
“I knew who you were,” she said. “I mean, not the first night we met, but I heard the chatter and put two and two together.” 
“You knew this whole time,” Malleus repeated in disbelief. “Why weren’t you afraid?”
“Why would I be?” she replied with just as much disbelief as him. “You’re you.”
This was the moment Malleus fell in love, though he didn’t know it yet. 
Jealousy How easily do they get jealous? What do they do in that state of jealousy?
Malleus gets jealous very easily but he tries not to make a big deal out of it. His emotions come from a place of isolation, the loneliness he felt in his childhood and the fear that he might end up there again. Still, he trusts Titania and knows that she doesn’t intend to make him feel this way so he mostly keeps it to himself. 
Whenever he’s feeling jealous, he gets pouty and more physically affectionate. He’ll wrap his pinky around her’s or sit so close to her that their shoulders touch. He also instinctively glares at whoever is making him jealous in order to scare them off, but if it's ADeuce or the other first years, they’ve gotten used to it enough to be unaffected.
Malleus thinks he’s being subtle in his expressions of jealousy but Titania can tell immediately. She doesn’t say much about it, however, because she thinks he’s cute when he gets like that. 
Kisses What are their kisses like?
Despite him being so constipated when it came to other ways of physical affection, Malleus adores kissing Titania. In public, he presses occasional smooches to her cheeks, nose, and forehead but in private he practically latches onto her, smothering her lips every few minutes for no particular reason. 
One night, after chatting on Ramshackle’s couch for hours, Malleus was in the doorway of the dorm bidding Titania goodbye and goodnight. She was wrapping his school jacket tighter around him and chastising him for not bringing a scarf. “It’s getting colder now, you know?” she said. “You really should bundle up more.” He smiled and said nothing, a secret locked deep within his heart that the reason he didn’t bring any was because he enjoyed her fussing over him like they were an old married couple. 
She eventually sighed and pulled her hands away before smiling at him. “Goodnight, Mal.”
“Goodnight, Titania.” Without thinking, he leaned down to her and kissed her lips like he was off to work in the morning. She squeaked and he pulled back a few moments later, feeling warm enough to brave the chilly night. “I shall see you tomorrow.” 
He left and made his way back to Diasomnia, only realizing what he’d done when Lilia asked him how his night was. Needless to say, Malleus was mortified and unsure how to approach Titania the next day, until she pulled him down by his tie and gave him a good morning kiss on his cheek.
Love When did they realize they were truly in love with their s/o?
Malleus was in love with Titania before they started dating, and confessed to her by saying ‘I love you’ so it was always there. Malleus didn’t always say it since he wasn’t good with words but he knew that Titania knew based on his actions and how he treated her on a daily basis. When he did occasionally utter those three words, Titania would respond in kind and he would smile nonstop for a few days creeping everyone out. 
“Do you ever miss your home?” Malleus asked one day at lunch. Titania slowed her chewing as she fell into a contemplative silence. She sat her sandwich back down on her plate and ran her fingers absentmindedly through Grim’s fur as she answered. 
“Sometimes,” she said. “But not so much that I miss living there. I miss my brother and friends, and,” she paused, “I miss being able to visit my mother’s grave.”
Malleus nodded. “Do you ever wish you could return?” His voice was barely above a whisper but he was taken aback when she chuckled. 
“Maybe to visit,” she admitted. “I’d like to say hello to everyone and,” she beamed up at Malleus, “introduce my family to the man I love. I think they’d like to meet you.”
He didn’t realize he was crying until Titania placed her hands on his face and began wiping away tears. “What’s wrong, Mal?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. I am… simply happy that you would think so highly of me to want to introduce me to your family.” He placed a kiss on her inner palm. “I love you, truly.”
“And I love you. More than you could know.”
Marriage How would they propose?
Malleus would have a very elegant proposal that came a few years after they both graduated from NRC. He and Titania were living together in Briar Valley and while life was certainly busy, he couldn’t complain too much since she was at his side. He decided to propose after talking it over with Lilia and his grandmother, and after getting Grim’s blessing of course, but he wanted to make sure Titania was on the same page. Once he received her confirmation that, yes, she did want to marry him, he began his proposal plan.
He spent a few days decorating one of the castle’s observatories with blankets and pillows and fairy lights before requesting for her to join him there one night. “Oh, wow,” she gasped when she saw the room. “This is incredible, Mal.”
He chuckled. “I am glad you like it. I know I have been busy lately so I wanted to take the time to do something special with you.”
Titania rolled her eyes, smiling, and pressed a kiss to both of his cheeks. “You say that like you don’t take time out of your day to spend with me. But, thank you.”
“Perhaps I deserve a few more kisses, then,” Malleus teased and Titania laughed before smothering his face in kisses. When he was finally satisfied, he led her to the center of the observatory where they could clearly see the night sky shining above them. “There is a second reason I brought you here.”
“Oh?” Titania said. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with that ring box in your pocket, would it?” Malleus frowned and she giggled, adding, “Sorry but subtlety has never been your strong suit.”
“Maybe, but surely you have something more to say than that.”
“I don’t know, I haven’t heard the proposal yet.” Malleus reached out and pinched her cheeks lightly which caused her to have another fit of giggles. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Patience, beloved,” he said. “We will get there eventually. First, I’d like to spend some time in your embrace.”
And who was Titania to refuse him?
Nicknames  What nicknames do they call their s/o? What nicknames do they like being called?
Malleus almost stopped calling Titania by her name entirely, instead preferring to call her ‘beloved’ or the occasional ‘love’ and ‘dearest’. In fact, he called her by nicknames so often that many of the officials of Briar Valley thought Titania’s name was Love until they met her. 
Titania calls Malleus ‘Mal’ for the most part. She’ll also call him more loving ones like ‘sweetie’ and ‘dear’ but mostly when they’re in private. When she’s mad at him, she’ll call him Young Master as Sebek had so desperately attempted to get her to do in school, and Malleus cries every time. 
Oath What is a bad habit they try to stop doing for their s/o? (putting others first)
Titania was unique in NRC’s student population because she was willing to help people out without expecting anything in return. While most came to her with good intentions, her willingness and inability to say no was taken advantage of quite a bit. She was often asked for help even when she couldn’t add anything or was too busy with her own problems to be effective. 
Even before they started dating, Malleus was aware of how she would stretch herself thin trying to be useful and it annoyed him that she wasn’t taking better care of herself. Once they began dating, he would often scare away anyone who approached Titania for her help when she couldn’t do anything. All it would take was one menacing glare from Malleus and Titania’s schedule began to clear up little by little. The fact that she now had more time to spend with him was just a bonus. 
PDA What is the most affection they’ll give their s/o in public?
Malleus isn’t against PDA and he’ll often have his hand in her’s or press light kisses on top of her head. He doesn’t like a lot of PDA because he believes that those affections should be reserved for himself and Titania only. Their classmates at NRC don’t need to know how many times Malleus will kiss Titania or how long Titania will hug him more; only Malleus and Titania need to know those things. 
Quandary  What’s the most awkward thing they’ve dealt with since dating their s/o?
Malleus has had his fair share of awkward moments since this is his first relationship and he really doesn’t know what he’s doing. Often, he goes to Lilia for advice, a habit he got into during the early years of his and Titania’s relationship while they’re at NRC. After they graduate and move to Briar Valley, Malleus will still approach Lilia with any and all questions he has, including ones that Lilia would prefer not to know about or answer. 
One of the most awkward questions Malleus asked occurred about a year after the move to Briar Valley. He approached Lilia while the bat fae was enjoying his morning tea and Lilia knew immediately something was going on. Malleus had the expression of a sad puppy and he was not accompanied by Titania. 
“Lilia, I need your help.” 
“What is it this time, Malleus?”
“I am afraid I might have really hurt, Titania. She says her whole body is sore.”
“Well, where is she?”
“She is still laying in my bed.”
Lilia spits his tea up all over the dining table and wishes briefly he hadn’t asked. 
Ruminate How often do they think or daydream about their s/o?
Malleus often thought about Titania, mostly because he would see things throughout the day that would remind of her or that he thought she might like. He’s not so bad since, being raised as the Briar Valley heir, he knows to focus on important tasks when it’s asked of him. Plus, he had the added bonus of seeing her pretty much every night so that would keep most of his daydreams satisfied during the day. 
Scent What do they smell like?
Titania says Malleus smells like calla lilies and old books, like the ones found in NRC’s library. Malleus also smells a bit smokey, though it’s more subtle and most people don’t notice it. 
Talk How often do they talk about their s/o in front of others?
Malleus will talk about Titania quite a bit but his audience is limited. No one other than Lilia, Sebek, and Silver are confident enough to speak with him to begin with. Lilia was often the one Malleus would go to for advice so he heard the most about Malleus’ uncertainties with making Titania happy. Silver and Malleus would chat about day-to-day things like gifts she might enjoy or how dates went. Sebek would flip-flop constantly between being happy for his beloved Lord Malleus and warning Titania not to hurt his feelings and being happy for his dear friend Titania and (subtlety) warning Malleus not to hurt her feelings. 
Unique What’s something they would do only for their s/o?
There are a lot of things Malleus will only do for Titania but his grandest gesture comes with his gargoyles. He has a few that are special to him on campus and that he basically gatekeepers from the other students, but after a few months of dating, he’s willing to bring Titania to see his favorite gargoyles. 
Vulnerable What’s something their s/o does that makes them weak to their knees?
Malleus is a simple fae who feels butterflies in his stomach whenever Titania smiles at him. Smiles were rare throughout his life, so whenever he gets one from someone he loves so dearly like Titania, he can’t help but feel on top of the world and dizzy from the height. 
Witty What was their reaction to making their s/o laugh for the first time?
When Malleus makes Titania laugh for the first time, he finds himself joining in with his own laughter. It was a contagious feeling of joy that spread throughout his entire body like a blanket of warmth. Afterwards, Lilia notices that Malleus becomes a lot more outgoing with Titania, talking more and taking more risks with his actions. Lilia feels very proud of his son for coming out of his shell around those he loves. 
Xylophone What is a song that describes the relationship or their feelings towards their s/o?
I Wonder from Sleeping Beauty
I wonder, I wonder If my heart keeps singing, will my song go winging To someone who’ll find me And bring back a love song to me
I Was an Island by John-Allison Weiss
I was an island before you came along Put your boat in my sand, hand in my hand Your heart in my songs
Yearn What is something they look for or would like to have in a s/o?
Malleus looks for someone kind and understanding, who knows that his duty is to Briar Valley as much as it is to them. He would want someone who listened to him, who wanted to spend time with him, and who would be willing to look at gargoyles with him just as he would find what they love important. He also wants them to get along with Lilia, Silver, and Sebek and who sees them as a part of their and Malleus’ family.
Zzz How are they when it comes to sleeping and cuddling with their s/o?
Malleus sleeps with an iron grip around Titania. Their limbs are so tangled together it’s difficult to tell where Titania ends and Malleus begins. Later in the relationship, when Malleus gets more comfortable, his tail will start to appear in his sleep and wrap itself around Titania’s waist. Grim also finds his way into the cuddle pile in various ways, burrowing down in like a mole, and only noticeable from the sounds of his snoring.
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parkerdoesparkour · 17 days ago
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Day 14: Titania and Grim
Ignore how messy it is I’m having the crash out of the century (my cookie run kingdom account got deleted)
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parkerdoesparkour · 21 days ago
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Valentine’s Message Day 10: Valente
Based on Mirabel, I’m still trying to figure out his design tho
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parkerdoesparkour · 22 days ago
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Day 8: Delilah and Day 9: Zariya
Based on Cinderella and Tiana
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parkerdoesparkour · 22 days ago
He’s got a dream!
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parkerdoesparkour · 22 days ago
Heartslabyul going crazy lowkey
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parkerdoesparkour · 24 days ago
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Valentine’s Message Day 6: Maja and Day 7: Briar Belle
Based on Ariel and Belle respectively
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parkerdoesparkour · 25 days ago
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Day 4: Yvonne and Day 5: Apani
OC’s based on Snow White Pocahontas
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parkerdoesparkour · 26 days ago
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Day 2: Shirin Abbasi and Day 3: Clarisse Godard
OC’s based on Jasmine and Sleeping Beauty
I said I was gonna post these daily and then got the stomach bug an hour later so I will be attempting to catch up
I’m also trying different chibi art styles so if the art style changes drastically between posts that’s why lol
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parkerdoesparkour · 30 days ago
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Valentine’s Message Day One ft. Yufei
I’m trying to do one each day with my Disney Princess OC’s lol my autistic ass was OBSESSED with the princesses so making a twst oc for every single one of the official princesses was the only logical course of action
Anyways this is my Mulan OC all of their character refs will be here soon
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parkerdoesparkour · 1 month ago
-First Date by Blink-182 w/ Deuce Spade-
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A short fic inspired by Deuce and Titania's love song.
Deuce double checks his outfit one last time in the mirror. He combs his fingers through his hair, adjusts his shirt, and takes a deep breath before leaving his dorm room. As he passes through the lounge, he gets a few whistles from his dormmates which turns his cheeks red. Cater flashes him a thumbs up and Trey pats his back but thankfully his two seniors refrain from commenting. 
He speeds towards Ramshackle with butterflies twisting in the pit of his stomach and his heart beating rapidly. He nearly trips over his own shoes but finally he makes it up the dorm steps. He knocks a few times and pulls on his shirt cuffs once more when Grim, of all people, answers the door. He narrows his eyes at Deuce and crosses his paws against his fluffy chest.
“Can I help you?”
“Uh,” Deuce pauses, “I’m here to pick up Titania.” 
Grim’s frown deepens. “And what are your intentions with her–HEY!” Titania appears behind Grim and yanks him up by the scruff. “So sorry about him,” she says. She places Grim down out of sight and quickly shuts the door before he can make good on his promises to fry Deuce alive. 
“You look…” Deuce trails off. He isn’t sure the proper adjective to use because no words can truly describe how radiant she looks right now. There’s a beat of silence and when he fails to finish his sentence, Titania laughs. 
“Thank you,” she says. She brushes a loose strand of his hair behind his ear. “You, too.” 
“Is it okay if I hold your hand?” he asks. “On the walk to the restaurant.”
“I’d like that.” Titania holds out her hand and Deuce meets her halfway. They intertwine their fingers with matching red on their cheeks. As they head down to Foothill, the awkward air dissipates slightly and the two fall into an easy conversation. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact he was holding her hand, Deuce could have convinced himself it was a normal day after school. He squeezes her hand and Titania’s sentence falters slightly, her smile becoming more shy.
Dinner is nothing special. Deuce is a high school student living off of allowance and random part-time work but he insists on covering the entire bill. Regardless, dinner is nice and he enjoys getting to spend time with her outside of their friend group and without the watchful eye of Grim. He hangs on her every sentence, kicking his feet under the table like a little school girl and praying to the Great Seven that she’s enjoying herself as much as he is. 
He sweats a little when it’s time to pay, but somehow manages to pull through! He adds a note in his phone to thank his mom later (for the extra money and the date tips) then offers Titania his hand. “Do you want to… walk around for a little bit?”
She takes his hand without hesitation. “I’m always down for some window shopping. But, to be fair, I’d be willing to do anything with you.” Deuce’s face turns red and Titania’s words catch up with her a second later. “I just, I mean, I like spending time with you. So, you know. I don’t really care what we do, as long as we’re… together.” They stand silently for a moment, hand-in-hand in the middle of the restaurant. “Um–.”
“I like being together with you, too!” Deuce says quickly. Titania seems genuinely surprised, and he continues. “You always make me feel like it’s okay to be myself. I know I’m not the smartest or the easiest to be around sometimes, but whenever I’m with you, I know it’ll all be okay. I don’t know if that makes sense, though…” he trails off and looks down at his feet. 
The two are silent again, then Titania gently tugs on his hand and leads him out of the restaurant. They sit beside each other on a nearby bench, their knees pressed together as they watch people pass by. 
“My whole life,” she begins slowly, “I’ve had to act a certain way, to be perceived a certain way. I never really got the chance to be, like, a real person before I came here. Everything was always an act and the act had to be perfect. …Do you remember the egg incident?”
Deuce groans and Titania laughs at him. “When will you let that die?” he asks. He was a little confused about how chicken eggs work but that wasn’t a crime!
“Never,” she jokes. “But, seriously, I’m glad it happened. It showed me that, in this world, I didn’t have to keep up the veil of perfection. I didn’t have to pretend about who I was anymore. I could be messy and awkward and maybe a little clueless sometimes, and it would all be okay.” Titania turns to face him fully, her eyes shiny with tears. “You inspire me every day to be myself, and I love the person I’m becoming alongside you.” 
Deuce rubs tears out of his eyes as he takes a deep breath. “You should have saved that for our second date,” he jokes lightly. Titania giggles and Deuce decides that her laugh might be his favorite sound. “I love the person I’m becoming with you, too. I have, long before I asked you out tonight.” 
Titania places her shoulder against his, and intertwines their fingers once again. “I’m glad you did.” She pauses. “Can I kiss you? Or should I save that for the second date?”
Deuce’s heart goes into overdrive as he nods his head with vigour. “Please. Now. Um, I mean, I’d like to kiss you, too.”
He leans down towards her at the same time she lifts her head up and they end up hitting their foreheads together. Titania hisses before it turns into a laugh and Deuce rubs his forehead with a grimace. “Sorry,” he says. She doesn’t respond and, instead, places her hands on both of his cheeks. She slowly guides him towards her and their lips touch. The kiss lasts for only a second before he worries he’s going to burst into flames and pulls back quickly. His face is probably as red as his Housewarden’s hair and Titania, too, looks a little flushed. She stares in his eyes for a moment before biting her bottom lip and glancing away. 
“So, walking?” she says.
Deuce shoots off the bench as rigid as a card soldier. “Yes! Let’s go!” 
Titania follows his lead, looping her arm through his as the two continue with their awkward first date.
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parkerdoesparkour · 2 months ago
-Book One Track Eight: Strawberry Blond-
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The night finally caught up with Titania and her body ached as she and Grim left the main building of the campus. They walked in silence back towards Ramshackle, although Grim seemed to be in a great mood. Suddenly, he stopped and looked towards a standalone brick building with a flashy sign hanging above the door. 
“‘Mr. S’ Mystery Shop’?” Titania read. 
“That’s the school store Crowley told us about,” Grim said. The day had been so eventful, she completely forgot she planned on grabbing supplies. “It’s still open.”
“Let’s head in,” she agreed and together they made their way into the shop. The store was empty this late at night, except for who Titania assumed to be the proprietor standing behind the counter. He smiled at them and waved excitedly. 
“Welcome, welcome little imps!” he said. “We have everything you need in stock!”
Grim dashed off to examine the food shelves with sparkling eyes. Titania approached the counter. “You’re Mr. S, then?”
“Call me Sam,” the proprietor said. “And you must be the little imp staying at Ramshackle! The Headmage asked me to get a set of uniforms ready for you, actually.” Sam knelt behind the counter before pulling out a neatly-wrapped package. 
“How did you get it ready so fast?” she asked and Sam smiled. 
“My friends on the other side know everything that goes on on campus,” he said. Titania decided she didn’t want to know the details. 
She unwrapped the package and investigated one of the uniforms. It was well-made with soft fabric and the vest coa was gray–the one Ace and Deuce wore were red. The pants, though, made her frown. There was nothing wrong with them, really, but they just weren’t flattering. “Do you have fabric scissors?” she asked. “And needle and thread?”
“You can sew then, huh?” Sam said. “We have a wide variety of fabric supplies, feel free to pick out anything you like.”
“Titania! Can we get this?” Grim asked. He held a bunch of chocolate bars and tuna cans in his paws. 
“We need fruit, too,” she responded and Grim returned to the food to pick out his favorites. Titania grabbed a few rolls, scissors, and a large sewing kit. Grim placed his food on the counter beside her stuff. “We should get some dishes as well,” she told him. Sam cleared his throat. 
“As much as I love customers who know what they want,” he began, “do you have the money to afford all this?”
Titania looked at him.
“I just remember Crowley saying you come from another world and,” he glanced at Grim, “I’m assuming your friend here doesn’t have a wallet on him.” 
Titania stared at the pile of food and fabric in front of her. Sensing the sudden mood drop, Sam sighed. 
“How about this?” he said. “I’ll ring you up for today and, in exchange, you work part-time at the store to pay me back. I’ve been meaning to hire an extra hand anyways with the start of school, so it all works out. You can even keep working here afterwards, and I’ll give you an employee discount on any future purchases.” He winked at her but she remained slightly suspicious.
He blinked. “Pardon?”
“Why would you go out of your way to help me like this?” she asked. Sam sighed. 
“I can’t blame you for being suspicious, your only interaction with an adult in this world was with Crowley,” Sam shook his head in exasperation. “Unlike that birdbrain, I’m not going to rip off a homeless teenager just because I don’t technically have to look out for your wellbeing. Get whatever stuff you need to make it through the week and we’ll work out the details later, okay?”
Titania still hesitated. Could she really just accept help like that? Were there truly no strings attached? She chewed on her bottom lip but the fabric called her name like a siren. “...Okay,” she eventually agreed and Sam gave her a genuine smile. 
“Let’s get you guys some bags.”
Titania bought the fabric, food for her and Grim, dishes and blankets, and even some vegetable seeds and gardening supplies. The end total made her heart drop but Sam shooed her out of the store without a word of protest, only telling her to come back tomorrow afternoon for staff training. 
She carried the bags back to Ramshackle in a daze, wondering where she fit in inside this new world. She had never been one to accept help in her past life and everything offered to her came with so many strings they nearly strangled her. Now, she had a kitchen countertop piled with groceries essentially given to her without a second thought. The bones in her fingers ached. 
She found herself in the bathroom, her and Grim’s toothbrushes resting side by side on the sink. She tapped the handle of each toothbrush with her fingernail as if performing a prayer then finally looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was as long as it always had been, cascading down her back all the way to her hips, and she’d never been allowed to cut it shorter than her shoulder blades. Those were the rules thrusted upon her in her past life, but this life in Twisted Wonderland was different. It was scary and full of uncertainties and she didn’t know who she was anymore now that she was here but she knew somewhere inside her soul that this life would be different. She could be different from who she was before. She could decide for herself what she wanted to do and who she would be, and she would start with this damn hair. 
She grabbed a pair of scissors and began to cut. She cut and cut and cut away at her hair until piles of dark brown curls surrounded her feet. She looked in the mirror after the deed was done, at her hair that only now brushed the top of her shoulders and smiled. This was the hair she always wanted. 
She returned to the kitchen to find Grim helping himself to a chocolate chip cookie as the ghosts went through their grocery bags. “You cut your hair,” Alphonse said when he saw her. The other two ghosts and Grim looked up at her. 
“It looks nice!” said Bertholdt.
“It suits you well!” said Clarence. 
“Cookie?” Grim offered and Titania smiled. 
“Thanks, guys.”
She let Grim finish off the entire container of cookies as she sat with him at the kitchen table, resewing the uniform pants into much more fashionable skirts. Satisfied with her work, she also made herself some pink stockings and a pink hair bow with some of the fabric she bought at Sam’s. 
By the time she and Grim finally climbed into bed, she was exhausted but a feeling of satisfaction had settled on her chest. She smiled as she pulled the covers up around her. 
Then, someone began banging on the front door. Her smile vanished instantly. 
Grim scrambled out from under the covers. “Who’s knocking this late at night? Are the ghosts messing with us again?”
Instantly, the trio of ghosts floated into the room.
“It’s not us!” said Alphonse.
“Someone’s at the door,” said Bertholdt. 
“He won’t go away,” complained Clarence. 
Titania swore under her breath and climbed out of bed. She wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and walked downstairs to the foyer. Grim followed close behind her. The knocking didn’t stop until Titania threw the door open and glared at the person on her doorstep. 
“What?” she snapped. Ace looked surprised. 
“You cut your hair,” he said. Grim appeared from underneath Titania’s blanket-cape. 
“Ace? What are you doing here? Wait…” he narrowed his eyes and, at the same time, Titania noticed it, too.
“You have a collar,” she gasped and Ace’s expression grew annoyed once more. 
“Don’t remind me,” he huffed. “I’m done with Heartslabyul. Starting today, I’m a member of Ramshackle.”
Titania slammed the door in his face.
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parkerdoesparkour · 2 months ago
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parkerdoesparkour · 2 months ago
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Average ramshackle dorm group chat moment. I think Ernesto and Gino should have joined ramshackle at the end of the event and I will die on that hill.
The original:
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parkerdoesparkour · 3 months ago
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parkerdoesparkour · 3 months ago
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My maternal instincts cried at this 😭 my baby, my son, my firstborn... Look at how tiny he is, look at how he tries to protect a whole human with his baby paws 😭
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